可持续发展 sustainable development
全国计算机等级考试 Nationwide Computer Level Test Band 1\ 2\ 3A \3B \4
四川省普通高校计算机等级考试VFP二级\三级(偏软) Sichuan Computer Level Test
Band 2(VFP)\Band 3B
导师 adviser\supervisor
信箱 P. O. Box
绿色食品 green food
师姐 senior sister apprentice
师妹 junior sister apprentice
师兄 senior fellow apprentice
一等奖 xxxx Award (First Class)\ the first prize.
信息科学技术学院 Information Science and Technoledge School /school of Info..
无绳电话 cordless phone
无纸化操作 paper-free operation(electronic operation)
外向型经济 export-oriented economy
环保型汽车 enviromentally-friendly car/environment-friendly car
打工族 migrating labour
刷卡族 credit card user
假新闻 fake news
假钞 counterfeiting/fake money/note
核威胁 nuclear intimidation/threat
核工厂 nuclear plant
禁止使用核武器 prohibition/ban of nuclear weapons
单身母亲 single mother
防病毒软件 anit-virus software
防皱霜 anti-wrinckle lotion
防伪标志 counter fake mark (not sure)
非高峰时期 non-peak period
研发 R&D Research and Develop
出差 trip on business
汉口路22号 22 Hankou Road
文学学士学位 bachelor's degree of arts
关于论文 本科的 paper, thesis \硕士的一般用thesis \博士的用dissertation
盗版光碟 pirated disk
正版光碟 licensed disk
共青团 the communist youth league