enforce | 词义 | ① to make people obey a rule or law 执行,实施(法律或规定) [近carry out, impose, implement] ② to make something happen or force sb to do sth (尤指用威胁或武力)强迫实行,把……强加于 [+sth on sb] [近impose, force] |
例句 | she added one that described Lengel's crabbed response to the girls so that she could lead up to the A & P “policy” he enforces. 她添加了一个描写兰格尔对女孩态度恶劣的段落,进而引出兰格尔推行的A&P“政策”这一内容。(2008阅读Part B) | |
reinforce | 词义 | ① to give support to an opinion, idea, or feeling, and make it stronger充实,强化(观点、看法、感觉等) [近enrich, strengthen] ② to make a building, piece of clothing etc stronger 加固(建筑、衣物等),使更结实 [近strengthen] ③ to make a group of people, esp. an army, stronger by adding people, equipment etc增援(尤指部队),加强……的力量 [近strengthen] |
例句 | Durkheim proposed that religious beliefs functioned to reinforce social solidarity.涂尔干提出,宗教信仰具有加强社会团结的功能。(2009阅读Part B) | |
found | 词义 | ① find 的过去式及过去分词 ② [常用被动] to base sth on sth 建立在……基础上 [+sth on sth] ③ to start sth, such as an organization, an institution, a city or a country (尤指提供资金)创办(组织或机构);创建,建立(国家、城市等) [近establish] ④ to melt medal and pour it into a mould to make things 熔铸,铸造 |
foundation | 词义 | ① [常用复数] the solid underground base of a building 地基,房基 ② a basic idea, principle, situation etc that something develops from 基础;根据;基本原理[+of sth] [近base,basis, groundwork] ③ the establishment of an organization, business, school etc 建立;创办 ④ an organization that gives money to a charity, for research etc基金会 |
例句 | ...the basic structural foundations of a society...社会的基本结构基础……(2001阅读Text 2) | |
fund | 词义 | ① an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose 基金,专款 ②[用复数]money that is available to be spent 资金;现款 [short of+,in+] ③[用单数]a large amount or supply of sth(相当的)数量,储备[+of sth] ④ to provide money for sth, usu. sth official 为……提供资金;资助 |
例句 | He must either sell some of his property or seek extra funds in the form of loans. 他就只得变卖部分家产或通过贷款寻求额外的资金。 (2000 知识运用) | |
fundamental | 词义 | ① affecting the most central and important parts of sth 十分重大的,根本的 [近basic, elementary, essential] ② forming the necessary basis of sth 必不可少的,基本的 [+to sth] [近necessary,essential] ③ [常用复数] a basic rule or principle; an essential part 基本规律;基本原理;基础 [+of sth] |
例句 | Above all, they would hope to study a fundamental question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?最重要的是它们希望研究一个根本的问题:人类是否真正意识到了自己所生存的世界?(2009知识运用) | |
profound | 词义 | ① felt or experienced very strongly 深切的,巨大的,深远的 [近deep] ② showing great knowledge and understanding; needing a lot of study or thought 知识渊博的,见解深刻的;深邃的,玄奥的 [近deep] ③ very serious; complete 严重的,完全的 |
例句 | But the environment must also have a profound effect 但是环境也应该有深远的影响。(1995 阅读Passage 5) | |
fraction | 词义 | ① a very small amount of sth 少量,一部分 [+of sth] ② (数学上的)分数;小数 |
fracture | 词义 | ① a break in a bone or other hard substance; the fact of sth breaking 骨折,裂缝,断裂 [近breach, break, crack] ② to (make sth) break or crack (使)断裂,折断 ③ (of a society, organization etc) to split into several parts; to split sth in this way(使)(社团,组织等)分裂 [近split] |
fragile | 词义 | ① easily broken, damaged or destroyed 易碎的,易损坏的;脆弱的 ② not strong and likely to become ill (人)瘦弱的,虚弱的 [近weak] ③ delicate and often beautiful 纤巧的,精细的 |
例句 | ... reveal... the fragile nature of the country's infancy 揭示了……新生国家的脆弱性(2008阅读Text 4) | |
fragment | 词义 | ① a small piece of sth that has broken off or come from sth larger碎片,碎块;片段 [近bit, fraction, portion] ② to break sth, or be broken into a lot of small parts (使)碎裂,分裂 |
refrain | 词义 | ①to not to do sth that you want to do(自我)克制,节制 [+from sth/doing sth] ② a remark or complaint that is often repeated一再重复的评价或抱怨 |
confuse | 词义 | ① to make sb unable to think clearly or understand sth; to make a situation or problem more difficult to understand or to deal with 使(某人)迷惑;把(某事物)搅乱 [近distract, perplex, bewild] ② to think wrongly that sb/sth is sb/sth else混淆,混同 [+A and/with B] [近mix up] |
例句 | ...their descriptions of battles are confused.他们对战斗的描述令人费解。(2000阅读Text 3) | |
confusion | 词义 | ① a state of being confused; a very confusing situation that is difficult to understand or control 困惑[+about/over sth,+as to sth] [近distraction, perplexity];混乱,骚乱 [近mess, uproar] ② the fact of making a mistake about who sb is or what sth is混淆,混同 [+between A and B] ③ a feeling of embarrassment when you do not know what you should say or do慌乱,窘迫 [in+] |
diffuse | 词义 | ① to make heat, gas, light etc spread so that it mixes with the surrounding substance or becomes less brighter(使)(热量,气体等)扩散,渗透,(光)漫射 [近scatter] ② to spread information, power etc or cause to spread among people 传播,普及,分散[近scatter] ③to make a bad feeling or situation less strong or serious 减轻,缓解[近relieve] ④spread over a wide area 弥漫的,扩散的,分散的[近widespread, scattered] ⑤ using a lot of words and not explaining things clearly and directly冗长的,不清楚的 [近wordy] |
fuse | 词义 | ① (电器的)保险丝 ② (炸弹、烟火等的)导火索,定时引信 ③ to (make metals, rocks etc) melt by being heated(使)(岩石、金属等)熔化 ④ to (make sth) stop working because a fuse has melted(因保险丝熔断而)(使)中断工作 ⑤to (make sth) join together to become a single thing (使)结合,融合,合并 |
futile | 词义 | (of actions) being useless because they have no chance of being successful徒劳的,无效的 [+to do sth] [近pointless] |
refuse | 词义 | ① to say or show that you will not do sth sb has asked you to do 拒绝(做某事) [+to do sth] [近decline,reject,turn down] [反agree to] ② to say that you do not want sth that has been offered to you不接受,谢绝 [近decline,reject,turn down] [反accept] ③ to not give or allow sb sth that they want拒绝给予(某人所需之物) [+sb sth] ④ waste material废料,废物[近rubbish, garbage] |
例句 | ...refused to accept the slice of cucumber……拒绝接受那片黄瓜(2005阅读Text 1) | |
refute | 词义 | ①to prove that sth is not correct 驳斥,批驳(观点、理论等)[近disprove] ② to say that sth is not true or fair 否认(真实性或公正性) [近deny] |
degenerate | 词义 | ① to become worse (体力或精神)衰退;堕落;恶化 [+into sth] [近deteriorate] ② having become worse in character or quality than before (性格或品质)衰退的,没落的 ③ having very low standards or moral behaviour 堕落的,颓废的 ④ a person whose behavior is considered to be morally unacceptable 堕落的人 |
gender | 词义 | the fact of being male or female 性别 |
gene | 词义 | 基因 |
例句 | They also suffer more often than most people from a number of nasty genetic diseases... 他们也比大多数人更容易患多种严重的遗传疾病……(2008 知识运用) | |
general | 词义 | ① affecting all or most people, places or things 全体的,总的,全面的 [in+] [近overall] ② describing only the main features of sth, not the details概括性的,大体的 [近overall] ③ of an ordinary kind; normal; usual 正常的,一般的 [in+] ④ not limited to a particular subject, use or activity 普通的,一般性的 ⑤ highest in rank; chief 总管的,首席的 ⑥ a officer of very high rank in the army or air force (陆军或空军的)将军,上将 |
例句 | In the general population today, at this genetic, environmental level, weve pretty much gone as far as we can go 当今,就总体的人口而言,在现有环境和基因水平下,(原有部分)我们已经达到了身高的极限(2008 阅读Text3) | |
generalise/generalize | 词义 | ①to form general principles or opinions from a small number of facts or examples 概括,归纳 [+from sth] ② to make a general statement about sth and not look at the details 笼统地表达,概括地论述 [+about sth] ③ to put a principle, statement, or rule into a more general form so that is covers a larger number of examples 类推,扩大(原则、论述或规律)的应用范围 [+sth to sth] |
例句 | And generalizations have proved difficult.但很难得出一个概括性的结论。(2002 知识运用) | |
generate | 词义 | to produce or create sth产生,创造;引起[近produce,create,yield] |
例句 | This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate particular smell receptors in the nose.这可能是因为前者缺乏一种基因,这种基因能够在鼻子里产生某种特定的气味感受器。(2005 知识运用) | |
generation | 词义 | ① all people or all the members of a family of about the same age (统称)一代人;(家史中的)一代,一辈 ②the average time between the birth of a person and the birth of that person's children 一代人的时间(通常认为约30年) ③[常用单数] a group of people of similar age involved in a particular activity; a stage in the development of a product 一批,一届(从事某活动的同龄人);(产品发展的)一代 ④the process of producing sth or making sth happen 产生,繁殖,发生 |
例句 | By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families. 到了第三代,原来的语言在大部分移民家庭中丧失。(2006阅读Text 1) | |
generous | 词义 | ① giving or willing to give freely; given freely 慷慨的,大方的 [+with sth,+to sb] [近liberal] [反mean] ② kind in the way you treat people; willing to see what is good about sb/sth 宽宏大量的;仁慈的 ③ larger than the usual or expected amount 大量的,丰富的 |
genius | 词义 | ①unusually great intelligence, skill or artistic ability 天才,天赋[近gift, talent] ② sb who has genius 天才人物 ③ [用单数] a special skill or ability (特别的)才能,本领 [+for sth/doing sth] ④ the special quality of a particular group of people, period of time etc (某一群体、某个时期的)特征 |
例句 | Science moves forward not so much through the insights of great men of genius... 科学的进步与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼见……(1994 翻译) | |
genuine | 词义 | ① sincere and honest; that can be trusted 真诚的,诚实的,可信赖的 ②exactly what it appears to be; not artificial 非伪造的,名副其实的[近real] |
homogeneous | 词义 | consisting of people or things that are all of the same kind 由同一种族人组成;由同类事物组成的 |
ingenious | 词义 | ① (of a person) having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things(人)心灵手巧的;善于发明创造的 ② (of an object, a plan, an idea etc) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas (物件、计划、主意等)精巧的,新颖独特的 |
例句 | Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools...自从人类萌发了创造力,他们已经设计出比以往都更精巧的工具……(2002阅读Text 2) | |
pregnant | 词义 | ① having a baby or young animal developing inside a woman or a female animals body 怀孕的,妊娠的 ② full of a quality or feeling 饱含;充溢着 [+with sth] |
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