China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research is an international research center for the study of human resources, labor markets, and their impact on economic development, focusing on China and related economies. The Center will conduct research, provide graduate education leading to Master and Ph.D. degrees, establish a post-doctoral research program, sponsor international conferences/workshops.
Research Focuses:
1.Human capital investment: education and training;
2.Human capital mobility: rural,urban,and international;
3.Human capital, productivity,innovation,and technology;
4.Human capital,health,and welfare.作者: admin 时间: 10-11-7 18:49
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research Important Events
The research report of HCI project would be part of 2009 China Human Resource Development Report which is published by China Human Resource Development Committee.
2009年10月29日( Oct. 29, 2009)
The new Graduate Coordinator Jing Xiao began to work officially.
CHLR was invited to join in the International Project on Human Capital Measuring by OECD. Mr. Paul Schreyer of OECD recommended CHLR HCI research team to be an official delegation of China to join in OECD related project.
The assistant professor of CHLR, Kang-hung Chang set up Applied Microeconomics Seminar Series.
2009年10月( Oct. 2009)
美国经济学会John Bates Clark 奖得主、哈佛大学经济学教授Dale Jorgenson接受中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心的邀请加入中心顾问委员会。
Professor Dale W. Jorgenson, the Samuel W. Morris University Professor at Harvard University and John Bates Clark Award Winner of the American Economic Association, accepted the invitation to be a member of Advisory Board of CHLR.
CHLR organized successfully an International Symposium on Measuring Human Capital and Its Impact on Welfare and Growth, in conjunction with the release of the inaugural China Human Capital Index. The keynote speakers included Nobel Laureate in Economics, Stanford University Professor Kenneth J. Arrow, Professor Dale W. Jorgenson at Harvard University, and Professor Keng He, the Deputy Director of Financial and Economic Committee, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
2009年9月( Sept. 2009)
The HCI project team produced China Human Capital Index Research Report with Chinese and English version.
2009年8月20日 (August 20th, 2009)
The first Assistant Professor in CHLR began to work in center today.
2009年8月12日 (August 12th , 2009)
里斯本理事会人力资本中心主任Peer Edere博士来访中心,做了题为“Biographical Pathways in Human Capital Accounting - Empirical Challenges的讲座,并提出未来人力资本项目合作意向。
The Director of Lisbon Human Capital Council Peer Edere visited CHLR, and had a seminar with the name of “Biographical Pathways in Human Capital Accounting - Empirical Challenges”.
2009年7月17日 (July 17th, 2009)
Li Yu who got Ph.D degree at Iowa State University accepted the offer from CHLR to be a full-time assistant professor.
The director of CHLR, Professor Haizheng Li was commissioned by NSFC to take charge of a Director Fund project “The Feasibility Study on NSFC Funds to Build Basic Data for Economic Management”.
Professor Barbara Faumeni who is the associate chair of Muskie School of Public Service, the professor of public service and the chair of public service doctor programs in the University of Southern Maine joined in CHLR to be Senior Fellow. The J-F method, which is used in the program of ‘Human Capital Index’ our center is working on, is created by her and Prof. Dale W. Jorgenson of Harvard University.
“China Human Capital Measurement and Human Capital Index Project” in CHLR was funded by China National Natural Science Foundation and Central University of Finance and Economics, the leader is center director Haizheng Li.
2009年2月28日(Feb. 28th, 2000)
Kang-hung Chang who got Ph.D degree at Michigan State University accepted the offer from CHLR, would be the first full-time assistant professor in center.
2009年 2月20日 (Feb.20th, 2009)
中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心第一位全职教授Åke Blomqvist正式到岗入职。
The first full-time professor Ake Blomqvist began to work in CHLR officially.
Year 2008
2008年10月 (October 2008)
2008秋季学期中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心首次开设研究生课程——高级计量经济学(Ⅰ)和高级微观经济学,三位美国高校教授——Belton Fleisher, Zhiqiang Liu and Xiaojun Wang——联合授课。
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research started to offer courses for the first time, econometrics (Ⅰ) and microeconomics, for fall 2008. Three professors from American universities: Belton Fleisher, Zhiqiang Liu and Xiaojun Wang, team-taught the two courses.
2008年9月 (September 2008)
The first group graduate students of China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research reported to school.
Professor Åke Blomqvist, former Head of Department of Economics at the National University of Singapore, accepted the offer from the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research and became the first full-time Professor of the Center.
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research conducted 2008 graduate entrance examination secondary test and interview, and admitted 11 master students and 1 doctoral student.
2008年3月 (March 2008)
Professor Haizheng Li from the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, signed a contract with Central University of Finance and Economics, and became the Special-term Director of the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research.
2007年12月 (December 2007)
The establishment of the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research was approved by the Central University of Finance and Economics.作者: admin 时间: 10-11-7 18:50 2010年硕士研究生复试专业课笔试参考书目