[pre]Across the court from the Manhattan apartment that I have occupied for the past few years is a dog that often hurls insults into the darkness, a few of which my dog refuses to accept and makes a tart reply.[/pre][pre]这句话 主语是a dog 但that often hurls insults into the darkness是什么成分?insults into the darkness又做什么?宾语是什么?[/pre][pre]
[/pre][pre]This is the world out of which grows the hope,for the first time in history,of a society where there will be freedom from want and freedom from fear.[/pre][pre][pre]the world在这里做什么?不是做主语吗?这个句子如何理顺?[/pre][pre]
How their results compared with modern standards, we unfortunately have no means of telling.