一、考研英语词汇练习 【同源精句205】Not only is a chill descending on Fleet Street, but the fundamental principle of protecting sources is also in danger of beingundermined.
二、考研英语一真题长难句练习 【典型难句】The key to reforming higher education, concludes Mr Menand, is to alter the way in which “the producers of knowledge are produced.” (22words)
本句来源于考研英语(一)2011年真题,SectionⅡUse of English Part B 第七段; 【考研1号】考研英语一真题超细解《考研真相》Page.497.
三、考研英语二真题长难句练习 【典型难句】They will shortly receive a letter informing them that they have until the end of February to act, or face the legal consequences—which could include being dissolved.