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fabricate [5fAbrikeit] v. 捏造,编造,虚构

例句They fabricated evidence and threatened witnesses. 他们伪造证据并威胁目击者。
facade [fE5sB:d] n. 正面,临街正面;假相,外表

例句Her honesty was all afacade. 她的诚实只是一种表面现象。
词组the grim facts behindthe facade of gaiety 欢乐外表后面的冷酷事实
a facade ofindifference 假装冷漠
助记face 脸,面向→正面;face + ad 广告里的人脸,外表虚伪的,比如护扶霜的美女脸。
facet [5fAsit] n. (宝石等的)琢面;(事物等的)一面,方面

例句The caste system shapes nearly every facet of Indian life. 种姓制度几乎决定了印度生活的各个方面。
词组in all the facets of在所有方面
facile [5fAsaIl; (?@) 5fAsl] adj. 过简易的,肤浅的
例句What he said is a facileremark. 他说的话全是信口开河。
facility [fE5siliti] n. (pl)设备,工具;简易,方便,便利;技能,熟练
例句Her facility with/in languages issurprising. 她在语言方面的才能令人吃惊。
词组with facility容易;流利
give facilities for给予…方便
faction [5fAkFEn] n. (政党、组织等内部的)派别,宗派

例句Faction almost broke up the party. 派系纠纷几乎使该党分裂解体。
搭配rival factions withinthe party党内对立的派别
factitious [fAk5tiFEs]adj. 不自然的,人为的

例句Extensive advertising can cause afactitious demand for anarticle.
搭配factitious enthusiasm虚假的热情
a factitious demand for goods对货物需求的假相(由广泛宣传等人为造成的)
fad [fAd] n. (一时的)狂热,时尚
例句His interest in photography is only a passing fad. 他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。
词组the latest fads最新的时尚
a passing fad一时的爱好
助记fad很短暂,所以很快就会fade(vi. 减弱下去;褪色;消失)
fag [fA^] n. 苦工,苦差事
例句It's too much (of a) fag. 这工作真叫人吃不消。
词组fag away at something辛苦地做某事
fag sb. /sth. out使(某人或某动物)极度疲劳
failing [5feiliN] n. 弱点,缺点
prep. 如果没有,若无…
例句Failing good weather, the match willbe held indoors. 如果天气不好, 比赛将在室内举行。
fainthearted [5feint5hB:tid] adj. 怯懦的,胆怯的
例句This is no time to be fainthearted. 现在不是怯懦的时候。
fairground [5feE^raJnd] n. 游乐场
例句We have a lot of fun at thefairground today. 我们今天在游乐场上玩得很开心.
fairway [5fZE7wei] n. (高尔夫球场上的)平坦球道
falcon [5fAlkEn, 5fC:l-] n. 猎鹰
例句The boys went hunting withtheir falcon. 男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。
fallacious [fE5leiFEs] adj. 谬误的;靠不住的,虚妄的

例句Nothing is so fallaciousas fact, except figures. 除了数字外,没有一样东西是像事实那样靠不住的。
搭配fallacious reasoning错误的推断
fallacious hopes不可靠的 [渺茫] 的希望
fallacy [5fAlEsi] n.谬论,谬误推理
例句It's a fallacy to suppose that wealth brings happiness. 认为财富能带来幸福,这是一种错误的见解。
fallible [5fAlEbl]adj. 会犯错误的,易出错的

例句Everybody is fallible. 人人难免有错。
词组a fallible generalization难免有谬误的概括
fallow 1[5fAlEu] adj. 休耕的,荒芜的
例句Summer fallow is the best method of destroying weeds. 夏季休耕是消灭杂草的最好办法。
fallow 2 [5fAlEu]adj. 淡棕色的
falsetto [fC:l5setEu] n. 假声,假(高音)嗓子
例句He sang to himself ina soft falsetto. 他用柔和的假声自吟自唱。
falsify [5fC:lsi7fai] v. 窜改,伪造

例句All those who try to falsify history are bound to end up at criminals inhistory.
助记false(adj 错误的;假的;伪造的;人工的);fals 假+ ify使→弄假→窜改
falsity [5fC:lsiti] n. 虚假,虚伪
例句We have shown the falsity of thestory. 我们已说明那个报道不真实.
familial[fE5miljEl] adj. 家庭的,家族的
例句Troop units wereindeed familial in feeling. 军营中的确弥漫着相亲相爱的感情。
搭配familial traits家族特征
familial disease家庭遗传性疾病
fanciful[5fAnsiful] adj. 爱空想的,富幻想的,非理性的

例句He is a fanciful writer. 他是一位富有想象力的作家。
fantasize [5fAntEsaiz] v. 想象,幻想
例句Once you’ve made the list,fantasize about your life after receiving the raise.
faraway [5fB:rEweI] adj. 遥远的;(神情)恍惚的,心不在焉的
例句There is a farawaylook in her eyes. 她眼睛里流露出恍惚的神情.
farce [fB:s] n. 闹剧剧,滑稽戏,胡闹,愚蠢可笑的事
例句He likes to watch farcesat weekends to relax himself. 他喜欢在周末看滑稽剧来放松自己。
farfetched[5fB:5fetFt] adj. 难以置信的,牵强的

例句He told us a farfetched story about the president asking for hisadvice.
farsighted [7fB: 5saitid] adj. 有远见的,深谋远虑的,目光远大的
例句How farsighted the deal turns out to be remains in question. 因此,这笔交易究竟有多有远见还是个问题.
fastidious[fAs5tidiEs] adj. 吹毛求疵的,爱挑剔的,难以取悦的

例句She is so fastidiousabout her food that I never invite her for dinner.
搭配be fastidious in/about [对……] 苛求的,挑剔的
fatality [fE5tAliti] n. 暴死,死亡,致命
例句There have been tenswimming fatalities this summer. 今年夏季已有十人游泳遇溺。
词组fatality rate 致死率
the fatality of certain diseases某些疾病的致命性
fated [5feitid] adj. 命中注定的;很不幸的
例句He was fated not toscore. 他注定不会进球。
fateful [5feitful] adj. 重大的,决定性的
例句This step involvedmany fateful consequences. 这一步骤带来了许多严重的后果。
fat-head [5fAthed] n.笨蛋,傻瓜
faucet [5fC:sit] n. (AmE)水龙头
例句The water from the faucet wascloudy.水龙头里流出的水很混浊。
fauna [5fC:nE](plfaunae)n.动物群
例句The area supports a wide range of fauna, the most famous of which is theRoyal Bengal tiger. 该地区动植物种类繁多,其中最有名的是皇家孟加拉虎。
词组flora and fauna 动植物;动植物群
助记来自faun 古罗马传说中半人半羊状的农牧神(在古希腊、罗马艺术中常有描绘);音:放呢→放牧呢→放牧动物呢。
favouritism, favoritism[5feivEritizEm] n. 偏爱,偏袒,徇私
例句The students accusedthe teacher of favouritism. 学生指责老师有偏心。
fawn 1[fC:n] n.幼鹿;浅黄褐色
fawn 2 [fC:n] v.奉承,讨好,巴结

例句Many distant relatives fawned on the rich old man. 许多的远亲都来巴结这位有钱的老人。
搭配fawn on讨好,奉承
faze [feiz] v. 使惊慌失措,使震惊得说不出话来
例句The worst results cannotfaze him. 最坏的结果也不会使他烦恼。
featherbrained [5feTEbreInd] adj. 蠢的,愚笨的
例句This better not be another one of your featherbrained schemes. 这最好不是你的又一个傻乎乎的计划.
feckless [5feklis] adj. 无用的,不负责任的
例句In those days he was a feckless and poverty-stricken young drop-out.
fecund [5fi:kEnd] adj. 肥沃的,丰饶的
例句Although fecund with practical advice, this not a how-to manual.
federalism [5fedErElIz(E)m] n. 联邦主义
federalist [5fedErElist] n. 联邦主义者
federate [5fedErit] v. 洲、团体等)组成联邦,结成同盟
例句Sometimes, federatedvillages that shared a similar government, would celebrate together.
有时候, 共同拥有一个政府的联邦村庄会一起庆祝
feebleminded [`fi:bl`mBIndId] adj. 弱智的,愚笨的,低能的
例句He becomes feebleminded when being asked the marriage. 当被问到结婚问题时他就发傻。
feign [fein] v. 假装,佯作,冒充

例句Her efforts to feign cheerfulness weren't convincing. 她的强颜欢笑并不使人信服。
词组feign death 假死;装死
feint [feint] v. & n. 佯攻,虚晃

例句The guard was feinted out of position. 守卫被骗离岗位。
词组feint of假装
feminine [5feminin] adj. 女性的,适于女子的,阴性的

例句She was a very feminine person. 她很有女人味。
feminist [`feminist] n. 男女平等主义者
adj. 主张男女平等的

例句She is professedly a feminist. 她自称是女权运动者。
felicity [fi5lisiti] n. 快乐,幸福
例句I marvel at the felicityof his style. 我惊叹他的精巧的文体。
felony [5felEni] n. 重罪
例句Talking is good. Shouting is bad.Slapping is a felony. 说话是善行。叫嚷是恶行。打嘴巴是十恶不赦。
felt [felt] n. 毛毡
femininity [femi5niniti] n. 女人的气质
例句This stunning pendant exudes femininity and sensuality. 这个惊人的吊坠散发着女性的性感
fen [fen] n. 沼泽地区
fence [fens] n. 栅栏,篱笆
v. 用栅栏围起(隔开);击剑;搪塞

例句①The yard was surrounded by a woodenfence. 院子被栅栏围着。
②Stop fencing with me answer myquestion! 别躲躲闪闪——回答我的问题!
词组fence in用篱笆(栅栏)把…围起来
mend one’s fence拉拢人,争取支持
sit on the fence抱骑墙态度,保持中立
fend [fend] v. 照顾自己,自谋生路

例句Mostanimals let their young fend for themselves from an early age.
搭配fend for oneself自己谋生=provide for oneself,look after oneself
fend off 避开;挡开
fend for 照料;抚养
fender [5fendE] n. 壁炉围栏,挡泥板
例句His car bruised the auto fender ofmy car. 他的汽车撞瘪了我的汽车挡泥板。
词组front fender 前叶子板,前护盖
助记源自defend 防护,防卫的东西。
ferocious [fE5rEuFEs] adj. 凶恶的,凶猛的,残暴的

例句The ferocious winds seemed about to tear the ship to pieces. 猛烈的狂风仿佛要把船撕成碎片似的。
ferocity[fE5rCsiti] n. 凶恶,残暴
例句The lion attacked its victim with great ferocity. 狮子凶猛地扑向猎物。
ferret [5ferit] v. 搜寻,查获,搜索
例句The detective ferret out the criminal. 那位侦探把犯人搜出来了。
词组ferret out 搜出,搜获
fertile [5fE:tail;5fE:til] adj. 肥沃的,富饶的;可繁殖的,能生育的;有才智的,丰富的,富于思想的

例句Somefish are very fertile;they lay thousands of eggs. 有些鱼是非常多产的,它们产下数以千计的卵。
派生fertility n. 多产;肥沃; [农经] 生产力;丰饶
fervent [5fE:vEnt] adj. 热情的,热烈的,热诚的

例句He’s a fervent believer in free speech. 他是言论自由的强烈信仰者。
fervour, fervor [5fE:vE] n. 热情,热诚

例句He speaks to us with great fervor. 他热情洋溢地对我们说。
词组religious fervor宗教热情
fester [5festE] v. (伤口)化脓,溃烂
例句Resentments are starting to fester. 仇恨开始日益加深。
festive [5festiv] adj. 欢乐的,节日的
例句The hall looks more festive with all that greenery in pots. 花盆里的绿叶使大厅显得节日气氛更浓。
festivity [fes5tiviti] n. 庆祝活动,庆典,欢宴
例句The wedding was anoccasion of great festivity. 这个婚礼是喜庆盛事。
festoon [fes5tu:n] v. 给…花彩
n. 花彩,花饰
例句The room wasfestooned with beautiful flowers. 那个房间以美丽的花朵结成的花彩装饰着。
fetching [5fetFiN] adj. 迷人的,吸引人的
例句You look very fetchingin that hat. 你戴着这顶帽子显得格外动人。
fete [feIt] n. (室外的)游乐会,义卖会,喜庆日
v. 特别款待,庆祝
例句Despite the badweather the fete will go ahead. 尽管天气不好,游乐会照常举行。
fetid [5fetid, 5fi:-] adj. 恶臭的
例句The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke. 房间里的空气有陈烟的臭味。
词组fetid air臭气
fetish [5fi:tiF, 5fetiF] n. 神物;迷恋之物

例句Mary makesa fetish of her home; she's always cleaning it. 玛丽太看重她的房子了,她老是不停地打扫。
搭配make afetish of盲目崇拜
fetter [5fetE]n. 脚镣,栓桔,束缚
例句He was fettered by his family and could not travel any longer. 他被家庭束缚,不能再到处去旅游了。
搭配the fetters of poverty贫困的束缚
fetus [5fi:tEs] n. 胎儿
例句Pregnant women who areheavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn fetus. 酗酒的孕妇冒有伤害胎儿的危险。
feud [fju:d] n.& v. 宿怨,世仇,长期不和

例句They spend their time feuding with their neighbours. 他们的时间花在与邻居的长期争吵上。
搭配feud with争吵
a long-standingfeud夙怨
feverish [5fi:vEriF]adj. 发热的,发烧的,狂热的

例句Father became a little feverish in his anxiety to please. 父亲渴望讨人喜欢已有点发狂了。
搭配worked at a feverishpitch高度热情地工作
fiasco [fi5AskEu] n. 完全失败,惨败
例句Theparty was a total fiasco because the wrong date was given on the invitations.
fibreglass [5faibE^lB:s] n. 玻璃纤维
fickle [5fikl] adj. 易变的,无常的,不专的
例句The weather here is notoriouslyfickle. 这里的天气出了名的变化无常。
fictitious [fik5tiFEs] adj. 非真实的,虚构的,杜撰的
例句Hisaccount of the bank robbery was completely fictitious. 他叙述的抢劫银行事件完全是虚假的。
fiddling [5fidliN] adj. 微小的,微不足道的,无足轻重的
例句It's tedious work ,counting these fiddling little things. 清点这么小的东西真乏味。
fiddly [5fidli] adj. 难弄的,费事的,不便使用的
例句Fish can be fiddly to cook. 鱼做起来会很麻烦。
fidget [5fidVit] v. 坐立不安,烦躁
n. 坐立不安的人
例句I always getthe fidgets during long meetings. 会议开得长我就坐不住了。
词组fidget (about) (withsth)烦躁不安(惹人生厌)
fieldwork [5fi:ldw\:k] n. 实地考察,现场调查
例句Year in year out hehas been doing fieldwork in the Northwest. 他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。
fiend [fi:nd] n. 恶魔,魔鬼;迷,狂
例句He is a fiend attennis. 他是位网球高手。
fiendish [5fi:ndiF] adj. 凶猛的,残暴的,极坏的;巧妙而复杂的
例句A fiendish person is never welcomed. 凶横的人一向不受欢迎。
词组a fiendish problem极大的难题
fig [fi^] n.无花果(树);一点儿,无价值的东西

例句Their help wasn’t worth a fig. 他们的帮助毫无价值。
figment [5fi^mEnt] n. 虚构的事,臆造的事物
例句Chinese nuclear arsenal does not exist. They are simply figment of CIA.
figurative[5fi^jurEtiv] adj. 比喻的,借喻的;象征的
例句'Heexploded with rage' shows a figurative use of the verb `to explode'.
figurehead[5fi^Ehed] n. 傀儡,有名无实的领导者

例句Kingis just a figurehead; it's the president who has the real power.
filial [5filjEl] adj. 子女(应做)的,孝顺的
例句My husband is a filial son. 我丈夫是一个孝顺的儿子。
fillet [5filit] n. 无骨的肉片
v. 把…切成片
例句Will you fillet it for meplease? 请给我把鱼骨头剔掉好吗?
finale [fi5nB:li] n. 终曲,结局,(音乐、戏剧等的)最后部分
例句How do you feel about the seasonfinale? 你对第二季结局的感觉怎样?
finely [5fainli] adv. 微细地;精确地,精细地

例句All her friends think she behavedfinely. 所有朋友都认为她行为端正。
finery [5fainEri] n. 华丽的衣服
例句The garden looks beautiful in itssummer finery. 在夏日绚丽的景色中,花园显得很美。
finesse [fi5nes] n. 技巧,策略,手腕

例句Paul played the sonatawith great finesse. 保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。
fingertip [5fiN^Etip]n. 指端,指尖
例句The butter and flourare rubbed together with the fingertips. 黄油和面粉被指尖给搓在一起。
词组have sth at one'sfingertips对某物了如指掌
to one's fingertips各方面,完全,彻底
finicky [5finiki] adj. 苛求的,过分讲究的
例句This job is too finickyfor me. 我做不了这麽细致的工作。
fire-bomb[5faiEbCm] n. 燃烧弹
firebrand [5faIEbrAnd] n. 煽动者,挑起动乱者
例句He had a reputation ofan ambitious firebrand. 大家把他誉为一个野心勃勃的煽动家。
firebrick [5faIEbrIk] n. 耐火砖,火砖
firedamp [5faIEdAmp] n. 瓦斯,沼气,甲烷
firepower [5faiEpauE] n. 火力
例句The US also had superior firepower. 美国在火力上也占据上风。
fiscal [5fiskEl] adj. 财务的,财政的,会计的

例句The value of the US dollar will continue to diminish, along with Americanfiscal freedom.
词组fiscal revenue 财政收入
fiscal deficit 财政赤字
fiscal budget n. 财政预算
fiscal crisis 财政危机
fishery [5fiFEri] n. 渔场
例句The ship isengaged in pelagic fishery. 这艘船从事远洋渔业。
fishmonger [5fiFmQN^E(r)] n. 鱼贩,鱼商
例句She bargained with the fishmonger over the price. 她与鱼贩讲价钱
fissure [5fiFE] n. 裂缝,裂隙

例句Just ahead of us there was a huge fissure. 离我们不远处,出现一个大裂缝。
fitful [5fitful] adj. 一阵阵的,不规则的,不安定的
例句I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。
词组fitful showers of rain断断续续的阵雨
a fitful gleam忽明忽暗的光
fitting [5fitiN] adj. 适合的,恰当的,相称的
n. 试穿;装配,修整; (pl)(房屋内的)固定装置,设备,配件

例句It was fitting that he should be here toreceive the prize in person. 他应该亲自来领奖才对。
词组fitting up 组对,装配;初组装
助记来自fit(v. 适合)
fixer [5fiksE] n. 操纵者
词组a great politicalfixer 一位杰出的政治调停人物
fixture [5fikstFE] n. 固定装置;预定举行的体育比赛

例句The owner of the house charge us for fixture andfittings. 房主要我们支付使用固定设施的费用。
fizz [fiz] v. & n. (液体发出的)嘶嘶声
flabby [5flAbi] adj. (肌肉)松软的,软弱无力的

例句He's getting fat and flabby because he doesn't have enough exercise.他因为缺少锻炼而日见肥胖肌肉松弛。
flaccid [5flAksid] adj. (肌肉等)松软的,软弱无力的
例句He is a man of flaccid characteristics. 他性格软弱。
搭配flaccid management软弱无力的手段
flag [flA^] n. 旗,旗帜
v. 变弱,衰退

例句①Thestreets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding. 街上挂起了旗子,庆祝皇室婚礼。
②Roses will flag inthe summer heat. 夏天炎热玫瑰就要枯萎。
词组under theflag of 受…保护,站在…一边
flag down 打信号使停下
flagpole [5flA^pEJl] n. 旗杆
flagrant [5fleigrEnt] adj.穷凶极恶的,骇人听闻的,明目张胆的

例句Telling the story was aflagrant breach of trust. 说谎是一种可耻的破坏信誉的行为。
flail [fleil] v. 猛挥,挥舞,乱舞
例句His arms were flailing in all directions. 他的双臂使劲地胡乱挥舞着。
词组flail around 用力地胡乱挥动
flair [flZE] n. 天赋,本领,才华
例句Hedoesn't show much flair for the piano. 他对弹钢琴没有什麽天资。
搭配aflair for… 有……的天分
flak[flAk] n. 高射炮(火);抨击,谴责,强烈反对
例句The plans for the newtax have come in for a lot of flak. 新的税务计划遭到了猛烈抨击。
词组run into heavy flak 陷入密集的高射炮火中
flamboyant[flAm5bCiEnt] adj. 华丽的,鲜艳的;炫耀的,浮华的

例句Hisstyle of choreography is flamboyant. 他的舞蹈设计风格复杂夸张。
搭配richflamboyant film stars阔绰而爱炫耀的电影明星
flammable [5flAmEbl] adj. 易燃的
例句Pyjamas made from flammable material have been removed from most shops.
词组an flammable temper暴脾气
flank [flANk] n.腰窝,侧翼
v. 位于…的侧面

例句Tian’anmen Square is flanked by the Great Hall of the People and theMuseum of the Chinese Revolution.
搭配a road flanked with tall trees马路两侧高树林立
flare [flZE] n. (火焰)摇曳,闪耀,闪光;突然发怒(激动),突发;闪烁,闪现,闪亮;闪光信号,照明弹
v. (使)呈喇叭形展开

例句A quarrel flared up between them. 他们之间的争论突然激烈起来。
词组flare out突然发怒,爆发
助记firefly (in the)air 天上飞的火(星星,流星火)在闪耀。
派生flaring adj. 燃烧的;发光的;引人注目的
flashback [5flAFbAk] n. (电影的)闪回,倒叙
例句The events of his boyhood are shown in a flashback. 他童年的故事是用倒叙法来表现的.
flaunt [flC:nt] v. 炫耀,夸示

例句Thebaseballer flaunt his cup to his friends. 那名棒球选手向他的朋友炫耀他的奖杯。
词组flaunt one’s riches炫耀某人的财富
flavoring [5fleIvErIN] n. 调味品,调味香料
例句This drink contains no artificial flavoringor coloring. 这种饮料不掺人造香精或着色剂。
flawless [5flC:lis] adj. 无瑕的,完美的
例句Nothing in the world is flawless and perfect. 世上没有十全十美的东西。
词组a flawless performance完美的表演
助记flaw 缺陷 + less无
flax [flAks] n. 亚麻(纤维)
flaxen [5flAksEn] adj. (毛发)淡黄色的
fleeting [5fli:tIN] adj. 短暂的,稍纵即逝的
例句The world is like a fleeting show. 人世如白驹过隙。
flex[fleks] n. 皮线,花线
v. 弯曲,伸展
例句The gardeners flexed their muscles and began to dig. 园丁们舒腰展臂后才开始挖地。
flexitime [5fleksItaIm] n. 弹性工作时间制
例句The first item on theagenda is a discussion of the management's proposals on flexitime system.
flicker [5flikE] v. & n. (火焰)闪烁,摇曳;摆动,晃动

例句①Thecandle flickered in the wind. 蜡烛在风中闪烁不定。
②A faint hope flickered in her breast. 她心中仍闪现着一丝希望。
词组flickering eyelids 眨着的眼睛
a flicker ofhope, despair, interest, etc 一线希望/一丝绝望情绪/微弱的兴趣
flier [5flaiE] n. 飞行物,飞行者
例句The flier flew a new - type jet plane. 飞行员驾驶一架新式喷气机
flighty [5flaiti] adj. 善变的,轻浮的,爱发奇想的
例句She a frivolous littlefool vain and flighty. 她是个单纯轻浮的小傻女孩儿.
词组a flighty imagination古怪的想象
flimsy [5flimzi] adj. 轻而薄的,脆弱的,易损坏的
例句The evidence against him was flimsy. 指控他的证据不足信。
词组a flimsy excuse 站不住脚的藉口
flinch [flintF] v. 退缩,畏缩
例句I never flinch from difficulty. 我在困难面前从不畏缩。
词组flinch from 躲闪;在…面前退缩
助记fl=fly,inch(n 英寸)-一寸寸向后飞-退缩
flip [flip] v. 把…抛向空中,捻,快速地翻转(猛然移动);大怒,强烈地反应
n. 轻弹 (打、抛)

例句Let’s flip a coin to see who goes first. 让我们来掷硬币看谁先去。
词组flip the pages of the report很快地翻动报告
flippant [5flipEnt] adj. 轻浮的,轻率的
例句John was offended by the doctor's flippant attitude. 约翰被医生轻率的态度而激怒。
flirt [flE:t] v. 调情
n. 调情者

例句If you flirt with me, I’ll have toleave. 如果你要跟我调情,我立刻就走。
词组flirt with 不认真地考虑或对待;举动轻率
flit / flit / v. 轻快地飞,掠过

flog [flC^] v.重打,鞭打

例句①Hetried to flog me a broken TV set. 他一个劲儿向我兜售一个破电视机。
②He was flogged into confessing[confession] . 他被鞭打而承认。
词组flog…into sb. 强迫某人做…
floodgate [5flQd^eIt] n. 水闸门,防洪闸门
floodlight [5flQdlaIt] n. 水银灯,泛光灯,强力照明
flop [flCp] v. & n. 笨重地落下或倒下;失败

例句He flopped down into a chair. 他猛地坐在椅子上。
floppy [5flCpi] adj. 松软的,下垂的
词组a dog with floppy ears耷拉着耳朵的狗
floppy disk; floppy diskette(电脑)软磁盘
floral [5flC:rEl] adj. 用花做的,用花装饰的
例句The actress received numerous floral tributes. 那位女演员接受了许多献花。
词组floral designs花卉图案
florid [5flCrid] adj. 过分华丽的,过分装饰的,(脸色)红润的

例句Nobody likes this florid style with little content. 没有人喜欢这种缺乏内容的华丽文风。
florist [5flCrist] n. 花商
例句He bought her some roses at theflorist's in the mall. 他在购物中心的花店里为她买了一些玫瑰。
flounder [5flaundE] v. (在水中)挣扎,肢体乱动;错乱地说话(行动)

例句The child floundered in the water till someone jumped in do save him.
词组flounder through胡乱地做完
助记源自founder 摔倒,沉没→沉在底部,flounder指还能走,比founder多个l,看成撑着的木杖
flout [flaut] v. 蔑视,违抗

例句No one can flout the law withimpunity. 任何人都不能不受惩罚地藐视法律。
词组flout sb. 's advice 轻视某人的劝告
flout me to my face当面嘲弄我
助记flaunt 是炫耀自己,flout 是蔑视他人;一个小姑奶奶(aunt)轻蔑地(flout)飞了出去(fly out),四处炫耀自己(flaunt)。
fluctuate [5flQktjueit] v. 波动,变动,涨落

例句The actual cost may fluctuate above and below thatstandard. 实际成本可在标准成本的上下范围内增减
派生fluctuation n. 起伏,波动
fluidity[flu(:)5iditi] n. 流动性,流动状态
例句Shedanced with great fluidity of movement. 她跳舞的动作十分流畅优美。
fluke [flu:k] n. 侥幸,侥幸的成功
例句She is not usually good at tennis; thatwinning stroke was a fluke.
flunk [flQNk] v. 通不过(考试等),评定(某人)不及格

例句Several students have been flunked out. 有几名学生因考试不及格而被迫退学。
词组flunkin an examination考试不及格
flurry[5flQri]n. 骤雨,阵雨(风、雪等);激动,慌张;爆发,骚动
v. 使迷乱,使慌张

例句A flurry of excitement went round the crowd as the film stararrived.
搭配in a flurry慌慌张张地,惊慌地
flutter [5flQtE] v. & n. 振翅,拍翼;飘动,摆动;激动,紧张,兴奋

例句His heart fluttered with fear. 他害怕得心怦怦乱跳。
词组have aflutter [口语] (在证券交易市场或赛马场)参加小赌
in a flutter 心绪不宁
all of a flutter 突然一阵慌乱
flux [flQks] n. 不断的变化,变动,变迁
例句Education remains in a state offlux which will take some time to settle down.
flyer [5flaiE] n. 飞行物,飞行者
例句Thousands of flyers advertising the tour werehanded out during the festival.
flyleaf [5flaili:f] n. 空白页,扉页
例句This volume is foxed on the flyleaf. 这卷书的空白页发黄了。
flywheel [5flaiwi:l] n. 飞轮,惯性轮
fetus [5fi:tEs] n. 胎儿
例句Pregnant women who areheavy drinkers risk damaging the unborn fetus. 酗酒的孕妇冒有伤害胎儿的危险。
fogy [5fEu^i] n. 老顽固,老古板,落伍者
例句I don't want to sound like I'm someold fogy. 我不想让自己听上去像一个老古董。
foible [5fCibl] n. (性格上的)小缺点,瑕疵
例句Talking too much is one of his foibles. 太爱讲话是他的缺点之一。
foil [fCil] v. 阻挠,使挫败;衬托
n. 锡纸,箔;陪衬,衬托物;花剑
例句①He was foiled in his attempt todeceive us. 他企图欺骗我们,但没有得逞。
②In the play, a wicked uncle actsas a foil to the noble prince.
foist [fCist] v. 把…强加于
例句He tried to foist some inferior goods on me. 他企图把一些劣质货强售给我。
搭配foist unfair provisions into thecontract以欺骗方式在合同中加入不公平的条款
fold [fEuld] v. 折叠,对折;交叠,缠绕,拥抱;包,裹;倒闭,结束
n. 折,褶痕,褶皱; 羊栏;具同一宗教信仰的人们
例句The company folded (up) last week. 那家公司上星期倒闭了。
词组fold in把…调入,拌进,抱住
fold up 倒闭;撒手;垮台;放弃
助记f+old(旧) →旧东西有许多褶
folder [5fEuldE] n. 文件夹,纸夹

例句She drew the document from itsfolder. 她从文件夹中取出文件。
词组new folder 新建文件夹
folder name 文件夹名
file folder 卷宗夹,文件夹
folivore [`fEJlIvR:(r)] n.食叶动物
folklore [5fEJklC:(r)] n. 民间传说,民俗(学),民间传统
例句In Chinese folklore the bat is a symbol ofgood fortune. 在中国民间传说中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。
fondle [5fRnd(E)l] v.抚弄,抚摸,爱抚

例句Mrs. Williams fondledher cat as it sat beside her. 威廉夫人抚摸着蹲在身边的小猫。
font [fCnt] n. (教堂里的)洗礼盆,圣水盆
foolproof [5fu:lpru:f] adj. 错不了的,不会误用的,易操作的
例句The system is not 100per cent foolproof. 该系统不是百分之百不出毛病的。
词组a foolproof scheme完美的计划
foothill [5fJthIl] n. 山麓小丘
foothold [5fJthEJld] n. 立足处;根据地,据点,稳固地位
例句It is not easy to geta foothold as an anchorman. 一个电视节目主持人要站住脚可不容易。
词组gain [get]a foothold in在…获得据点 [建立地位]
footloose [5fJtlu:s] adj. 自由自在的,无拘无束的
例句I think I'll go hiking in Europe for myholidays; I'll probably go on my own, footloose and fancy-free.
词组footloose and fancy-free自由自在无忧无虑的
footman [5fJtmEn] n. (穿制服的)男仆
footwork [5fJtw\:k] n. 腿功,步法
例句In the end, his brilliant legal footwork paid off. 最后,他高明的法律手腕使他如愿以偿。
forage [5fCridV] n. 饲料,粮草
v. 搜寻,翻寻

例句The campers wentforaging for wood to make a fire. 露营的人到处搜寻生火的木柴。
搭配forage for/about搜寻或寻找某物(尤指食物及供应物)
foray [5fCrei] n. 突袭,袭
例句the company's first foray into the computer market该公司打入计算机市场的首次
搭配go on/make a foray into enemy territory袭击敌占区
forbear 1[fC:5bZE] v.忍住,控制,抑制

词组forbear from sth. /doing sth. 克制,自制(不做或不说某事物)
例句The fans could not forbear crying out at the wonderful goal. 一记精采的进球使球迷们禁不住叫喊起来。
forbear2 [fC:5bZE] n.(usu pl)祖先,祖宗(=forebear)
forbidding [fE5bidiN] adj. 样子冷淡的,严峻的,令人生畏的
例句This isa law forbidding the import. 这是一条禁止进口的法律。
搭配a forbidding countenance严峻的面孔
forceps [5fC:seps] n. 镊子,钳子
搭配a pair [two pairs] of forceps一把 [两把]钳子
forcible [5fC:sEbl] adj. 用暴力的,强行的 ;有说服力的,强有力的
例句It's a forcible argument. 那是很有力的论点。
forebode [fC:5bEud] v.预示(尤指坏事)
例句Those black clouds forebode rain. 那些乌云是要下雨的前兆。
foreboding [fC:5bEJdIN] n. 不祥的预感
例句The sky was dull, with a forebodingof rain. 天空灰蒙蒙的,好像要下雨了。
forecourt [5fC:kC:t] n. 前庭,前院
例句There some taxies waiting in thestation forecourt . 车站前院停着一些出租车。
forefront [5fC:frQnt] adj. 最前处,最重要的位置
例句The brave soldier wasin the forefront of the fighting. 那个勇敢的士兵战斗在最前线。
词组in the forefront of my mind 我首先考虑的
forego [fC:5^Eu] v. 放弃,弃绝(=forgo)
例句Mickey agreed to forego his holiday. 米基同意放弃他的假期。
foreground [5fC:^raund] n.前部,前景

例句These teachers are keeping education in the foreground of publicattention.
搭配to keep one in the foreground保持某人处于最引人注目的地位
foreknowledge [fC:5nClidV] n. 预知,预见
例句He hasn't the leastforeknowledge of this matter. 关于此事他事先一点也不知道。
词组foreknowledge of对…的预知
foreland [5fC:lEnd] n. 岬角,海角
forensic [fE5rensik] adj. 法庭(用)的,法学的,与法庭有关的
例句A specialist in forensic medicine was called as a witnessin the murder trial.
forerunner [5fC:7rQnE] n.前驱,先驱者,开路人;前兆,预兆
例句Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the forerunner of Chinese revolution. 孙中山先生是中国革命的先行者。
foreshadow[fC:5FAdEu] v. 预示,是…的预兆
例句The increase in taxes had been foreshadowed in the minister'sspeech. 部长的讲话中早已预示要提高税额。
foreshore [5fC:FC:] n. 海滩,海滨
forestall [fC:5stC:l] v.先发制人,预先阻止

例句We installed an alarm system to forestall break-ins. 我们安装了一套警报系统来预防小偷的闯入。
搭配forestall the market垄断市场
forestall a competitor, a rival抢在竞争者、对手之前行动
forester [5fCristE] n. 守林人,森林里居住及工作的人
foretaste [5fC:teist] n. 预先的体验,样品
例句Her caustic remark gave him aforetaste of her anger. 她的刻薄话使他预感到她的愤怒。
forethought[ 5fC:WC:t] n. 先见之明,远见
例句If I'd had the forethought to bring my raincoat, I wouldn't have gotwet in the storm.
forewarn[fC:5wC:n] v. 预先警告
例句The fishermen were forewarned of the oncoming of the storm. 渔民预先得到了暴风雨来临的警告。
搭配be forewarned of被预先经警告
forfeit [5fC:fit] v. 被没收,丧失,失去
n. 罚金,没收物
例句All goods may be forfeit to the State in time of war. 战时所有的货物都可能被国家征用。
词组forfeit one’slife on the battlefield在战场丧失生命、战死、阵亡
forge [fC:dV] v. 伪造,假冒;锤炼,打制,使形成; 稳步前进
例句The ship forged ahead under a favorablewind. 船乘风快速前进。
orlorn [fE5lC:n] adj. 孤独而凄凉的,无人照顾的,被离弃的
例句Going to their rescue in arowing-boat is a bit of a forlorn hope. 乘划艇去救他们,希望不大。
formative[5fC:mEtiv] adj. 形成的,成长的
例句Her formative years were spent in Los Angeles. 她的成长阶段是在洛杉矶度过的。
搭配a child's formative years孩子个性形成时期
formulate [5fC:mjuleit] v. 使公式化;确切地表述,构想,制订

例句The contract was formulated in difficult legallanguage. 合同是用难懂的法律术语写成的。
formulation [7fC:mju5leiFEn] n. 公式化
例句The mathematical formulation of thishypothesis is a persuasive one. 这一假设的数学形式是诱人的。
fornicate [5fC:nikit] v. 私通,通奸
例句So you think it'sfunny to fornicate with loose women? 你觉得和女人私通是件很有趣的事情吗?
forsake [fE5seik] v. 遗弃,抛弃,离开

例句Oak's eyescould not forsake them. 奥克的眼睛压根儿没有离开过他们。
词组forsakeone's former habits 抛弃旧习惯
助记for + sake 因为某种原因,需要放弃,遗弃。
forte [fC:t] n.长处,特长,擅长

例句Writing fiction is her forte. 写小说是她的专长。
forthright [5fC:W5rait]adj. 直率的,直言不讳的,言行坦诚的

例句He gave a forthright answer. 他作了直截了当的回答。
搭配condemnation in the most forthright language直言不讳的谴责
forthwith[5fC:W5wiW] adv. 立即,马上
例句The doctor came forthwith. 那位医生马上就来了。
fortify [5fC:tifai] v. 防卫,筑防御工事于;支持;增强,增加(食物的)营养价值

例句①After praying he faced hisdifficulties with a fortified spirit. 祈祷之后他面对困难的勇气增强了。
②Good eating habits help tofortify the body against disease. 好的饮食习惯有助于强身防病。
fortuitous [fC:5tju(:)itEs]adj. 偶然的,偶然发生的

例句A series of fortuitous circumstances advanced her career. 一系列的幸运事使她的事业一帆风顺。
搭配a fortuitous meeting偶然相遇
foul [faul] adj. 难闻的,恶臭的,腐败的;下流的,邪恶的,不正当的;污浊的,肮脏的
v. 弄脏,污染;站污,败坏

例句His reputation has been fouled by unfounded accusations. 他的声誉被无中生有的指控败坏了。
词组foul one's hand with… 被…把手弄脏,因参与…而弄臭名誉
foul up 搞糟
fount [faunt] n. 源泉,来源,泉
例句Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to heraudiences. 她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。
词组the fount of all wisdom一切智慧的源泉
fractious [5frAkFEs]adj. 暴躁的,易怒的,脾气坏的

例句Run by fractious triumvirate, it produced some noble plays.
搭配a fractious boy一个倔强的男孩
fracture [5frAktFE] n. 骨折,折断,破裂
v. (使)破裂,(使)折断,破碎

例句He fell and fractured his upper arm. 他跌了跤,并且折断了上臂。
franchise [5frAntFaiz] n. 选举权,特权,特许
例句Catering in the schools is run on a franchisebasis. 学校餐饮服务以特许权经营。
frantic [5frAntik] adj. (因恐惧、焦急、喜悦等)发狂(似)的,发疯的;狂乱的,令人绝望的,不顾一切的
例句] He has a frantic rush to get his work do. 他急急忙忙把工作做完。
词组frantic with worry, anger, grief, etc愁得要命、气得要死、悲痛欲绝
frantic activity 不顾一切的行动
be in a frantic hurry急如星火
be frantic with pain痛得发狂,剧痛
派生adv. frantically 疯狂似地;狂暴地
fraternal [frE5tE:nl] adj. 兄弟(般)的,友好的
例句He saidhe hoped the issue could be solved in a fraternal way. 他表示希望这个问题能以友好的方式解决。
fraudulent [5frC:djulEnt] adj. 欺骗的,诈骗的,不诚实的;骗得的,骗人的
例句She got the job of science teacher byfraudulent means; she pretended she'd studied at university.
词组a fraudulent display of sympathy 假惺惺的同情
派生n. fraudulence 欺诈;欺骗性
  adv. fraudulently 欺骗地
fraught [frC:t] adj. 充满的;烦恼的,担心的,令人忧虑的;难以应付的
例句The longjourney through the tropical forest was fraught with danger. 穿越热带从林的长途旅行充满了危险。
搭配fraughtwith隐藏着 [伴随着,充满着] [危险等] 的
fray [frei] v. 磨损,磨破;使变得令人紧张(急躁)
n. 打斗,争吵,斗争

例句Relations between us have become frayed through a series ofmisunderstandings.
搭配enter/join the fray, etc参与打架、争吵等
freak [fri:k] n. 畸形物,怪物,怪事;迷,狂热爱好者;不寻常的事或行为,不正常的人

例句By some strange freak, snow fell inEgypt a few years ago. 真是怪事,几年前埃及下了一场雪。
搭配freak sb. out使某人感到极度的欣喜或不安
freckle [5frekl] n. 雀斑,斑点
例句When she lies in the sun, her face gets coveredwith freckles. 当她躺在阳光下时,她的脸上就布满了斑点。
freehand [5fri:hAnd] adj. & adv. 徒手(做的)
例句I can't draw very well freehand. 我徒手画画得不很好。
freelance [5fri:lB:ns] n.& v. (作为)自由作家(艺术家)
adj. &adv. 自由作家(撰稿人)的(地)

例句She work freelance so she do not havea regular income. 她是自由职业者,所以她没有固定收入。
freewheel [5fri:5wi:l] v. (汽车等)滑行;自由地活动 (行动)
例句He freewheeled back down the course. 他沿原赛道滑了下去。
freighter [5freitE] n. 货船,运输机
例句The crew of that foreign freighterwas fully hired on. 那艘外国货船的船员已全部雇齐。
frenetic[fri5netik] adj. 极度激动的,狂热的,狂乱的

例句Thefrenetic construction in our cities highlights the massive urbanisation takingplace across the world. 狂热的都市建设只是全球大规模城市化进程的缩影。
frenzied[5frenzid] adj. 狂乱的,狂躁的,发狂的
例句The dog jumped at the intruder with frenzied barks. 那狗狂着跳起扑向闯进来的人。
搭配drive a person to [into] frenzied使某人发狂
in a frenzied of excitement在极度的兴奋中(兴奋得近于狂乱)
work oneself up into a frenzied逐渐狂暴起来
frenzy [5frenzi] n. 极度的激动,狂热,狂乱 
例句She worked herself up into a frenzy becauseshe thought she'd miss her train.
词组in a frenzy of zeal, enthusiasm, hate, etc 疯狂的激情﹑热情﹑仇恨等
fresco [5freskEu] n.壁画
例句The frescos in the Sistine Chapel areworld-famous. 西斯廷教堂的壁画举世闻名。
fret [fret] v. (使)烦恼,(使)烦躁,(使)发愁;侵蚀,(使)磨损
n. 苦恼,烦躁,担忧
例句Don' t fret, we' ll get there on time. 别着急,我们能准时到那里.
词组fret over 为…着急
in a fret = onthe fret焦急,烦闷
fretful [5fretful] adj. 苦恼的,烦躁的
例句My brother is fretful because he is cuttinghis teeth. 我的小弟弟直发脾气, 因为正在长牙。
词组ask in a fretful voice 不耐烦地问
frigid [5fridVid] adj. 严寒的,寒冷的,冷淡的

例句Frigid winds blew from the north. 寒风从北方吹来。
搭配a frigid glance, look, etc冷淡的目光、神情等
frill [fril] n. 饰边,褶边,绝边;不必要的装饰,(华而不实的)附加物
例句She sewed a frill on the bottom of her skirt. 她在她的裙子下边缝上饰边。
搭配put on frills摆架子;装腔作势
a straightforward presentation with no frills直截了当、不加渲染的叙述
frisk [frisk] v. 搜身,搜查;欢快地跑跳

例句Everyone was friskedbefore getting on the plane. 每个人都经过搜身才登上飞机。
fritter [5fritE] v. 浪费,挥霍
例句Don't fritter away your precious time. 大好时光,不可等闲度过。
搭配fritter away time/energy浪费时间 [精力]
frivolity[fri5vCliti] n. 轻浮的(言语、举止),轻薄,轻松的娱乐
例句People enjoy a few frivolities during their holidays. 人们在假期里轻松地娱乐一番。
frivolous [5frivElEs] adj. 轻浮的,妄为的;漫不经心的,轻率的;无聊的,浪费的
例句He spent a lot of his money on frivolousthings. 他在一些无聊的事上花了好多钱。
frizzy [5frizi] adj. (头发)髻曲的
例句Some people have naturally frizzyhair. 有的人长着天然卷发。
frock [frCk] n. 女上衣
frogman [5frR^mEn] n. 蛙人,潜水员
frolic [5frClik] v. 嬉戏,雀跃
例句Touristssunbathe and frolic in the ocean. 游客们晒日光浴,在海水中嬉戏。
frontage[5frQntidV] n. (建筑物等的)正面空地
例句The restaurant has frontages on two busy streets. 这家饭店朝着两条热闹的街道。
frontal [5frQntl] adj. 靠正面的,(在)正面的;前额的;(天气)锋的
例句He launches a frontalattack on working-class organizations. 他对工薪阶层组织发起正面挑战。
frontbench [frQntbentF] n.(英国议会席中两大政党领袖人物就座的)前排
frostbite [5frRstbaIt] n. 冻疮
例句She was fighting off the numbness offrostbite. 她在竭力摆脱冻僵的感觉。
froth [frCW, frC:W] n. (液体表面上的)泡,泡沫;空谈,浅薄空洞的想法
v. 起泡沫,冒泡
例句①Falling in love thefirst time is all froth and fantasy. 初恋完全是一场虚幻的美梦。
②The sea froths over my feet 海水在我的脚上泛起泡沫。
fruiterer [5fru:tErE(r)] n.水果商
fruition [fru(:) 5iFEn] n. (希望、计划等的)实现,完成
例句At last his efforts were coming to fruition. 他的努力终于逐渐取得了成效。
词组come to fruition 实现;成熟
bring one'splans to fruition 实现自己的计划
fry [frai] v. 油煎,油炒,油炸
n. 鱼秧,鱼苗,成群生活在一起的幼小动物
例句She fried the eggs in a frying-pan. 她在平底锅里煎鸡蛋。
词组in an awful fry极其激动
fuddle [5fQdl] v. 使错乱
例句I felt rather fuddle-headed when Igot up this morning. 我今天早晨起床时觉得头昏脑胀。
fudge [fQdV] n. 软糖
v. 拼凑,粗制滥造,捏造;规避,逃避,敷衍
例句Our manager has beenfudging the issue of bonus payments for months.
fugitive [5fju:dVitiv] n. 逃亡者,亡命者,逃犯
adj. 逃跑的,逃亡的;短暂的,瞬间的
例句He is a fugitive from justice trying to avoid being caught by the police. 他是逃犯,正试图逃避警方的追捕。
词组fugitive thoughts, impressions, sensations, etc 瞬间的想法、印象、感觉
a fugitive flower昙花一现
full-blown[ful 5blEun] adj. (鲜花)盛开的,怒放的
例句Before becoming afull-blown director, he worked as the film editor on Citizen Kane.
full-length[7ful5leNW] adj. (照片、镜子等)照出全身的;未缩短的,未删节的,全长的
例句She stretched herself outfull-length. 她摊平了四肢。
fumble[fQmbl] v. 瞎摸,摸索;笨手笨脚地做
n. 摸索,乱摸,笨拙地处理
例句I fumbled for something to say. 我苯嘴拙舌找话讲。
词组fumble at/for/with sth. 笨手笨脚地做某事或寻找某物
funicular[fju(:)5nikjulE] n. 缆车道
funk[fQNk] n. 恐惧,忧虑;胆小鬼
v. (因恐惧)避开
例句It isn't a naturalthing for a boy to funk water. 男孩怕水是不近情理的事。
funky [5fQnki] adj. 新式的,时髦的;(爵士乐等)有独特节奏和表现力的
例句It's a funky sort of rhythm. 这种节奏有些乡土爵士乐风格。
furl[fE:l] v. 卷紧,收拢,收叠
例句Hewas supposed to furl the side flaps in the morning. 他的任务就是每天早上把两侧的遮帘卷起。
fur-lined [fE:laind] adj. 衬毛皮的
furnishings [5f\:nIFINz] n. (房屋里的)家具与陈设等
例句The wallpaper should match thefurnishings. 墙纸应和家具陈设协调。
furrier [5fQriE] n. 皮货商,毛皮商
furrow [5fQrEu] n.沟,犁沟,车辙;皱纹
v. 犁(田),开沟;使起皱纹
例句①Thedeep furrows made it difficult to walk across the field. 深深的犁沟使人不易从田里穿过。
②The pain of the disease causedhim habitually to furrow his brow. 病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。
furtive [5fE:tiv]adj. 偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的;躲躲闪闪的,遮遮掩掩的
例句Theman's furtive manner gave rise to the suspicion of the theft among the policemen. 那个男人鬼鬼祟祟的样子让警察怀疑盗窃案是他作的。
搭配afurtive glance偷偷的一瞥
fuse [fju:z] n. 保险丝,熔丝;导火线,引线
v. 熔(化),熔合,混合;(由于保险丝烧断而)电路不通
例句The two companies are fused bytheir common interests. 两公司因有共同利益而结合在一起。
派生fusion n. 融合;熔化;熔接;融合物
futility [fjU:`tIlEtI] n. 无效,无用,无益
例句But the dramatic scenes of hired workerswashing oil off beaches turned out to be images of futility.
futuristic [fju:tFE5ristik] adj. 未来主义的,未来派的;极新潮的,非传统的
例句Futuristicthough this sounds, FSO is by no means a new idea.
fuzz [fQz] n.细毛,绒毛,轻柔的物质
例句A peachskin is covered with fuzz. 桃上有一层细毛。
搭配fuzz upan argument把论点弄糊涂
fuzzy [5fQzi] adj. 绒毛般的,毛茸茸的;模糊的,不清楚的

例句Time exposures produce a fuzzyboundary. 曝光时间长会使轮廓不清。

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