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android 发表于 19-12-12 13:24:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Investment Environment
Real Assets Versus Financial Assets
•        Real Assets
–        Determine the productive capacity and net income of the economy
–        Examples: Land, buildings, machines, knowledge used to produce goods and services

•        Financial Assets
–        Claims on real assets
Financial Assets
•        Three types:
•        Fixed income or debt       
•        Common stock or equity
•        Derivative securities
Fixed Income
•        Payments fixed or determined by a formula

•        Money market debt: short term, highly marketable, usually low credit risk

•        Capital market debt: long term bonds, can be safe or risky

Common Stock and Derivatives
•        Common Stock is equity or ownership in a corporation.
–        Payments to stockholders are not fixed, but depend on the success of the firm
•        Derivatives
–        Value derives from prices of other securities, such as stocks and bonds
–        Used to transfer risk
Financial Markets and the Economy
•        Information Role: Capital flows to companies with best prospects

•        Consumption Timing: Use securities to store wealth and transfer consumption to the future
Financial Markets and the
Economy (Ctd.)
•        Allocation of Risk: Investors can select securities consistent with their tastes for risk

•        Separation of Ownership and Management: With stability comes agency problems

Financial Markets and the
Economy (Ctd.)
•        Corporate Governance and Corporate Ethics
–        Accounting Scandals
•        Examples – Enron, Rite Aid, HealthSouth
–        Auditors – watchdogs of the firms
–        Analyst Scandals
•        Arthur Andersen
–        Sarbanes-Oxley Act
•        Tighten the rules of corporate governance

The Investment Process
•        Asset allocation
–        Choice among broad asset classes
•        Security selection
–        Choice of which securities to hold within asset class
–        Security analysis to value securities and determine investment attractiveness
Markets are Competitive
•        Risk-Return Trade-Off

•        Efficient Markets
–        Active Management
•        Finding mispriced securities
•        Timing the market
Markets are Competitive (Ctd.)
–        Passive Management
•        No attempt to find undervalued securities
•        No attempt to time the market
•        Holding a highly diversified portfolio

The Players
•        Business Firms– net borrowers

•        Households – net savers

•        Governments – can be both borrowers and savers
The Players (Ctd.)
•        Financial Intermediaries: Pool and invest funds
–        Investment Companies
–        Banks
–        Insurance companies
–        Credit unions

Universal Bank Activities
Investment Banking
•        Underwrite new stock and bond issues
•        Sell newly issued securities to public in the primary market
•        Investors trade previously issued securities among themselves in the secondary markets

Commercial Banking
•        Take deposits and make loans

Financial Crisis of 2008
•        Antecedents of the Crisis:
–        “The Great Moderation”:  a time in which the U.S. had a stable economy with low interest rates and a tame business cycle with only mild recessions

–        Historic boom in housing market
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