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yx19850621 发表于 07-5-10 15:05:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

  1. 说明自己应聘的职位,通常包含自己如何获知职位的信息,亦可包括对自己的简要介绍;
  2. 介绍自身的条件,可包括学校表现、工作经历和本人个性等,以证明自己符合该职位的要求;
  3. 希望对方尽早回复——安排面试、回信或来电等,并表示感谢。

  1. 应充分表达自己对该工作的渴求,态度要诚恳。
  2. 应尽量展示自己的技能和经历,陈述要符合实际。
  3. 信中应包括自己的联系方式,并指明所附的材料。
Directions: Write a letter in about 100 words to a company to apply for the position as an assistant manager.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Jenny Green”instead.

Dear Sir,
  I am writing you this letter to show my keen interest in the post of assistant manager which you advertised in yesterdays China Daily for, as is indicated in the enclosed resume, my major and experiences closely parallel your requirement.
  I have always been a top student in my specialized area, biochemistry.I took several other courses in my spare time and excelled in all of them due to my hard work.I am sure such courses as British and American literature and culture, business management and statistics will lend me an edge in the fierce competition in the job market.Another point I want to draw your attention to is that I have been taking an active part in a variety of campus activities.In the due process my teamwork spirit has been enhanced and my interpersonal skills improved.
  I would like to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of working with your company.Or, if you are too busy these days, you can contact me at 4543575 for further information.Thank you for your favorable consideration.
  Best wishes.
                                                Yours Sincerely,
                                                  Jenny Green
  首段中的keen表示“热切的”,句中使用了非限制性定语从句,说明自己如何获知这一职位信息,而后的resume表示“简历”,parallel这里做动词,表示“与…相当,比得上”。次段首句specialized area表示“专业领域”。次句excel这里是个不及物动词,表示“突出,超常,胜过他人”。第三句中用来列举,非常恰当,句中statistics表示“统计学”,edge表示“优势”。第四句中的a variety of等于various,表示“多种多样的”。第五句中的teamwork spirit表示“团队精神”,interpersonal skills表示“人际交往的能力”。
Directions: Suppose you are going to graduate from Yanshan University.Write a letter to a company in around 100 words to show your interest in the position as a secretary and apply for it.Do not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using“Li Xiaoming”instead.
 楼主| yx19850621 发表于 07-5-10 15:10:54 | 只看该作者


      Write a note to your foreign colleague Jack,telling him a Mr. Oliver from the U.S. days ago called when he was out. Take the message for him, telling Jack the time he could call Mr. Oliver and the phone number.
      Do not sign your own name at the end of the note, use \"Li Ming\" instead.

                                                         December 10

Hi, Jack,

        This morning,①a Mr. Oliver (I\'m not sure if I got the spelling correct),who arrived from the U.S.A. three days ago, dropped in and wanted to see you.②You happened to be out then.

  This Mr. Oliver says he\'s your uncle\'s friend who is here on business and has taken a parcel from your uncle for you. He left it for you at the Service Desk on the first floor. You may go there to claim it.③By the way,you are also wanted to ring him up tonight any time from 7:00 to 11:30. His telephone number is 2108201.   

                                                                                                                                                                          Li Ming


① a Mr...,who arrived from...,dropped in and wanted to see you.一位来自…的…先生想见你。
② You happened to be out then.你恰好不在。
③ 另外,他还说让你给他打个电话,今晚…期间都行。

 楼主| yx19850621 发表于 07-5-10 15:16:08 | 只看该作者


Dear Sir or Madam,

 I write this letter to you to place a strong complaint of the bad services I received during my trip to Beijing eight days ago.

 During the week long holiday, what I experienced was rather annoying.I must tell you that I am not satisfied with the hotel services your agency arranged for us.The surrounding environment round the hotel I lived in was so noisy that I slept lightly that night.What made matters worse is that the food provided by the hotel was not wholesome.After I took the breakfast, I felt sick and got a stomachache.That almost completely spoilt my trip.

 Given all this, I strongly insist that you should return me some of the money.I’m looking forward to an early reply from you.

                                                            Yours sincerely,

                                                             Li Ming


 In the thought provoking picture, a young man is sitting on the chair in an autobus that is allocated specially for the old, the weak, the pregnant, the disabled, children and the like.Regrettably, he must have neglected the pregnant lady standing just beside him.The painful scene must set the citizenry starting to think seriously about the moral decline in the country.

 Some of this can be attributed to the lack of morality, a problem that is being shown particularly in the younger generation. Their sense of moral standards seems to be withering although their material comforts have been considerably enhanced. What makes matters even worse is the fact that such misdeeds as spitting, picking flowers in public gardens or making noises in public places are becoming so pervasive that they are likely to be taken for granted by the public. With today\'s worsening morality, social bonds have been weakened, replaced by a greater emphasis on self. That is why new ideas must come forward to improve the country\'s moral climate, though the challenge cannot be underestimated.

 Moral decline will not be reversed until we find new ways to improve our moral standards. For adults, we can make use of every chance to remind young people of the importance of good manners, both as a competent citizen in modern society and as a model for them to follow. Only in this way can the moral climate of our nation be improved, and we sincerely wish that the young man in the picture could realize that he has sit on a \"wrong\" seat.




 楼主| yx19850621 发表于 07-5-10 15:30:27 | 只看该作者


Applying for the Position of Assistant for Marketing Project Manager

      You are a senior of English for Business. A German company in China is recruiting an assistant to marketing project manager, which requires a good command of English and knowledge in German especially. Write a letter of about 100 words applying for the position, introducing yourself and asking for an interview. You needn\'t write the address. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use\"Wang Lin\" instead.   


Dear Sirs,

      I am graduating from the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade this summer. ①As a student of English for Business, I hope to work for a foreign company after graduation.

      In the past three academic years, I have proved myself to ②be a straight A student, ③awarded a succession of scholarships. My English is particularly good and German happens to be my second foreign language, which will ④live up to the requirements set by a ⑤ wholly-foreign-owned enterprises like yours.

      I apply for the position of assistant to your marketing project manager. You will find me a good team player, ⑥self- motivated and ⑦eager to learn. I believe I can ⑧be of value to your company.

      Enclosed please find my resume.

      I should be very happy if you would arrange an interview with me.

                                               Yours sincerely,   
                                                                                  Wang Lin   


① as a student of English for Business 作为一名商务英语专业的学生
② be a straight A student  一直是优等生
③ awarded a succession of scholarships 连续几年获得奖学金
④ live up to 达到预期标准,不辜负…的希望
⑤ wholly foreign-owned enterprises 外商独资企业
⑥ self-motivated 有进取心
⑦ eager to learn 乐于学习
⑧ be of value to your company 为贵公司做出贡献

海豚宝贝 发表于 07-5-10 15:32:24 | 只看该作者
海豚宝贝 发表于 07-5-10 15:35:54 | 只看该作者
 楼主| yx19850621 发表于 07-5-10 15:38:48 | 只看该作者



  I am writing[on behalf of (集体)]to thank you for the cordial reception/the kindness and hospitality extended to (己方) on/during (某事期间).(己方)be extremely grateful to you for (感谢事宜1).  Also(己方)be much obliged for  (感谢事宜2).
  It will be my privilege and pleasure to return your hospitality sometime in the future when you come to (所在国/ 地区).
  Please accept my/our thanks once again.  (己方) look forward to welcoming you here in (所在地).
                                              Respectfully yours,


Dear Ms. Jones,
  I am writing to thank you for the cordial reception and hospitality extended to me during my one-week stay in New York. I am extremely grateful to you for all the trouble you went to, to make my stay there as comfortable and interesting as possible.
  The visit to your city was a great revelation to me. I am much obliged for the time you spent answering my somewhat persistent questions. What I have seen and learned in your city will certainly contribute a great deal to my future life and study.
  It will be my privilege and pleasure to return your hospitality sometime in the future when you come to China.
  Please accept my thanks once again. I look forward to welcoming you here in Beijing.
                                             Respectfully yours,
                                              Li Ming

yadianna66 发表于 07-7-26 08:28:49 | 只看该作者


筱苒 发表于 07-7-28 18:51:06 | 只看该作者
castle0129 发表于 07-7-29 01:50:52 | 只看该作者
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