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lovealec 发表于 07-9-20 13:14:18 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
科目名称:英语语言学  科目代码:433


Directions: Select from the lettered choices the one which best completes the statement. (选择题,每题1分,共20分)
1. By _____ we mean language is resourceful because of its duality and recursiveness.
a. arbitrariness                 b. duality                 c. creativity                 d. displacement
2. The most important sociological use of language is the ______ function, by which people establish and maintain their status in a society.
a. performative                 b. interpersonal         c. phatic                 d. metalingual
3. ____ refers to the system of a language, i.e. the arrangement of sounds and words which speakers of a language have a shared knowledge of.
a. Langue                                                         b. Competence
c. Communicative competence                         d. Linguistic potential
4. _____ deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced.
a. Acoustic phonetics                                         b. Articulatory phonetics
c. Segmental phonology                                 d. Suprasegmental phonology
5. The vowel ____ is a low back vowel.
a. /i:/                                 b. /u/                         c. /ae/                         d. /a:/
6. ____ refers to the way in which a particular verb changes for tense, person, or number.
a. Affixation                         b. Inflection                 c. Derivation         d. Conjugation
7. Words like brunch, guesstimate are examples of _____.
a. acronyms                         b. contractions         c. blends                 d. cohyponyms
8. Language has been changing, but such changes are not so obvious at all linguistic aspects except that of ______.
a. phonology                         b. lexicon                 c. syntax                 d. semantics
9. _____ refer to the relationship that linguistic units have with other units because they may occur together in a sentence.
a. Syntagmatic relations                                 b. Hypotactic relations
c. paradigmatic relations                                 d. Paratactic relations
10. For structuralists, ______ is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents.
a. coordinate construction                                 b. subordinate construction
c. endocentric construction                                 d. exocentric construction
11. The sentence “I dislike such people” can be considered to be ___.
a. marked b. unmarked c. topic prominent d. content prominent
12. Transformational component is one of the components in all the Chomskian models of language except the ____ model.
a. 1965                                 b. 1972                         c. 1979                         d. 1995
13. According to C. Ogden and I. Richards, ____ is regarded as the crucial intermediary between ______ and ______.
a. symbol … referent … thought                        b. referent … thought … symbol
c. thought … symbol … referent
14. By componential analysis, BECOME (x, (~ALIVE(x))) is an explanation of ______.
a. die                                 b.dead                         c. kill                         d. killed
15. ____ is using a sentence to perform a function.
a. A perlocutionary act                                         b. An illocutionary act
c. A locutionary act                                         d. Speech act
16. According to the conversational maxim of ____ suggested by Grice, one should speak truthfully.
a. quantity                         b. quality                 c. relevance                 d. manner
17. ____ is a figurative use of language which implies a comparison between two unlike elements.
a. Simile                                 b. Metaphor                 c. Metonymy         d. Synecdoche
18. The ____ is a syllabus in which the language content is arranged in terms of speech acts together with the language items needed for them.
a. structural syllabus                                         b. situational syllabus
c. notional syllabus                                         d. functional syllabus
19. ____ measure how much of a language someone has learned with reference to a particular program of instruction.
a. Aptitude tests                                                 b. Achievement tests
c. Placement tests                                                 d. Proficiency tests
20 According to _______ theory, grammar refers to the initial state of the human language faculty.
a. Saussure’s                         b. Bloomfield’s         c. Chomsky’s         d. Halliday’s

Directions: Define the following terms. (术语解释,每题6分,共30分)
1.        Metalanguage
2.        Textual function
3.        Schemata
4.        Foregrounding
5.        CALL

Directions: Answer four of the following questions. (选择4个题回答,每题15分,共60分)
1.        What are suprasegmental features?
2.        What is meant by Move a in Universal Grammar?
3.        What are the major types of synonyms?
4.        What is register as used in Functional Grammar?
5.        What do you think of the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
6.        What is meant by the Critical Period Hypothesis?

Directions: Comment on any two of the following topics. (选择2个题论述,每题20分,共40分)
1.        Definitions of language.
2.        The relationship between language and culture.
3.        The role of native language in second language learning.
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