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富爸爸穷爸爸 英文朗读版[MP3+文本.有声书]

fenfen12 发表于 06-2-15 14:42:17 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

今天的财富是选择,因为选择,你可以拥有更多物质,有更多的舒适、快乐和自由,你可以成为你想成为的人;因为选择,你可以更加困难地生活或困惑,也可以在回忆中与时共进。今天的金钱更丰富多彩、虚实纷飞。 “富爸爸”系列丛书,一套普通的财富书,却在21世纪刚刚开始的时候掀起了一场轩然大波,紫色的全球风暴波及到了财富的本质、财富的生命与表现、财富的人文、财富的创造与毁灭。财富给我们的帮助与困惑,从西到东,又从东到西。它因此从一套畅销书变为长销书。
什么是资产?什么是负债?个人贷款买的房是资产吗?个人财务状况如何评价?维持怎样的现金流才能保证我们个人财务状况不断改善?如何才能达到财务的自由? 罗伯特·T·清崎通过讲述他的两位长者——穷爸爸,身为大学教授的生父,富爸爸——善于投资理财的朋友的父亲,人生观、金钱价值观、投资理念的截然不同,以及最终生活方式、财务状况的不同结局,推翻了“高薪=财务自由”的财富法则。书中告诉读者要分清资产与负债,从容面对个人财富的变化,不要做金钱的努力,要让金钱为我们工作,从而最终达到财务自由的最高境界。这是一本根本转变中国人传统价值观、金钱观、人生观的书,这是该书为什么创造了中国大陆销售奇迹的根本所在,将在今后很长的时间具有生命力,并继续上演销售的奇迹。


Disc 1 Every Day I Make The Choice Changing Your Mindset

1 Introduction Background
2 What You Will Learn
3 Don't Work For Money Financial Literacy
4 Your Ideas Are Your Reality
5 Generosity
6 New Rules For The Information Age
7 Choose To Be Rich
8 Myths Of The Poor Middle Class
9 Financial Education
10 Cash Flow And Leverage
11 Think Big, Think Small
12 The Importance Of Numbers
13 Misconceptions About Being Rich
14 Broke Is Temporary

Disc 2 The Power Of Emotions Becoming The Master Of Money

1 What Makes You Rich
2 Emotional Intelligence
3 Overcoming Fear
4 Fear vs. Facts
5 Financial Intelligence Creating Money
7 Making Mistakes
8 Multiple Right Answers Wealth
9 Taking Risks
10 Rich Is A State Of Mind
11 Be-Do-Have
12 Just Do It Once
13 Poor Habits
14 Pay Yourself First
15 Who Do You Want To Be
16 Don't Fear Failure
17 What It Takes

Disc 3 Strategies For Wealth

1 A Personal Story
2 Understanding Why
3 See Your Future
4 #1 Learn To Work
5 #2 Mind Your Own Business
6 #3 Build A Team
7 #4 Build A Business
8 #5 Create Money
9 Good vs. Bad Debt
10 #6 Generosity

Disc 4 Secure-Comfortable-Rich The Cashflow Quadrant
1 ESBI Quadrants
2 Different Quadrants Different Emotions
3 Entrepeneurs
4 Take Baby Steps
5 Security vs. Freedom
6 Schools Train E's And S's
7 Taxes Favor B's and I's
8 Tax Evasion Tax Avoidance
9 The Friendly Genius
10 Intuition

Disc 5 Pillar I Economics Primer Pillar 2 Accounting Basics

1 Introduction Learn It
2 Robert And Kim's Story
3 Desire The Gift Of Learning
4 Business And Investing Are Team Sports
5 Understanding Economic History
6 Interest Rates Supply And Demand
7 Remaining Neutral
8 Numbers Tell A Story
9 Understand The Numbers
10 Why You Need An Accountant
11 Assets And Liabilities
12 Audits
13 Income And Expenses
14 Your Financial Statement
15 Cash Flow Patterns

Disc 6 Pillar 3 Fundamentals of Tax Pillar 4 Outside The B-I Triangle

1 Your Largest Expense
2 Tax Avoidance Not Evasion
3 Government Rewards B's And I's
4 History Of Taxes
5 Tax Benefits For B's
6 Free Advice
7 Choosing A Tax Advisor
8 Introducing The B-I Triangle
9 Your Mission
10 Leadership
11 Protect Your Idea
12 Internal And External Leadership
13 Assembling A Team
14 Your Advisors

Disc 7 Pillar 4 Inside The B-I Triangle Pillar 4 Continued

1 Cash Flow Management
2 Why Some Businesses Stay Small
3 Don't Do It Yourself
4 Invest In Your Business
5 Plan Big
6 Build A Business
7 Keep Learning
8 Borrowing Money
9 Internal Controls
10 Communications Management
11 Marketing And Sales
12 The Power Of Systems
13 When Something Breaks Down
14 A Well-Designed System
15 Protecting Intellectual Property
16 Patents
17 Disclosure Agreements
18 Your Ideas Are Your #1 Asset
19 The Product
20 Price-Value
21 Advice On Pricing

Disc 8 Pillar 5 Investing In Paper Assets - Businesses Pillar 5 Continued Investing In Real Estate

1 Investing Is A Plan
2 Financial Planners
3 The Big Picture
4 Safe Secure Plan Protection
5 Savings
6 Comfortable Plan Growth
7 Rich Plan Velocity Of Money
8 Investing In Business
9 Why Real Estate
10 Welcome Dolf de Roos
11 Banks Lend Money
12 Inefficient Market
13 Improving Value
14 Tax Advantages
15 Passive Income
16 100-10-3-1 Rule
17 Analyzing Real Estate
18 Summary

Disc 9 Where Are You Now (Step 1) Set You New Goals (Step 2)

1 Introduction Do It (7 Steps)
2 Do You Know Where You Are
3 Max's Story
4 Assets And Doodads
5 Completing Your Financial Statement
6 Your Financial Goals
7 Cindy
8 Dale And Susie
9 Stan And Martie Frank And Maria
10 Analyzing Your Financial Statement

Disc 10 Take Control Of Your Cash Flow (Step 3) Become An Investor (Step 4) Paper Securities - Real Estate

1 Managing Debt
2 Good Debt And Bad Debt
3 Dig Out Of Bad Debt
4 Build Assets
5 Bankruptcy
6 Take Responsibility
7 Recognize Good Debt
8 Saving vs. Investing
9 Three Types Of Assets
10 Seven Rules Of Investing
11 Investing In Paper Assets
12 Investment Advisors
13 Investor Clubs
14 Introduction To Real Estate
15 Real Estate Professionals
16 Positive Cash Flow, Minimum Tax
17 Evaluating A Good Buy

Disc 11 Become An Investor (Step 4) Real Estate Enter The B Quadrant (Step 5)

1 Different Types Of Real Estate
2 Location
3 Deferred Maintenance
4 A Good Deal
5 Master A Formula
6 The First Green House
7 Start Small
8 Assessing Value
9 Negotiating A Contract
10 Structuring A Deal
11 After You Close
12 Buying An Existing Business
13 Franchises
14 Network Marketing
15 Starting Your Own Business
16 Mentors And Advisors
17 Assemble Your Team
18 Finding The Right Advisors

Disc 12 Mind Your Own Business (Step 6) Mind Your Own Business (Step 6) Continued - Become An Ultimate Investor (Step 7)

1 Schedule C Sole Proprietor
2 Partnership
3 S Corporation
4 C Corporation
6 Business Plan
7 Management Team
8 Financing Your Business
9 The B-I Triangle
10 Team Mission Leadership
11 Cash Flow Management
12 Communications
13 Managing Systems


zc9706 发表于 06-2-16 17:34:07 | 只看该作者
zc9706 发表于 06-2-16 17:34:22 | 只看该作者
nanjiren 发表于 06-2-19 21:34:52 | 只看该作者
boz19860307 发表于 06-2-20 21:05:36 | 只看该作者
thank you very much
aidemeng88 发表于 06-2-21 11:16:04 | 只看该作者
jackwei178 发表于 06-5-17 20:44:06 | 只看该作者
好东西 感谢
天空cpa 发表于 06-5-18 18:47:28 | 只看该作者
liaoyujunsys 发表于 06-5-18 19:57:28 | 只看该作者
vocan 发表于 06-5-18 22:10:11 | 只看该作者
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