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目录                                                                                        封面
第1章 语言和语言学习
第2章 交际教学原则与任务型语言教学
第3章 国家英语课程标准
第4章 教案设计与书写
第5章 外语课堂管理
第6章 语音教学
第7章 语法教学
第8章 词汇教学
第9章 听力教学
第10章 口语教学
第11章 阅读教学
第12章 写作教学
第13章 综合技能
第14章 语言教学中的德育教育
第15章 教学评价
第16章 学习者个体差异与学习策略培养
第17章 英语教育资源的开发与利用
第18章 教材的评价与使用
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第1章 语言和语言学习
Below is a list of interview questions on how people learna foreign language. In the first column, write down your own responses. Theninterview three other students in your class and enter their responses in theother columns. Discuss your findings in groups of 4and draw some conclusions.
      You    ST1    ST2    ST3  
  1.How many foreign languages can you speak SO far?                 
  2.When did you start learning the foreign language(s)?                 
  3.How do you feel about learning a foreign language?                 
  4.What difficulties have you experienced in learning?                 
  5.Which skills do you find more difficult to learn?                 
  6.Have you focused on knowledge or skills? Why?                 
  7.Why do you learn the foreign language(s)?                 
  8.Do you consider yourself a successful learner? Why?                 
  9.What are your most common learning activities?                 
  10.Do you like the way you learned the foreign language(s)?                 
(Free answer.)
Work in groups of 4, brainstormpossible answers to the question: What is language? When you are ready, joinanother group and share your ideas.
Key: Hereare sample definitions of “language” found in dictionaries and linguisticsbooks.
·Language is a systemof arbitrary, vocal symbols which permit all people in a given culture, orother people who have learned the system of that culture, to communicate or tointeract. (Finocchiaro, 1964:8)
·Language is any setor system of linguistic symbols as used in a more or less uniform fashion by anumber of people who are thus enabled to communicate intelligibly with oneanother. (Random House Dictionary of the English Language 1966:806)
·Language is a systemof arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. (Wardhaugh, 1972:3)
·Language is asystematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use ofconventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings.(Webster’s 3rd New International Dictionary of the EnglishLanguage 1993:1270)
·Language is a systemof communication consisting of a set of small parts and a set of rules whichdecide the ways in which these parts can be combined to produce messages thathave meaning. (Cambridge International Dictionary of English 1995:795)
1)What are the psycholinguistic and cognitive processes involved in languagelearning? 2) What are the conditions that need to be met inorder for these learning processes to be activated?
Work in groups of 4. Brainstorm theanswers to the two questions stated above.
When you are ready, join another group and share yourideas.
Key: 1) Generally speaking, psycholinguistic and cognitive process involvedin language learning are concerned with how the mind organizes new information such as habitformation, induction, making inference, hypothesis ,testing and generalization.2) To activate these learning process, atmosphereis very important.
Work in groups. Reflect on your own learning experiencesfrom early school years to the university. Have you had an excellent Englishteacher? Try to identify as many qualities as possible of your best Englishteacher(s). Note down all the qualities that you think are important for a goodEnglish teacher.
Key: ethic devotion(responsible,warm-hearted, etc), professional qualities(an excellent command of English) andpersonal styles(enthusiastic,humourous,etc) jointly contribute to making a goodteacher.
Ethic devotion, professional qualities and personal stylesjointly contribute to the making of a good English teacher. All the adjectivesin the box below could be used to characterize these three aspects.
1.Work in groups of 4 and decide which adjectives describe ethicdevotion, which describe personal styles and which describe professionalqualities. Please write your answers on a separate piece of paper.
2.Add any adjectives to the list which describe further qualities that you feelare missing.
3.These adjectives are intended to describe positive qualities or styles. Do youfeel that any of them could have a negative side as well? If yes, in what way?For example, an authoritative teacher may make the students feel assured, but may alsomake the student less free to disagree with him/her.
  kind; dynamic;  authoritative; hardworking; creative; patient well-informed; fair resourceful;  attentive; warm-hearted; reflective; well-prepared; flexible; intuitive  accurate; enthusiastic; humourous; caring; disciplined; professionally-trained  
Key: Students’classification will vary. Please note there is no correct or wrong answer forthis task.
  Ethic devotion    Professional qualities    Personal styles  
  warm—hearted   hardworking   enthusiastic   caring   kind   well-prepared     creative   resourceful   authoritative   well-informed   accurate   disciplined   speaking clearly   professionally-trained    flexible   dynamic   patient   attentive   intuitive   humourous   

Work in pairs and discuss how one can become aprofessionally competent teacher of English. For example, we have to developour English proficiency first and also we may need to learn from experiencedteachers through observations. What else can you think of? Make a list and thenpool all your ideas together to find out about your common beliefs.
Key: tolearn teaching theory;to practice teaching skills;toreflect teaching experience;to learn from one’s own experiences as alearner.
Work in groups. Discuss possible answers to the followingquestions in relation to the model presented in Figure 1.1.
  1.Why are stage 1 and stage 2 interrelated by a double arrow line?  2.Why are practice and reflection connected by a circle?  3.Why is  professional competence ‘a moving target or horizon, towards which  professionals travel all their professional life but which is never finally  attained?’  4.Where should a TEFL methodology course fill in the model?  
Figure 1.1
Key: 1. Stages 1 and 2 are interrelated bya double arrow line because neither of the two stages is really everterminated. Teachers should always make a point of updating their command ofEnglish because language is always changing. This can be done while they areteaching, but very often teachers take off to have further training in English.This is especially important for teachers who do not have enough exposure toEnglish.
2.Practice and reflection are connected by a circle because they are neitherindependent or separate sub-stages. Teachers do not teach one week and thenreflect one week. Rather, they teach and reflect on a day to day basis.
3.This is because it is believed no one can ever become a perfectly competentlanguage teacher. There is always room for improvement. There is always somethingbetter, but never something best.
4.TEFL methodology is probably the “received knowledge” located in the secondstage.
第2章 交际教学原则与任务型语言教学
Work in groups and brainstorm any differences betweenlanguage used in real life and language learned in the classroom under thetraditional teaching pedagogy. You may reflect on your own learning experienceswhen you were a middle school student.
      In real life    In classrooms  
  How is language used/taught?         
  What parts of  language are used/taught?         
Key: 1) In real life,language is used to perform certain communicative functions, while in atraditional language classroom, the teaching focus is often on forms ratherthan functions.
2)English teaching tends to focus on one or two language skills and ignore theothers. In real life, we use all skills, including receptive skills such aslistening and reading, and productive skills such as speaking and writing.
3)In reality language is always used in a certain context, but traditional Englishteaching tends to isolate language from its context.
 Generally speaking, we often use casual, words in real life, but in classroomsmore formal expressions are taught.
Work in pairs. Think about at least three situations wherewe are likely to hear the question: "Why don’t you close the door?"Discuss how many functions it may have, e. g., a real question, a complaint, orsomething else. What implications can you draw from this regarding languageteaching?
  Situation 1:  Situation 2:  Situation 3:  
Key: Situation1: One of the speaker’s friends always leaves thedoor open when he comes into the room. The speaker wants to know the reason sohe says this to his friend. (It is a real question.)
Situation 2: The husband alwaysleaves the bathroom door open after he uses it. The wife is saying this to herhusband. (It is a complaint.)
Situation 3: With permission,the student enters the language teacher’s office for conference on writing.Before the talk, the language teacher says this to the student. (It’s asuggestion.)
Suppose you want to make asuggestion to somebody. How many different ways arethere to express this intention? Write down as many ways as you can think of inthe box below. Then share what you have written with a partner. Then discuss inwhat situations you would use each of them?
Key: 1. You should buy ablack overcoat.
2.Have you thought about buying a black overcoat?
3.I think you should buy a black overcoat.
4.Don’t you think it’s a good idea to buy a black overcoat?
5.You’d better buy a black overcoat.
6.Why don’t you buy a black overcoat?
7.I suggest that you buy a black overcoat.
8.If I were you, I would buy a black overcoat.
Look at the sentences in the box below. They are all inpresent continuous tense. What is clear is that not all of them describesomething that is happening at the moment of speaking. Its meaning depends onthe context where it is said. Discuss the possible meaning and function eachmay have and share your views in a group. What implications can you draw fromthis for teaching the present continuous tense?
  ·Flight CA 937 is now landing.   ·The train is  leaving in ten minutes.   ·She is always  complaining whenever you talk to her.   ·He is making  progress slowly.   
Key: Forexample, if you hear “Flight CA is now landing” at airport, it means the flightis about to land. Likewise, the train is leaving in ten minutes doesn’t meanthe train is leaving now, but means that the train will leave in ten minutes.The present continuous tense may imply a feeling such as complaint, hate andpraise, and it also can be used to describe something happening recently.
Having considered the components of communicativecompetence, we now move to discuss its implications for teaching and learningin the language classroom. Work in groups of 4.Discuss the implication of each component of communicative competence tolanguage teaching and learning. Write in the space provided below. Then joinanother group to share your views.
  Communicative competence    Implications for language teaching  
  Linguistic competence    Teachers need to help learners  —achieve accuracy in the grammatical forms of  the language  —   —  
  Pragmatic competence    Teachers need to help learners  —learn the relationship between  grammatical forms and functions  —  —  
  Discourse competence    Teachers need to help learners  —take turns in speaking, use discourse markers  and learn how to open and close conversations  —  —  
  Strategic competence    Teachers need to enable learners  — to take risks in using the language  —  —  
  Fluency    Teachers need to help learners  —  —  —  
  Communicative competence    Implications for language teaching  
  Linguistic competence    Teachers need to help learners  —achieve accuracy in the grammatical forms of  the language  —pronounce the forms accurately;   —use stress, rhythm, and intonation to express  meaning;   —build a range of vocabulary;   —learn the script and spelling rules;   —achieve accuracy in syntax and word  formation.  
  Pragmatic competence    Teachers need to help learners  —learn the relationship between grammatical  forms and functions  —use stress and intonation to express attitude  and emotion;   —learn the scale of formality;   —understand and use emotive tone;  
  Discourse competence    Teachers need to help learners  —take turns in speaking, use discourse markers  and learn how to open and close conversations  —appreciate and be able to produce  contextualised written texts in a variety of genres;   —be able to use cohesive devices in reading  and writing texts;   —be able to cope with authentic texts.  
  Strategic competence    Teachers need to enable learners  — to take risks in using the language  —to use a range of communicative strategies;   —to learn the language needed to engage in  some of these; strategies, e.g. ‘What do you call a thing that/person who…’  
  Fluency    Teachers need to help learners  —deal with the information gap of real  discourse;   —process language and respond appropriately  with a degree of ease;   —be able to respond with reasonable speed in  ‘real time’.  
(Adapted from Hedge, 2000:56)
Use the table below and reflect on your own Englishlearning experiences. What skills have you practicsed most? What skills havebeen neglected? What are your strong and weak skills? When you are ready, gointo groups and pool your experiences.
      You    Other students    Reasons  
  Skills practised most             
  Skills neglected             
  Strong skills             
  Weak skills             
Key: Generallyspeaking, receptive skills such as listening and reading are practised most,while productive skills including speaking and writing are often neglected. Reading and writing are strong skills, but listening and speaking are weak skills.
Functional communicative activities: Identifying pictures; Discoveringidentical pairs ; Discovering sequences or locations; Discovering missinginformation; Discovering missing features; Discovering ‘secrets’; Communicatingpatterns and pictures; Communicative models; Discovering differences; Followingdirections; Reconstructing story-sequences; Pooling information to solve aproblem
Social interaction activities:
Role-playing through cued dialogues; Role-playing throughcues and information; Role-playing through situation and goals; Role-playingthrough debate or discussion; Large-scale simulation activities; Improvisation
In your experiences of learning English, which of theactivities listed above did you do? Make a list. How were the activities conducted?How did you feel about the activities? When you are ready, work in groups andshare your experiences.
Key: Role-playing throughcued dialogues is often done in English classrooms .The students are dividedinto pairs and they just read the dialogue out, which does not help improvetheir communicative competence.
Study the following sample activities. Put a tick (√)in the box if you think the activities meet the criterion. Put a cross (×)if you do not think so. In some cases you may not be sure, so put a questionmark (?). When you have finished, go into groups and compare your results.
      Activity 1    Activity 2    Activity 3    Activity 4  
  1. Communicative purpose                 
  2. Communicative desire                 
  3. Content. not form                 
  4. Variety of language                 
  5. No teacher intervention                 
  6. No materials control                 
      Activity 1    Activity 2    Activity 3    Activity 4  
  1. Communicative purpose    ×    √    √    √  
  2. Communicative desire    ×    √    √    √  
  3. Content, not form    ×    √    ×    √  
  4. Variety of language    ×    √    ×    √  
  5. No teacher intervention    √    √    √    √  
  6. NO materials control    ×    ×    ×    ×  

Task-based Language Teaching is widely promoted in Englishlanguage teaching nowadays. Many teachers are asking ‘What is Task-basedLanguage Teaching? How is task-based Language Teaching different fromCommunicative Language Teaching?’
Task-based Language Teaching is, in fact, a furtherdevelopment of Communicative Language Teaching. It shares the same beliefs, aslanguage should be learned as close as possible to how it is used in real life.However, it has stressed the importance to combine form-focused teaching withcommunication-focused teaching.
Read the following definitions given by different scholars.Try to identify some main features of a task. When you are ready, share yourviews with a partner.
  The main features of a task:  
Key: atask has four main components: a purpose, a context, a process and a product.
Study the following four activities carefully and decidewhich are tasks and which are exercises and think about why. When you areready, discuss your views with your partner and use the above model to explainyour reasons.
Activity 1
  A dangerous moment  Student A   Have you ever been in a situation where you felt your  life was in danger? Describe the situation to your partner. Tell him/her what happened. Give an account of how you felt when you were in  danger and afterwards.   Student B   Listen to your partner’s narration about a dangerous moment  in his/her life. Draw a picture to show what happened  to your partner. Show him/her your picture when you have finished it.   
(Adapted from Ellis, 2003:11)
Key: Thisactivity has all the characteristics of a task.
1)The workplan specifies what the two participants in the task are supposed todo.
2)The primary focus is on meaning.
3)Student A has to talk about the dangerous moment and student B is free to askquestions to, clarify. The language use is similar to a natural communicativeevent.
4)The task involves oral language use.
5)The cognitive process involves the choice of a structure for describing adangerous moment.
6)The outcome of this task is the completion of a picture by student B.
Activity 2
Asking for help
Work in pairs. One student looks at card A. The other looksat card B. Practise the conversation. Take notes of your partner’s words in theblanks.
  Card A  You are a student. You  want your friend to help you with some homework.   A Check if B is busy.    B ______   A Ask him/her to help you.   B ______   A Try to persuade him/her.   B ______   A Thank him/her.   

  Card B  You are a student. YOU  r friend wants you to help him/her with homework. YOU are not keen.   A ______   B Tell him/her you are not doing anything.   A ______   B Refuse. Give a  reason.   A ______   B Agree reluctantly.   A ______  
(Adapted from Ellis, 2003:13)
Key: Thisis an example of a cue-card activity. It has some of the features of a task.For example, it requires participants to interact orally and the participantsare free to choose the linguistic resources. However, the primary focus is onform because the meanings are predetermined. Also, there isn’t a clearcommunicative outcome. The outcome is the performance of the activity.Therefore, the purpose of this activity is to practise language. They cannot beconsidered as tasks.
Activity 3
  Going shopping   Look at Mary’s  shopping list. Then look at the list of items in Abdullah’s store.   Mary’s shopping list  1. oranges  2. eggs  3. flour  4. powdered milk 5. biscuits 6. jam   Abdullah’s store  1. bread 2. salt  3. apples 4. Coca Cola 5. tins of fish  6. flour  7. chocolate 8. sugar  9. curry powder 10. biscuits 11. powdered milk  12. dried beans     Work with a partner. One  person be Mary and the other person be Abdullah.   Make conversations  like this:   Mary: Good morning. Do you have any flour?   Abdullah:Yes,  I do.   Or   Mary: Good morning. Do you have any jam?   Abdullah:No, I’m sorry, I don’t have any.   
(Adapted from Ellis, 2003:13)
Key: Thisis obviously an exercise. The primary focus is on form -- the use of ‘any’ and‘some’ in questions and replies. Learners simply need to substitute items andthe language use is by no means like the real-world communication. The twoparticipants can see the shopping list and the things the store has. Therefore,there is no information gap which leads to the intention of communication.Moreover, there is no definite product.
Activity 4
Look at the pictures given below. Work in groups and tell astory based on the pictures.

Key: Tellinga story from pictures where every student can see what is happening in eachpicture is not a task. It is simply a language practice activity—whatcommunicative purpose is there? If there were two sets of pictures, and onegroup prepared a story based on their set of pictures and told it to a groupwho then had to arrange that set of pictures in the right order, this wouldcreate a communicative purpose, and therefore a need to listen. The latterwould be a good task —initially with the teacher telling the story and thelearners at tables arranging the pictures.
Look at the two figures below and discuss the differencesbetween TBL and PPP in terms of language exposure, language instruction, andlanguage use. Then go into groups of four to share your ideas.

Key: TBLhas a more varied exposure in addition to planned materials, and it providesstudents with more opportunities to practise using the language in meaningfulcontext.
Work in groups of 4. Do you think CLTis appropriate for the Chinese context? What about TBLT? Why and why not? Makea list of your views.
Key: CLT has gained itspopularity in China in recent years; however, it faces many difficulties suchas the lack of profession and skills of teachers, the low participant ofstudents, the large-sized class and examination-oriented education, so it is withTBLT.

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