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abacus [5AbEkEs?] n. 算盘

 例句 She can reckon rapidly on theabacus. 她用算盘算得很快。
abase[E5beis] v. 贬抑,使谦卑

例句 A manwho use bad language will only abase himself. 说脏话者只会自贬身分。
搭配 abaseoneself屈服,自贬
助记 a(处于……状态)+ base(底)→使处于底层→贬低
abate [E5beit] v. (指风势、疼痛等)减弱,减轻,减退

例句 We mustabate the smoke nuisance in our big cities. 我们必须消除大城市里烟尘污染。
搭配 abate atax减税
abate awrit宣布命令无效
abate thesmoke nuisance消除烟雾公害
助记 a(处于……状态)+ bate(减弱,降低)→减弱
abbey [5Abi] n.修道院, 修道士(总称)

例句 A deep hush pervaded the Abbey. 深沉的寂静遍布了整个大教堂。
搭配 westminster abbey 威斯敏斯特教堂
abbreviate [E5bri:vieit] v. 缩短(字、词组等),缩写

例句 Inwriting, the title ‘Doctor’ is abbreviated to ‘Dr’.在书写时Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr。
abbreviation [E7bri:vi5eiFEn] n. 缩写
例句 Jan is the abbreviation forJanuary. Jan是January的缩写。
abdicate [5Abdikeit] v. 正式放弃 (官职、权利),让位,退位,逊位

例句 KingEdward VIII abdicated in 1936. 英王爱德华八世于1936年退位。
搭配 toabdicate one's responsibilities放弃责任
toabdicate the office辞职
abdominal [Ab5dCminl] adj. 腹(部)的,下腹的
例句 These stomach exercises will tightenabdominal muscles. 这些腹部练习会增强腹肌。
abduct [Ab5dQkt]v.. 诱拐, 绑架;使外展

例句 The kidwas abducted at the gate of kindergarten. 那小孩在幼儿园大门口被绑架走了。
aberrant[A5berEnt] adj. 不循常规的,不走正路的

例句 Hisaberrant behavior at the party shocked everyone. 他在晚会上的异常举止令所有人感到震惊。
派生 aberration(n. 失常)
助记 ab+errant(脱离正途的)→异常的
abhor [Eb5hC:] v. 憎恨(某人、某事物),厌恶,讨厌

例句 Mostpeople abhor cruelty to children. 多数人对虐待儿童深恶痛绝。
搭配 abhorterrorism, terrorists 憎恨恐怖活动、恐怖分子
辨析 abhor语气极强,特制因道德、感情相悖而产生令人憎恨之情;dislike意为不喜欢、厌恶
hate意为憎恨、厌恶,含极不喜欢(dislike strongly)之意,语气较强。
abide [E5baid] v. 忍受,容忍

例句 Hecannot abide to stay [staying] in one position for long. 他无法忍受长久待在同一职位。
搭配 abide by遵守(法律等),信守(诺言等)
abide with sb. 和某人同住
助记 a(处于……状态)+bide(忍耐,等候)→忍受
abiding [E5baidiN] adj. (信念等)永恒的,持久的

例句 Theplace had a abiding defect; that was, it drank hard.
搭配 an abiding friendship恒久不渝的友谊
an abidinglove of music对音乐持久的爱好
abject [5AbdVekt] adj. (境况)凄惨的,绝望的;(人、动作或行为)无耻的,下贱的,卑鄙的

例句 Thispolicy has turned out to be an abject failure. 这一政策最后以惨败而告终。
搭配 abjectpoverty一贫如洗
an abject liar卑鄙的说谎者
live in abject squalor住在肮脏凄惨的环境中
abolish [E5bCliF] v.. 取消,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)

例句 ①The legislature passed a law toabolish the surtax. 立法机关通过了一项废除附加税的法令。
②Abraham Lincoln abolished slaveryin the United States. 亚伯拉罕·林肯在美国废除了奴隶制。
派生 abolishable adj. 可废止的;可废除的
ablaze [E5bleiz] adj. 着火,燃烧着;闪耀,灯火辉煌
例句 Thewooden house was soon ablaze. 那幢木头房子很快就烧起来了。
搭配 ablazewith lights灯火辉煌
助记 a(处于…状态)+blaze(燃烧,发光)→着火的;闪耀的
ably [5eIblI]adv. 能干地,熟练地
例句 He was ably assisted by a number of other members. 他得到其他一些成员的鼎力相助。
abnormality [7AbnC:5mAliti] n.不正常,变态
例句She has shown no abnormality inintelligence or in disposition. 她在智力或性情上都没显现出任何异常。
abode [E5bEud] n. 房屋;家
搭配 of (with) no fixed abode居无定所
abominable [E5bCminEbl] adj. 可憎的,可恶的;糟糕的,极坏的
例句 The foodin this hotel is abominable. 这家旅馆的饭菜糟透了。
搭配 abnegate behavior恶劣的行为
abominableweather, music 糟糕的天气、音乐
abort [E5bC:t]v.. 异常中断,中途失败
vt. (使)流产,堕胎;(使)中途失败,中止
例句Not accept by most of the state, the equal rights amendment isaborted in 1982.
搭配abort a computer program中止计算机的程序
abort a spacemission中止一次航天任务
aboveboard [E5bQv5bC:d] adj. 光明磊落的,正大光明的,率直的
例句His part in the affair was quiteopen and aboveboard. 他参与这件事完全是正大光明的。
abrasive [E5breisiv] adj. 表面磨损的,损伤性的;粗糙的,恼人的
例句His abrasive manner has won himan unenviable notoriety. 他生硬粗暴的态度让他声名狼藉。
abreast[E5brest] adv. 并排,并肩

例句You should read the newspapers to keep abreast of current affairs.应该看报以便了解时事。
搭配to march abreast并肩前进
keep abreast of赶得上
abrupt [E5brQpt] adj. 突然的,唐突的;粗鲁的,无礼的

例句It'svery unlike him to be so abrupt. 他这么粗鲁可不像他平时的样子。
词组 an abrupt change in the weather天气的突然变化
an abrupt turn急转弯
in an abrupt manner无礼的态度
absentee [7AbsEn5ti:] n. 缺席(缺勤)者
例句Thedeadline for absentee voting in was Saturday. 缺席投票的最后期限是星期六。
abstain [Eb5stein] v. 戒绝 (喝酒);放弃 (投票等)

例句His doctor ordered him to abstain from beer and wine. 他的医生嘱咐他戒酒。
搭配abstainfrom sth.戒(尤指酒);戒除
abstention [Ab5stenFEn] n. 戒绝;(投票)弃权
例句Therewere high levels of abstention in the election. 那次选举中有很多人弃权。
abstinence [5AbstinEns] n.禁欲,节制

例句Abstinenceis the best medicine. 节制有度是良药。
abusive [ E5bju:siv] adj. 辱骂的,咒骂的
例句He mademany abusive remarks to me. 他对我口出恶言。
词组anabusive letter一封污蔑信
use abusive languageto sb. 恶言谩骂某人
abyss [E5bis] n.深渊,深坑
例句Ahead ofthem was a gaping abyss. 他们面前是一个巨大的深渊。
academician [E7kAdE5miFEn] n.院士,学会会员
例句ProfessorWang was appointed academician of the Engineering Academy. 王教授被评为工程院院士。
accede [Ak5si:d ] v. 同意;就职
例句Theprince acceded to the throne when the king died. 国王死后,王子继承了王位。
搭配 accede to a request同意要求
accede to an office就任
accentuate [Ak5sentjueit]v. 重读,重音读出
例句The global warming is bound to accentuate the scarcity of water. 全球变暖会使缺水问题恶化。
accessible [Ek5sesEbl]adj. 易于得到(接近、达到的)
例句The managershould be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。
搭配 a book accessible to the common reader一般读者容易了解的书
accessibleto reason通情达理的
accession [Ak5seFEn]n. 就职,登基
例句On hisaccession to the throne, he inherit vast estate. 他一登上王位就继承了大宗财产。
new accessionsto a library图书馆新增的书籍
accompanist [E5kQmpEnist] n. 伴奏者,和奏者
例句The man is a painoaccompanist. 这个人是钢琴伴奏者。
accommodate [E5kCmEdeit] v. 容纳,接纳,提供…住宿;使适应,使适合,调节;帮助解决(困难)

例句You will have toaccommodate yourself to the changed situation. 你必须适应变化的形势。
搭配 accommodate oneself to使自己适应于
accommodate(sb. ) with向(某人)供应/提供
accomplice [E5kCmplis]n. 从犯,帮凶

例句An accomplice in thecase is still at large . 这个案件中的一个同伙仍然逍遥法外。
搭配an accomplice in a crime一项罪行的共犯
accountable [E5kauntEb(E)l]adj. 有责任的,有义务加以解说的

例句Eachgovernment worker is accountable for his own work. 每一个政府工作人员都应对自己的工作负责。
搭配accountableto… 向……负责
accountancy [E5kauntEnsi] n. 会计职业

例句He isstudying accountancy. 他正在学习会计学或他是一名会计专业的学生。
搭配accountancy profession 会计专业;会计员
accredit [E5kredit] v. 认为 (某说法等) 出自某人;委派
例句Thepresident will accredit you as his assistant . 董事长将任命你做他的助理。
accrue [ E5kru:] v. 增加,增长
例句Englishskills will accrue to you from speaking and reading a lot. 多读和多说英语,英语能力就会培养起来。
搭配accure(to sb. ) (from sth. ) 自然增长或利益增加(尤指财务);积累
acoustics [E5ku:stik]n. 声学,音响学;音响效果
例句Theacoustics of this concert hall are excellent. 这个音乐厅的传音效果极好。
acquiesce [7Akwi5es]v. 默认,顺从,默许
例句Herparents will never acquiesce in such an unsuitable marriage. 她的父母决不会答应这门不相宜的婚事。
助记ac(一再)+ quiesce(静默)→一再静默→默许
acquit [E5kwit]v. 宣判(某人)无罪;表现,履行,完成
例句①The jury acquitted him of (the charge of) murder. 陪审团宣告他谋杀罪(的罪名)不成立。
②All the new comers have acquitted themselves of various dutiessplendidly.
搭配 acquit oneself of one's duty善尽职责
acquit aperson of his duty卸除某人的义务
acquitoneself well [badly] 表现良好 [不佳] ;扮演得成功 [拙劣]
acquittal [E5kwIt(E)l] n. 无罪的判决
例句There were threeconvictions and two acquittals in court today. 今日法庭宣判三人有罪,两人无罪。
actuality [7Aktju5Aliti] n. 实际,真实
例句It exists in dreams rather than actuality. 它于梦想而非实际中存在。
acumen [E5kju:mEn]n. 敏锐,聪明,洞察力
例句Herbusiness acumen has made her very successful. 她灵活的经商头脑使她的生意十分兴隆。
搭配have/show/displaygreat political acumen有 [显示/展现] 极大的政治才干
adamant [5AdEmEnt] adj. 坚定不移的,强硬的
例句He was adamant in his determination to punish thecorrupt officials. 他下了决心,坚决惩治那些贪官污吏。
搭配be adamant to temptation不为诱惑所动
addictive [E5diktiv] adj. (使人)上瘾的,沉迷的
例句Coffeeis addictive in a mild way. 咖啡能稍微使人上瘾。
additive [5Aditiv]n. 添加物,添加剂
例句Somefood additives are regarded as beneficial by the manufacturer. 生产者认为有些食品添加物是有用的。
add-on n. (电脑上增加功能的)附加装置
例句He hopes to price theadd-on modem at less than $200. 他希望将该外挂调制解调器的价格定在200元以下。
adept [5Adept,E5dept] adj. 擅长的
例句My teacher is adept atdesigning robots. 我的老师对设计机器人是个内行。
搭配beadept at(in)doing擅长做某事
adhesive [Ed5hi:siv] adj. 粘性物质(如粘胶)的,带粘性的
例句You'll need a strong adhesive to mend thatchair. 你需要一种粘性很强的东西来修理那把椅子。
搭配 adhesive tape胶布,胶带
anadhesive witticism难忘的妙语
adhoc [7Ad5hCk] adj. 为某一特定目的而安排的,特定的
例句Second, if lefeunattended, individual managers will each do their own adhoc marketing.
adjoin [E5dVCin]v. 贴近,相接
例句Canada adjoinsthe U. S. 加拿大邻接美国。
adjourn [E5dVE:n]v. (使)休会,中止(开会、行动等)
例句The meeting will be adjourned till next Wednesday. 会议暂停,下星期三继续举行。
词组 adjourn with让步
  to adjourna decision推迟做出决定
adjudicate [E5dAu:dikeit] v. 充当裁判,裁决,判决
例句Thecourt adjudicated the company bankrupt. 法庭宣判那家公司破产。
词组adjudicate on/upon判决
adjunct [E5dVu:dikeit] n. 附属物,伴随物
例句To become an adjunctdance songs , which is a big Chinese New Year party inventions.
admissible [Ed5misEbl] adj. 可以接受的,可加以考虑的,可容许的
例句Such behaviour is notadmissible among our staff. 这种行为在我们职员中是不允许的.
词组admissibleto an office有资格担任某职务
admonish [Ed5mRniF]v. 温和而严正地警告 (责备) 某人;劝告,告诫
例句Theteacher admonished the boys for being lazy. 老师告诫学生不要偷懒。
搭配admonishagainst doing告诫不要做坏事
ado [E5du:] n.立即
例句So,without more ado, let me introduce tonight’s guests. 所以我就不再啰嗦了,还是介绍一下今晚的客人吧。
adorn [E5dC:n]v. 装饰
例句Theirhouse is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments. 他们的房子装饰得古色古香。
搭配adornoneself with (jewels)佩戴(宝石)
adrift [E5drift] adv. & adj. (船只)漂泊着(的),未曾系牢的
例句The survivors were adrift in a lifeboat for six days. 幸存者在救生艇上漂流了六天。
adroit [E5drCit]adj. 熟练的,机巧的,灵敏的
例句He isadroit in handling machinery. 他使用机器颇为熟练。
搭配 be adroit in/at善于
an adroitworkman巧匠
be adroitwith an axe(with one’s hands)(双手)使用斧子很灵巧
adulterate [E5dQltEreit] v. 掺入(劣等或不纯的物质),掺杂
例句Thefood had been adulterated to increase its weight. 这种食物被掺了假以增加其重量。
词组adulterate milk with water在牛奶中搀水
adultery [E5dQltEri] n. 通奸,私通
例句Adultery is a mortal sin. 通奸是不可饶恕的罪孽。
advent [5AdvEnt]n. (重要事件等的)到来、来临
例句People are much better informedsince the advent of television. 自从电视出现以来,人们的信息更灵通了。
词组the advent of (重要人物或事件)…的出现(或到来)
with the advent of 随着…的出现
助记event事件;convention 大会,con + vent 走到一起来。
adversary [5AdvEsEri]n. 对手,敌手,敌人
例句He sawher as his main adversary within the company. 他将她视为公司中主要的对手。
adverse [5AdvE:s]adj. 不利的,相反的,敌对的
例句Adversecircumstances compelled him to close his business. 生意不景气,迫使他停业。
adversity [Ed5vE:siti]n. 逆境,厄运,苦难,灾祸
例句Theirfriendship was forged by sharing adversity. 他们的友谊是由于共患难而结成的。
be patientin adversity逆来顺受
advocacy [5AdvEkEsi] n. 辩护,提倡,拥护
例句I support your advocacy of freetrade. 我支持你自由贸易的主张。
aerobatics [7ZErEu5bAtiks] n. 飞行特技(表演)
例句The aerobatics were the best part of the show. 表演中最精彩的节目是特技飞行。
aerobics [7ZE5rEubiks] n.健身舞(操),有氧健身操
例句I would like to join an aerobicsclass to improve my fitness. 我想参加有氧运动训练班来增强体质。
aerodynamics [7ZErEudai5nAmiks] n.空气动力学,气体动力学
例句I do not understand theaerodynamics. 我对空气动力学一窍不通。
aerosol [5ZErEsCl] n. 烟,雾
例句Deodorants are available asaerosols or roll-ons. 除臭剂有喷雾装或滚抹装。
aerospace [5ZErEuspeis] n. 航空宇宙(即大气层及其外的太空)
例句Aerospaceis one of the last redoubts of economic nationalism.F:\SCPublish\uploads\ebook\Administrator.A50\LocalSettings\ApplicationData\Youdao\Dict\Application\\resultui\queryresult.html 航空业是经济国家主义最后的堡垒之一。
affable [5AfEbl]adj. 友善的,和蔼可亲的
例句He is anaffable man, always willing to stop and talk. 他是一个和蔼的人, 总是乐于停下来与人交谈。
搭配anaffable smile笑容可掬
affiliate [E5filieit]v. (指团体)加入(联合),使隶属,附属于
例句Our clubis affiliated to a national organization of similar clubs. 我们的俱乐部加入了同类俱乐部的全国组织。
affinity [E5finiti]n. 构造相似,特点相近,关系;喜爱;亲和性,亲和力
例句①The Spanish and Portuguese languages have many affinities. 西班牙语和葡萄牙语有着许多类同之处。
②She has a strong affinity for Beethoven. 她酷爱贝多芬的乐曲。
afflict [E5flikt]v. 使身体(精神)痛苦,折磨
例句Severedrought has afflicted the countryside. 严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。
搭配be afflictedwith受……折磨
助记af(向……)+ flict(心理内冲突)→痛苦
affront [E5frQnt]v. 侮辱,冒犯
例句He felt affrontedat having his word doubted. 他因自己的诺言受到怀疑而感到难堪。
词组offer [put]an affront to sb [uponsb ] 当众侮辱某人
afield [E5fi:ld] adv. 远离着,在远处
例句Many of those arrested came fromfar afield. 那些被捕者有许多来自很远的地方。
afloat [E5flEut]adv. & adj. 漂浮地(的);在船上;无欠债,(经济)上应付自如的 (地)
例句The inheritance keptthem afloat for years. 遗产使他们好多年免于经济困难。
词组set (rumours) afloat散布(谣言)
go afloat乘船
afoot [E5fut]adv. & adj. 在酝酿中,在进行中
例句The work is well afoot. 工作在顺利进行中。
词组set afoot着手
there is something afoot某事正在进行中
afresh[E5freF] adv. (指从头)再;重新
例句It wasa chance to start afresh . 这是个重新开始的机会。
aggravate [5A^rEveit] v. 加重(病情、负担等),使恶化
例句If he aggravates m e any more I shall punish him. 如果他再惹我生气,我就要惩罚他。
词组be aggravated at sth. 因某事而发怒
助记ag + grave 重,沉重,严重→加重
派生aggravation n. 加剧;激怒;更恶化
aggregate [5A^ri^eit]n. 总数,合计
例句Our team scored the most goals onaggregate. 整个来说,我们队得分最多。
搭配 in theaggregate 总计;总共,作为总体
on aggregate 总共,总计,作为总体,作为整体
aggrieved [E5^ri:vd] adj. 受委屈的,感到痛心的;愤愤不平的
例句I really feel aggrieved at thissort of thing. 我对这种事真地感到愤愤不平。
词组aggrieved at[by] 感到受委屈
agile [5AdVail] adj. 敏捷的,灵活的
例句Thanks to agile footwork he always managed to escape hispursuers. 他善于随机应变,总能摆脱追踪他的人。
搭配an agile mind/brain敏捷的才思 [机敏的头脑]
agitate [5AdViteit] v. 鼓动,煽动;使焦虑,使不安
例句I was agitatedby the alarming news. 我因惊人的消息而感到不安。
词组agitate for 鼓动
助记词根ag做,词根 it 行走,-ate 动词后缀;为劝说众人跟随自己做事而来回奔走。
agitation [AdVi5teiFEn] n. 鼓动,煽动;激动不安,焦虑
例句Smallshopkeepers carried on a long agitation against the big department stores.
搭配agitation for a cause为某主张而鼓吹
give riseto public agitation引起公众激动
agnostic [A^5nCstik] n. & adj. 不可知论者(的)
例句An agnostic is a doubter. 不可知论者即是怀疑论者。
agonizing [5A^EnaiziN] adj. 使人痛苦的,折磨人的
例句He did not wish to die the agonizing death of his mother andbrother. 他不想像母亲和兄弟那样痛苦地死去。
aground [E5^raund]adv. & adj. (指船)搁浅,触礁
例句Thetanker was/went/ran aground. 油船搁浅了。
AIDS [eIdz](abbre for Ac-quired Immune DeficiencySyn-drome) n. 艾滋病,获得性免疫缺损综合征
例句We can now talk openly about AIDSwhich we cannot before.
ailing [5eiliN] adj. 感觉不舒服,生病的,有病的
例句That country's ailing economy has become a big problem. 那个国家不景气的经济状况已成为一个大问题。
搭配the ailing company营运困难的公司
ailment [5eilmEnt] n. 轻微的病痛
例句I don’t have even the slightest ailment. 我什么毛病也没有。
词组economic ailment经济失调
助记ail 病痛;a + ill + ment [记] ail读:哎哟,得了小病的呻吟声
airborne [5ZEbC:n] adj. 空运的,空降的;(飞机)在空中,飞行中
例句Ourplane has lifted off the runway and is now airborne. 我们的飞机已经离开跑道,在空中飞行。
搭配get aplane airborne使飞机起飞
airily [5ZErili] adv. 轻松地,活泼地,轻盈地
例句"I don'tcare," he said airily. “我才不在乎呢,”他漫不经心地说。
airlift [5eElIft] n. (指紧急情况下或陆上交通断绝时的)空运;空中补给线;
v. 空运
例句President Garcia has ordered an airlift of food, medicines and blankets.
airstrip [5eEstrIp] n. (飞机紧急降落用的)临时跑道
例句The photographer arrived theairstrip just an hour before the sundown.
ajar [E5dVB:] adj. (门等)微开着,半开着
例句Please leave the door ajar. 让门半开着
alacarte [7AlE5kB:t] adj. & adv. (指饭馆的饭菜)按菜单分别点菜的
例句We have both buffet-style andalacarte dishes. Which do you prefer? 我们有自助餐与点菜,随您挑。
alcoholism [5AlkEhClizEm] n. 酒精中毒,酗酒
例句Excessive drinking inducesalcoholism. 饮酒过度会引起酒精中毒。
alias [5eiliAs, 5eiliEs] n. (尤指罪犯使用的)化名,别名,假名
 adv. 又名,别名
例句The criminal Mick Clark has/uses several aliases. 那个叫米克? 克拉克的罪犯有 [使用] 好几个化名。
搭配under an alias以假名,冒名
alibi [5Alibai] n. 不在犯罪现场的证据
例句Do youhave any proof to substantiate your alibi? 你有证据表明你当时不在犯罪现场吗?
alight [E5lait] v. (从马背、车上)下来,下车
adj. 燃着的,亮着的
例句My eyealighted on a dusty old book at the back of the shelf. 我偶然发现在书架后面有一本满是灰尘的旧书。
alight onsth偶然发现、碰见某事物
align [E5lain] v.. 使结盟;使成一行;匹配
vi. 排列;排成一行
例句When war broke out, they alignedthemselves with the rebel forces. 战争爆发以后,他们与叛军结了盟。
词组align with v. 与……结盟
派生alignment n. 队列,成直线;校准;结盟
alimony [5AlimEni] n. (离婚以后或诉讼期间一方给另一方的)赡养费
例句His ex-wife has upped the ante inher alimony suit against him. 他的前妻在诉讼中要求提高赡养费。
alkali [5AlkElai] n. 碱
例句The valance atom of an alkali -metal atom has two states. 碱金属原子的价原子具有两种能态。
Allah [5AlE, 5AlB:] n. 阿拉,真主(伊斯兰教信奉之神的称呼)
allay [E5lei] v. 消除或减轻(恐惧、怀疑等)
例句Herletter allayed all his anxieties. 她的来信消除了他的忧虑。
搭配allaytrouble, fears, suffering, doubt, suspicion 减轻烦恼、恐惧、苦难、疑惑、嫌疑
allegiance [E5li:dVEns] n.(对首领、国家等的)忠诚
例句My allegiance to Kendall and hiscompany ran deep. 我对肯达尔和他的公司的拥戴持久深厚。
词组pledge of allegiance 效忠誓言
allegiance to one's native land 忠于自己的祖国
give allegiance to 忠诚于…
allegory [5Ali^Eri] n. 寓言(体),讽喻(风格)
例句"TheMysterious Stranger", his last book, is an allegory that suggests thatlife is in reality only a dream.
allergic [E5lE:dVik] adj. 过敏性的
例句Alice isallergic to the fur of cats. 艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。
搭配beallergic to对……过敏;对……反感
allergy [5AlEdVi] n. (因食物、药物等而引起的)过敏症,敏感
例句He have an allergy to penicillin. 他对青霉素有过敏反应。
词组food allergy 食物过敏,食品过敏;食物变态反应
alleviate [E5li:vieit] v.. 缓解,缓和,减轻
例句They alleviated the boredom ofwaiting by singing songs. 他们以唱歌来减轻等候的厌烦。
allude [E5lu:d]v. 暗指,间接提及
例句He didn't mention my name but Iwas sure he was alluding to me.
词组allude to暗示;提及;暗指
助记 lud - play 提起 perception ,演奏;lude 音:露的,流露
allure [E5ljuE] v.. 引诱,诱惑;吸引
n. 诱惑力
vi. 诱人,吸引人
例句They allured me into a snare. 他们引诱我落入圈套。
词组the false allure of big-city life 大城市生活的虚幻的诱惑力
allure sb. from诱使(某人)离开. . .
allure (sb. ) into [to] 把(某人)诱入, 骗进
派生alluring adj. 诱惑的,诱人的;迷人的,吸引人的
allusion [E5l(j)u:VEn] n. 暗指,间接提及
例句He madean allusion to a secret plan in his speech. 在讲话中他暗示有一项秘密计划。
搭配 in allusion to针对…而言,暗指
make (an)allusion to间接提到,暗指
an allusionto Shakespeare引用莎士比亚的典故
almanac [5C:lmEnAk; 5ClmE7nAk; 5CmEnik] n. 历书,年历,天文历;年鉴
例句Hisspeeches are generalities from Poor Richard’s Almanac. 他的演讲是出自老黄历的老生常谈。
alms [B:mz] n. 施舍物,救济金
例句He gave alms to beggars in the street. 他给街上的乞丐一些施舍。
词组ask for alms 募捐
amalgamate [E5mAl^Emeit] v. (指业务、公司等)合并,混合
例句That school willamalgamate with another school 那所学校将和另一所学校合并。
amass [E5mAs]v.. 积聚,积累
例句They amassed enoughevidence to convict him on six charges. 他们搜集了足够的证据, 宣判他有六条罪状。
词组amass fortune聚敛财富
助记a +mass 块,大量,聚集
ambience [5AmbiEns] n. 气氛
例句Thisrestaurant has a pleasant ambience. 这家饭店的环境优雅宜人。
ambivalent [Am5bivElEnt] adj. (对事物等)抱有矛盾心情的
例句Bungyand I had had an ambivalent relationship over years. 我和邦迪多年来有着好恶参半的关系。
ambush [5AmbuF] n. 埋伏,伏击
例句A policeman has been shot dead inan ambush. 一次伏击中一名警察中弹身亡。
amenity [E5mi:niti] n. (pl)方便设施,生活福利设施,文娱康乐场所
例句Parks and a theatre are just some of thetown's local amenities. 公园和戏院只是市镇娱乐设施的一部分。
搭配the amenity of the climate气候舒适宜人
amenity of home life舒适的家庭生活
amiable [5eimiEb(E)l]adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切的,友好的
例句The foreign guests arealways amiable to the host when they visit his house. 外宾到主人家拜访时总是友好的。
助记 源自am,amor 爱,友好的字根;am I + able 我是?形容词 我本来就是友好,亲切的。
amicable [5AmikEbl] adj. 友好的,和睦的
例句The two nations settled theirquarrel in an amicable way. 两国以和睦友好的方式解决了他们的争端。
搭配amicable relations友好关系
amidst [E5midst] prep. 在…当中,在…的包围中
例句The bridge wascompleted in 1811 amidst much rejoicing. 大桥于1811 年竣工,当时大家欢欣鼓舞。
amnesia [Am5ni:zjE] n. 丧失记忆,健忘症
例句Some psychologists believe whateven when a person suffers from amnesia, some memory remain in the
amnesty [5Amnesti] n. (指对政治犯人的)大赦,特赦
例句The political exiles returned homeunder an amnesty. 流放的政治犯根据大赦令回到家园。
搭配under an amnesty获得大赦
grant[give] (an) amnesty (to offenders) (尤指对政治犯) 施与大赦
amoral [ei5mCrEl] adj. 非道德性的,与道德无关的
例句Infants are amoral. 婴儿没有分辨善恶的能力。
搭配a completely amoral person一个完全不懂是非的的人
amphibian [Am5fibiEn] n. 两栖动物;水旱两生植物;水陆(两用)车辆、飞机
 adj. 两栖的,水陆两用的
例句Frogs and newts are amphibians. 青蛙和蝾螈都是两栖动物。
amphibious [Am5fibiEs] adj. 水陆两栖的(如青蛙等)
例句Frogs are amphibious animals. 青蛙是两栖动物。
anaemia, anemia[E5ni:miE] n. 贫血,贫血症
例句Thedoctors analyzed the blood sample for anemia. 医生们分析了贫血的血样。
anaesthesia, anesthesia [7AnEs5Wi:zjE] n. 麻醉;失去感觉,麻木
例句Dr. Yo took over theadministering of anaesthesia. 由大夫接替了上麻醉药的工作。
anaesthetic, anesthetic [7Anis5Wetik] n. (使人体局部或全身失去知觉的)麻醉剂(药)
anaesthetize, anesthetize [A5ni:sWitaiz] n. 使麻醉,使麻木
例句Sad time, I start takethe wine to anaesthetize the oneself. 伤心的时候,我开始拿酒来麻醉自己。
anagram [5AnE^rAm] n. 变形词或词组
例句SILENT is an anagramof LISTEN. SILENT就是组成LISTEN的字母颠倒顺序后构成的字。
anal [5einEl] adj. 肛门的
例句Mostanal dieases healed within one to two weeks. 大多数肛门方面的疾病在一到两周之内就能痊愈。
analogue [5AnElC^]n. 类似物,相似体;模拟
例句Surimi is marketed asan analogue of crabmeat 碎鱼块被当作蟹肉代用品出售。
助记ana(在旁边)+logy(讲话)→在旁边讲类似的;ana + logic并列的逻辑→类似。
anarchic [A5nB:kik] adj. 无政府状态的,无政府主义的,无法无天的
例句Thesituation in the country is becoming increasingly anarchic. 这个国家的局势日益混乱。
anarchist [5AnEkist] n. 无政府主义者
例句Harry claims tobe an anarchist but he's really only striking an attitude to be provocative.
anarchy [5AnEki] n. 无政府状态,混乱;东方人
例句The school's liberal, individualistictraditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.
anew [E5nju:] adv. 重新,再度
例句Both sides should begin anew thequest for peace. 双方都应重新开始寻求和平。
搭配repent and start anew悔过自新
anguish [5AN^wiF] n. 痛苦;苦恼
vt. 使极度痛苦
vi. 感到极度的痛苦
例句Nothing can takeaway the anguish of losing a child. 什么都不能解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛。
词组in anguish极度痛苦
animate [5Animeit] adj. 有生命的;有生气的
v. 赋予(某事或某人)生命,使活泼
例句The students were animated bytheir teacher's speech. 学生们听到他们老师的演讲而受到鼓舞。
词组animate sb. /sth. to /with sth. 赋予生命,使活泼,使有生气
ananimated discussion热烈的讨论
animation [7Ani5meiFEn] n. 活泼,生气,热烈;动画片,动画(绘制);兴奋;
例句We felt an animation about the ambitiousplan. 我们对此宏伟规划感到兴奋。
词组comic and animation 动漫
with animation活泼地,生动地
animosity [7Ani5mCsiti] n. 仇恨,深恶痛绝
例句The people of this country arefull of animosity to the invaders. 这个国家的人民对侵略者充满了仇恨。
搭配have/harbor (an) animosity against one's enemies对敌人怀仇恨
annihilate [E5naiEleit] v. 消灭,歼灭,彻底消除
例句Radio communication hasannihilated space. 无线电通讯已消除了空间的阻隔。
搭配annihilate a law废止法律条文
annuity [E5nju(:)iti] n. 年金
例句Investorsshould consider putting some money into an annuity. 投资者们应当考虑存一些年金。
anomaly [E5nCmEli]n. 异常或反常(现象、事物)
例句A bird that cannot fly is ananomaly. 一只不会飞的鸟是一个异例。
词组climatic anomaly 气候异常 
gravityanomaly 重力异常
助记a不 + nomal(正常)+y→不正常
anonymity [7AnE5nimiti] n. 无名,匿名,作者用名
例句The anonymity of the book gaverise to much speculation. 这本书的匿名引起许多猜测。
antagonize [An5tA^EnaIz] v. 使成敌人,使对抗(对立),引起…的敌意(反感),树敌
例句Large firms do not wish toantagonize the federal government unduly. 大厂商并不想过分地与政府发生顶撞。
词组antagonize too many people树敌太多
antelope [5AntilEup] n. 羚羊
例句Antelope live in Africa and Asia. 羚羊生活在非洲和亚洲。
anthology [An5WClEdVi] n. 诗集,文集
例句I have an anthology of modernquotations. 我有一本现代名言集萃。
搭配an anthology oflove poetry情诗集
anthropology [7AnWrE5pClEdVi] n. 人类学
例句Socialanthropology is one of the social sciences. 社会人类学是社会科学之一。
词组culturalanthropology 文化人类学
派生anthropological adj. 人类学的;人类学上的
antibody [5Anti7bCdi] n. 抗体(体内抗病物质)
例句Our end productis an anti-cancer antibody. 我们的最终产品是一种抗癌抗体。
antidote [5AntidEut] n. 解毒剂,解毒药
例句The holiday was a marvelousantidote to the pressures of office work. 假日是消除上班工作压力的灵丹妙药。
搭配an antidoteagainst malaria, food poisoning 疟疾、食物中毒的解毒药
anantidote to complacency克服自满心理的办法
antilogarithm [5Anti5lC^EriWEm] n. (数学的)反对数,逆对数
antipathy [An5tipEWi] n. 憎恶,憎恨,反感,引起反感的事物
例句She felt noantipathy towards younger women. 她对比她年轻的妇女没有反感。
antler [5AntlE] n. 鹿角
anus [5einEs] n. 肛门
apace [E5peis] adv. 急速地,快捷地
例句The weeds grow apace. 草长得很快。
apartheid [E5pB:t(h)eit] n. 种族隔离制度(尤指原南非当局的)
例句When apartheid is over the maladies willlinger on. 废除了种族隔离政策后痼疾依然存在。
apathy [5ApEWi] n. 漠不关心,无动于衷,冷淡
例句Weshould not show apathy towards the poor children. 我们不应该对贫穷的孩子漠然不顾。
词组have an apathy to 对…冷淡
apex [5eipeks] n. 顶点,最高 占
例句His election tothe presidency was the apex of his career . 当选总统是他一生事业的顶峰。
apiece [E5pi:s] adv. 各,每个
例句The tickets are one pound apiece. 这些票是每张一英镑。
apoplexy [5ApEpleksi] n. 中风
例句The old man died of apoplexy. 这老人因中风死去。
appease [E5pi:z] v. 使满足,平息,抚慰
例句He tried to appease the cryingchild by giving him candy. 他试图给那个啼哭的孩子糖果使他不哭。
搭配appease sb'sanger/hunger/curiosity平息某人的怒气 [使某人充饥/满足某人的好奇心]
助记ap(向……)+ p + ease(减轻,缓和)→缓和
append [E5pend] v. 添加,附加(指加于信末之后)
例句The lawyerappended two more pages to the contract. 律师在合同后又附加了两页。
搭配append one'ssignature to a document在文件上加上署名
appendicitis [E7pendi5saitis] n. 阑尾炎
例句He came down with appendicitis. 他得了阑尾炎。
appendix [E5pendiks] (PIappendixes appendices) n. 附录;末尾;阑尾
例句Thisdictionary has two appendices. 这本字典有2个附录。
apposite [5ApEzit] adj. 适当的,适合的,恰当的
例句I found his speech wholly appositeto the current debate. 我认为他的讲话对当前的辩论是恰到好处的。
搭配apposite to sth. (指言辞等)适当的,合适的,恰当的
appraisal [E5preizEl] n. 评定,鉴定,评价
例句I fully admit the soundness of this appraisal. 我完全承认这种估计的正确性。
appraise [E5preiz] v. 评定,鉴定,评价
例句An employershould appraise the ability of his men. 雇主应该鉴定员工的能力。
搭配appraise astudent's work评定学生的作业
anappraising glance估量的眼光
apprehend [7Apri5hend] v. 逮捕,理解
例句I apprehend theword but cannot use it. 我了解这字的意义但不会使用。
apprehension [7Apri5henFEn] n. 忧虑,恐惧
例句①He looked around the room with apprehension. 他恐惧地检查房间的四周。
②Sheis a girl of weak apprehension. 她是一个理解力很低的女孩。
词组filledwith apprehension 忧心忡忡
the apprehension of the robbers, escaped prisoners, etc 逮捕强盗/逃犯等
派生adj.apprehensive 忧虑的;不安的;敏悟的;知晓的
apprehensible 可理解的,可了解的
adv. apprehensively 担心地
n. apprehension 理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧
apprehensiveness 领悟力;忧虑感
arbiter [5B:bitE]n. 仲裁人,裁决人,公断人
例句she was the final arbiter on allmatters of fashion. 她是流行款式的权威。
词组arbiterof fashion时装方面的权威
arbitrate [5B:bitreit] v. 仲裁,公断,裁决
例句Management and laboragreed to arbitrate their remaining differences.
arcade [B:5keid] n. 拱廊,(两侧或一侧设有商店的)有盖通道
例句I findthe arcade leading to the dormitory. F:\SCPublish\uploads\ProgramFiles\Youdao\Dict4\\resultui\queryresult.html我找到了通向宿舍去的拱廊。
archaic [B:5keiik] adj. 过时的,陈旧的,古代的
例句This is an archaic bronzestatuette. 这是一件相当古老的青铜小雕像。
词组archaic laws陈旧的法律
archer [5B:tFE] n. 弓箭手,射手
例句Thearcher who won the game is very young. 获得冠军的那个弓箭手很年轻。
archetype [5B:kitaip] n. 原型;典型
例句She is the archetypeof an American movie star. 她是典型的美国影星。
archipelago [7B:ki5peli^Eu] n.群岛,群岛周围的海
archive [`B:kaIv] n.档案,文献;档案馆(室)
ardent [5B:dEnt] adj. 热情的,炽热的
例句The ardent hope forthe future brought them through all the sufferings during the war.
ardour, ardor [5B:dE] n. 热情,热心
例句Hispolitical ardor led him into many arguments. 他的政治狂热使他多次卷入争论中。
arduous [5B:djuEs] adj. 困难的,艰巨的
例句The refugeesmade an arduous journey through the mountains. 难民们艰难地越过高山。
搭配an arduous task艰巨的任务
ark [B:k] n. (指圣经中所描述的)方舟
例句The family came over in the ark. 这一姓氏可以上溯到方舟时代。
armada [B:5mB:dE] n. 舰队
例句Spain used to be famous for its strongarmada. 西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称。
armoury [5B:mEri] n. 军械库,兵工厂
例句Doctors have anarmoury of drugs avaliable.医生都备有各种各样的药物。
aroma [E5rEumE] n. 芳香,香气,香味
例句①The whole house was filled with the aroma ofcoffee. 满屋子都是咖啡的香味。
②The president's roomconveyed a delicate aroma of the mysterious East.
aromatic [7ArEu5mAtik] adj. 芳香的,香气的,香味的
例句The air freshener furnishes youwith fine aromatic surroundings.
搭配an agreeable aromatic smell一种好闻的香味
arrears [E5rIEz] n. 拖欠的债,拖欠的款项;待做的工作
例句I have to clear off arrears ofwork and correspondence. 我必须处理积压的工作和信件。
arsenal [5B:sinl] n. 军械库,兵工厂
例句The enemy's arsenal had been uncoveredby that time. 敌人的军火库那时已暴露了。
arson [5B:sn] n. 纵火(罪),放火
例句He was brought to trial on chargesof arson. 他以纵火罪被送法院审理。
artful [5B:tful] adj. 狡猾的,欺诈的;熟练的,有技巧的,巧妙的
例句That man used artful means to find outsecrets. 那人使用狡猾的手段获取机密。
搭配 an artful deception, trick, etc骗局、诡计
an artfulperformance on the violin技巧娴熟的小提琴演奏
arthritis [B:5Wraitis] n. 关节炎
例句Her arthritis is acting up again. 她的关节炎又犯了。
articulate [B:5tikjulit]v. 清楚明白地表达;用关节连接
例句I'm a little deaf,please articulate yourwords carefully. 我有些耳聋,请把话仔细地说清楚。
派生articulated adj. 铰接式的;清晰的;组织缜密的;有关节的
articulation n. 关节;接合;清晰发音
artifact [5B:tifAkt] n. 人工制品
例句A user interfaceis an artifact, not directly associated with the goals of a user.
搭配an artifactsurviving from the past从古代保存下来的人造物品
助记art(技巧)+ i + fact(词根制作)→讲究技巧的制作→人造的东西
artifice [5B:tifis] n. 诡计,欺骗
例句Pretending tofaint was merely artifice. 假装晕倒只不过是个诡计。
词组by artifice 用手段
artisan [B:tI5zAn; (?@) B:rtIzn] n. 工匠,技工
例句The vase made by the artisan is wonderful.那个手艺人做的花瓶棒极了。
ascendant [E5sendEnt] adj. 权势日益增强的
例句Thoughhe is still a young man his political career is already in the ascendant.
ascertain [7AsE5tein] v. 发现,查明,确定
例句We must ascertain the usualcustoms of the local people. 我们必须了解当地人民的风俗习惯。
派生ascertainable adj. 可查明的;可确定的
ascetic [E5setik] n. & adj. 禁欲(主义)者,苦行(主义)者,禁欲(主义)的,苦行(主义)的
例句He lives anascetic life. 他过着苦行的生活。
搭配the asceticexistence of monks and hermits僧侣隐士的清苦生活
ascribe [Es5kraib] v. 把…归因于,认为…是某人所做
例句He ascribed hisfailure to bad luck. 他把失败归咎于运气不好。
This play isusually ascribed to Shakespeare. 这个剧本一般认为是莎士比亚所作。
词组ascribe to把…归于…
aspiration [7AspE5reiFEn] n. 渴望,志向,抱负
例句She has aspirations to become agreat writer. 她有成为一个大作家的志向。
搭配nurse an aspiration to心怀……的愿望
aspire [Es5paiE]v. 渴望,追求
例句What do the women aspire for? 妇女们渴望什么?
词组aspire to/after sth渴望
派生aspiration n. 渴望;抱负;呼气;吸引术
assail [E5seil] v. 猛烈攻击,痛打
例句The police wereassailed with rocks. 警察遭到石块的猛烈攻击。
搭配assail sb withquestions, insults, etc对某人质问、侮辱等
assailedby worries, doubts, fears, etc饱受烦恼、疑惑、恐惧等折磨
assailant [E5seilEnt] n. 攻击者
例句The victim put up a heroic struggleagainst his assailant. 那位受害者与攻击者展开了英勇的搏斗。
assent [E5sent] n. 同意,赞同
例句I fully assentto your plan. 我完全同意你的计划。
派生adj. assentient 同意的;赞同的
n. assentient 同意者;赞同者
助记as 肯定 + sent 感觉→肯定你的感觉→肯定,consent 同意
assertive [E5sE:tiv]adj. 肯定的,断然的,武断的
例句It has freer media and a more assertive citizenry. 媒体更加自由,民众更具决断力。
assiduous [E5sidjuEs] adj. 刻苦的,勤奋的
例句The book was the result of tenyears' assiduous research. 那本书是十年苦心钻研的成果。
搭配be assiduous in one's duties认真执行任务
assimilate [E5simileit]v. 消化,吸收(食物、思想等);使…同化
例句America has assimilated manypeople from all corners of the world. 美国同化了许多来自世界各地的人。
助记as + similar(相同)+ate →使相同→同化
assorted [E5sC:tid] adj. 各种各样的,什锦的,混合的
例句There's a bag of assorted sweetson the table. 桌子上有一袋什锦糖果。
搭配a well-assorted couple相配的一对 (夫妻)
assortment [E5sC:tmEnt] n. 各种各样,什锦
例句Our store has a great assortmentof candy. 本店糖果各色俱备。
词组an assortment of各种各样的。
asterisk [5AstErisk] n. 星状符号
例句Please asterisk a word thatrequires a footnote. 请将需要脚注的字加以星号。
asthma [5AsmE] n. 哮喘
例句The little girl has been suffering from an attack ofasthma. 那个小女孩的气喘一再发作。
astral [5AstrEl]adj. 星的,星状的
词组astral beams 星光
astray [E5strei]adj. & adv. 迷途(的),越轨(的),误入歧途(的)
例句The boy was led astray by badcompanions. 这小孩被坏伙伴诱入歧途。
词组go astray 走入歧途;迷路
led astray 引入歧途
astrology [E5strClEdVi]n. 占星学,占星术
例句Astronomy inherits from astrology.天文学是由占星学演变而来的。
派生astrological adj. 占星的;占星学的,占星术的
助记astro star 星,天体 + ology(学科) 占星术
astrophysics [AstrEJ5fIzIks] n. 天体物理学
asylum [E5sailEm] n. 庇护(所),避难(所);精神病院
例句Having sought asylum in the Westfor many years, they were eventually granted.
词组political asylum政治避难
asymmetric [AsI5metrIk] adj. 不对称的,不匀称的
例句Most people's faces areasymmetrical. 多数人的脸并不对称。
atrocious [E5trEuFEs] adj. 非常残忍的,凶暴的,极恶的
例句Theycommitted the most atrocious cruelties. 他们犯下了极其凶残的暴行。
atrocity [E5trRsiti] n. 暴行,残忍行为;丑恶的事物
例句These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity. 这些人犯有令人发指的暴行。
attest [E5test] v. 证明,证实;表明
例句Several witnesses can attest toher good character. 好几位证人证实她品行端正。
搭配attest a signature对签字作见证
attest to sth. 作为或提供某事物的明证
助记at(向……)+ test(测试)→证实
attribute [E5tribju(:)t]v. 把…归因于
n. 性质,属性,特质;人(地位)的象征(标志)
例句Politeness is an attribute of agentleman. 彬彬有礼是绅士的本色。
词组attribute to归咎于, 把…归于
派生attributable adj. 可归于…的;可归属的
attrition [E5triFEn] n. 消耗,磨损
例句The long war of attritionexhausted the strength of both countries 这场长期的消耗战耗尽了两国的力量。
auctioneer [7C:kFE5niE] n. 拍卖人
例句An auctioneer roupedthe kirk seats beginning by asking for a bid. 拍卖者叫价以开始拍卖教会的坐椅。
audacious [C:5deiFEs] adj. 愚勇的,大胆的,鲁莽的;放肆的,无礼的
例句He described the plan as ambitiousand audacious. 他把这项计划说成是雄心勃勃, 敢于冒险。
搭配an audacious plan, scheme, etc大胆的计划、设计等
anaudacious remark放肆的话
audible [5C:dEbl] adj. 听得见的,可听到的
例句Her voice was scarcely audibleabove the noise of the wind. 在风声中,她的声音几乎听不见。
audition [C:5diFEn] n. (歌手、演员等的)试音,试演
例句Heplans to sing at the audition. 他计划在试镜时唱一首歌。
词组audition for 向…试唱,试演;参加…面试;面试
augment [C:^5ment] v. (使)增大,增加,增长,扩张
例句He augmented his income byteaching in the evenings. 他在晚上教书来增加收入。
助记large 去掉l;large 看成l一把钻头,或刀+ aug-使变大。
派生augmentation n. 增加,增大;增加物
august [C:5^Qst] adj. 威严的,尊严的,威风凛凛
词组an august bodyof elder statesmen 德高望重的政界元老们.
the augustpresence of the monarch 主教威严的到来
aura [5C:rE] n. 气氛,气息
例句She always seems to have an aura ofhappiness about her. 她好像总是喜气洋洋的。
词组an aura of authority一种权威气质。
auspicious [C:s5piFEs] adj. 吉利的,吉祥的
例句The publication of my first bookwas an auspicious beginning of my career.
搭配an auspicioustime to ask for a raise in salary一个要求增加工资的有利时机
austere [Cs5tiE] adj. 严厉的,严峻的;清苦的,困苦的;不加装饰的,朴素的,简朴的
例句The room wasfurnished in austere style. 这间屋子陈设得简单朴素。
搭配an austeremanner态度严肃
austerity [Cs5teriti] n. 严峻,严厉;严正,严肃,稳重;简朴,朴素;苦行
例句War was followedby many years of austerity. 战争结束后还要过多年的紧日子。
搭配austerity policies紧缩政策
authoritarian [C:7WCri5tZEriEn]adj. 专横(的),专制(的)
n. 专制主义者,独裁主义者
例句Senior officers could be consideringa coup to restore authoritarian rule.
autocrat [5C:tEukrAt] n. 独裁者,专制君主;专横霸道的人
例句The autocrat was replaced by aruler responsible to the people. 那独裁者被一位对人民负责的统治者取代了。
搭配a corporate autocrat某一团体的独断专行者
autocratic[7C:tE5krAtik] adj. 独裁的,专制的
例句Some feudal stateswere ruled by autocratic kings. 有些封建国家由专制的国王统治。
autograph [5C:tE^rB:f]n. (名人的)亲笔签名
v. (名人)亲笔签名,题名、署名于…
例句①Tina got Jake Dean's autograph. 蒂娜得到了詹克蒂恩的亲笔签名。
②I autographed a copy of one of mybooks. 我在我的一本书上签了名。
词组ask for aperson's autograph请某人签名
派生autographic adj. 亲笔的,亲笔写成的
autopsy [5C:tEpsi] n. 验尸,尸体剖验
例句An autopsy wasneeded to ascertain the cause of his death. 需验尸方能确定他的死因。
搭配an autopsy report尸检报告
avail [E5veil] v. 利用
例句Nothing couldavail the dying patient. 没有任何东西能挽救那个濒死者。
词组to no avail 无效,完全无用
of avail 有效,有用处
aversion [E5vE:FEn] n. 厌恶,嫌恶;讨厌的事物
例句He took animmediate aversion to his new boss. 他对新老板一见就反感。
搭配to take an aversion to嫌恶;憎恨
avert [E5vE:t] v. 防止,避免;移开(目光),避开不看
例句Accidents can be averted bycareful driving. 谨慎驾驶可避免发生事故。
派生avertable adj. 可避开的;可防止的
avid [5Avid] adj. 渴望的,热切的
例句They are listening to the lecturewith avid attention. 他们聚精会神地听讲演。
搭配avid for news of her son渴望得到她儿子的消息
awesome [5C:sEm]adj. 令人敬畏的,可怕的
例句①Moving water has awesomedestructive power. 水具有可怕的破坏力。
②Working in fashion you must see alot of awesome style. 在时尚界工作你一定经常看到很棒的着衣风格。
词组an awesome thunderstorm一场令人恐惧的暴风雨

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