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目录                                                                                        封面
第一部分 历年真题
第二部分 章节题库
 第一章 阅读理解
  其 他
 第二章 词汇和语法结构
  时 态
  语 态
 第三章 挑 错
  时 态
  语 态
  从 句
  其 他
 第四章 完形填空
 第五章 翻 译
第三部分 模拟试题


第一部分 历年真题
Part I ReadingComprehension (30%)
Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage isfollowed some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there arefour choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice andblacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.
Passage 1
Questions 1 to 5 arebased on the following passage.
It seems like every day there's some new research aboutwhether our favorite drinks are good for us. (76) One day, science says aglass of red wine a day will help us live longer. The next day, maybe not.It seems journalists are pretty interested in wine research and the same mightbe said for coffee. Now, there's been a lot of research into whether coffee'sgood for our health. “The results have really been mixed” admitsNeal Freedman who led the coffee study and published his findings in a medicaljournal recently. “There's been some evidence that coffee might increase therisk of certain diseases and there's also been maybe more recent evidence thatcoffee may protect against other diseases as well.”
Freedman and his colleagues undertook the biggest study yetto look at the relationship between coffee and health. They analyzed datacollected from more than 400,000 Americans ages50 to 71 participating in thestudy. “We found that the coffee drinkers had a modestly lower risk of deaththan the non-drinkers,” he said. Here's what he means by “modestly”: those whodrank at least two or three cups a day were about 10 percent or 15 percent lesslikely to die for any reason during the 13 years of the study. When theresearchers looked at specific causes of death, coffee drinking appeared to cutthe risk of dying from heart disease, lung disease, injuries, accidents andinfections.
Now, Freedman stressed that the study doesn't prove coffeecan make people live longer. A study like this can never prove acause-and-effect relationship. (77) All it can really do is to pointresearchers in the right direction for further investigation. And even ifit turns out that coffee is really good for you, scientists have no idea why.
1. According to thefirst paragraph, reporters would like to know the research findings of ______.
A. tea
B. beer
C. alcohol
D. coffee
2. According to thepassage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Freedman and his colleagues hired 400,000 Americans tocollect data.
B. About four hundred thousand Americans worked forFreedman's team full time for 13 years.
C. People who took part in Freedman's research are about 50to 70 years old.
D. People who are 50 to 70 years old seldom drink coffee
3. According to theauthor, scientists ______.
A. have already proved that coffee is good for human health
B. have a long way to go before they find a way to studycoffee `
C. have avoided the cause-and-effect approach to studycoffee
D. are still unable to figure out why coffee is good for us
4. The word “mixed”in the first paragraph means” ______”.
A. both good and bad
B. put together
C. both sharp and soft
D. confused
5. Which of thefollowing is an appropriate title for this passage?
A. Can Beer Help You Live Longer?
B. Can Coffee Help You Live Longer?
C. Can Wine Help You Live Longer?
D. Can Tea Help You Live Longer?
1.D 细节题。根据第一段第四句的“It seemsjournalists are pretty interested in wine research and the same might be saidfor coffee.”可知新闻工作者们(journalists),即题干中的reporters,对酒(wine)和咖啡(coffee)的研究感兴趣,而所给选项中只有coffee,因此选择D。
2.C细节题。根据第二段第二句“They analyzed data collected from more than400,000Americans ages 50 to71 participating in the study.”可知他们的调查对象都是50到71岁的人,这与选项C所说的参与Freedman调查的人年龄在50到70岁左右是相符的。
3.D 细节题。根据文章最后一句话“And evenif it turns out that coffee is really good for you,scientistshave no idea why.”可知虽然咖啡有益于人的身体健康,但科学家仍不清楚是为什么,这与选项D的说法是一致的。
4.A 词汇理解题。联系后文NealFreedman承认说研究结果“have really been mixed”,他接着说道:“There’s been some evidence that coffee might increase therisk of certain diseases and there’s also been maybe more recent evidence thatcoffee may protect against other diseases as well.”由此可知研究结果是有好也有坏,有喜也有忧,因此A项符合。
5.B 考查考生对文章主旨大意的理解。文章虽然在第一段提到了红酒 (red wine),但是通篇都是在谈论弗里德曼对咖啡和人体健康关系的研究,所以选项B符合文章主旨,文章并没有没有提到啤酒(beer)和茶(tea )。
Passage 2
Questions 6 to 10 arebased on the following passage.
When we're learning a foreign language, making sense ofwhat we hear is the first step toward fluency. It sounds obvious, but untilrecently, we didn't know much about how listening works. New researchdemonstrates that effective listening involves more than simply hearing the wordsthat float past our ears. Rather, it's an active process of receivinginformation and making meaning. This kind of engaged listening is a skillthat's as critical for learning a range of subjects at school and work as it isfor learning to understand a foreign tongue.
(78) Studies of skilled language learners haveidentified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension.Last year, for example, University of Ottawa researcher Larry Vandergriftpublished his study of 106 undergraduates who were learning French as a second language.Half of the students were taught in a conventional fashion, listening to andpracticing texts spoken aloud. The other half, possessing the same initial (最初的) skill level and taught by the same teacher, were given detailedinstruction on how to listen. It turned out that the second group “significantlyoutperformed” (胜过) the first one on a test of comprehension.
So what are these listening strategies? Skilled learners gointo a listening class with a sense of what they want to get of it. (79) Theyset a goal for their listening, and they generate predictions about what thespeaker will say. Before the talking begins they mentally review what theyalready know about the subject, and form an intention to “listen out for”what's important or relevant. Once they begin listening, these learnersmaintain their focus; if their attention wanders, they bring it back to thewords being spoken. They don't allow themselves to be thrown off byconfusing or unfamiliar details. Instead, they take note of what they don'tunderstand and make inferences about what those things might mean, based onother clues available to them; their previous knowledge of the subject, thecontext (语境) of the talk, the identity of the speaker, andso on.
6. What is the mainidea of this passage?
A. Effective listening means hearing the words that floatpast our ears.
B. Developing your listening skills is the first steptoward developing fluency.
C. Skilled listeners use specific strategies to get themost out of what they hear.
D. Listening is one of the most powerful tools we have togain information.
7. What doesVandergrift's research show?
A. Learners who adopt specific listening strategies becomebetter listeners.
B. Learners taught in the traditional way are better atreinforcing what they learn.
C. Learners are more confident if they make fewer mistakes.
D. Learners who listen on a regular basis improve faster.
8. Which of thefollowing statements about Vandergrift's research is TRUE?
A. The participants were postgraduates learning French as asecond language.
B. All the participants were taught using theconventional method, with the focus on listening strategies.
C. The two groups were taught by different teachers.
D. The participants were at the same initial skill level.
9.The expression “thrown off” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ______
A. infected
B. confused
C. ruined
D. informed
10. According to thepassage, which of the following strategies is NOT used by skilled learners?
A. Review their prior knowledge of the subject.
B. Concentrate on the speaker's words.
C. Translate into their native language.-
D. Predict what the speaker will say.
6.B考查考生对文章主旨大意的理解。文章第一段的第一句话“When we're learning a foreign language, makingsense of what we hear is the first step toward fluency.”先总领全文,接下来第二段用一个具体事例说明了听力策略的重要性,第三段具体讲述了一些比较有效地听力策略。由此可知B项符合文章主旨。
7.A 细节题。根据第二段的“It turnedout that the second group” “significantly outperformed” (胜过)the first one on a test of comprehension”可知掌握学习策略的人比普通的人学得要好。这与选项A的说法相符。
8.D 细节题。根据第二段倒数第二句“Theother half, possessing the same initial skill level and taught by the sameteacher,were given detailed instruction on how tolisten”可知实验开始时,这两组的实力是相当的。
9.B 词义推测题。联系上下文“theselearners maintain their focus”可知,他们在听的时候很专注。又根据“They don’t allow themselves to be thrown off byconfusing or unfamiliar details”可知这样他们就不受令人费解或不熟悉的细节的困扰。所以选项B与此意义最接近。
10.C细节判断题,可用排除法来做。根据第三段第四句“Before the talking begins,theymentally review what they already know about the subjects”可知A选项正确。根据第三段第五句“Once they begin listening,these learnersmaintain their focus;if their attention wanders,theybring it back to the words being spoken”可知B选项也正确。根据第三段第三句“They set a goal for their listening,andthey generate predictions about what the speaker will say”可知D选项也正确。只有C项的内容文中没有提及,故C为本题答案。
Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 arebased on the following passage.
(80) As the Titanic was sinking and women and childrenclimbed into lifeboats, the musicians from the ship's band stood and played.They died when the ship went down. Men stood on the deck and smoked cigarettes.They died, too. This behavior is puzzling to economists, who like to believethat people tend to act in their own self interest. “There was no pushing,”says David Savage, an economist at Queensland University in Australia who hasstudied witness reports from the survivors. It was “very, very orderlybehavior.”
Savage has compared the behavior of the passengers on theTitanic with those on the Lusitania, another ship that also sank at about thesame time. But when the Lusitania went down, the passengers panicked ( 恐慌).There were a lot of similarities between these two events. These two ships wereboth luxury ones, they had a similar number of passengers and a similar numberof survivors.
The biggest difference, Savage concludes, was time. TheLusitania sank in less than 20 minutes. But for the Titanic, it wastwo-and-a-half hours. “If you've got an event that lasts two- and-a-half hours,social order will take over and everybody will behave in a social manner,”Savage says. “If you're going down in under 17 minutes, basically it'sinstinctual.” On the Titanic, social order ruled, and it was women and childrenfirst. On the Lusitania, instinct wonout. The survivors were largely thepeople who could swim and get into the lifeboats.
Yes, we're self-interested, Savage ways. But we're alsopart of a society. Given time, social norms (规范 ) can beat ournatural self-interest. A hundred years ago, women and children always wentfirst. Men were stoic ( 坚忍的 ). On the Titanic, there was enough time forthese norms to become forceful.
11. According to theauthor, economists were confused because ______.
A. people's behavior was disorderly on the Titanic
B. people did not act in their own interest on the Titanic
C. most men did not act in their own interest on theLusitania
D. women and children could not climb into the lifeboats
12. The expression “won out”in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to ______.
A. took the upper hand
B. went out of control
C. ran wild
D. shut down
13. According to David Savage, ______ was acritical factor in determining people's behavior in the sinking of these twoships.
A. social order
B. place
C. instinct
D. time
14. According to thepassage, which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. Both ships were expensive ones.
B. A similar number of women and children from both shipssurvived.
C. About the same number of people from each ship died.
D. Both ships had a similar number of passengers.
15. Which of thefollowing is an appropriate title for this passage?
A. Why Didn't Musicians Play on the Lusitania?
B. Why Did Musicians Play on the Titanic?
C. Why Didn't Passengers Panic on the Titanic?
D. Why Did Men Smoke on the Titanic?
11.B 细节推测题。根据文章第一段中“Thisbehavior is puzzling to economists,who like to believethat people tend to act in their own self interest” 以及后面的“There was no pushing”和“very,very orderly behavior”可知经济学家感到不解就是因为泰坦尼克号上的秩序是井然的,人们没有根据自己的利益来行事,而是遵循了一定的社会规范,这与选项B的说法一致。
12.A 词义推测题。根据文章第三段最后一句可知,在路西塔尼亚号上,大部分幸存者是那些会游泳并且能够逃到救生艇上的人们。这与泰坦尼克号上的情况形成了鲜明的对比,在泰坦尼克号上社会秩序战胜了本能,而在路西塔尼亚号上本能战胜了社会秩序,因此won out 意为“占上风,胜出”,与took the upperhand意义接近。
13.D 细节题。根据第三段的第一句“Thebiggest difference,Savage concludes,was time”可知在这两次沉船事故中,时间是一个非常关键的因素。
14.B 细节判断题,可用排除法来做。根据第二段末句“Thesetwo ships were both luxury ones…”可知A项描述正确,再由该句中的“they had a similar number of passengers and asimilar number of survivors”可知,C和D描述正确。因此选择B。
Part II Vocabulary andStructure (30%)
Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For eachsentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answerthat best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet.
16. Have you ever visited the Summer Palace, ______there are many beautiful halls, ridges and a huge lake?
A. which
B. that
C. where
D. when
【解析】句意:你有没有参观过颐和园?那里有很多美丽的走廊、山梁和一个大湖。这里考查定语从句关系词的选择。从句中是一个there be句型,是一个完整的句子,先行词逻辑上作定语从句的地点状语,所以这里要选择表示地点的关系副词where。
17. Mr. Obama will give a speech on the currentsituation at the meeting ______ next week in Beijing.
A. to hold
B. held
C. holding
D. to be held
18. It was in a small village in the south ______he spent his childhood and met his life-long friend — the local schoolmaster.
A. where
B. when
C. which
D. that
【解析】句意:就是在南方的一个小村庄里,他度过了童年,并且遇到了他一生的好友,也就是当地的校长。这里是强调句型的结构,强调句型It is(was)+被强调部分+that(who)…,所以这里应选that。
19. First of all, a teacher should show love forhis students on top of his academic knowledge. ______, he is not qualified forhis position.
A. Therefore
B. Otherwise
C. However
D. Because
【解析】句意:首先,一个老师在专业知识之外,应该爱学生。否则,他就不称职。这里考查连词的选择和辨析。 Therefore“因此,所以”,表因果;Otherwise“否则”,表转折;However然而,但是;Because因为。
20. For many overseas Chinese, China is theirreal ______, because they were born and grew up there.
A. home
B. family
C. house
D. household
21. With all yourbrains you ______ the math test, but you failed. You were too careless.
A. should pass
B. should have passed
C. must pass
D. must have passed
【解析】句意:你这么聪明,本应该通过数学考试的,却失败了。你太粗心了。考查情态动词的用法。should+完成时表示应该做的事情而没有做。must+现在完成时表示对已发生的事情的一种肯定的猜测。shoulddo应该做;must do必须做。
22. When he entered theroom he found a cat ______ quietly under the desk.
B.lies lie
D. lying
23. Today Mrs. Smith ______herself in white like a nurse at the garden party.
A. wore
B. put
C. sent
D. dressed
【解析】句意:今天,史密斯夫人穿着白色的衣服,像花园聚会中的护士一样。只有dress可以跟反身代词,wear和put on只能用人作主语,衣服作宾语,in white 表示穿着白色的衣服。
24. In road rules thered light is a ______ for traffic to stop.
A. sign
B. sight
C. site
D. size
25. I can ______ youfor your rude manners but you must apologize in public.
A. forbid
B. forget
C. forecast
D. forgive
26. General Blair hadbeen in the army ______ for 35 years when he retired from the navy.
A. service
B. work
C. job
D. homework
【解析】句意:当他从海军退役的时候,布莱尔将军已经在军队服役35年了。in the army service“在军队服役”,为习惯搭配;work工作;job职业,职位;homework作业。
27. Linda is quite different ______ her sisterin character: she likes friends and goes out a lot while her sister alwaysstays alone at home.
A. to
B. from
C. at
D. on
【解析】句意:Linda在性格方面与她的妹妹非常不同:她喜欢交友,经常外出;而她妹妹总是独自待在家里。be different from“与…不同”,为固定搭配。
28. Jim was absent fromschool for the whole week ______ a bad cold.
A. because of
B. in addition to
C. according to
D. in front of
【解析】句意:吉姆因为重感冒一整个星期没有来学校了。这里考查几个介词短语的辨析。because of因为,由于;in addition to除…之外;according to根据;in front of在…的前面。
29. Some people like to______ a small sum of money in case of urgent need.
A. deal with
B. use up
C. set aside
D. take off
【解析】句意:一些人喜欢留出一些钱以备不时之需。这里考查几个动词词组的辨析。deal with应付,对待;use up用完,用尽;set aside留出;take off脱下,起飞,腾飞。
30. Mr. Smith feels greatly ______ with hisson's performance in school as he is always the top of his class.
A. disturbed
B. worried
C. distressed
D. satisfied
【解析】句意:史密斯先生对他的儿子在学校的表现非常满意,因为他总是在班上名列前茅。disturbed被扰乱的;worried为难的,担心的;distressed哀伤的;痛心的;satisfied满意的。结合题意他儿子总是在班上名列前茅,所以他感到很满意。be satisfied with对…满意,故选D项。
31. Skating is such a ______ sport in thenortheast of China that almost everybody there knows how to skate.
A. likely
B. famous
C. popular
D. long
32. The teachersuggested that they ______ in the exercise at once.
A. had handed
B. should have handed
C. handed
D. hand
33. He did not go toschool yesterday because he ______ his father who was ill.
A. must have looked after
B. would have to look after
C. had to look after
D. should have looked after
34. After walking forhalf an hour, she realized that she ______ in the wrong direction.
A. had been walking
B. has been walking
C. walked
D. would have walked
35. Don't smoke in theclassroom, ______?
A. do you
B. will you
C. can you
D. could you
36. There is not muchtime left, so I shall tell you about it ______. detail brief
C. for short
D. in all
【解析】句意:余下的时间不多了,所以我会简单地说一下。indetail详细地,in all总共,合计,for short简称,缩写,都不符合语境。in brief表示“简单地说,简而言之”,符合这里的语境。
37. ______ the roomthan the telephone rang once more.
A. Hardly when he entered
B. Hardly he entered
C. No sooner he had entered
D. No sooner had he entered
【解析】句意:他一进房间,电话铃就再次响起来。nosooner… than与hardly…when都表示“一…就…”,后面都要倒装,注意no sooner和hardly后面要用过去完成时,than和when后面用一般过去时。
38. My bike is old, ______it is in good condition.
A. therefore
B. so
C. nevertheless
D. moreover
39. There is ______that he has tried his best in the examination.
A. not to deny
B. not denying
C. no denying
D. without denying
【解析】句意:毫无疑问他在考试中已经尽最大努力了。句型thereis no denying that…表示“毫无疑问…”,为固定搭配。
40. Would you ______ tocome to the meeting this weekend?
A. be so kind
B. be kind as
C. be so kind as
D. be kind
【解析】句意:请你本周末来参加会议好吗? wouldyou be so kind as to…是个固定句型,委婉、礼貌的说法,表示“请您…”。
41. He will write to meas soon as he ______ home.
A. will have returned
B. returns
C. returned
D. will return
【解析】句意:他一回家,就会给我写信。as soonas引导的时间状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来时。
42. ______ is generallybelieved, there is no water on the moon.
A. As
B. What
C. That
D. It
【解析】句意:正像大家相信的那样,月球上没有水。这里考查的是as引导的非限制性定语从句。As引导非限定性定语从句有以下几种情况:1) as指代的是整个主句内容。2) 谓语为被动式时,常用as作主语。3) as引导的非限制性定语从句常有“如,似,正像”的含义。
43. He devoted hiswhole life to ______ care of the disabled children.
A. takes
B. taking
C. took
D. take
【解析】句意:他一生致力于照顾残疾儿童。devote…to doing表示“奉献出…做某事”,其中to为介词,所以后面要用动词的-ing形式。
44. The studentcontinued his university study, ______ his family was poor.
A. even though
B. as though
C. now that
D. since
【解析】句意:这位学生继续他的大学学习,尽管他家庭贫困。考查几个连词的辨析,even though尽管,虽然;as though好像;now that既然,由于;since自从。
45. His father was put into ______ prison, andhe had to go to ______ prison to visit him once in a while.
A. a; the
B. the; a
C. a; /
D. /; the
【解析】句意:他的爸爸被抓去坐牢,他不得不偶尔去那个监狱看他。put into prison,为固定搭配表示“把…投入大牢,坐牢”,不需要冠词。第二个空需要the,特指他父亲所在的那个大牢。
Part III Identification(10%)
Directions: Each of the following sentences has fourunderline parts marked A, B, C and D.
Identify the one that is not correct. Then blacken thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.




【解析】句意:与Jim不一样,我每天早上是步行而不是开车去上班的。步行应是on foot,而不是by foot,所以要将by改成on。“开车”用by car,“骑自行车”用by bike。




【解析】句意:正像她的聪颖一样,她是有天赋的。as+adj.+ as+ adj.均用形容词原级,不能用比较级,所以这里要去掉表示比较级的more。

【解析】句意:会上老师在场,还有他的学生们。这里考查主谓一致,as well as…是插入语,谓语应与as well as前面的主语保持数的一致。这里主语是单数,谓语也应是单数。

Part IV Cloze (10%)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage, and for eachblank are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D at the end of the passage. You shouldchoose ONE answer that best fits into the passage. Then blacken thencorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.
Visitors to the zoo usually pity the animals owing to theirparticular emotional associations(联想). Which animalsshould be indeed pitied?
The first type are those clever and  56 developedanimals  57 lively intelligence and desire foractivity can  58 no outlet behind the bars of the cage.Those animals living in a free state before  59 in the zoo have a strong desire formoving about  60 , but have to rum around repeatedly in their quarters.Owing to this disappointment, foxed and wolves  61 in places which are far too small, areamong the most  62 of all zoo animals.
Another sad scene, seldom  63by ordinary zoo visitors,is the  64 flying trials of swans (天鹅)at migration (迁徙 ) time. These creatures, like most other waterbirds, are generally made unable to fly by the  65of cutting off a tip ofthe wing bone.  66 such swans in the zoo generally seem happyunder  67 care and they raise their young withoutany trouble, at migration time things become  68. The birds never really  69 thatthey can no longer fly, and repeatedly swim to the  70of the pond so thatthey can have the whole extent of its surface when trying to  71 againstthe wind. Meanwhile, their loud flying calls can be heard as they try to  72 ,and again and again the grand preparations end in  73.
I do not like seeing those  74water birds in the zoo.The missing tip of one wing and the still sadder picture that the bird makeswhen it  75 its wings hurt me badly. What a trulysorry picture it is.
56. A. high  B.highly   C.deep   D.deeply
57. A. whose B.whom   C.that  D.which
58. A. find  B.lose   C.declare   D.transform
59. A. to be put   B.being put put  D.putting
60. A. partly   B.highly   C.deeply  D.freely
61. A. kept  B.keeping  C.rose   D.rising
62. A. victorious  B.thoughtful  C.miserable  D. fortunate
63. A. scattered   B.written   C.noticed   D.wakened
64. A similar   B.suitable  C.apparent  D. constant
65. A. experiment   B.operation   C.treatment  D. movement
66. A. Although   B.When  C.Since  D.Because
67. A original  B.proper   C.parallel   D.precious
68. A. private  B.public   C.different  D. similar
69. A. suggest  B.assure  C.underline  D. realize
70. A. limit  B.side   C.middle
71. A. take off  B.stand up  C.take up   D.stand by
72. A. spring   B.raise   C.swell   D.rise
73. A. passage   C.failure  D.success
74. A. upright  B.powerful   C.valuable  D. unlucky
75. A. spreads  B.strengthens  C.enlarges   D.inspects
58.A此题考查几个动词的辨析。find no outlet找不到出路;lose丢失;declare宣布,声明,声称;transform改变,变化。
59.B介词后面的动词要用-ing形式,排除A和C项,those animals与putin the zoo之间是被动关系,所以要用被动。
62.C语义辨析题,根据前文,狼、狐狸等动物被关在小笼子里,是一件多么痛苦的事。victorious胜利的,得胜的;thoughtful沉思的,体贴的; miserable悲惨的,痛苦的;fortunate幸运的。
69.D 句意:这些鸟从来没有真正意识到它们再也不能飞翔了,会不断地游到水塘的尽头。虽然人类给他们做了手术,但它们并未意识到自己不能飞翔了。suggest建议;assure保证,确保;underline加强,强调;realize意识到。
70.A句意为:这些鸟从来没有真正意识到他们再也不能飞翔了,会不断地游到水塘的尽头。根据后文theycan have the whole extent of its surface可知它们是游到了水塘的边缘,所以才会有thewhole extent of its surface。limit限制,限度,界线;side方面,侧面,旁边;middle中部的,中央的,正中的,中间的;center中央的,中心的。
71.A短语辨析题,它们游到水塘边缘是为了逆风起飞。take off起飞,脱下,事业的腾飞;stand up站起来;take up占据,拿起,开始从事;stand by站在旁边,支持,袖手旁观。
73.C结合前文,它们已被做了手术,肯定飞不起来,因此这些尝试最后都会以失败而告终。end in failure表示“以失败告终”。
75.A动词辨义题。根据前后文意思判断,这里是说失去翅膀以及鸟类展开翅膀的画面使我很伤心。因此选spread。spread its wings意思为“展开翅膀”, strengthen加强,巩固;enlarge扩大,扩展,使增大;inspect检查,视察,检阅。
Part V Translation (20%)
Section A
Directions: In this part there are five sentences which you shouldtranslate into Chinese. These sentences are all taken from the 3 passages youhave just read in Reading Comprehension. You can refer back to the passages toidentify their meanings in the context.
76. One day, sciencesays a glass of red wine a day will help us live longer.
77. All it can reallydo is to point researchers in the right direction for further investigation
78. Studies of skilled language learners haveidentified specific listening strategies that lead to superior comprehension
【答案】对熟练的语言学习者的研究已经发现了某些有助于提升听力理解的策略。 查看答案
79. They set a goal for their listening, andthey generate predictions about what the speaker will say.
【答案】他们为自己的听力设定一个目标,并且预测说话者将要说什么。 查看答案
80. As the Titanic was sinking and women and childrenclimbed into lifeboats, the musicians from the ship's band stood and played.
Section B
Directions: In this part there are five sentences in Chinese. Youshould translate them into English. Be sure to write clearly.
【答案】He was the firstman who walked on the moon.查看答案
【答案】While aging, theyhave become more grateful to everything they have. 查看答案
【答案】This company wasfounded in1970.查看答案
【答案】Could you please lend me the book (which) youtalked about yesterday?
【答案】She reminds me ofher elder sister.查看答案

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