4. 试题类型分类及各种题目的作题方法
A. 例证题 B. 主旨题 C.事实细节题 D.词义题 E.指代题 (每个人划分的都有出入)
A例证题: 问的是文中所举例子所要说明的问题的题目
31、The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that
A、large animal were vulnerable to the changing environment
B、small species survived as large animals disappeared
C、large sea animals may face the same threat today.
D、Slow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones
1) 找到例子在全文中的出处:因为这个是本篇文章的第一道题,因此首先要对应到第一段。
When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strong happened to the large animals; they suddenly became extinct. Smaller species survived, the large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction. Now something similar could be happening in the oceans这个是第一段内容。
2) 具体例子的部分稍微看下就可以了,然后在例子的前面或者后面,90%往前10%往后,来搜索该例子的前后区域看有没有此例子所支持的解释的观点。找出该观点并与四个选项进行比较,看哪个与该论点一致就是答案,而这样的句子往往是那种寓意比较深刻,说明性很强的话语。现在我们来分析上面的段落。(PS:括号内的是具体例子部分,所以括号内的部分就暂时不看,只看括号外的部分,并找出论点是什么。)
(When prehistoric man arrived in new parts of the world, something strong happened to the large animals; they suddenly became extinct. Smaller species survived, the large, slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction.) Now something similar could be happening in the oceans
C、large sea animals may face the same threat today.符合题意= Now something similar could be happening in the oceans,例子部分可以不看,但是要是你不放心的话可以略读一下。在你熟练这个方法后就完全可以不看,因为出题人会在例子中出干扰,其内容可以和例子的意思完全一致,再复杂点来和同意替换的话就更容易被迷惑,考试前要做到该看的地方看,不该看的地方打死都不看。根据这个就有了一个小窍门:如果是例证题选项中如果有和具体例子内容完全一致的那就肯定是错的!!! |