本帖最后由 乾乾 于 2011-9-15 09:57 编辑
对于 效应大小
这个时候,就引出了一个概念 —— 效应大小(effect size , ES),以它作为处理效应绝对大小的估计值,其大小表示两个分布的重合程度,ES越大,重叠越小,效应越大,反之,略。对于ES的计算,我们常使用科恩d值 科恩d值=平均数差/标准差
对于 统计效能 —— power
Rather than examining the potential for making an error, we examine the probability of reaching the correct decision. Remember that the researcher’s goal is to demonstrate that the experimental treatment actually does have an effect. This is the purpose of conducting the experiment in the first place. If the researcher is correct and the treatment really does have an effect, then what is the probability that the hypothesis test will correctly identify it? This is a question concerning the power of a statistical test.
定义:The power of a statistical test is the probability that the test will correctly reject .
As the definition implies, the more powerful a statistical test is, the more readily it will detect a treatment effect when one really exists (correctly rejecting H0).
It should be clear that the concepts of power and Type II error are closely related. When a treatment effect exists, the hypothesis test will have one of two results:
1. It can fail to discover the existing treatment effect (a Type II error).
2. It can correctly detect the presence of a treatment effect (rejecting a false null hypothesis).