.........showed a significant interaction between the facial expression and the context emotion (both ps < .0001, prep=0.996)....其中s和rep为下标.....新手看外文,看到许多对于显著性的表达使用的是ps和prep,但是,同一篇文章里有时候也用p......请问ps和prep分别代表什么意思?出自何处?我百度不到,何时用p,何时用ps?.............谢谢大家
我曾经看过 Psychological Science 上一篇老文章,里面也用过 Prep,我特地去查过才知道是啥东西。不过现在基本不用了,原因懒得翻译了,你直接看吧"For a while, the Association for Psychological Science recommended that articles submitted to Psychological Science and their other journals report p-rep rather than the classic p-value, but this is no longer the case."
If my study finds that more men choose attractive women than choose intelligent women, with a prep of .917, I can say that more than 9 times out of 10, if I repeated the same study, more men would still choose attractive women