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目录                                                                                        封面
Unit 1 家庭情感类
 Passage 1 工作与家庭
 Passage 2 给孩子以关心
 Passage 3 男女情感差异
 Passage 4 婚姻形式
 Passage 5 表达情感
 Passage 6 小孩撒谎
 Passage 7 家庭问题
 Passage 8 墨西哥族美国人家庭的生活方式
Unit 2 教育文化类
 Passage 1 实验室的“老虎”
 Passage 2 文化遗产
 Passage 3 音乐艺术
 Passage 4 有关科学家的社会问题
 Passage 5 有关美国的教育问题
 Passage 6 会遗忘
 Passage 7 悲剧文化
 Passage 8 《大学物理》教材介绍
 Passage 9 美国友谊观
 Passage 10 智力情感
 Passage 11 基础科学和应用科学的关系
 Passage 12 20世纪学者歪曲分析文学作品
 Passage 13 数 学
 Passage 14 谈姓名
 Passage 15 远程学习
 Passage 16 远程教育
 Passage 17 语 言
 Passage 18 科学与艺术
 Passage 19 科技术语
 Passage 20 教 师
Unit 3 科技创新类
 Passage 1 电脑技术
 Passage 2 在家中上班
 Passage 3 精确制导导弹的弊端
 Passage 4 人们应该摆正技术的位置
 Passage 5 人类对宇宙的认识
 Passage 6 新型汽车安全系统
 Passage 7 物理实验
 Passage 8 网络技术
 Passage 9 医学伦理道德
 Passage 10 彗 星
 Passage 11 遥感技术在地址上的功能
 Passage 12 网上广告
Unit 4 历史地理类
 Passage 1 泰坦尼克号与珍珠港
 Passage 2 万圣节的起源及传说
 Passage 3 地图绘制
 Passage 4 考古学
 Passage 5 美国黑人现代意识源流
 Passage 6 智利的旅游业
 Passage 7 真正的蝎子王
 Passage 8 东罗马帝国的复兴
Unit 5 社会经济类
 Passage 1 从玩扑克看生意的本质
 Passage 2 电子工业的发展
 Passage 3 学术研究的商业价值
 Passage 4 DVD市场
 Passage 5 保证金率
 Passage 6 商业计划
 Passage 7 民族企业
 Passage 8 申请“进口救济”会影响企业
 Passage 9 经济学的作用
 Passage 10 美国总统经济计划
 Passage 11 耐克不再“酷”
 Passage 12 商品销售
 Passage 13 为人写简历
 Passage 14 经济学
 Passage 15 大企业是如何集资
 Passage 16 慈善机构
 Passage 17 银行改革
Unit 6 社会问题类
 Passage 1 美国的革命
 Passage 2 交通法则与交通事故
 Passage 3 恐怖主义
 Passage 4 医生与病人的关系
 Passage 5 加强合作
 Passage 6 科学家的任务
 Passage 7 大学生自杀现象
 Passage 8 社会趣闻
 Passage 9 电脑中的伦理问题
 Passage 10 当过CEO的政府官员政绩不佳
 Passage 11 礼貌行为
 Passage 12 人工受精
 Passage 13 偶像崇拜
 Passage 14 社会的变化与信息的传播
 Passage 15 诸多媒体大战
 Passage 16 人体器官移植
 Passage 17 迁居的影响
Unit 7 社会政治类
 Passage 1 钢琴外交
 Passage 2 巴勒斯坦的改革
 Passage 3 布什捐赠圣诞树
 Passage 4 刑 法
 Passage 5 印第安人移民
 Passage 6 社会阶层
 Passage 7 言论自由
Unit 8 生态环境类
 Passage 1 绿色和平组织
 Passage 2 温室效应
 Passage 3 干 旱
 Passage 4 环境问题
 Passage 5 野生动物保护
 Passage 6 想象中的生命
Unit 9 医学保健类
 Passage 1 血液库存问题
 Passage 2 医疗技术与人的寿命
 Passage 3 医疗器械
 Passage 4 药物管理
 Passage 5 脂肪对身体的影响
 Passage 6 惊慌症及其影响
 Passage 7 空气传播污染
 Passage 8 美容整形
 Passage 9 流行性感冒的类别
 Passage 10 肺 癌
 Passage 11 心理与健康
 Passage 12 小孩患脑瘤
 Passage 13 糖尿病
 Passage 14 在假期保持健康
 Passage 15 核磁共振仪
 Passage 16 焦虑症
 Passage 17 恐惧症
 Passage 18 多功能超级药丸
 Passage 19 动物调节体温不同方式
 Passage 20 滥用动物做实验
 Passage 21 食品包装的欺骗问题
 Passage 22 医助自杀
Unit 10 艺术新闻类
 Passage 1 解读新闻
 Passage 2 英国的戏剧
 Passage 3 美国民歌
 Passage 4 演说时音量的正确使用
 Passage 5 欧洲摇滚乐
 Passage 6 过激的歌曲
 Passage 7 哈里波特的流行
 Passage 8 电影《辛德勒的名单》
 Passage 9 电视节目
Unit 11 宗教信仰类
 Passage 1 天主教会
 Passage 2 日 记
 Passage 3 引人注目的重要性
 Passage 4 战胜挫折
 Passage 5 自我和宇宙之间的有机联系
Unit 12 其他类
 Passage 1 风雪夜
 Passage 2 工作和快乐
 Passage 3 面 试
 Passage 4 社会观点
 Passage 5 财产保险
 Passage 6 人类学
 Passage 7 人物传记
 Passage 8 人物传记的视角
 Passage 9 社会与语言问题
 Passage 10 爬 山
 Passage 11 笑的功能
 Passage 12 学习规律
 Passage 13 领导才能
 Passage 14 媒体对时事对的影响
 Passage 15 旅行见闻
 Passage 16 作品介绍
 Passage 17 有效使用幽默
 Passage 18 工作机械化
 Passage 19 谋杀的记叙文


Unit1 家庭情感类
Passage 1 工作与家庭
The list of “should” is very long.You should give more than 100 per cent at work. You should never stop learningand developing. You should read and keep up with events. You should spend timewith your family and take care of your myriad of daily chores.
At work, it’s not enough to bequalified for your job. You have to have excellent people skills andproblem-solving abilities. Your IQ had better be high, and you should welcome anythingand everything new. Commitment and enthusiasm are the bottom line.
At home, it’s not enough to havemoney in the bank. There are children to raise, hobbies to encourage and dailyroutines to organize. Contacts between home and the day care center or schoolare another priority. You have to keep up your friendships and your family relationships.You have to have empathy for everyone around you. You have to have time.
How do we catch a guiltyconscience? Finns in Business asked family counselor Hannu Kuukka from the Helsinki parish services.“A bad conscience comes from conflicting pressures, from the feeling that youjust can’t manage everything that you consider important. Frustration andstress are the result.”
“Ourinternalized roles—the role models that we subconsciously follow—alsocontribute to the problem. Throughout our lives, we carry with us the part weplayed in our own family. This can be a source of encouragement and support, orthe seeds of a bad conscience.”
What can we do for a badconscience? “Our failures tend to become exaggerated in our minds, especiallyif someone close to us verbalizes them. You have to set priority.Couples should decide together if one of them is going to concentrate on workand the other on family. The couple is the foundation of the home, so they haveto find common ground,” comments Hannu Kuukka.
At work, you spend your time withadults, and you can excel in your own field. Are you more comfortable at workthan at home? This is a common feeling—and another source of guilt. “It is notunusual for relationships at work to be easier and more straightforward thanthose at home. The everyday life of a family with children can be exhausting.And today, with growing competition and more friction at work, even theserelationships have become more difficult,” says Kuukka.
1. Thepurpose of the first paragraph is to ______.
A. itemize what people have toaccomplish in their lives
B. brief a real but toughsituation for couples to cope with
C. explain why some people longfor a break of routine
D. show how a full-time job goesagainst a family life
2.According to the author, the decisive factor for one to perform well at work is______.
A. responsibility and devotion
B. right qualifications
C. originality and open-mindedness
D. an IQ at least above 130
3. Whatseems always problematic for one’s family life is that ______.
A. money never seems to be enough
B. friendships and familyrelationships are hard to keep up
C. one simply can’t afford thetime
D. it’s impossible to sharefeelings with everyone around
4.According to the passage, the constant cause of a bad conscience lies in thefact that ______.
A. one attempts to achieve a goodbalance between work and family-life
B. people have unknowingly playedstereotyped sex roles in family
C. our minds are beset withexaggerated information about family problems
D. no couple is capable ofhandling more than one thing at a time
5. Whatdoes the underlined pronoun ‘them’ (line 19) refer to in the context?
A. Minds
B. Parents
C. Failures
D. Priorities
6. Assuggested by Kuukka, the right way to approach the problem is to ______.
A. exchange role models betweenthe couple in the same boat
B. look at the same problem from adifferent perspective
C. turn a deaf ear to whateverother people would say
D. get the couple’s prioritiesright to ensure a rewarding life
7. Fromthe last paragraph, it can be safely inferred that ______.
A. work relationships are asdifficult to keep up as family relationships
B. working parents usually feelmore comfortable at work than at home
C. growing competition hasaffected the otherwise good terms with co-workers
D. the best moment of the day iswhen you might have escaped from family chores
1.B 第一段首句“thelist of ‘should’ is very long.”意思为:生活中“应该做的事”很多。后面列举了工作、个人修养与提高以及家庭生活的几个例子。这一段是全文的引言段,目的不在列举本身,是为了说明下文中作者要提到的双职工家庭工作与生活中所遇到的问题与解决的办法。在第六段第四句“couples should decide togetherif…”中,作者明确指出了夫妻双方应如何面对这些问题。
2.A 第二段作者列出了要做好工作所具备的条件。该段最后一句意思为:工作中承担责任与工作热情是最根本的条件。
3.C 第三段作者列出了要管好家庭所要做的一系列事情。该段最后一句说:可是你得有时间。言外之意就是要做好这些事是要花很多时间的,可是我们没有那么多时间。
4.A 根据文中第四段“A bad conscience comes from conflicting…”可知:我们的负罪感是来源于相互冲突的压力,即我们感到我们没能把我们认为重要的每一件事都做好。这里主要是指工作与生活的冲突。
5.C 第六段第二句意为:如果我们身边的人唠叨我们的失败,我们就会觉得问题更加严重。这里them是指代主句中的主语。
6.D 第六段第三句作者引用Kuukka的话:夫妻双方应决定把什么放在首位,一起决定谁要以工作为主,谁要以家庭为主。
7.B 文章最后一段作者说:我们在工作中与成年人打交道,而且你可以发挥你的专长。你上班时比在家更舒服吗?一般人都这么认为,这也是我们有负罪感的另一个原因。
Passage 2 给孩子以关心
The book Love and Its Place inNature observed that without love children tend to die. And Ashley Montagu,noted British-born anthropologist, went so far as to say: The child who has notbeen loved is biochemically, physiologically, and psychologically verydifferent from the one who has been loved. The former even grows differentlyfrom the latter.
TheToronto Star reported on a study that reached similar conclusions. It said:“Children raised without being regularly hugged, caressed or stroked…haveabnormally high levels of stress hormones.” Indeed, physical neglect duringinfancy “can have serious long-range effects on learning and memory.”
These findings emphasize the needfor the physical presence of parents. Otherwise, how can strong ties developbetween parent and child? But sorry to say, even in affluent parts of theworld, the tendency now is to try to supply a child’s needs apart from his orher parents. Children are sent away to school, sent away to work, sent away tosummer camp, and given money and sent away to places of recreation. Thrust outof the family nucleus, circling in orbit at a distance, as it were, millions ofchildren naturally come to feel—ifonly subconsciously—neglected, unwanted, and unloved, surrounded by a hostileworld of grownups. Such a prevailing feeling among children may be one reasonwhy there are so many street children. Typical is young Micha, who said: “Noone wanted me anymore.” A nine-year-old boy similarly complained: “I wouldrather be our dog.”
Child neglect is a form ofmistreatment and it can lead to more sinister forms of mistreatment such as thephysical mistreatment and sexual abuse of children.
Regardless of the formmistreatment takes, it sends children the message that they are unloved andunwanted. According to the German newspaper Die Welt, “more and more childrenare growing up to be social cripples.” It adds: “Children lack the warmth ofthe nest. The emotional bonding between children and parents is becomingweaker, or it is never established in the first place. Such children feelneglected, and their desire for security goes unfulfilled.”
Children who are denied theirright to be wanted and loved may become bitter, taking out their frustrationson those who have neglected them or possibly on society as a whole. Fully adecade ago, a Canadian taskforce report signaled the need for immediate actionlest a whole generation “who think society doesn’t care about them” be lost.
Unloved and unwanted youngstersmay be tempted to run away from home to escape their problems, only to findbigger ones in cities plagued with crime, drugs, and immorality. In fact,police have estimated that 20,000 runaways under 16 were living in one U.S.metropolitan area alone. They were described as “the products of broken homesand brutality, often inflicted by alcoholic or drug-addicted parents. They taketo the streets, use their bodies for survival and then, beaten by pimps andbereft of self-esteem, live in fear of reprisal if they attempt to escape theracket.” Sad to say, despite honest efforts to change this deplorablesituation, it still exists.
Children growing up in thecircumstances described above develop into unbalanced adults, often beingunable to rear children of their own properly. Being unwanted and unlovedthemselves, they later produce more of their own kind.
1. Themain idea of the passage is that ______.
A. children need to be lovedbiochemically
B. children tend to die withoutlove
C. lack of love can have seriouseffects on the growing-up of a child
D. neglected children will grow upinto unbalanced adults
2. It isimplied in the passage that ______.
A. parents can establish closeties with their children by letting them be
B. children should receiveeducation from their parents, not from schools
C. children should not be forcedto stay away from the family nucleus
D. children should circle theirparents in orbit at a distance
3. Thereason why so many children have grown up to be social cripples is that ______.
A. some parents could only getwarmth from other street children
B. many children could only getwarmth from other street children
C. many children wanted to revengetheir parents in this way
D. many children wanted to breakthe bind between them and their parents
4.Children take to the streets ______.
A. to seek ways of survival
B. to save their self-esteem
C. to attempt to escape the racket
D. to escape from their miserablecondition and parent abuse
5. Whichof the following best defines the meaning of the word “bereft” in paragraph 7?
A. destroyed
B. deprived
C. weakened
D. threw away
1.C 纵观全文可知,本文主要介绍了孩子在无爱的环境中成长可能有的一些严重后果。只有C符合题意。
2.C 从第三段可知,“Thrust out of the family nucleus”和“circlingin orbit at a distance”都会造成孩子对父母的失望及对社会的反感,放任自由并不能弥补父母对孩子的关爱,A项不对;B项文中没有提及;D项与文中意思相反,只有C项为正确答案。
3.B 从文中第五段可知,“Children lack the warmth of the nest”以及“theemotional bonding between children and parents”很脆弱,甚至根本没有建立,孩子觉得被忽视,缺乏安全感。因此我们可以推断这些孩子只有从那些与他们有着相同遭遇的街头流浪小孩处得到温暖。故选B项。
4.D 从文中第七段可知,他们是为了脱离困境以及父母的虐待。故选D项。
5.B “bereft”用于“self-esteem”之前,是指被剥夺了自尊,故B项为正确答案。

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