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第一部分 历年真题及详解[听力音频]
第二部分 模拟试题及详解

第一部分 历年真题及详解[听力音频]
第一部分 听力
0.How much is the shirt?
[A] £19.15.
[B] £9.18. 
[C] £9.15. 

1.What can we conclude from the woman’s reply?
[A] She thinks John is joking.
[B] She is sure John is selling his shop.
[C] She thinks John likes business.
M: John said yesterday he was planning to sell his shop.Wasn’t he joking?
W: No. I don’t know how many times he said he wished he hadstudied for some profession instead of going intobusiness.
2.What does the man mean?
[A] The new teacher is sick.
[B] He hasn’t met the teacher yet.
[C] He didn’t like the teacher.
W: Did you meet the new teacher yesterday?
M: I’ve been sick for three days.
3.What time is it now?
[A] 7:55. 
[B] 7:05. 
[C] 8:05.
M: What time does the film start?
W: It starts at 7:30. We have 25 minutes to get there.
4.What does the woman mean?
[A] She thinks they shouldn’t go to French restaurants.
[B] She’s recommending a good place to go for dinner.
[C] She is inviting them to differ.
M: I am puzzled where to take Mary for dinner today.
W: Have you ever been to that little French restaurant?
5.Which of the following can we know from the dialogue?
[A] The woman is going to have a trip this summer vacation.
[B] The woman is going to stay at home this summer vacation.
[C] The woman hasn’t decided how to spend the summervacation.
W: What are you going to do this summer vacation?
M: I want to have a trip to Beijing because I have neverbeen there. But my mother wants me to stay at home and study since I am goingto take the National Entrance Examination next year.
听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7题。
6. What was the weather like yesterday according to the twospeakers?
[A] Colder than today.
[B] Warmer than today.
[C] Fine.
7. How did the man feel about the weather at the end ofconversation?
[A] Afraid 
[B] Sad. 
[C] Relieved.
6.A 录音中女士提到“Don’tworry. It’s not nearly as cold as yesterday.(不要担心,今天远没有昨天冷呢)”,即昨天比今天冷多了。因此A项正确。
7.C 录音中女士告知了男士今天的天气之后,男士回答到“Thank goodness for that.(真是谢天谢地啊!)”,即男士听到今天的天气没有昨天那么冷的时候,如释重负地舒了一口气。因此C项正确。
M: You got up very early this morning.
W: Yes. I’ve been out doing morning exercises.
M: Then tell me what the weather is like today.
W: It’s freezing.
M: Oh, dear, not again
W: Don’t worry. It’s not nearly as cold as yesterday.
M: Thank goodness for that.
8.What does Mr. Smith tell his secretary?
[A] He’ll phone the caller at 4 o’clock.
[B] He’s out of the office.
[C] He’ll be on the phone at once.
9.Where does Edgar Davis call from?
[A] Britain. 
[B] Brazil. 
[C] Boston
8.B 录音中女士对男士说“史密斯先生,你有个电话”,男士问女士是谁打来的,女士说对方没有告知。男士回答说“Tell him I am not in the office. Say I’ll beback by 4 o’clock.(告诉他我不在办公室,就说我4点钟回来)”,因此B项正确。
9.C 录音中女士问打电话的人是谁,男士对方回答说“this is Edgar Davis from Boston(我是来自波士顿的Edgar Davis)”。因此C项正确。
W: You have a telephone call, Mr. Smith?
M: Who is it?
W: He didn’t say.
M: Tell him Iam not in the office. Say I’ll be back by 4 o’clock.
W: All right. Hello, sir?
M: Yes?
W: I am afraid he’s just stepped out of the office. May Iask who’s calling?
M: Yes, this is Edgar Davis from Boston.
W: Oh, yes, Mr. Davis. I’m sure he won’t be back until 4 o’clock.Could you give me your number, please?
M: Yes.
10.What was Mary doing at the beginning of the dialogue?
[A] Going home. 
[B] Waiting for a bus.
[C] Waiting for someone.
11.Where was Mary going?
[A] Home. 
[B] To the bus stop.
[C] To the park.
12. Why did Bill feel surprised when he first heard Mary wasgoing for a walk?
[A] Because it was a cold day.
[B] Because she was going alone.
[C] Because she had not told him about this before.
10.B 录音中男士问女士为什么站在冷风中,女士回答说“I’m waiting for a bus(我在等公交车)”,因此B项正确。
11.C 录音中男士问女士要去哪里,女士回答说“But I’m not going home now. I’m going for a walk in thepark.(我现在不是要回家,我要去公园里散步)”,因此C项正确。
12.A 录音中男士提到“Goingfor a walk in such cold weather?(这么冷的天气还去散步?)”,由此可知,因为天气很冷,所以男士听到玛丽说要去公园里散步,感到很惊讶。因此A项正确。
M: Hello, Mary. Why are you standing here in the cold wind?
W: I’m waiting for a bus, but the buses are very full at thistime of the day.
M: Where are you going? This isn’t your way home You musttake a bus from the other side of the street to go home.
W: But I’m not goinghome now. I’m going for a walk in the park.
M: Going for a walk in such cold weather?
W: I always like to go for a walk before supper.
听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第16题。
13.Where has Ann been?
[A] To her brother’s. 
[B] To Beijing. 
[C] To her uncle’s.
14.How far is it from Ann’s home to her uncle’s?
[A] About eight thousand miles away.
[B] About eight hundred kilometers away.
[C] About eight hundred miles away.
15.Who went there with Ann?
[A] Her friend. 
[B] Her father. 
[C] Herself.
16.How did she go to her uncle’s?
[A] On foot. 
[B] By bus. 
[C] By train.
13.C 录音中男士问女士去哪里了,女士回答说“I’ve been to my uncle’s.(我去我叔叔家了)”,因此C项正确。
14.B 录音中男士问女士“你家离你叔叔家远吗”,女士回答说“Very far. It’s about 800 kilometers.(很远,大概800千米吧)”,因此B项正确。
15.C 录音中男士问女士“你和谁一起去的”,女士回答说“Myself.(我自己去的)”,因此C项正确。
16.C 录音中男士问女士“你怎样去那儿的,坐飞机吗”,女士回答说“No. By train and on the way I made friends with a girlnamed Lily.(不,坐火车去的。我在路上结识了一个叫Lily的女孩)”,因此C项正确。
M: Where have you been, Ann? I haven’t seen you for half amonth.
W: I’ve been to my uncle’s.
M: Did you have a good time there?
W: Yes, I enjoyed myself very much.
M: Is it far from your home to your uncle’s?
W: Very far. It’s about 800 kilometers.
M: Who went there with you?
W: Myself.
M: Oh. It’s great. How did you get there? By plane?
W: No. By trainand on the way I made friends with a girl named Lily.
17.When is Mary’s birthday?
[A] August 15th. 
[B] August 16th. 
[C] August 12th.
18.What time will the party begin?
[A] At 2:00 P.m. 
[B] At 2:20 P.m. 
[C] At 1:40 P.m.
19.Will Jean come to the party?
[A] No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at thestation. 
[B] Yes, she will, but she’ll be late for the party.
[C] Not sure. Perhaps she won’t be able to come.
20.Where will Jean’s sister come from?
[A] The station. 
[B] The party. 
[C] Shanghai.
17.B 录音中男士提到“Todayis the 12th of August. In another four days it will be my sister Mary’sbirthday.(今天是八月十二号,再过四天就是我的妹妹玛丽的生日了)”,即玛丽的生日是在八月十六号。因此B项正确。
18.C 录音中女士问男士生日聚会什么时候开始,男士回答说“At twenty to two.(两点差二十分)”,即生日聚会1:40开始。因此C项正确。
19.B 录音中女士提到“Ihave to meet her at the station. So I’m afraid I’ll be late for the party.(我要去车站接我姐姐,恐怕会晚点到)”,男士回答说“没关系,务必过来啊”。女士回答说“好的!”。即女士会去参加生日聚会,但是会晚点到。因此B项正确。
20.C 录音中女士提到“Butmy sister will come to see me from Shanghai at 1:20 that afternoon.(那天下午1:20,我姐姐会从上海回来看我)”,因此C项正确。
M: Today is the 12th of August. In another four days itwill be my sister Mary’s birthday. We’ll have a party. Would you please comeand join us, Jean?
W: What time will the party begin?
M: At twenty to two.
W: But my sister will come to see me from Shanghai at 1:20that afternoon. I have to meet her at the station. So I’m afraid I’ll be latefor the party.
M: That’s all right. Do come, please.
W: Sure!
第二部分 英语知识运用
第一节 单项填空
21. We hurried to _____ station, hoping to catch _____ 8:15train to New York.
[A] /; an 
[B] the; / 
[C] 8; all 
[D] the; the
22. The hospital agreed to give care free of charge to _____with low incomes·
[A] those 
[B] them 
[C] these 
[D] ones
23.It’s about time we got the kitchen _____.
[A] repaint 
[B] repainted 
[C] repainting
[D] to repaint
【解析】句意:到了我们重新粉刷厨房的时候了。本题考查固定搭配。make/get/have sth. done表示“让某事被做;请别人做某事”,其中done是过去分词,作宾语补足语,表示被动含义。因此B项正确。
24.—Has Tom finished his experiment today?
—No idea. He _____ it this morning.
[A] is doing 
[B] was doing 
[C] had done 
[D] has done
25. I _____ admit the plan is a limited one and is not assuccessful as we thought.
[A] can 
[B] may 
[C] need 
[D] must
26. Mom was busy cooking in the kitchen _____ Dad waswatching TV comfortably.
[A] while 
[B] so 
[C] since 
[D] though
27. I don’t need any help, Polly, but it was nice of you to_____.
[A] demand 
[B] promise 
[C] offer 
[D] present
【解析】句意:波利,我不需要任何帮助,但还是很感激你主动提供帮助。本题考查动词词义辨析。offer提供,提出。offer help主动提供帮助。根据句意可知,C项正确。demand要求,需要。promise许诺,承诺。present呈现,赠送,介绍。
28. If they wanted to go out, they could always _____ me tostay with the baby.
[A] believe in
[B] count on 
[C] name after 
[D] hear from
【解析】句意:如果他们要出门,他们总是可以指望我来照看孩子。本题考查动词词组辨析。count on指望,依靠,依赖。故B项正确。believe in信任。name after以……命名。hear from收到某人的来信。
29. She prepared _____ good meals for the family that noone ever thought of going out to eat.
[A] so 
[B] such 
[C] even 
[D] ever
【解析】句意:她为家人做的饭如此美味以至于没有人想过要出去吃饭。本题考查固定句型。“so/such...that+从句”表示“如此……,以至于……”。so后面接形容词,such后面接名词或名词词组。good meals为名词词组,需用such修饰,因此B项正确。
30. Sometimes he would make himself _____ in the kitchen bycleaning and tidying.
[A] beautiful 
[B] wonderful 
[C] useful 
[D] careful
31. I phoned him twice and _____ messages, but he neverreturned my call.
[A] kept 
[B] dropped 
[C] received 
[D] left
【解析】句意:我给他打了两个电话,也发了短信,但他没有给我回电话。本题考查动词词义辨析。leave留下。leave messages留言。因此D项正确。keep保持,保留。drop落下,下降。receive收到。
32. Please keep me fully informed _____ any progress in theplan.
[A] for 
[B] with 
[C] on 
[D] of
【解析】句意:这个计划有任何进展都请告知我。本题考查固定搭配。inform sb. of sth.是固定搭配,表示“通知/告知某人某事”。因此D项正确。
33. All mobile phones must be turned off from when theaircraft doors are closed _____ the doors open again on arrival.
[A] until 
[B] unless 
[C] before 
[D] when
34.—Shall we eat Italian food tonight?
[A] Yes, that’s all right 
[B] Never mind
[C] Yes, good idea 
[D] You’re welcome
【解析】句意:——我们今晚吃意大利菜怎么样?——好主意。本题考查情景对话。题干提出了一项建议,答语中应该对这项建议进行评价或表达自己是否同意。因此C项“好主意”为正确答案。Yes, that’s all right表示“没什么”,用于回答别人的感谢。Never mind没关系,不要放在心上。You’re welcome不用谢,别客气。
35. The furniture _____ on Friday, so until then we’ll haveto sit on the floor.
[A] is being delivered 
[B] was delivered
[C] has been delivered 
[D] had been delivered
第二节 完形填空
The first day my new teacher stood in front of the class, Iburst into laughter. Ron Clark was from North Carolina and he talked with a  36Southern accent (口音). I thought he was a complete  37.
It was 2005  38 I was in thefifth grade. I figured I’d spend most of the year in the headmaster’s office. I’dalways been a  39 . I’d get shouted at, and then  40would give up on me. I thought Ron Clark would just be one of them.
I was  41 . That first week, I kept 42 him. He pulled me out to the hallway and saidI’d better  43 my behavior (行为).“Tom,” he said, “you’re a  44 boy. You can dobetter.”
He told me I was a natural leader and  45 I’dgo far in life if I started working hard. I was  46 atthat moment, and then something happened: I began to  47 him.He had a most unusual way of  48 . To help us learn thestates and capitals, he changed the  49 of a popularsong and had us  50 with him. When we read theHarry Potter books, he made our 51 look like Hogwarts.
Before coming to our  52 , he taughtin his hometown. His parents were DJs at dance clubs, so he  53 withmusic and energy. He had seen a TV show about our  54 schoolsand the lack of qualified teachers. He  55 achallenge. Boy, did he get one.
36. [A] polite   [B]pleasant    [C]funny   [D]weak
37. [A] joke    [B]story    [C]mistake    [D]actor
38. [A] for    [B]and   [C]but   [D]since
39. [A] winner   [B]fool   [C]troublemaker  [D]monitor
40. [A] my friends  [B] theteachers   [C] thestudents  [D] my parents
41. [A] wrong    [B]satisfied    [C]clever   [D]excited
42. [A] standing by   [B] listeningto  [C] laughingat  [D] looking for
43. [A] explain   [B]keep    [C]study    [D]improve
44. [A] serious   [B]happy   [C]busy    [D]smart
45. [A] that    [B]which   [C]where    [D]what
46. [A] mad    [B]happy   [C]sorry    [D]surprised
47. [A] watch    [B]respect   [C]forgive    [D]protect
48. [A] teaching   [B]living    [C]learning    [D]speaking
49. [A] music    [B]words   [C]name    [D]length
50. [A] celebrate   [B]read    [C]sing   [D]argue
51. [A] playground   [B]classroom    [C]dining hall   [D]bedroom
52. [A] school     [B]club    [C]office   [D]library
53. [A] went away  [B] putup   [C]caught up   [D]grew up
54. [A] beautiful   [B]independent  [C]troubled    [D]crowded
55. [A] made   [B]accepted  [C]presented   [D]wanted
36.C 句意:罗恩·克拉克来自北卡罗莱纳州,有着好笑的南方口音。本题考查形容词词义辨析。上文提到,“我”的新老师第一天站在讲台前时,我就大笑起来。由此可知,这里是解释作者在笑什么。funny有趣的,好笑的,滑稽的。因此C项正确。polite礼貌的。pleasant令人愉快的,舒适的。weak虚弱的。
37.A 句意:我认为他完全就是一个笑话。本题考查名词词义辨析。上文提到新老师有着好笑的南方口音,由此可知,这里表示“我认为他是一个十足的笑话”,因此A项joke“笑话”正确。story故事。mistake错误。actor演员。
38.B 句意:那是2005年,我上五年级。本题考查连词辨析。“2005年”和“我上五年级”之间是并列关系,而不是因果、转折等关系,因此应填入并列连词and。即B项正确。for因为。but但是。since自从。
39.C 句意:我一直是一个调皮捣蛋的学生。本题考查名词词义辨析。上文提到,我认为那一年的大部分时间里我都将在校长的办公室里度过。由此可知,这里表示“我一直都是一个调皮捣蛋的学生”。troublemaker捣乱者,制造麻烦的人。因此C项正确。winner成功者,获胜者。fool傻瓜。monitor班长。
40.B 句意:我会被老师们吼骂,然后他们就会放弃我。本题考查上下文逻辑关系。上文提到我一直是一个调皮捣蛋的学生,下文提到我认为新老师罗恩·克拉克也会是他们中的一个。即这里表示“老师们会放弃我”。因此B项正确。friend朋友。student学生。parent父母。
41.A 句意:但是我错了。本题考查形容词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。下文提到新老师鼓励我说“你可以做得更好”、“你是一个天生的领导者”,由此可知,新老师并没有像作者想象的那样放弃他。即作者之前的想法是错误的。故A项wrong“错误的”正确。satisfied满意的。clever聪明的,机灵的。excited兴奋的,激动的。
42.C 句意:第一周,我不断地嘲笑他。本题考查动词词组辨析。第一段中就提到,新老师有着好笑的南方口音,我认为他完全就是一个笑话。由此可知,这里表示“嘲笑这位老师”。laugh at嘲笑,取笑。因此C项正确。stand by支持;袖手旁观。listen to倾听。look for寻找。
43.D 句意:他把我拉到走廊上对我说我最好改善一下我的行为。本题考查动词词义辨析。上文提到,我一直是一个调皮捣蛋的学生,第一周就不断地嘲笑这位新老师。由此可知,老师找我谈话是让我改善自己的不良行为。improve改善。因此D项正确。explain解释。keep保持。study学习。
44.D 句意:他说:“汤姆,你很聪明,你可以做得更好。”本题考查形容词词义辨析。由空格后的“You can do better.(你可以做得更好)”可知,老师是在表扬和鼓励Tom。smart聪明的。故D项正确。serious严重的。happy高兴的。busy忙碌的。
45.A 句意:他告诉我我是一个天生的领导者,如果我现在开始努力,在以后的人生中我可以走得更远。本题考查宾语从句的引导词。空格后的句子(I’d go far in life if I started working hard)作told的宾语,因此应填入that来引导宾语从句,且that在宾语从句中不充当成分。因此A项正确。
46.D 句意:在那一刻我非常吃惊,然后一些事情开始发生了。本题考查形容词词义辨析。上文提到,作者本来认为新老师罗恩·克拉克也会像其他老师一样放弃他,但是这位老师却一直赞赏和鼓励他,由此可知,这里表示“我非常吃惊”,因此D项surprised正确。mad疯狂的,发疯的。happy快乐的,幸福的。sorry抱歉的,遗憾的。
47.B 句意:我开始尊敬他。本题考查动词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。上文提到第一周,我不断地嘲笑他。根据上下文可知,这里表示受到老师的鼓励之后,作者决定开始改变。即他开始尊重老师。因此B项respect“尊敬”正确。watch观察。forgive原谅。protect保护。
48 A句意:他的教学方法最与众不同。本题考查上下文逻辑关系。罗恩·克拉克是一位新老师,下文提到“为了帮助学生们记住各个国家及它们的首都,他改编了一首流行歌曲的歌词,让我们跟着他一起唱”,由此可知,这里表示“他的教学方法与众不同”。因此A项正确。
49.B 句意:为了帮助我们记住各个国家及它们的首都,他改编了一首流行歌曲的歌词,让我们跟着他一起唱。本题考查名词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。由上下文可知,这里表示“改编了流行歌曲的歌词”,因此B项words正确。music音乐。name名字,名称。length长度。
50.C 句意:他改编了一首流行歌曲的歌词,让我们跟着他一起唱。本题考查动词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。由上下文可知,这里表示“让我们跟着他一起唱(改编了歌词的)歌”,因此C项sing“唱歌”正确。celebrate庆祝。read阅读。argue争论。
51.B 句意:当我们读哈利·波特的时候,他把我们的教室装扮得像是霍格华兹魔法学校。本题考查名词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。霍格华兹是小说《哈利波特》中的一所魔法学校的名字,由上下文可知,这里表示把教室装扮成霍格华兹魔法学校。因此B项classroom“教室”正确。playground操场。dining hall餐厅。bedroom卧室。
52.A 句意:在来我们学校之前,他在自己的家乡教书。本题考查名词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。由上下文可知,这里表示“来我们学校之前”。因此A项school“学校”正确。club俱乐部。office办公室。library图书馆。
53.D 句意:他的父母是舞蹈俱乐部的流行音乐节目主持人,因此音乐和活力伴他长大。本题考查动词词组辨析及上下文逻辑关系。上文提到他的父母是音乐节目主持人,由此可以推断,这里讲的是家庭教育对他成长的影响(伴着音乐长大)。因此D项grow up“长大”正确。go away离开。put up举起,建造,粘贴。catch up赶上,追上。
54.C 句意:他从一个电视节目上得知我们这所麻烦不断的学校缺少师资。本题考查形容词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。由下文的challenge可知,这里应填入一个带贬义的形容词,修饰schools;且上文提到“我”一直调皮捣蛋,即这里应表示“麻烦的,不好应对的”。因此此处应填入C项troubled“麻烦的,不平静的,混乱的”。beautiful美丽的。independent独立的。crowded拥挤的。
55.D 句意:他想要挑战一下。本题考查动词词义辨析及上下文逻辑关系。由上下文可知,这里表示“他想要挑战一下”。因此D项want“想要”正确。make制作,使得。accept接受。present呈现,提出,赠送。
第三部分 阅读理解
Text l
William Kunz is a computer genius (天才).When he was just 11, Kunz started writing soft-ware programs, and by l4 he hadworked out his own computer game. As a high school first-year student inHouston, Texas, he won first prize in a science fair for a program he wrote. Inhis third year, he took top prize in an international science and engineeringfair for designing a program to analyze and sort DNA patterns.
Kunz went to attend Carnegie Mellon, one of the nation’shighest-ranked universities in computer science. After college he got a jobwith Oracle in Silicon Valley, writing software used by companies around theworld.
Three years later, Kunz is in his first year at Harvard Business School. He left software engineering partly because heearned much less than his friends who were going into law or business. He alsoworried about job security (保障), especially as more companies move theirprogramming outside the country to lower costs.
56.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?
[A] Kunz won several top prizes. 
[B] Kunz liked taking part in fairs. 
[C] Kunz designed several programs. 
[D] Kunz had a gift for programming.
57.What did Kunz study in Carnegie Mellon?
[A] Business. 
[B] Engineering.
[C] International law. 
[D] Computer science.
58.Why did Kunz decide to go to Harvard Business School?
[A] To get a secured and better paid job.
[B] To improve his working conditions.
[C] To start a business with his friends.
[D] To go outside the country to work.
56.D 细节题。文章第一段首句就讲到威廉·库恩兹是一个计算机天才。接下来列举了他在计算机编程方面获得的各种奖励。即第一段主要告诉了我们威廉·库恩兹在计算机编程方面很有天赋。因此D项正确。
57.D 细节题。文章第二段中提到“Kunz went to attend Carnegie Mellon, one of thenation’s highest-ranked universities in computer science.(他上了卡内基梅隆大学,这是全美国在计算机科学领域最拔尖的大学之一。)”,由此可知,他在卡内基梅隆大学学习计算机科学。因此D项正确。
58.A 细节题。由原文最后一段中的“...partly because he earned much less than hisfriends who were going into law or business. He also worried about job security...”可知,库恩兹离开了软件工程这一行业一部分是因为他挣的钱比他那些在法律和商业领域的朋友们少得多,另一部分是因为随着更多的公司为了降低成本将编程业务输出到海外,这一工作也越来越没有保障了。即他放弃软件工程而转向攻读哈佛商学院是为了获得一份待遇更好、更有保障的工作。因此A项正确。
Text 2
Can you imagine life without French fries (炸薯条)? Potatoes are very popular today. But in the past this was not true. Potatoesgrew in South America five thousand years ago. But they only became popular inother places two hundred years ago.
In the 1500s, the Spanish took the potato from SouthAmerica to Europe. But the people in Europe did not like this strange vegetable.Some people thought that if youate potatoes your skin would look like the skin of a potato. Other people couldnot believe that you ate the underground part of the plant. So they ate theleaves instead. This made them sick because there is poison(毒性)in the leaves.
In the 1800s, people in other parts of the world started toeat potatoes. In Ireland, potatoes became the main food. Then, in l845, a disease killed all the potatoes in Ireland. Two million people died of hunger.
Today, each country hasits own potato dish. The Germanpeople eat potato salad, and the United States has the baked potato. And, ofCourse, the French invented French fries, which are now popular all over theworld.
59.When did potatoes get well-known outside South America?
[A] About 200 years ago.
[B] About 300 years ago.
[C] About 400 years ago.
[D] About 500 years ago.
60.Why did some Europeans refuse to eat potatoes at first?
[A] They did not trust the Spanish people then.
[B] They were afraid of the poison in potatoes.
[C] They were afraid it would cause skin problem.
[D] They had never eaten food from abroad before.
61.Why did two million people died in Ireland in 1845?
[A] They had nothing to eat.
[B] They ate the bad potatoes.
[C] They ate the potato leaves.
[D] They got a terrible disease.
62.What do we know from the last paragraph?
[A] Baked potatoes are popular now.
[B] People cook potatoes differently.
[C] Potatoes are expensive nowadays.
[D] The French eat potato dishes most.
59.A 细节题。由原文第一段中的“Potatoes grew in South America five thousandyears ago. But they only became popular in other places two hundred years ago.”可知,五千年前土豆生长在南美。但是直到两百年前,土豆才开始在别的地方流行起来。因此A项正确。
60.C 细节题。由原文第二段中的“...Some people thought that if you ate potatoesyour skin would look like the skin of a potato...”可知,一些欧洲人最开始的时候拒绝吃土豆,一些人认为如果你吃土豆,你的皮肤看起来会像土豆的皮一样,另一些人无法相信植物长在地下的那一部分也可以吃。即他们担心吃土豆会带来皮肤问题。因此C项正确。
61.A 细节题。由原文文章第三段中的“Then, in1845, a disease killed all the potatoesin Ireland. Two million people died of hunger.”可知,1845年,一场疾病摧残了爱尔兰所有的土豆,这使得两百万人因饥饿而死。因此A项正确。
62.B 推理题。原文最后一段中提到“Today, each country has its own potato dish...”,由此可知,现在每个国家都有各具特色的土豆做成的菜肴,德国人吃土豆沙拉,美国人吃烤土豆,法国人吃炸土豆条。即各个国家土豆的做法都不相同,因此B项正确。
Text 3
There are a growing number of pet owners who feed pets on raw,which means, “uncooked” meat and bones. William Burk, a pet food specialist from the Food and DrugAdministration (FDA), believes that feeding law meat to pets is against itsgoal of protecting the public from health dangers; besides, raw meat and bonesdo not have all the required nutrition (营养) that a pet needsevery day.
Recognizing how popular these foods are, the FDAhas provided guidelines for producers of pet foods that contain uncooked meatfor dogs, cats, and other pets.The guidelines give rules to protect pet owners and pets from dangers aboutfood safety and lack of nutrition.
Pet owners who feed rawmeat and bones should deal with these products very carefully to protectthemselves against possible dangers, says Burk. Just as when preparing foodsfor humans, use hot water andsoap to wash hands, containers, and surfaces that come into contact (接触)with the food. Don’t put your hands near your mouth until you’ve washed them, anddon’t allow your pet to touch your face right after it has eaten meat.
If owners choose to feed bones to their pets they shouldwatch their pet carefully when it is eating bones. Burk also says, “If the peteats a big piece of bone that won’t pass through the digestive system (消化系统), it could kill the pet.”
63.What does William Burk think of feeding pets on raw?
[A] It’ll make the pet owners sick.
[B] It’ll cause the death of other pets.
[C] It’s against the policy of the FDA.
[D] It’s dangerous and lack of nutrition.
64. Why did the FDA provide guidelines for producers of petfoods with raw meat?
[A] The quality of pet foods has dropped.
[B] Most pets have been lack of nutrition.
[C] Pet safety has become a serious problem.
[D] Feeding pets on raw has become popular.
65. Those who feed pets on raw should do all the necessarycleaning when _____.
[A] preparing raw meat for pets
[B] preparing foods for humans
[C] touching the food containers
[D] bringing your pets for a walk
66. What advice is given to pet owners in the lastparagraph?
[A] Pets should be kept away from raw meat.
[B] Pets should be watched when eating bones.
[C] Pets should be fed with small pieces of bone.
[D] Pets should be checked on the digestive system.
63.D 推理题。原文第一段中提到“William Burk...believes that feeding law meat topets is against its goal of protecting the public from health dangers; besides,raw meat and bones do not have all the required nutrition that a pet needs everyday.”,由此可知,威廉·伯克认为用未经加工的肉喂宠物违背了保护公众免遭健康威胁的目标,且未经加工的肉和骨头不能为宠物们提供每天所需的营养物质。因此D项正确。
64.D 推理题。原文第二段中提到“Recognizing how popular these foods are, the FDAhas provided guidelines for producers of pet foods that contain uncooked meatfor dogs, cats, and other pets.(意识到这些食物有多么受欢迎之后,美国食品药品管理局为宠物食品的生产商提供了一些指导)”。即美国食品药品管理局指导宠物食品生产商是因为用未加工的肉喂养宠物很流行。因此D项正确。
65.A 推理题。原文第三段中提到“Pet owners who feed raw meat and bones shoulddeal with these products very carefully to protect themselves against possibledangers, says Burk. Just as when preparing foods for humans...”可知,给宠物准备食物时,主人应该非常小心地处理这些食品来保护自己免遭那些可能的危险,就像为人类做饭一样,要用热水和肥皂洗手、容器以及接触到这些食物的所有物体的表面。因此A项“在给宠物们准备未加工的肉类食物时(应该做一切必要的清洗工作)”正确。
66.B 细节题。原文最后一段中提到“If owners choose to feed bones to their petsthey should watch their pet carefully when it is eating bones.(如果主人选择喂宠物骨头,那么宠物吃骨头时,主人应该仔细地看着)”。因此B项正确。
Text 4
There are some objects in the sky that move so quickly thatsometimes you only see them out of the corner of your eye. These are some ofthe huge number of bits of rock and dust that are floating around in space, calledmeteoroids. Normally, we cannotsee them at all, but if they travel too close to the Earth, they get caught bythe pull of the Earth, and begin to fall towards us. They fall faster andfaster, until they hit our atmosphere (大气层), by which timethey are going so fast that they begin to burn up, and all that you see is aflash of light that moves very quickly across the sky and disappears. Theseshooting stars, or meteors as they are properly called, are quite common, andsometimes you may see several in a night.
Most meteoroids are very small bits indeed, and they bum uplong before they get to the Earth. However, a very few do manage to get all theway through the atmosphere, and actually fall to the ground. Usually they donot do much damage, although this is not always the case.
Meteoroids that actuallymanage to reach the Earth are called meteorites. Most countries have places where meteoriteshave struck the Earth. Some of these places are very large indeed and aretourist attractions.
67. Why do some objects from outer space fall to theground?
[A] They are too big.
[B] They arc hit by huge rocks.
[C] They move too fast.
[D] They are pulled by the Earth.
68.What do we know about meteors from the text?
[A] They become a star in the sky.
[B] They are too small to be seen.
[C] They disappear very quickly.
[D] They do damage to the Earth.
69. What happens to most meteoroids coming into theatmosphere?
[A] They burn up.
[B] They fall to earth.
[C] They explode.
[D] The float in the air.
70. The word “meteorites” (Line 1, Para.3) refers to piecesof rock that _____.
[A] move fast in outer space
[B] have been found at a tourist centre
[C] flash through space at a high speed
[D] have fallen onto the Earth from space
67.D 细节题。由原文第一段中的“Normally, we cannot see them at all, but if theytravel too close to the Earth, they get caught by the pull of the Earth, andbegin to fall towards us.”可知,有一些物体,通常我们根本看不见它们,但是如果它们离地球太近,受地球引力作用,它们就会落向地球。因此D项“受地球引力作用”正确。
68.C 细节题。由原文第一段中的“they are going so fast that they begin to burnup, and all that you see is a flash of light that moves very quickly across thesky and disappears.”可知,它们下落的速度如此之快以至于它们开始燃烧,你只能看到一道光迅速划过天际,然后消失不见。即流星会很快消失,因此C项正确。
69.A 推理题。由原文第一段中的“They fall faster and faster, until they hit ouratmosphere, by which time they are going so fast that they begin to burn up”可知,它们下落的速度越来越快,直到它们到达大气层,这时,它们的速度如此之快以至于开始燃烧。即流星体到达大气层时会燃烧。因此A项正确。
70.D 词义理解题。由原文第三段中的“Meteoroids that actually manage to reach the Earthare called meteorites.”可知,最后成功到达地面的流星体被称为陨石。因此D项正确。
Text 5
Pack your bags. Hold the mail. It’s lime to turn your dreamvacation into a real trip. “Ihaven’t seen a buyer’s market like this in 25 years.” says travel expert Peter Greenberg.“Everything is on sale. Even the high end of the market is quietly offering add-ons:a free night here, a spa (水疗) pass there.”
In a bad economy, this comes as good news for many. Whetheryou want to fly across the country or drive across the state line, here are placesthat offer plenty to do.
For anyone who can’t bear to sit still, big cities are thebest choice for weekend trips. Zeroin on cities that attract business travelers during the week. The big-namehotels empty out on the weekends and will give tourists a better deal.
Chicago, Illinois:One of America’s best-looking city centers, especially in the spring and summer.Spend a sunny day in Millennium Park, or consider all evening at Grant Achatz’sAlinea restaurant in Lincoln Park.
Las Vegas, Nevada:It’s never been SO easy to score a deal on the Strip. Five-star hotels aremarked down to three-star prices. Book a luxury suite (豪华套房) for $89 a night at www.
San Francisco, California: It’s rare for a major city to have such an extraordinaryphysical setting—the views of the bay (海湾)from the hills and the Ferry Building Marketplace are striking. It’s also awalkable city with great museums. You can visit the new California Academy ofSciences building in Golden Gate Park. Go early!
Portland, Oregon:The International Rose Test Garden is the one place one never tires of visiting.It’s green, friendly, and laid-back. There are over 10, 000 rosebushes, andbecause it’s a test garden, the public has never seen many of these 550 varieties.The Rose Festival is one of the biggest celebrations in the city and runs May22 to June 14.
71.Why is it the best time for traveling now?
[A] People have more free time.
[B] Everything is at lower prices.
[C] The weather is more pleasant
[D] Tourist sites are less crowded.
72. What does the word “add-ons” (Line 3, Para.1) mostprobably mean?
[A] Major sales.
[B] Extra services.
[C] Paid holidays.
[D] Additional payments.
73. Why does the author suggest going to the big cities onweekends?
[A] Big-name hotels are cheaper.
[B] Parks ale open free of charge.
[C] The traffic is much less heavy.
[D] There are no business travellers.
74.Which city is the best choice for museum lovers?
[A] Chicago. 
[B] Las Vegas.
[C] San Francisco. 
[D] Portland.
75.Where is this text probably taken from?
[A] A textbook. 
[B] A storybook.
[C] A magazine. 
[D] A dictionary.
71.B 推理题。由原文第一段中的“...Everything is on sale. Even the high end ofthe market is quietly offering add-ons: a free night here, a spa pass there.”可知,旅行专家彼特认为25年来,像这样的买方市场前所未有。所有东西都在打折,甚至是高端市场也在静静地提供一些附加服务:这里可以免费入住一晚,那里可以免费做一次水疗。即现在的一切都很便宜。因此B项正确。
72.B 词义理解题。根据画线词后面的内容“a free night here, a spa (水疗)pass there.”可知,这里指的是“甚至高端旅游市场也提供一些附加服务:这里可以免费入住一晚,那里可以免费做一次水疗等”。即add-ons在这里指的是“附加服务”。因此B项正确。
73.A 推理题。由原文第三段中的“Zero in on cities that attract business travelersduring the week. The big-name hotels empty out on the weekends and will givetourists a better deal.”可知,许多大酒店工作日期间的目标客户都是商务旅客。周末这些酒店的客人很少,因此对游客来说会更划算。因此A项“一些知名大酒店会更便宜”正确。
74.C 细节题。原文第六段中提到“It’s also a walkable city with great museums. Youcan visit the new California Academy of Sciences building in Golden Gate Park.”可知,旧金山也是一座有着宏伟博物馆的适合步行的城市,你可以在金门公园参观新建的加州科学院大楼。即喜欢参观博物馆的人可以选择去旧金山旅游。因此C项正确。
75.C 推理题。文章首段就指出这是旅游的好时机,因为很多东西都很便宜。接着分别介绍了几个适合旅行的城市和相关景点(芝加哥、拉斯维加斯、旧金山、波特兰等),由此可知,这篇文章应该是选自一本杂志,介绍适合旅游的城市和一些旅游小攻略。因此C项正确。
第四部分 写作
第二节 书面表达
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I am Li Ming from Beijing—thecapital of China. It is a great honor for me to have this opportunity tointroduce my hometown.
Located in the north of China, Beijing is hot in summer andcold in winter. Winter is long and it snows sometimes. The best season in Beijing is autumn since it is neither too cold nor too hot. Beijing is a city with a ratherlong history and colorful culture and is the capital in many dynasties. Thereare many tourist attractions in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Palace Museum,the Summer Palace and so on. The most famous traditional food in Beijing must be Beijing Roast Duck. It is well-known at home and abroad. Great changeshave taken place since Beijing hosted the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. The cityhas become more beautiful and people there have become more polite and hospitable.
That’s all. Thank you for your attention.

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