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miao125521 发表于 12-11-29 17:35:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
        Changes have taken place in the roles of women in society. 妇女在社会中的作用发生了变化。
        abolish all inequalities 消除各个方面的不平等
        adhere to the principle of equality 坚持平等的原则
        compete with men in the professions on equal terms 在职业生涯上在同等条件下与男人竞争
        eliminate sexual discrimination 消除性别歧视
        enter the labor force 参加到劳动力大军中来
        liberate women from the kitchen 把妇女从厨房中解放出来
        arrange for one´s children´s education 安排子女的教育事宜
        give their children a first-rate education 使得孩子受到第一流的教育
        have no control over the children at all 一点也管不住自己的孩子
        make children fit to live in a society 使孩子们适合在社会中生存
        Parents should be responsible for their child´s behavior. 父母应对子女的行为负责。
        A judicious parent encourages his children to decide many things for themselves. 明智的父母会让孩子在许多事情上自己做决定。
        All their affection is centered on their children. 他们的全部爱都集中在孩子身上。
        be too permissive with their children 对孩子有求必应
        be addicted to net games 迷恋网络游戏
        be easily affected 易受影响
        be self-centered 以自我为中心
        develop strong dislike for studying 对读书产生强烈的反感情绪
        have premature love affairs 早恋
        never attain any independence and initiative 没有养成独立性和自觉性
        play truant 逃学
        suffer from nervousness, anxiety, depression and so on 感到紧张、不安、压抑等
        have heart-to-heart chats with them 与他们倾心交谈
        help sb. out of his honeliness 帮助某人摆脱孤独
        open the hot line 开通热线
        set a good example to his children 为孩子树立好榜样

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