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I. Cloze (15×1 =15 points)
Directions: Fill in thenumbered blanks with proper words. Among the 20 expressions given, only 15should be used. Make sure the words come in correct forms in terms of bothgrammar and meaning.
  Anxious  cues depend  frustrate believe  make  intercourse
  help enter comfort contact  take orient  rational
  long acquire  remove  ail  invite  aware

Culture shock might becalled an occupational disease of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad.Like most 1.______, it has its own symptoms and cure.
Culture shock is precipitatedby the 2.______ that results from losing all our familiar signs and symbols of social3.______. Those signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orientourselves to the situation of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say whenwe meet people, when and how to give tips, how to make purchases, when to acceptand when to refuse 4.______, when to take statements seriously and when not. These5.______ which may be words, gestures, facial expressions, customs, or norms,are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much a part ofour culture as the language we speak or the 6.______ we accept. All of us dependfor our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of whichwe do not carry on the level of conscious 7.______.
Now when an individualenters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are 8.______ He orshe is like a fish out of water. No matter how broad-minded or flail of goodwillyou may be, a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feelingof 9.______ and anxiety. People react to the frustration in much the same way. Firstthey reject the environment which causes the 10.______. “The ways of the host countryare bad because they make us feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get togetherto grouse about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are sufferingfrom culture shock. Another phase of culture shock is regression. The home environmentsuddenly assumes a tremendous importance. To the foreigner everything becomes 11.______glorified. All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good thingsback home are remembered. It usually takes a trip home to bring one back to reality.
Some of the symptoms ofculture shock are excessive washing of the hands, excessive concern over drinkingwater, food dishes, and bedding; fear of physical 12.______ with attendants, theabsent-minded stare; a feeling of 13.______ and a desire for 14.______ on long-termresidents of one’s own nationality; fits of anger over minor frustrations; greatconcern over minor pains and eruptions of the skin; and finally, that terrible 15.______to be back home.
II. Paraphrase the underlined idiomatic expressions in thefollowing sentences. (5×2=10 points)
1.When she left her parents, she felt the pinch.
2.She talked a blue streak over the sweet potatoes.
3.People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
4.The burglar killed the house maid, then high-tailed it.
5.Well now, I’ll spell it out.
III. Paraphrase the following sentences. (5×3=15 points)
1.He will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining.
2.The prospects of a good catch looked bleak.
3.She was determined to stare down any disaster in her efforts.
4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostilepowers.
5. It is a world radically emptied of history because it is a formof perception rather than a content.
IV. Reading Comprehension (20×2=40 points)
Directions: Read the followingpassages and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
Passage One
Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:
When it comes to battlesbetween Apple and Samsung, the conflict is often explored in terms of patents orsmartphone sales. But what about their innovation styles?
Management consulting firmBooz & Company released its eighth annual Global Innovation 1000 Study in thelast week of October. Among the study’s key findings were that research and developmentspending had reached an “all-time high,” increasing by 9.6 percent in 2011 for atotal $603 billion, and that Amazon edged out Facebook to join the study’s top 10"most innovative" companies. The top 10 list was compiled based on answersfrom survey respondents who were asked which companies they found to be the mostinnovative. Apple, Google and 3Mtook the top three slots with Samsung, General Electric, Microsoft, Toyota, Procter& Gamble, IBM and, finally, Amazon rounding out the rest of the list. The lastof three key findings were that roughly half of the corporations surveyed ratedtheir effectiveness when it comes to getting products to market as “average” or“marginally effective.” That fact was drilled home by the survey’s list of top R&Dspenders. Toyotatopped the Research & Development (R&D) spenders list, coming in seventhamong the most innovative companies. Apple and Google were not listed among thetop 20 R&D spenders, even as they were named one and two, respectively, amongthe 10 most innovative. Samsung, meanwhile, was ranked the fourth most innovativeand the sixth highest of the R&D spenders, rising from seventh place the yearbefore.
“It’s not how much moneyyou spend, but how effectively you spend it to make you innovative,” said Booz &Company Partner John Loehr during a phone interview. Loehr is the global leaderof the firm’s innovation practice, specializing in automotive, industrial and aerospacecompanies.
“They’re both phenomenallysuccessful, but they both have different innovation models,” said Loehr of Appleand Samsung, going on to describe Apple as a “prototypical example of what we calla ‘need seeker’”—or a company that identifies un-met needs in the market and movesto satisfy them. Samsung, on the other hand, is a “market reader,” said Loehr. Theterm “fast follower,” he continued, has often been used to describe Samsung, butLoehr maintains the term gives the company “short shrift.” “They’re waiting forsomething to be established in the market, and when it really takes off,” said Loehr,“they go after it and go after it aggressively.” The strategy has proven advantages,said Loehr, citing Samsung’s strides in the television market. “Successful marketreaders tend to find technology alternatives,” said Loehr, Sometimes that path canbe found in the lab, and other times in the courts. “That’s part of the capabilityas a market reader,” he said.
1.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. Decisive factor: Researchand development spending
B. Apple Versus Samsung:Battle of the innovationstrategies.
C. Innovation: Key to success
D. Secret stores: Key findingsfrom Booz & Company’s innovation study
2. Which ofthe following statement is in agreement with the findings of Booz & Company’sstudy reported in the passage?
A. “Facebook” is amongthe top 10 “most innovative” companies.
B. “Amazon” has been drivenout from the top 10 “most innovative” companies.
C. “Amazon” is more innovativethan “Facebook”.
D. “Facebook” is more innovativethan “Amazon”.
3. Accordingto the passage which company has made Research and Development spending the mosteffective?
A. Apple
B. Toyota
C. Samsung
D. Amazon
4.What is Apple’s innovation style?
A. To follow a typicalcompany’s model
B. To make phone callsand find potential customers.
C. To satisfy companies’needs.
D. To identify and fillneeds of the market.
5.What does the author think of Samsung’s innovation model?
A. It is not as successfulas that of Apple.
B. Samsung just followsApple’s innovation style.
C. It is different fromthat of Apple.
D. Samsung has done aggressiveTV commercials.
Passage Two
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:
When you think of psychotherapy,the first image that comes to mind might be one of a distressed patient lyingon a couch, talking while a desk-bound therapist takes notes. But while traditionaltalk therapy can help people struggling with depression, anxiety and the stressesof daily life, the latest research on the brain and the mind-body connection hassparked a proliferation of approaches that may reach deeper levels of emotionalhealing than talking alone. Talking takes place in the cognitive, or"thinking" part of the brain, and our thoughts are often the problem.To help combat negative or obsessive thinking, many new therapeutic approaches focuson letting go of thoughts and becoming anchored into bodily sensations. Though alternativetreatments will probably never replace traditional talk therapy, new psychotherapeuticapproaches can be used in conjunction with talk therapy to help people achieve optimalmental health.
Alternative treatmentsrange from techniques that are championed by mainstream mental health professionalsto practices that are less frequently employed. Here is a glimpse into four of themore wisely accepted nontraditional approaches, each with an element of mind-bodyawareness.
Rooted in Buddhist meditationtechniques, mindfulness practice is usually taught in a group, in which people learnto focus on their breath and body sensations in moment-to-moment awareness.
Guided imagery is a mind-bodytechnique that teaches people to use their imaginations to achieve a relaxed, focusedstate. Under the guidance of a therapist or CD, listeners use their senses to evokepositive, safe, relaxing images.
Somatic experiencing isa body-focused intervention used to discharge tension that is stored in the bodyfollowing a traumatic event. The therapist directs the patient to revisit the eventin small doses while focusing on body sensations, guiding the patient to shift,focus back and forth between the traumatic memory and an image of comfort and safety.As fears dissipate throughout the patient’s body, gentle touch or movement is usedto help ground the person in the present moment.
In a typical session ofeye movement desensitization and reprocessing, a patient revisits traumatic memorieswhile following a pendulating object (such as a therapist’s waving finger) withthe eyes. Originally developed to help veterans who suffered from PTSD, cliniciansnow use the therapy to treat such problems as anxiety and addiction. Frequently,the eye movements are replaced with audio tones alternating in each ear throughheadphones. The treatment also incorporates other mind-body approaches, such asfocusing on body sensations and evoking images of positive resources that can helpthe patient work through disturbing events.
6. What isthe author’s purpose of writing this passage?
A. To examine the weaknessand strengths of traditional talk psychotherapy.
B. To introduce some psychotherapyapproaches which have been based on mind-body connection research.
C. To explain the importance of researchon the brain and the mind, body connection as well as the application of the research.
D. To guide people howto choose a suitable approach of psychotherapy.
7. Accordingto the passage, what is the major difference between talk therapy and the new approaches?
A. Traditional talk therapy focuseson thoughts, while the new approaches attach importance to body sensations and mind-bodyconnections.
B. Traditional talk therapyis conducted individually, while the new approaches are taught in a group.
C. Traditional talk therapyis stressing, while the new approaches are relaxing.
D. Traditional talk therapists usevoice to treat patients, while therapists employing the new approaches use objects,such fingers, CDs, and pictures.
8. To achievethe best treatment effect, what approaches should be adopted?
A. Traditional talk therapyand mindfulness practice.
B. Mindfulness practiceand guided imagery.
C. Somatic experiencingand eye movement desensitization
D. The new mind-body approachesused together with talk therapy.
9. What istrue about somatic experiencing approach?
A. The somatic experiencingapproach makes patients’ body experience tension.
B. The somatic experiencingapproach asks patients to revisit the place where fine bad event happened.
C. The somatic experiencingapproach asks patients to stand still on the ground.
D. The somatic experiencing approachguides patients to switch focus between bad memory and image of comfort and safety.
10. How doesa therapist conduct eye movement desensitization approach?
A. The therapist asks thepatient to move their eyes as fast as possible.
B. The therapist asks thepatient to put on headphones while they see pictures.
C. The therapist asks thepatient to follow the movement of an object when thinking about bad memories.
D. The therapist asks thepatient to listen to music while following the movement of another person.
Passage Three
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
Do you believe that a kilogramof carrots could cost $10,000? My carrots cost me that much last year. Last summerI had to completely renovate my kitchen and it was all because of a bunch of carrots.The story begins with my picking twelve carrots from my vegetable garden and endswith my getting a new kitchen.
I have a vegetable gardenand every summer I enjoy eating my own vegetables. One day last summer I pickeda dozen carrots. Usually, as soon as I have picked the carrots, I clean the dirtoff them by rinsing them in a bucket of water. I keep a full bucket of water besidethe garden just for this purpose. But this day, as I was getting up from the groundwith my twelve carrots, I tripped and fell over the bucket. The water spilled outof the bucket and went all over my feet. I ran into the house to change my shoesand socks. When I was finally dry and clean, I realized that I had very little timeto make dinner. The carrots were part of dinner, so I decided to wash the carrotsquickly in the kitchen sink. The carrots were covered in a large amount of dirtfrom the garden. I put the carrots in the sink, rinsed them with water, and watchedall the dirt wash away down the drain. The next day, when I was washing dishes,I noticed that the water drained out of the sink much more slowly than usual. Itdrained so slowly that I went to the store and bought a bottle of special draincleaner. I used the drain cleaner and the water seemed to drain a little faster.However, the following day the drain worked even more slowly. I spent $100 on differentkinds of drain cleaner. None of them worked.
Soon the water did notdrain at all. At this point I called a plumber to come and fix my drain. The plumbertried a lot of different cleaners and equipment, but nothing worked. He tried togo under the house to check the pipe, but he couldn’t reach them. He had to cuta hole in the floor where the drain pipe was in order to try to find the problem.While he was cutting the small hole, he accidentally cut the hot-water pipe. Hotwater sprayed over the plumber, onto the floor, behind the counters, under the refrigerator;water went everywhere. Two hours later we finally finished cleaning up all the water.But the water had caused a lot of damage.
My refrigerator stoppedworking because the water had affected the electrical wires. I called an electricianto come and fix the refrigerator. The electrician had to move the refrigerator towork on the wires. In order to move the refrigerator; she had to balance it on anangle and pull it away from the wall. As the electrician was balancing it, she trippedover the plumber’s tools. She fell down and the refrigerator tipped over. It crashedinto the wall, resulting in a huge hole in the wall.
I called a carpenter tocome and fix the wall. In order to repair the hole in the wall, the carpenter hadto tear down half of the entire wall. When the wall was half gone, the electricianfound more electrical problems caused by the water damage. This resulted in theother half of the wall being removed to replace the damaged wiring. Meanwhile, theplumber was still looking for the source of the drain problem. Since the kitchenwas in a terrible mess anyway, the plumber decided to remove part of the floor tolook at the pipe there. In the middle of the floor, he found the problem: the dirtfrom the carrots was stuck in the pipe and nothing could go through or past theclump of dirt.
Now I had a sink that didnot drain, a refrigerator that did not work, a wall that was gone, and part of afloor that was missing. I looked at this disaster and decided that what I reallyneeded was a new kitchen. Finally, l called a house builder to come and fix my kitchen.Three weeks later I had a new sink, a new refrigerator, new cupboards on a new wall,new tiles on a new floor, and $10,000 less in my bank. I have learned my lesson,I never wash carrots in the kitchen sink; I get them, clean and ready to eat, fromthe store.
11.How did a kilogram of carrots cost $10,000?
A. the kitchen needed amore modem look
B. the dirt from the carrotsblocked the drain which led to other problems
C. carrots can be veryexpensive
D. the carrots caused waterto spill everywhere
12. Which ofthe following is not a reason why the carrots were washed in the sink and notin the bucket?
A. the bucket of waterfell over
B. dinner needed to bemade soon
C. the carrots were alwayswashed in the kitchen sink
D. the carrots were dirtybecause they were fresh from the garden
13. Which of the following step was not taken to make the sink drainmore quickly?
A. $10,000 was spent torepair the sink
B. a plumber came to repairthe drain
C. $100 was spent on differentkinds of drain cleaners
D. a new sink and drainpipe were installed
14.What caused the most damage to the kitchen?
A. the drain
B. the plumber
C. the water damage
D. the electrical problem
15.The experience of the narrator can well be said as ______.
A. endocrine
B. esurience
C. entropy
D. ectopia
Passage Four
Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:
Much of the informationwe have today about chimpanzees comes from the groundbreaking, long-term researchof the great conservationist, Jane Goodall.
Jane Goodall was born inLondon, England, on April 3, 1934. On her secondbirthday, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee named Jubilee. Jubilee was namedafter a baby chimp in the London Zoo, and seemed to foretell the course Jane’s lifewould take. To this day, Jubilee sits in a chair in Jane’s London home. From an early age, Jane was fascinatedby animals and animal stories. By the age of 10, she was talking about going toAfrica to live among the animals there. At thetime, in the early 1940s, this was a radical idea because women did not go to Africa by themselves.
As a young woman, Janefinished school in London,attended secretarial school, and then worked for a documentary filmmaker for a while.When a school friend invited her to visit Kenya, she worked as a waitress untilshe had earned the fare to travel there by boat. She was 23 years old.
Once in Kenya,she met Dr. Louis Leakey, a famous paleontologist and anthropologist. He was impressedwith her thorough knowledge of Africa and its wildlife, and hired her to assisthim and his wife on a fossil-hunting expedition to Olduvai Gorge. Dr. Leakey soon realized that Jane was the perfect person tocomplete a study he had been planning for some time. She expressed her interestin the idea of studying animals by living in the wild with them, rather than studyingdead animals through paleontology.
Dr. Leakey and Jane beganplanning a study of a group of chimpanzees who were living on the shores of LakeTanganyika in Kenya.At first, the British authorities would not approve their plan. At the time, theythought it was too dangerous for a woman to live in the wilds of Africa alone. But Jane’s mother, Vanne, agreed to join herso that she would not be alone. Finally, the authorities gave Jane the clearanceshe needed in order to go to Africa and begin herstudy.
In July of 1960, Jane andher mother arrived at Gombe National Park in what was then called Tanganyika andis now tailed Tanzania. Jane faced many challenges as she began her work. The chimpanzeesdid not accept her right away, and it took months for them to get used to her presencein their territory. But she was very patient and remained focused on her goal. Littleby little, she was able to enter their world.
At first, she was ableto watch the chimpanzees only from a great distance, using binoculars. As time passed,she was able to move her observation point closer to them while still using camouflage.Eventually, she was able to sit among them, touching, patting, and even feedingthem. It was an amazing accomplishment for Jane, and a breakthrough in the studyof animals in the wild. Jane named all of the chimpanzees that she studied, statingin her journals that she felt they each had a unique personality.
One of the first significantobservations that Jane made during the study was that chimpanzees make and use tools,much like humans do, to help them get food. It was previously thought that humansalone used tools. Also thanks to Jane’s research, we now know that chimps eat meatas well as plants and fruits.
In many ways, she has helpedus to see how chimpanzees and humans are similar. In doing so, she has made us moresympathetic toward these creatures, while helping us to better understand ourselves.
The study started by JaneGoodall in 1960 is now the longest field study of any animal species in their naturalhabitat. Research continues to this day in Gombe and is conducted by a team of trainedTanzanians.
Jane’s life has includedmuch more than just her study of the chimps in Tanzania. She pursued a graduate degreewhile still conducting her study, receiving her Ph.D. from Cambridge Universityin 1965. In 1984, she received f the J. Paul Getty Wildlife Conservation Prize for“helping millions of people understand the importance of wildlife conservation tolife on this planet.” She has been married twice: first to a photographer and thento the director of National Parks. She has one son.
Dr. Jane Goodall is nowthe world’s most renowned authority on chimpanzees, having studied their behaviorfor nearly 40 years. She has published many scientific articles, has written twobooks, and has won numerous awards for her groundbreaking work. The Jane GoodallInstitute for Wildlife Research, Education, and Conservation was founded in 1977 in Californiabut moved to the Washington,D. C. area in 1998. Its goal is to take the actions necessary to improve the environmentfor all living things.
Dr. Goodall now travelsextensively, giving lectures, visiting zoos and chimp sanctuaries, and talking toyoung people involved in environmental education. She is truly a great conservationistand an amazing human being.
16.What is the author’s purpose in writing this article?
A. To entertain the readerwith stories about chimpanzees.
B. To inform the readerof the importance of wildlife conservation.
C. To warn the reader aboutthe challenges of working in Africa.
D. To describe the workand life of Jane Goodall.
17. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons Dr. Leakey choseJane to work with him?
A. She knew a lot aboutAfrica.
B. She knew a lot aboutAfrican wildlife.
C. She earned the moneyto travel to Africa on her own.
D. She was interested instudying animals in the wild.
18.Which of the following is NOT true of chimpanzees?
A. Chimpanzees use toolsto help them get food.
B. Chimpanzees eat meatas well as plants and fruit.
C. Chimpanzees are oftencomfortable with strangers right away.
D. Different chimpanzeeshave different personalities.
19.What does author think of Jane Goodall?
A. She is an intelligentperson.
B. She is the one who lovesstudying animals.
C. She is a devoted scientist.
D. She is an expert onchimpanzees.
20.What is the main idea of this article?
A. Chimpanzees are amazingcreatures with unique personalities.
B. Humans are very similarto chimpanzees and can learn a great deal by studying them.
C. Africa is full of wildlifethat must be both preserved and studied.
D. Jane Goodall has taughtus a great deal about animal behavior and wildlife conservation.
V. Translate the following sentences into English. (5×3=15 points)
VI. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (20 points)
Most investigation in thefield of industrial psychology are concerned with the question of how the productivityof the individual worker can he increased, and how he can be made to work with lessfriction; psychology has lent its services to “human engineering,” an attempt totreat the worker and employer like a machine which runs better when it is well oiled.While Taylor wasprimarily concerned with a better organization of the technical use of the worker’sphysical powers, most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulationof the worker’s psyche. The underlying idea can be formulated like this: If he worksbetter when he is happy, then let us make him happy, secure, satisfied, or anythingelse, provided it raises his out put and diminishes friction. In the name of “humanrelations,” the worker is treated with all devices which suit a completely alienatedperson; even happiness and human values are recommended in the interest of betterrelations with the public, thus, for instance, according to Time magazine, one ofthe best-know American psychiatrists said to a group of fifteen hundred Supermarketexecutives: “It’s going to be an increased satisfaction to our customers if we arehappy... It is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management, if we couldput some of these general principles of values, human relationships, really intopractice.” One speaks of “human relations” and one means the most inhuman relations,those between alienated automatons; one speaks of happiness and means the perfectroutinization which has driven out the last doubt and all spontaneity.
VII. Writing (35 points)
There is a famous sayingby C.E Snow: “ a queer thing; it brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you inthe back with the other.”
You are supposed to write acomposition of about 300 words on the topic: The Impacts of Science andTechnology on Humankind. In the first part of your composition, you shouldpresent your thesis statement; in the second part, youshould support the thesis statement with details; and in the last part, you shouldbring what you have written to a natural conclusion.
Marks will be awarded forcontent, organization, grammar and diction. Please write you response on the answersheet.
I. Cloze (15×1 =15 points)
(这篇短文主要讲的是跨文化交际中经常遇到的一个问题,那就是文化冲击,文章第一句话就说文化冲击是一种职业性疾病,并且文章后面也说道,it has its own symptoms(病症) and cure(治疗方式),由此我们可以得出,此空应填一个与疾病相关的词,而所给词中,只有ail 有“生病,使苦恼”的意思,但要注意,这里应填写相应的名词形式。)
(文化冲击是由于我们瞬间失去了所有熟悉的社会交往而导致的焦虑引起的,losingall our familiar signs and symbols of social Intercourse,必然会引起焦虑和不适,在所给的词中anxious 与此意义最接近,但要注意用其名词形式。)
(这里很明显应填写一个名词,到异国他乡去失去的肯定是以前熟悉的朋友圈,交际圈,由前面的social 很容易想到失去的以前的社会交往,而社会交往可以用social interaction, social communication 来表达,在所给词中,intercourse 可以与social 搭配,构成社会交往的意思。)
(这句话主要讲在国外与人交往的一些具体表现,比如什么时候与人握手,和陌生人见面时说些什么,怎样给小费,怎样拒绝和接受别人的邀请。由accept 和refuse 这两个动词很容易可以想到是拒绝很接受别人的邀请。)
(由前面those signs or cues include thethousand and one ways, 可以看出,这里也是these signs or cues,只不过它前面加上了一些具体的表现,比如什么时候与人握手,和陌生人见面时说些什么等。而所给词中,只有cues, 所以这里就只用填cues即可。)
(这些表现或许是文字、手势、面部表情、习俗或者是规范,它们在我们成长的过程中被我们所掌握和理解,并且它们也像我们所说的语言和所接受的信仰一样,构成了我们文化的一部分。有前面的the language we speak 和后面的动词accept 很容易可以知道这里应填一个与language 相对应的名词,而所给词中,只有believe的名词形式最合适。)
(由conscious 可知这里需要一个名词,并且和意识相关,那所给词中,只有aware 最合适。这句话的大意是说,我们很多时候在做这些事时,都是无意识的。)
(由and anxiety 这个并列结构,可以知道这里应填一个与anxiety意义相近的词,再由后面的people react to thefrustration in much the same way 可以得知这里就是frustration,因为文章前面没有其他地方提到frustration 了,如果这里不填frustration,那么后面react to the frustration 的出现就太突兀了。)
(首先,他们排斥给他们带来不适的外部环境。由前面的reject,以及后面的The ways of the host countryare bad because they make us feel bad,可以看出,这里引起的肯定是不好的结果,再结合所给之词,很容易可以想到应填discomfort, 一般首次到一个陌生的地方,肯定会有各种不适应。)
(Irrationally,“无理性地,不合理地”, 这里用在glorified 这一动词前面肯定需要一个副词,而所给词中只有3个形容词 anxious,rational, long, anxious 前面已经用过,而long 放在这里很明显不合适,因此只能用rational的副词形式,但还要注意这句话所表达的意思,这句话是说,对于那些流浪异国他乡的人来说,家乡的一切都变得无比的美好,这里用Irrationally表示强调glorified 的程度之深。)
(独自一人在异国他乡,除了上面所说的过度洗手,过度担心饮食和睡眠之外,还会有孤独感和无助感等微妙的心理感受。由a feeling of 应该很容易联想到孤独感和无助感,再结合所给词汇可知,只有helplessness 符合。)
(由句子结构可知这里肯定需要一个名词,并且是能和介词on 搭配的名词。再结合所给单词分析,发现只有dependence 合适,这句话的意思是说,当一个人在异国他乡时很渴望能够依靠自己国家的长期居民。)
II. Paraphrase the underlined idiomatic expressions in thefollowing sentences. (5×2=10 points)
1. feel a pinch: A pinch is painful pressure. To feelthe pinch is to suffer painful pressure involving money. That is say, someoneis feeling short of money or having a bad economic situation.
2. talk a blue streak: talk one's ear off. Or morespecifically, it refers to someone talks very quickly and with no intention tostop.
3. The whole sentence is an idiom. It means nobody isperfect, so we should not criticize others. The similar expression is that don'tjudge a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.
4.high-tail: run away quickly.
5.spell it out: to say it clearly.
III. Paraphrase the following sentences. (5×3=15 points)
1. He will ask for a high price for the item and refuseto cut down the price by any significant amount.
2. It was not at all possible to have agood catch, to catch a large amount of fish.
3. She made up her mind to face up anddefeat any disaster with her efforts.
4. The struggle to do away with the poverty can not seekthe help from the power who is not with friendship, because the price of helpwill become a control.
5. The world of nature that modern art reveals no longercontains the material objects we were familiar with. Instead, the world is nowfilled with images produced by the mind. This has made the world almost emptyof history because history has to be associated with the objective existence ofmaterial things.
IV. Reading Comprehension (20×2=40 points)
1.B 这篇文章主要讲了苹果和三星这两大公司不同的创新策略:苹果是the need seeker,而三星则是market reader。文章第一段就通过这两个死对头之间的竞争来引出文章的主旨:their innovation styles,第二段引用了博思管理咨询公司的调查结果来说明这两家公司以及其他一些知名公司的科研创新投入以及创新力排名情况,第三、四段引用John Loehr 的评论来具体说明这两家公司创新策略的不同。
2.C 细节题,信息主要集中在第二段。由Amazon edged out Facebook to jointhe study’s top 10 “most innovative” companies 和Amazon rounding out the rest of the list 可看出,Amazon今年进入了前十强,并把Facebook 挤出了前十,因此“Amazon” is more innovativethan “Facebook”。
3.A To make Research and Development spendingthe most effective 意味着用最少的投入取得最大的成果。由第二段我们可以知道,苹果公司在研发投入中排名在20名以后,而它的创新力却是排名第一的,由此可见苹果公司是最高效的。
4.D 细节题,信息主要集中在最后一段,由describe Apple as a “prototypicalexample of what we call a ‘need seeker’”—or a company that identifies un-met needsin the market and moves to satisfy them 可以看出,苹果公司的创新策略时find and identify the needs ofthe market and then try to satisfy them.
5.C 这一题考的是作者的情感态度,主要信息也集中在最后一段。最后一段作者引用了许多John Loehr 的原话来说明苹果和三星公司创新策略的不同,但作者对此并未做任何评价,作者并没有认为哪一个公司的策略技高一筹,作者只是说明了两家公司的创新策略是截然不同的。
6.B 考查对文章主旨的理解,只有理解了文章的主旨才能弄清楚作者的写作意图。这篇文章主要讲了四种新型的,基于身心连接的心理疗法。作者是以传统的谈心疗法开篇,然后以此引出这四种新型疗法。因此B项最符合。
7.A 这是一个细节比较题,信息主要集中在第一、二段。由talking takes place in the cognitive,or “thinking,” part of the brain, 可知,traditional talk therapy focuses on thoughts, 由the latest research on the brain andthe mind-body connection has sparked a proliferation of approaches that may reachdeeper levels of emotional healing than talking alone 可知,新型的疗法很注重the mind-body connection, 这才是二者之间的主要区别,至于其他的个人还是你群体,声音辅助还是其他工具辅助,都只是形式的差异,而不是本质的差异。
8.D 由第一段最后一句Though alternative treatments will probably never replace traditionaltalk therapy, new psychotherapeutic approaches can be used in conjunction withtalk therapy to help people achieve optimal mental health,可得知,传统疗法和新型疗法相结合或许会产生意想不到的效果。
9.D 细节题,信息主要集中在第五段。由The therapist directs the patient to revisit the event in smalldoses while focusing on body sensations, guiding the patient to shift, focus backand forth between the traumatic memory and an image of comfort and safety,可知只有D项正确。The somatic experiencing主要是discharge the tension,所以A错,The somatic experiencing 并不是真正要求患者重回事发地点,而是在医生和药物的辅助下,回想那个地点,C项文中并未提到。
10.C 这是一个关于eye movement desensitization approach 的细节题,信息主要集中在最后一段。由a patient revisits traumaticmemories while following a pendulating object (such as a therapist’s waving finger)with the eyes 可以看出C项符合。
11.B 这道题是基于对文章大意的理解,为什么一公斤胡萝卜就花费了作者一万美元,是因为作者洗胡萝卜时堵住了排水管道,而水管工在修管道时又弄坏了电冰箱和厨房里的电线线路,修理工在修冰箱时又弄坏了墙…… 最后作者不得不重新装修自己的厨房,这样就花掉了作者一万美元。
12.C 细节题,由第二段as soon as I have picked thecarrots, I clean the dirt off them by rinsing them in a bucket of water. I keepa full bucket of water beside the garden just for this purpose 可知,作者一直都是在院子里的那个桶里洗的,而这次由于摔了一跤,把桶里的水弄倒了,不得不在厨房的水槽里洗。所以C项是不对的,其他几项都是她这次为什么在水槽里洗胡萝卜的原因。
13.A 这是对文章大意的理解,作者花了1万美元来装修整个厨房,包括新的电冰箱,新的碗柜,新的水槽等等,作者并没有将1万美元全部花在水槽上。
14.C 这是一个逻辑推理题,仔细回想整个过程我们发现,the drain 只是导致了排水不畅,而the water damage 不仅损坏了电冰箱,还损害了其他电路,最后导致作者不得不拆除整个墙。
15.C 此题主要是考查对这几个单词的认识和理解。A项中的endocrine 是“内分泌;激素;内分泌物”的意思,很显然用在这里不合适,B项中的esurience 是“贪婪;贪吃;饥饿”的意思,很明显作者也并没有贪婪,贪吃,C项中的entropy 有“ 熵(热力学函数)”的意思,它还有“混乱状态; 无序状态”的意思,很显然作者的经历was totally a mess, 所以该项符合,D项中的ectopia 是一个医学名词,指“器官异位”的意思。
16.D 这是一道考查文章主旨的题目,这篇文章主要就讲了Dr. Goodall 的生平事迹和主要贡献,有点类似于一个小传记,所以作者的主要意图就是记录Dr. Goodall的生活和研究。
17.C 细节题,信息主要集中在第四段。由He was impressed with her thorough knowledge of Africa and itswildlife,可知A、B两项都是正确的,再由She expressed her interest in the idea of studying animals by livingin the wild with them, rather than studying dead animals through paleontology,可知D项也是正确的,唯有C项与他两的合作无关。
18.C 这一题的信息比较分散,由The chimpanzees did not accept her right away, and it took monthsfor them to get used to her presence in their territory,可知chimpanzees 是怕生的,害羞的,它们不喜欢与陌生人交往,所以C项错误,其他几项都可以在原文中找到相关信息。
19.C 这是一道考查作者情感态度的题目。由作者在文中描述的Dr. Goodall 为了在非洲研究黑猩猩,冲破了重重世俗的阻力,还克服了很多现实中的困难,比如黑猩猩一开始并不接受她等等可以看出,作者认为她是一位甘于奉献的科学家。
20.D 此题和16题有些相似,都是考查文章的主旨大意,文章主要讲述了Dr. Goodall的生平以及在非洲的科研经历和她的杰出贡献,从她的科研经历中我们了解了很多关于动物,尤其是黑猩猩的知识,并且认识到了动物保护的重要性,因此D项最符合。其他几项的信息虽然在文中也可以找到,但并不是文章的中心思想。
V. Translate the following sentences into English. (5×3=15 points)
1. Beyond the mountains there is vast grassland that extends as faras the eye can see.
2. Their way of life could be traced to the ancient tradition handeddown to them by their ancestors
3. Some tabloids are trying hard to cater to the low taste of some readersfor the sake of making money.
4. The frontiers of medical science are beingpushed farther onwards as time goes on.
5. The secondgeneration of immigrants still feel marginalized, belonging neither among the whitesociety, nor among the Chinese American community.
VI. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (20 points)
VII. Writing (35 points)
The Impacts of Science andTechnology on Humankind
Whether one is willingor not, he can not deny that endless innovations of science and technology are constantlychanging our human lives. Apparently, not everyone is optimistic about the trend,but there are unquestionable positive aspects of it.
To the senior in the society,health and security are the most concerned issues. Today, thanks to the growingprocess in medicine field, the life span and quality have been greatly enhanced.Old people are becoming increasingly energetic and rigorous. Besides, technologyalso ensures the security of those old people who live separately from their offspringgimmicks such as auto-alarming bell free them from the worries about possible gasrelease or theft.
To the young, the startlingadvances in application technology enable them to work and live more comfortably.Automation the computer-controlled system, along with assembly lines and robotsnot only cuts down the prices by mass production, but also frees people from dangerousand tiring working conditions. After work, benefiting from all the conveniencesprovided by such handy appliances as microwave ovens, washing machines, or automobiles,people enjoy a lot more leisure time and feel more relaxed.
As to children, they benefitmost from the boom of information technology. For decades, computers and communicationsystems processed information only for selected audiences. Now, the developmentof technology makes everyone, including children, to get cheap information. Exposedto this from the early age, today's children learn by trial and error how to collectand process information into useful knowledge at a fast pace. What's more, throughInternet and telecommunication, the children are closely connected with the outsideworld and are likely to be more competitive and creative than their older generations.
As to the humansociety as a whole, the improved social productivity has made us easier tolive. In the primitive society, our ancestors made a difficult living byhunting and collecting, which was so dangerous and unstable that most of ourancestors didn’t live long. With the increasing advancement of science and technology,people work less, and the output turns out to be more. Thanks to the scienceand technology, our lives today are easier and more comfortable and convenientcompared to the ones our ancestors led.
It might be because newtechnology is booming out at such a fantastic speed that many people aren't feelingat ease with it. However, it does aim at making our lives more convenient and comfortable.My opinion is that wait indulgently for technology to perfect itself, try it voluntarily,and the world is certain to be much better than ever.

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