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Part Ⅰ Cloze (0.5×20=10%)
Directions: In this part you are asked to choose the best word foreach blank in the passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Comedian George Carlinhas a routine in which he talks about how humans seem to spend their livesaccumulating "stuff". Once they've gathered enough stuff, they haveto find places to store all of it. If Carlin were to update that routine today,he could make the same  1 about computer information. It seems thateveryone with a computer spends a lot of time acquiring data and then trying tofind a way to  2 it.
For some computerowners, finding enough storage space to hold all the data they've acquired is areal challenge. Some people invest in larger hard drives. Others prefer  3 storage devices like thumb drives orcompact discs. Desperate computer owners might delete entire folders worth of oldfiles in order to make space for new information.  4 some are choosing to rely on a growingtrend: cloud storage.
While cloud storagesounds like it has something to do with weather  5 and storm systems, it really refers tosaving data  6 an off-site storage system maintained bya third party.  7 storing information to your computer'shard drive or other local storage device, you save it to a remote database. TheInternet provides the connection between your computer and the database.
On the surface, cloudstorage has several advantages  8 traditional data storage. For example, ifyou store your data on a cloud storage system, you'll be able to get to thatdata from any location that has Internet access. You  9 need to carry around a  10 storage device or use the same computerto save and  11 your information. With the right storagesystem, you could even allow other people to access the data, turning apersonal project into a  12 effort.
So cloud storage isconvenient and offers more  13 , but how does it work?
There are hundreds ofdifferent cloud storage systems. Some have a very specific  14 , such as storing Web e-mailmessages or digital pictures. Others are  15 to store all forms of digital data. Somecloud storage systems are small operations, while others are so large that thephysical equipment can fill  16 an entire warehouse. The facilities that  17 cloud storage systems are called datacenters.
At its most basiclevel, a cloud storage system needs just one data server  18 to the Internet. A client (e. g., a computer usersubscribing to a cloud storage service) sends copies of files over the Internet to the dataserver, which then records the information. When the client wishes to retrievethe information, he or she accesses the data server through a Web-basedinterface. The server then either sends the files back to the client or allowsthe client to access and manipulate the files on the server itself.
Cloud storage systemsgenerally rely on hundreds of data servers. Because computers  19 require maintenance or repair, it'simportant to store the same information on multiple machines. This is calledredundancy. Without redundancy, a cloud storage system couldn't  20 clients that they could access theirinformation at any given time. Most systems store the same data on servers thatuse different power supplies. That way, clients can access their data even ifone power supply fails.
1.A.examination  B.observation  C.inspection D.acquaintance B.update  C.process D.accumulate
3.A.internal B.portable C.local D.external
4.A.But  B.While  C.And D.So
5.A.forecast  C.fronts  D.system
6.A.onto D.upon
7. A.Apart from B.Otherthan C.Insteadof D.Regardlessof
8.A.than  B.except  C.for  D.over
9.A.shouldn't  B.wouldn't  C.mustn't D.couldn't
10.A.physical  B.substantial C.tangible D.local  B.share C.access  D.retrieve
12.A.comprehensive B.collaborative C.coordinated  D.combining
13.A.opportunity B.chance  C.convenience  D.favor
14.A.focus  B.purpose C.use  D.operation
15.A.available B.capable C.applicable D.desirable  B.up C.for  D.into
18. A.connecting  B.connected C.connect D.beingconnected
19.A.probably B.inconveniently  C.invariably D.occasionally
20.A.ensure B.promise C.assure  D.guarantee
Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (20×2=40%)
Directions: There are four passages in this part. After each passage,there are five questions. You are to choose the best answer for each question.Write your answers on the answer sheet.
Passage One
Recent years havebrought minority-owned businesses in the United States unprecedentedopportunities as well as new and significant risks. Civil rights activists havelong argued that one of the principal reasons why Blacks, Hispanics, and otherminority groups have difficulty establishing themselves in business is thatthey lack access to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated bylarge companies. Now Congress, in apparent agreement, has required by law thatbusinesses awarded federal contracts of more than $ 500,000 do their best tofind minority subcontractors and record their efforts to do so on forms filedwith the government. Indeed, some federal and local agencies have gone so faras to set specific percentage goals for apportioning parts of public workscontracts to minority enterprises.
Corporate responseappears to have been substantial. According to figures collected in1977, thetotal of corporate contracts with minority businesses rose from $77 million in 1972to $1.1 billion in 1977.The projected total of corporate contracts withminority businesses for the early 1980's is estimated to be over 53 billion peryear with no letup anticipated in the next decade.
Promising as it is forminority businesses, this increased patronage poses dangers for them, too.First, minority firms risk expanding too fast and overextending themselves financially,since most are small concerns and, unlike large businesses, they often need tomake substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like inorder to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontractsare for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixedexpenses. The world of corporate purchasing can be frustrating for smallentrepreneurs who get requests for elaborate formal estimates and bids. Bothconsume valuable time and resources, and a small company's efforts must soonresult in orders, or both the morale and the financial health of the businesswill suffer.
A second risk is thatWhite-owned companies may seek to cash in on the increasing apportionmentsthrough formation of joint ventures with minority-owned concerns. Of course, in many instances there arelegitimate reasons for joint ventures; clearly, White and minority enterprisescan team up to acquire business that neither could acquire alone. But civilrights groups and minority business owners have complained to Congress aboutminorities being set up as "fronts" with White backing, rather thanbeing accepted as full partners in legitimate joint ventures.
Third, a minorityenterprise that secures the business of one large corporate customer often runthe danger of becoming—and remaining—dependent. Even in the best ofcircumstances, fierce competition from larger, more established companies makesit difficult for small concerns to broaden their customer bases: when suchfirms have nearly guaranteed orders from a single corporate benefactor, theymay truly have to struggle against complacency arising from their currentsuccess.
21. Theprimary purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.present acommonplace idea and its inaccuracies
B.describe a situationand its potential drawbacks
C.propose a temporarysolution to a problem
D.analyze a frequentsource of disagreement
22. Accordingto the passage, civil rights activists maintain that one disadvantage underwhich minority-owned businesses have traditionally had to labor is that theyhave ______.
A.been especiallyvulnerable to governmental mismanagement of the economy
B.been denied bankloans at rates comparable to those afforded larger competitors
C.not had sufficientopportunity to secure business created by large corporations
D.not been able toadvertise in those media that reach large numbers of potential customers
23. Thepassage suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontractsresult quickly in orders might cause it to ______.
A.experiencefrustration but not serious financial harm
B.face potentiallycrippling fixed expenses
C.have to record itsefforts on forms filed with the government
D.increase itsspending with minority Subcontractors
24. Theauthor implies that a minority-owned concern that does the greater part of its businesswith one large corporate customer should ______.
A.avoid competitionwith larger, more established concerns by not expanding
B.concentrate onsecuring even more business from that corporation
C.try to expand itscustomer base to avoid becoming dependent on the corporation
D.pass on some of thework to be done for the corporation to other minority-owned concerns
25. Theauthor would most likely agree with which of the following statements about corporateresponse to working with minority subcontractors?
A.Annoyed by the proliferation of"front" organizations, corporations are likely to reduce theirefforts to work with minority-owned subcontractors in the near future.
B.Although corporations showedconsiderable interest in working with minority businesses in the 1970's, theiraversion to government paperwork made them reluctant to pursue many governmentcontracts.
C.The significant response ofcorporations in the 1970's is likely to be sustained and conceivably beincreased throughout the 1980's.
D.Although corporations are eagerto cooperate with minority-owned businesses, a shortage of capital in the1970's made substantial response impossible.
Passage Two
No very satisfactoryaccount of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yetbeen given. The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earthbehaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces for long periods andthat differences in temperature under oceans and continents are sufficient toproduce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convection currentsunder the mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continents.Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along asthough they were on a conveyor belt and would provide the forces needed toproduce the split that occurs along the ridge. This view may be correct: it hasthe advantage that the currents are driven by temperature differences thatthemselves depend on the position of the continents. Such a back-coupling, inwhich the position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that moveit, could produce complicated and varying motions.
On the other hand, thetheory is implausible because convection does not normally occur along lines,and it certainly does not occur along lines broken by frequent offsets orchanges in direction, as the ridge is. Also it is difficult to see how thetheory applies to the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in theIndian Ocean. This plate is growing on both sides, andsince there is no intermediate trench, the two ridges must be moving apart. Itwould be odd if the rising convection currents kept exact pace with them. Analternative theory is that the sinking part of the plate, which is denser thanthe hotter surrounding mantle, pulls the rest of the plate after it. Again itis difficult to see how this applies to the ridge in the South Atlantic,. where neither the African nor the American plate has asinking part.
Another possibility isthat the sinking plate cools the neighboring mantle and produces convectioncurrents that move the plates. This last theory is attractive because it givessome hope of explaining the enclosed seas, such as the Sea of Japan. These seas have a typical oceanic floor, except that thefloor is overlaid by several kilometers of sediment. Their floors have probablybeen sinking for long periods. It seems possible that a sinking current ofcooled mantle material on the upper side of the plate might be the cause ofsuch deep basins. The enclosed seasare an important feature of the earth's surface, and seriously requireexplanation in because, addition to the enclosed seas that are developing atpresent behind island arcs, there are a number of older ones of possiblysimilar origin, such as the Gulf of Mexico, the Black Sea, and perhaps theNorth Sea.
26. Accordingto the traditional view of the origin of the ocean basins, which of the followingis sufficient to move the continental plates?
A. Increases insedimentation on ocean floors.
B. Spreading of oceantrenches.
C. Movement ofmid-ocean ridges.
D. Differences intemperature under oceans and continents.
27. It canbe inferred from the passage that, of the following, the deepest sediments wouldbe found in the ______.
A. Indian Ocean
B. Black Sea
C. Mid-Atlantic
D. South Atlantic
28. Accordingto the passage, which of the following are separated by a plate that is growingon both sides?
A. he Pacific Oceanand the Sea of Japan.
B. The South AtlanticRidge and the North Sea Ridge
C.The Gulf of Mexicoand the South Atlantic Ridge
D. The Mid-AtlanticRidge and the Indian Ocean Ridge.
29. Theauthor refers to a "conveyor belt" in sentence 3, paragraph 1, inorder to ______.
A. illustrate theeffects of convection in the mantle
B. show howtemperature differences depend on the positions of the continents
C. demonstrate thelinear nature of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
D. describe thecomplicated motions made possible by back-coupling
30. Whichof the following titles would best describe the content of the passage?
A. A Description ofthe Oceans of the World
B. Several Theories ofOcean Basin Formation
C. The TraditionalView of the Oceans
D. Convection andOcean Currents
Passage Three
In the eighteenthcentury, Japan'sfeudal overlords, from the shogun to the humblest samurai, found themselvesunder financial stress. In part, this stress can be attributed to theoverlords' failure to adjust to a rapidly expanding economy, but the stress wasalso due to factors beyond the overlords' control. Concentration of the samuraiin castle-towns had acted as a stimulus to trade. Commercial efficiency, inturn, had put temptations in the way of buyers. Since most samurai had been reduced toidleness by years of peace, encouraged to engage in scholarship and martialexercises or to perform administrative tasks that took little time, it is notsurprising that their tastes and habits grew expensive. Overlords' income,despite the increase in rice production among their tenant farmers, failed tokeep pace with their expenses. Although shortfalls in overlords income resultedalmost as much from laxity among their tax collectors (the nearly inevitable outcome ofhereditary office holding) as from their higher standards of living, a misfortunelike a fire or flood, bringing an increase in expenses or a drop in revenue,could put a domain in debt to the city rice-brokers who handled its finances.Once in debt, neither the individual samurai nor the shogun himself found iteasy to recover.
It was difficult forindividual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount ofrice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited, and sincethe income of Japan'scentral government consisted in part of taxes collected by the shogun from hishuge domain, the government too was constrained. Therefore, the Tokugawashoguns began to look to other sources for revenue. Cash profits fromgovernment-owned mines were already on the decline because the most easilyworked deposits of silver and gold had been exhausted, although debasement ofthe coinage had compensated for the loss. Opening up new farmland was apossibility, but most of what was suitable had already been exploited andfurther reclamation was technically unfeasible. Direct taxation of the samuraithemselves would be politically dangerous.This left the shoguns only commerce as a potential source of governmentincome.
Most of the country'swealth, or so it seemed, was finding its way into the hands of city merchants.It appeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to easethe shogun's burden of financing the state. A means of obtaining such revenuewas soon found by levying forced loans, known as goyo-kin; although these werenot taxes in the strict sense, since they were irregular in timing andarbitrary in amount, they were high in yield. Unfortunately, they pushed upprices. Thus, regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns' search for solvency for thegovernment made it increasingly difficult for individual Japanese who lived onfixed stipends to make ends meet.
31. Thepassage is most probably an excerpt from ______.
A. an economic historyof Japan
B. the memoirs of asamurai warrior
C. a modern novelabout eighteenth-century Japan
D. an essaycontrasting Japanese feudalism with its Western counterpart
32. Whichof the following financial situations is most analogous to the financialsituation in which Japan's Tokugawa shoguns found themselves in the eighteenthcentury?
A. A small business borrowsheavily to invest in new equipment, but is able to pay off its debt early whenit is awarded a lucrative government contract.
B. Fire destroys asmall business, but insurance covers the cost of rebuilding.
C. A small business isturned down for a loan at a local bank because the owners have no credithistory?
D. A small businesshas to struggle to meet operating expenses when its profits decrease.
33. Which ofthe following best describes the attitude of the author toward the samuraidiscussed in sentence 5, paragraph 1?
A. Warmly approving.
B. Mildly sympathetic.
C. Bitterlydisappointed
D. Harshly disdainful.
34. Thepassage suggests that, in eighteenth-century Japan, the office of tax collector______.
A. was a source ofpersonal profit to the officeholder
B. was regarded withderision by many Japanese
C. remained withinfamilies
D. existed only incastle-towns
35. Thepassage implies that which of the following was the primary reason why the Tokugawashoguns turned to city merchants for help in financing the state?
A. A series of costlywars had depleted the national treasury.
B. Most of thecountry's wealth appeared to be in city merchants' hands.
C. Japan had suffereda series of economic reversals due to natural disasters such as floods.
D. The merchants werealready heavily indebted to the shoguns.
Passage Four
Years of research hadeducated me about how sugar, fat, and salt change the brain. I understood someof the parallels between hyperpalatable foods and drugs of abuse, and about thelinks among sensory stimulation, cues, and memory. I'd met enough people likeClaudia and Maria to understand how even the thought of food could cause themto lose control.
But I wasn't fullyprepared for the discoveries I made about irresistibility and whoosh, theMonster Thickburger and Baked! Cheetos Flamin' Hot, about indulgence and purplecows. Without necessarilyunderstanding the underlying science, the food industry has discovered whatsells.
I was sitting atChili's Grill & Bar in Chicago'sO'Hare Airport waiting for a late- night flight. At a nearby table a couple intheir early forties was deep into a meal. The woman was overweight, with about180 pounds on her five-foot-four-inch frame. The Southwestern Eggrolls she had ordered were listed as a starter course, but theenormous platter in front of her had been heaped with food. The dish wasdescribed on the menu as "smoked chicken, black beans, corn, jalape? o Jackcheese, red peppers, and spinach wrapped inside a crispy flour tortilla,"and it was served with a creamy avocado-ranch dipping sauce. Despite its name,the dish looked more like a burrito than an egg roll, an only-in-America fusionapproach.
I watched as the womanattacked her food with vigor and speed. She held the egg roll in one hand,dunked it into the sauce, and brought it to her mouth while using the fork inher other hand to scoop up more sauce. Occasionally she reached over andspeared some of her companion's French fries. The woman ate steadily, workingher way around the plate with scant pause for conversation or rest. When shefinally paused, only a little lettuce was left.
Had she known someonewas watching her, I'm sure shewould have eaten differently. Had she been asked to describe what she had justeaten, she probably would have substantially underestimated her consumption.And she would probably have been surprised to learn what the ingredients in hermeal really were.
The woman might havebeen interested in how my industry source, who had called sugar, fat, and saltthe three points of the compass, described her entree. Deep-frying the tortilladrives down its water content from 40 percent to about 5 percent and replacesthe rest with fat. "The tortilla is really going to absorb a lot offat," he said. "It looks like an egg roll is supposed to look, whichis crispy and brown on the outside."
The food consultantread through other ingredients on the label, keeping up a running commentary ashe did. "Cooked white meat chicken, binder added, smoke flavor. Peoplelike smoky flavor—it's the caveman in them. "
"There's greenstuff in there," he said, noting the spinach. "That makes me feellike I'm eating something healthy."
"ShreddedMonterey Jack cheese... The increase in per-capita consumption of cheese is offthe chart. "
The hot peppers, hesaid, "add a little spice, but not too much to kill everything elseoff." He believed the chicken had been chopped and formed much like a meatloaf, with binders added, which makes those calories easy to swallow.Ingredients that hold moisture, including autolyzed yeast extract, sodiumphosphate, and soy protein concentrate, further soften the food. I noticed thatsalt appeared eight times on the label and that sweeteners were there fivetimes, in the form of corn-syrup solids, molasses, honey, brown sugar, andsugar.
"This is highlyprocessed?" I asked.
"Absolutely, yes.All of this has been processed such that you can wolf it down fast.., choppedup and made ultra-palatable...Very appealing looking, very high pleasure in thefood, very high caloric density. Rules out all that stuff you have to chew."
By eliminating theneed to chew, modern food processing techniques allow us to eat faster."When you're eating these things, you've had 500,600,800,900 caloriesbefore you know it," said the consultant. "Literally before you knowit." Refined food simply melts in the mouth.
36. It canbe inferred from the author's description of the woman eating in paragraph fourthat ______.
A. the woman prefersto eat at Chili's vs. other restaurants
B. the woman trulyenjoys the foods that she chooses to eat
C. the woman'sefficiency at cleaning her plate adds to her dining experience
D. the author isdisgusted by the woman's consumption
37. Accordingto the passage, the main reason why people overeat is that ______.
A. salt andsweeteners, like corn-syrup solids and brown sugar, are added to the food
B. we don't have tochew our food very much
C. people like smokyflavor
D. sugar, fat and saltchange the brain
38. Thefollowing are all ingredients in the egg rolls, EXCEPT ______.
A. dark meat chicken
B. salt
C. binders
D. honey
39. Whichof the following statements best describes the main idea of the passage?
A. If you eat too much food tooquickly, you'll gain weight and become unhealthy.
B. Because refined food isirresistible and easy to eat, it masks how unhealthy it is, leaving peopleunaware of the poor food choices they're making.
C. Chili's is one of therestaurants in the U.S. serving unhealthy food to consumers today.
D. Food consultants and authorsare making Americans aware of their unhealthy eating habits, thus, creatinghealthier generations for years to come.
40. In thefirst sentence of paragraph four, the word " vigor" most nearly means______.
A. pleasure
B. flamboyance
C. lethargy
D. energy
Part III Translation (30%)
Section A From Chinese intoEnglish (5%)
Directions: Translatethe following three underlined parts from Chinese into English and write yourtranslation on the answer sheet.
Nick Young创立了中国发展简报,并编辑英文版本,他说,上周多位北京警方和地方统计局的官员告知他该刊物进行了“未经批准的调查”,因此被认为违反了有关收集统计数据的l983年法律。
Section B From English into Chinese (15%)
Directions: Translate the following three underlined parts fromEnglish into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet.
Brenda Farmer andWillie Blanscet have sat across from each other on the Butterball bagging linefor 17 years, 102 cold, raw turkeys sliding by in front of them everyminute." Me and Willie look at each other and say, 'How in the world cananybody eat this much turkey?' "Mrs. Farmer said.
The odds are good thatyours may be one.1.The women, along with workers at another Butterball planta 90-minute drive away, help produce about a third of the 43 million turkeysthe nation will eat today, according to the National Turkey Federation.
This corner ofnorthwest Arkansasis not the land of free-running heritage birds that command $16 a pound. A leisurely morning browsing thefarmers' market is not how most people spend a Saturday.
2.In this community of3000 on the Arkansas River, where everyone ischeering on the Hillbillies, the high school football team that made it to thestate playoffs, turkey is an industry. And a job at the Butterball plantis one of the most reliable in town.
The median income in Franklin County is just over $ 30000 a year. Unemployment is at 7.3 percent.Every week, a dozen or so people show up at the plant looking for work. Maybetwo get hired, plant managers said.
It is not easy work. Turkeysneed to be stunned and dispatched and gutted. Someone has to cut the oil glandout of the tail. Necks and gizzards and livers have to be cleaned and stuffedinto a cavity.3.During a six-week period that begins in October, the lineruns seven days a week to process fresh turkey. It is a period people in townsimply refer to as "fresh", and it is grueling.
"It's a longbattle when we're working fresh, but I at least got some bills paid andChristmas money," Mrs. Farmer said. "I just sit there and hum andsing and talk to my friend Willie. We get through it together. "
Part Ⅳ Essay Writing (20%)
Directions: You are required to write about 200 words on the following topic"Online shopping is a bad choice for shoppers".
Part Ⅰ Cloze (0.5×20=10%)
1.B 结合上下文可知,the same是相对上文Carlin对人的行为的观察总结而言的,所以这里是说“对于电脑信息,Carlin会做出同样的观察总结(observation)。B项observation“观察报告”符合语境。examination检查。inspection审查;检阅。acquaintance熟人;了解。
2.A 上文讲到人不停地搜集信息并寻找地方存储(store)信息,电脑和人一样,可知这里是说获得信息后要存储。,故选A项store。update更新。process处理;加工。accumulate积攒。
3.D 空格前讲到,一些人安装大的电脑硬盘(hard drive),由others可知空格处表示对比。结合thumb drive(拇指驱动器)和compact disc(光碟)可知,这里是说另一些人求助于光碟等外部(external)存储设备。internal内部的。portable手提的;便携的。local 当地的。
4.A 上文讲到,一些人采用大的硬盘,一些人采用外部存储器,一些人甚至删掉以前的文件,结合后文作者介绍云存储的好处可知,云存储以其方便高效与前面三种方式形成对比。故选择转折连词but。while虽然也表示转折,但通常用在同一句话里。故选A项。
5.C 由并列名词“storm systems(风暴系统)”可知,空格处也应是一种气象术语。weather fronts意为“锋”,即冷暖气团之间的狭窄、倾斜过渡地带。C项符合语境。forecast预报。report报告。system系统。但结合storm systems可知,此处system也应为复数。故选C项。
6.B 结合语境,这里指的是“将信息转存到(save to)有第三方维护的、位于其他地方的存储系统”。save to存储到。save in“存储在”,通常指存储在某份文件中。B项更符合语境。
7.C 结合上下文可知,云存储“不是将信息存储在自己的硬盘里,而是存储在一个远程的数据库里”。insteadof“不是……而是”符合语境。apartfrom除……之外。other than除了。regardless of不顾,不管。
8.D 结合上下文,“云存储比起传统的存储方式有优势。”“have advantage over”为固定搭配,意思是“比起……有优势”。
9.B 结合语境,这里是说,如果用云存储,“你将不(wouldn't)需要……必须使用同一台电脑……”。wouldn't“将不”符合语境。shouldn't不应该。mustn't绝对不能。couldn’t不能。
10.A 结合上文,有了云存储,你可以在任何有网络的地方找到你存储的信息。这里应与上文形成对比,即“而不用走到哪里都带着物理(physical)存储设备”,physical“物理的;物质的”是相对上文“Internet”来说的,符合语境。substantial大量的。tangible实体的;可触摸的。local当地的。
11.D 结合并列短语“save(储存)”,以及下文“其他人也可以访问(allow other people toaccess)你的信息”,故空格处应为与“save(储存)”相对应的词“重新获得(retrieve)”。倒数第二段第三句也用到这一单词。D项符合文意。store“存储”与save意思重复。share共享。access访问。由于该信息的存储者也是“you”,所以retrieve“重新获得”比access“访问”更契合语境。故选D项。
12.B 由“turn…into”可知空格处单词与“personal”相对,B项collaborative“集体合作”符合语境的,即“把个人项目变成集体合作项目”。comprehensive综合的。coordinated协调的。combining结合的,合并的。
13.C 由上文可知,云储存免去了很多麻烦,给我们带来了方便。C项convenience符合语境。opportunity机会。chance机会;可能性。favor欢心;好感。
14.A 结合上下文可知,这里是说“一些云存储有专门的对象,另一些则可以存储任何形式的数据”。focus“中心;重点对象”符合语境。purpose目的。use用途。operation操作;经营。
15.A 上文讲到一些云存储只针对特定的数据,可知这里是说“另一些云存储则适用于任何形式的数据”。available“可得的;可利用的”符合语境。capable意为“能干的;有能力的”,但文章这里不是强调能力,而是客观地介绍不同云存储的不同性能。applicable意为“适用的”,后面往往跟名词作宾语。desirable令人满意的。
16.B “另一些云存储系统很大,以至于其物理设备能够装满整个仓库”。fill up“装满”符合语境。fill in填平;填表。fill不与“for”连用。fill into装进。
17.C 上文讲到一些云存储系统很大,能够装满整个仓库。可知这里承接上文,“放置(house)这些云存储系统的设施就叫数据中心”。house存放。hold持有;保存。save存储。run运行。
18.B 本题考查过去分词短语作后置定语。“a cloud storage systemneeds just one data server(which is)connected to the Internet(一个云存储系统只需要一个联网的数据中心)”, data server与connect是被动关系,故用过去分词connected做后置定语。选B项。
19.D “电脑偶尔(occasionally)需要维修,所以相同数据要存在几个机器上”。probably很可能。inconveniently不方便地。invariably始终如一地。
20.A 如果没有备份,云存储就不能保证(ensure)客户可以随时获取信息。ensure sb. that……保证某人……。promise承诺。assure使确信。guarantee担保(某事会发生);保证(含有承诺的意味)。故选A项。
PartⅡ Reading Comprehension (2x20=40%)
Passage One
21.B 文章第一句就点明主旨,即少数族裔的公司的发展现状虽然获得了“前所未有的机遇,但也面临着巨大的风险(unprecedented opportunities aswell as new and significant risks)”。文章前两段介绍少数族裔的人的公司的发展及成果,后三段则分述了这种发展背后的风险。B项“描述一种现状及其潜在的风险”符合文章大意。
22.C 由第一段第二句“Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the principal reasonswhy … is that they lackaccess to the sizable orders and subcontracts that are generated by largecompanies.(民权运动的积极分子认为少数族裔难以创业的一个主要原因是他们无法获得大订单或者大公司的分包合同)”可知,民权运动者认为少数族裔的公司必须出苦力的原因是他们没有足够的机会获得大公司的订单业务。故选C项。
23.A 题干问的是:如果大公司没有正常下放分包指标,它会怎么样?由第三段后半部分可知,对于小公司来说,没有了订单,它们的士气(morale)和财务都会大受打击。大公司可能也会有些许沮丧,但财务上不会受太大影响。B选项是易错项,B项陈述的是小公司可能发生的情况。如果误将题干的代词it指代的对象理解为小公司,就会误选B项。
24.C 由文章最后一段可知,少数民族人士办的公司容易对大公司产生依赖,因为面对大公司的强势,它们很难扩大自己的客户面(difficult for smallconcerns to broaden their customer bases)。所以如果少数族裔的公司“have nearly guaranteedorders from a single corporate benefactor, they may truly have to struggleagainst complacency arising from their current success.(几乎只从一家大公司获取订单,它们就真的要努力避免一时的的自满情绪了)”。也就是说这些小公司必须改变只依赖某一个大公司提供订单的状况,扩大客户面。
25.C 由第二段最后一句“The projected total of corporate contracts with minoritybusinesses for the early 1980's is estimated to be over 53 billion per yearwith no letup anticipated in the next decade”可知,预计这些小公司获得的合同会在80年代早期达到530亿美元,而且在下个10年也不会有停顿(letup)。结合上文这一合作在70年代持续增加,可知C项正确。
Passage Two
26.D 第一段介绍传统的观点,由“this convection would carry the continental plates along”可知,是对流引起板块运动。结合第二句“that differences in temperature under oceans and continents aresufficient to produceconvection(对流)”,可知,大洋和大陆下的温度差足以使地幔产生对流,而这种对流使板块移动。故选D项。
27.B 由最后一段第二三句可知,日本海的海床上有几千米的沉积物(sediment),因为“Their floors haveprobably been sinking for long periods”。而后文指出,还有更古老的海床,如黑海(there are …older ones … such as …the Black Sea)。故可推断,黑海有更深的沉积物。
28.D 由第二段第二和第三句“the plate between the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in theIndian Ocean. This plate is growing on both sides”可知。
29.A 由第一段“this convection wouldcarry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt”可知,这种对流会像一个传送带一样带着大陆板块移动。即“传送带”是用来形容对流的影响的。A项正确。B项“温差取决于板块的位置”及D项“这种相互影响产生的复杂运动”在文章中只是有所提及,但未展开详述。C项文章未提及。故选A项。
30.B 文章第一句点明所述内容:“目前为止,关于海盆的形成原因和机制,还没有令人满意的解释”,后文分别介绍了三种理论。所以B项的主要内容是B项“关于海底盆地形成的几种不同理论”。
31.A 文章第一句点明主要内容:18世纪日本的封建地主阶级陷入财务危机。第一段主要介绍原因。第二段介绍缓解这一危机的诸多方法,但都因现实原因无法实施。第三段介绍封建地主采取提高贷款利率的方法,试图用商人的钱财缓解经济压力,最终却导致物价上涨。可见,本文很可能摘自日本的经济史。故选A项。。
32.D 题干问的是“以下哪种财务状况与18世界日本的封建地主面临的经济情况相类似?” analogous意为“类似的”。第一段讲到武士失业,但消费水平却提高(“their tastes andhabits grew expensive”);地主也一样入不敷出“Overlords’ income…failedto keep pace with their expenses.”可知,D项入不敷出的小公司与他们经济情况类似。
33.B 由于长年没有战乱,武士们大多从事军事训练、行政管理等不耗时间闲杂职务,因而总是无所事事,所以他们的品味和爱好变得奢侈也是毫不奇怪的。作者对此的评价是not surprising,可见作者对武士们是持有微弱的谅解态度的。B项mildly sympthetic(轻微地谅解)符合文意。
34.C 由第一段“shortfalls in overlords income resulted…from laxity (松弛;放纵)among their taxcollectors (the nearly inevitable outcome of hereditary office holding)统治者收入不足的一个原因是税收人员的松懈(这是hereditary office holding职位世袭的必然后果)”,可推知,18实际日本的税收机关仍掌握在封建家族手里(remained withinfamilies)。故选C项。
35.B 由最后一段第一、二句“Most of the country's wealth…was finding its way into the hands of city merchants. Itappeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to easethe shogun's burden of financing the state”可知,因为当时的财富主要集中在商人手中,所以很将军们认为通过他们来缓解自己的债务危机是合理的。故选B项。
36.D 由“the woman attacked her food with vigor and speed(那女人迅速而强劲地扑向她的食物)”、“dunked it into thesauce (把蛋卷泡在酱汁里)”以及“speared some …French fries (戳些薯条)”可知,作者很讨厌这个女士的吃相。
37.B 从最后两段“All of this has been processed such that you can wolf it down fast”可知,快餐们经过了高度处理,特意去掉了需要咀嚼的东西,使得人们可以狼吞虎咽。
38.A 文章在第四段描述了女士吃蛋卷的猛态,第六段说“The woman might havebeen interested in how my industry source described her entree”,于是在接下来的五段中介绍她所吃的食物(蛋卷)所包含的物质。由第七段“Cooked white meatchicken”可知,有熟的白鸡肉,而不是A项所说的黑鸡肉。由第十段“with binders added”及最后一句可知,BCD都是蛋卷所含的物质。故选A项。
39.B 文章第四段描述女士吃相,六至十段分析蛋卷所含物质,最后两段则是对以上内容的总结,即这些加工后的食品“Very appealing looking, very high pleasure in the food”,使得“you've had 500,600,800,900 calories before you know it”,即这些食品看上去有营养,味道好,易咀嚼,使得人们没有意识到它们多么不健康就过量摄入,也对应第一段“一些人们只要想到食物就会失去控制”的“吃瘾”。所以文章的主要内容是分析加工后的食物为什么能让人无法自持。B项符合文意。
40.D 从后面句子的描述可知,这位女士吃东西很猛,故选energy。vigor意为“活力;精力”,与energy意义相近。flamboyance华丽;lethargy无生气。
Part III Translation (30%)
Section A From Chinese into English (15%)
He said that thenewsletter did not conduct polls or surveys and that the order was vague enoughto prohibit almost any kind of information gathering that required interactionwith local citizens.
②“进行投票和调查”译为“conduct polls or surveys”。
③“信息收集”译为“information gathering”。
④ 在英文中,“need”和“require”都有“需要”的意思,前者强调“因缺乏而需要”,后者强调“为达到某种效果而需要”。此处用“require”更贴近语境。
Some civic groups have helped people on the lower rungs of Chinesesociety defend their legal rights,and some Chineseofficials contend that the groups have contributed to a surge in social unrest.
①“民间组织”译为“civic group”或“civil group”。civic意为“市民的”,civil意为“民间的”。
② rung 意为“门槛”。
③ protect和defend都有“保护”的意思,但protect侧重“shield”,即遮蔽式的保护。defend强调辩护。“维护合法权益”用“defend”更贴近语境。
④“社会不安定”译为“social unrest”。
China DevelopmentBrief had no license to publish in China,and its employees werenot registered as news correspondents,meaning the newsletterhad long operated without the permits required of larger publications.
①“无权”易误译为“no right”。right意为“权利”,而文中侧重指“未经许可”,意为“no license”更贴近语境。
Section B From English into Chinese(15%)
1. The women,along with workers atanother Butterball plant a 90-minute drive away, help produce about athird of the 43 million turkeys the nation will eat today,according to the National Turkey Federation.
本句是一个包含了插入语和定语从句的复合句,如果照搬原语序翻译,就不符合汉语表达习惯。这里应采用拆译法,将其分为若干分句,并按逻辑顺序排列起来。译文将定语从句拆分为两个句子,并调整了介词短语“according to”和定语从句的位置。同时将名词结构“the women, along with…”补译为句子“一些妇女……工作”。
2.In this community of 30000 on the Arkansas River,where everyone is cheering on the Hillbillies,the high school football team that made it to the state playoffs,turkey is an industry.
本句的翻译难点在于理解。在句子结构上:这句话包含一个同位语和两个定语从句,“the high school…playoffs”是Hillbillies的同位语,该同位语中包含一个定语从句“that made it…playoffs”。在用词上:“made it to”中it是虚指,该短语是“成功做成某事”的意思。playoffs意为“季后赛”。
3.During a six-week period that begins in October,the line runs seven days a week to process fresh turkey.It is a period people in town simply refer to as “fresh”,and it is grueling.
①“runs seven days a week” 直译为“一周工作七天”,应采用意译法,即“整周不停地工作”。
② grueling 意为“折磨人的”。
Part Ⅳ Essay Writing (20%)
Thanks to the rapid advancement of Internet technology, recent yearshave seen a huge rise in the number of netizens, which, to a large extent,contributes to the booming of online shopping, whose customer base has beenexpanded from youngsters to mid adults even the elderly. While online shoppingbrings us considerable convenience, it also poses much potential risk toshoppers, including counterfeit products, financial security and privacydisclosure.
Instead of visiting aphysical retail store and inspecting the product directly, on-line shoppers canonly depend on the information, in the form of texts or pictures, to decidewhich product to buy, making them exposed to higher risk of fraud thanface-to-face transactions. And it involves complicated procedures to return thefaulty item, for you have to firstly contact with the merchant——who might deny your request, thenyou need to submit an application to the third party online, and despite thatyou are lucky enough to make it to the last step. Don’t forget that the freightis probably on your side. A grueling experience, definitely.
Financial security is another major concern in online shopping,where hackers and frauds are concentrated and active. Although the paymentsystem has been making constant efforts to prevent consumers from breaches,hackers might break into a merchant’s web site, steal names, addresses andcredit card number, and finally ransack the accountant even before onlineshoppers notice it.
Online shopping can bring other dangers it its wake, among whichprivacy disclosure is of top prominence. Customers are usually required tosupply their contact information to merchants during the e-trade process,which, if handled poorly, may result in leakage of the information and leavethose consumers exposed to annoying spam and telemarketing, even to hungrykidnappers at its worst.
With all the arguments above, we can naturally come to theconclusion that online shopping is a bad choice for shoppers, for itsdisadvantages largely outweigh its benefits. Window shopping may remain as agood idea if time and energy permits, for it is, anyhow, a totally controllableexperience.
范文第一段点明论点,指出网购会给消费者带来风险,并列举三个方面(假冒产品、财务安全和隐私泄露),既概括全文,也开启下文;二三四段依次展开三个分论点;最后一段重申主题;结构明朗,内容充实。此外,范文为避免重复,运用同义词,如consumers,customers,onlineshoppers等;多处运用高级词汇、短语,如contribute to, booming ,instead of, in the form of 等;多处运用定语从句、非谓语动词、插入语等语法结构,给文章添彩。
1.booming 兴旺
2.pose 造成
3.counterfeit products 假冒伪劣产品 exposed to 暴露于……;容易受到……影响
5.on your side 在你这边
6.grueling 折磨人的
7.ransack 洗劫一空 its worst 最糟糕的情况下

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