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Part One Europeanand American Cultures(50 points)
Ⅰ. Explain the following five terms briefly:(10points)
1.KuKlux Klan
3.AmericanCivil War
Ⅱ. Answer each of the following two questions inno more than 150 English words:(20 points)
1.Whatare the important features of the American westward movement?
2.Whatwas the Hebrew’s major contribution to world civilization?
Ⅲ.Answer the following question in no more than 400English words:(20 points)
At present the world iseconomically moving toward globalization,while
culturally movingtoward multiculturalism. How would you comment on this kind of tendency?
Part Ⅱ British and American Literature (50 points)
I. Explain any THREE of the following five terms INABOUT 50 ENGLISH WORDS each:(15points)
3.GeorgeBernard Shaw
4.TheSouthern Renaissance in American Literature
5.The Waste Land
Ⅱ. MultipleChoice:(15 points)
Select from the fourchoices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes thestatement. Write down your answer on the answer sheet.
1.NattyBumppo is the protagonist appearing in a series of five novels written by  .
C.Nathaniel Hawthorne 
D.James Fenimore Cooper
2.Which ONE of the following works deals with theconflict between the capitol and the land, and with the struggle between therailroad and the farmers?
A.The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
B.The Octopus
C.The Scarlet Letter
D.Uncle Tom’s Cabin
3.WhichONE of the following poems is composed in memory of Abraham Lincoln?
A.The Wild Honey Suckle
B.The Tide Rises,the tideFalls 
C.Because I Could Not Stop for Death
D.O Captain,My Captain.  
4.WhichONE of the following is the author of Light in August?
A.Willia Cather 
B.Richard Wright
C.Ernest Hemingway
D.William Faulkner
5.WhichONE of the following literary schools is related with the concepts ofdeterminism?
6.WhichONE of the following is the author of Utopia?
A.Charles Lamb 
B.Washington Irving
C.Edgar Allan Poe 
D.Thomas More
7.Whichof the following is NOT a typical feature of Modernism?
B.The use of symbols
D.Simplicity in language
8.Theworks of Bronte sisters are marked by strong  elements.
9.In “Preface to Lyrical Ballads”,Wordsworthgives his definition for good poetry “for all good poetry is theoverflow of powerful feelings. ”
10.During the 1950s,there appeared agroup of young writers in Britain who were fiercely critical of the establishedorder. They were called  .
A.Angry Young Fellows 
B.Critical Young Writers
C.Angry Young Men 
D.Cynical Young Writers
Ⅲ. Answerthe following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each:(20points)
1.Makea comment on Bleak House by Charles Dickens.
2.Makea comment on Ralph Waldo Emerson’s work Nature.
Part III Linguistics (50 points)
I. Statewhat you know about the following terms IN ONE SENTENCE FOR EACH:(10points)
1.languagecompetence vs. language performance
2.hypotacticvs. paratactic languages
3.languevs. parole
Ⅱ. Definethe following terms with at least two examples:(10 points)
1.binaryanalysis of word meaning
2.degradationof word meaning
III. Determine the original term from which thefollowing words were back-formed:(10 points)
Ⅳ.Answer the following questions:(10points)
1.Whatwill you like to say to a statement like “one culture’s meat is anotherculture’s poison”?
2.What is the semantic triangle proposed by Ogdenand Richards in their The Meaning of Meaning? Do you agree or not?
Ⅴ. Please briefly answer the following question INABOUT 500 WORDS:(10 points)
According to JohnAustin’s speech act theory, to say is to do;i.e. wedo things with words. Do you know anything about his suggestions of“locutionary act”,“illocutionary act” and “perlocutionary act”? Ifyou do please demonstrate your understanding of them, with examples, ifnecessary.
Part I Europeanand American Cultures (50 points)
Part Ⅱ British and American Literature (50 points)
I. Explainany THREE of the following five terms IN ABOUT 50 ENGLISH WORDS each (15points)
1.FrancisBacon: Francis Bacon, (1561-1626) was an English philosopher, statesman,scientist, lawyer, jurist, author and pioneer of the scientific methoD.He served both as AttorneyGeneral and Lord Chancellor of EnglanD.Although his political career ended in disgrace, he remainedextremely influential through his works, especially as philosophical advocateand practitioner of the scientific method during the scientific revolution. Hisessays are famous for its brief and wise quotations and the most widely-readworks are his essays Of Studies, Of Truth and Of Death.
2.MatthewArnold: Matthew Arnold (1822-1888) was a British poet and culturalcritic who worked as an inspector of schools. Arnold has been characterizedas a sagewriter, a type of writer who chastises and instructs the reader oncontemporary social issues. Matthew Arnold started his literary career as apoet and he became one of the typical poets in Victorian Times. His most famouspoetry is Dover Beach. Most of Arnold’s poetic production isbeautiful, often formally impressive, yet he found it difficult to forge anindustrial voice, perhaps because he found it difficult to come to terms withthe Victorian worlD.Afterthe age of forty, Arnold turned to be a prose critic, and defended cultureagainst scientific materialism. His best known critical works are OnTranslating Homer, Essays in Criticism, On the Study of CelticLiterature, and Culture and Anarchy.
3.GeorgeBernard Shaw: George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) was the greatest playwright inthe 20th-century England and ever won the Nobel Prize in 1925.Shaw expressed his views on avariety of subjects with great frankness and wit, producing a tremendous bodyof work, like Mrs. Warren’s Profession, Major Barbara, Man andSuperman, Pygmalion and so on. Shaw was strongly against the credoof “Art for art’s sake” held that art should serve social purpose by reflectinghuman life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people.Structurally and thematically, Shaw followed the great traditions of realism.With his wit and love of paradox, he made full use of comic satire and broughta new kind of intelligence to the drama.
4.The SouthernRenaissance in American Literature: The Southern Renaissance( also known as SouthernRenascence) was the reinvigoration of American Southern literature that began in the 1920sand 1930s with the appearance of writers such as William Faulkner,Tennessee Williams, and Robert Penn Warren and so on. Before the Southern Renaissance,the Southern literature was dominated by writers who supported the “Lost Cause”—the heroism of the Confederatearmy and civilian population during the Civil War and the supposedly “idyllic culture” that existed inthe South before the war. The Southern Renaissance changed this by addressingthree major themes in their works. they are 1) The burden of history in a placewhere many people still remembered slavery, Reconstruction, and a devastatingmilitary defeat, 2) the South's conservativeculture, specifically on how an individual could exist without losing a senseof identity in a region where family, religion, and community were more highlyvalued than one's personal and social life, 3) the South's troubled history inregards to racial issues. They also brought new modernistictechniques such as stream of consciousness and complexnarrative techniques to their works (as Faulkner did in his novel As I Lay Dying).
5.The Waste Land: The Waste Land is the best-knownpoem by T. S. Eliot and was published in 1922 after being revised by Ezra PounD.Itis a long poem of 433 lines, mainly free verse with occasional snatches ofrhyme and with many quoted lines in German, French, Italian and references andallusions to English writers as Spenser, Shakespeare, Middleton, Milton andGoldsmith. It is a landmark in English poetry, ending the Romantic period andsignifying the emergence of Modernism. The poem is divided into 5 parts, “TheBurial of the Dead”, “A Game of Chess”, “The First Sermon”, “Death by the Water”and “What the Thunder Said”. As a whole, it gives a picture of the spiritualruins in Europe shortly after the end of World War I, and expresses thedisillusionment of a generation of intellectuals.
Ⅱ. MultipleChoice (15points)
1.D James Fenimore Cooper (库伯)是美国浪漫主义时期早期的代表作家之一,Natty Bumppo是他的五部曲LeatherstockingTales(《皮袜子故事集》)的主人公。同时代的代表作家还有Washington Irving(欧文)。NathanielHawthorne(霍桑)是这一时期后期出现的代表作家,其代表作是The Scarlet Letter (《红字》)。
2.BThe Octopus (《章鱼》)是美国现实主义中自然主义流派的Frank Norris(诺里斯)创作的“小麦史诗”(TheEpic of Wheat)三部曲之一,也是他的代表作。它控诉了垄断资本的压迫与剥削,把铁路比作章鱼,无数条腕足侵入各个角落。
3.DO Captain,MyCaptain是Walt Whitman(惠特曼)写的用来纪念Lincoln 之死的诗歌。诗歌中把林肯亲切地成为Captain.
4.D Light in August(《八月之光》)是William Faulkner(福克纳)的代表作之一。在作家营造的“约克纳帕塔法世系”中占有重要位置。他的另一部出名的作品为The Sound and the Fury(《喧哗与骚动》).
5.CNaturalism(自然主义)属于美国现实主义后期发展的一个流派。相关作品主要是自然或现代工业社会对人的压迫,宣扬决定论,主张人在自然和社会中无法改变本身决定的命运。主要代表作家有Jack London, FrankNorris等。
6.DThomas More(莫尔)是英国16世纪时期才华横溢的人文主义学者和阅历丰富的政治家,以其名著Utopia(《乌托邦》)而名垂史册,这也是欧洲早期空想社会主义学说的创始。乌托邦成为了理想国的代名词。
8.ABronte sisters是指英国现实主义女作家Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte 和EmilyBronte. 其中以 Charlotte Bronte的Jane Eyre(《简爱》)和Emily Bronte 的WutheringHeight(《呼啸山庄》)最出名。
9.B Wordsworth(沃兹沃斯)的LyricalBallads 突破了18世纪经典主义的诗歌传统,标志着浪漫主义在英国的复兴。在其序言中,沃兹沃斯阐述了其诗作的原则,与经典主义诗歌不同,强调个人的即时感受。
10.C “Angry Young Men”来自于John Osborne的戏剧Look Back in Anger, 属于这一群体的还有Kingsley Amis, John Wain, John Braine, Alan Sillitoe.他们大多来自工人或低中等阶层,作品主要显示了生活的艰辛和黑暗,揭露了上层阶级的虚伪。
Ⅲ. Answerthe following questions IN ABOUT 150 ENGLISH WORDS each (20 points)
1.Bleak Houseis one of Dickens' finest achievements, establishing his reputation as aserious and mature novelist, as well as a brilliant comic writer. In the book,Charles Dickens, as the critical realists, reveals the underworld of a greatcity, the law’s corruption and delay in Middle and Late Victorian Times andtargets its satire at the abuses of the English courts.
The plot is built around two clues: the first isthe lawsuit of Jarndyce and Jarndyce over the inheritance of a family fortune,which has dragged on for many generations, setting relatives quarreling withone another, driving some of them to ruin and others to suicide, wile thelawyers engaged in it obtain large fees from the case. The other clue is thebirth secret of Esther Summerson and finally Esther Summerson lived a happylife.
The typical feature of Bleak House is theadoption of two narrative voices at the same time, which not only shows themature writing skills of the writer, but also helps to the final success of thework. The title Bleak House is not merely the name of the book and of ahouse, but is also an apt description of the society in which the action takesplace. And the spontaneous combustion of “Lord Chancellor” (the nickname of Mr.Krook, a character of the novel) is the symbolic of Dickens’ realization of theabsolute rottenness of Victorian capitalism and his conviction that it would bedestroyed by its own evil.
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson is the leading New EnglandTranscendentalist, and his work Nature is the regarded as the Bible ofNew England Transcendentalism.
One major element of Emerson’s philosophy is hisfirm belief in the transcendence of the “Oversoul”. In Nature, he states“the universe is composed of Nature and the Soul”. He sees the world asphenomenal, and emphasizes the need for idealism, for idealism sees the worldin GoD.Emerson regards nature as the purest, and the mostsanctifying moral influence on man, and advocated a direct intuition of aspiritual and immanent God in nature. When one feelscompletely merged with the outside world, when one has completely sunk intonature and become one with it, and when the soul has gone beyond the physicallimits of the body to share the omniscience of the Oversoul. It is the momentof “conversation”. In a word, the soul has completely transcended the limits ofindividuality and become part of the Oversoul. Emerson sees sprit pervadingeverywhere, not only in the soul of man, but behind nature, throughout nature.
Theother significant Transcendentalist thesis is that the individual, not thecrowd, is the most important of all. If man depends upon himself, cultivateshimself, and brings out the divine in himself, he can hope to become better andeven perfect. This is what Emerson means by the “infinitude of the privates man”.He tried to convince people that the possibilities for man to develop andimprove himself are infinite. Men should and could be self-reliant.
ToEmerson, the physical world was vitalistic and evolutionary. Nature wasemblematic of GoD.Itmediates between man and God, and its voice leads to higher truth. “Nature isthe vehicle of thought,” and “particular natural facts are symbols ofparticular spiritual facts.” In a word, “Nature is the symbol of spirit.”
Part III Linguistics (50 points)
I. State what you know about the following terms INONE SENTENCE FOR EACH: (10 points)
1.language competence vs. languageperformance: Language competence is the ideal user's knowledge of rules of hislanguage, while language performance is the actual realization of the rules in utterances.(北京交大2006研)
2.hypotactic vs. paratacticlanguage: Hypotactic language mainly consists of subordinateclauses with connectives, whereas paratacticlanguage is mostly coordinate sentences withoutconnectives.
3.langue vs. parole: langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by allmembers of a speech community, while parole refers to the realization of languein actual use. (北京交大2005研 ;四川大学2008研;北二外2009研)
The standarddialect is a particular variety of a language which any member of a speech communitycan possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, hisgender and age.
An immediateconstituent is the constituent immediately below the level of a construction.
(武汉大学2003研 ;2006研)
Ⅱ. Definethe following terms with at least two examples:(10 points)
1.binaryanalysis of word meaning
This binary analysis is componential analysis which reducesa word’s meaning to its ultimate contrastive elements in terms of binaryopposites, e.g. [±MALE] and [±ADULT].
2.degradationof word meaning
It refers to words with commendatory meaning may become oneswith a derogatory sense. For example, the old meaning of the word ‘villain’ isa farmer, but the present meaning is a man guilty of evil deeds. Besides, the meaningof ‘churl’ has changed from ‘a farmland’ to ‘one who is rude and unfriendly’.
Analogy is a special form of comparison which drawsparallel similarities between two unlike things. For example, reading is to themind what food is to the body. Also, what sculpture is to a block of marble,education is to the soul.
In componential analysis, the small components dissectedfrom the lexical meaning of a word, such as +MALE, +HUMAN, +ADULT, are calledsemantic features. And semantic features to distinguish verbs include +DYNAMIC,+CAUSATIVE, +DURATIVE, etc.
It refers to that words of different sets or classes maypermits, or require, the occurrence of a word of another set or class to form asentence or a particular part of a sentence. For example, a nominal phrase canbe preceded by a determiner and adjective(s) and followed by a verbal phrase. Apretty girl smiles; The tallest boy sings.
III. Determine the original term from which thefollowing words were back-formed:(10 points)
2.Specially Processed AssortedMeat
4.modulator + demodulator
5.Beijing Institute of Technology
6.breakfast + lunch
7.transfer + resister
8.motor + hotel
9.glitter + shimmer
10.medicine + cares
Ⅳ.Answer the following questions:(10points)
1.  Proverbs epitomize the essence ofculture and the value system of society. Across-linguistic survey of proverbialexpressions will capture another point of interest: How do people fromdifferent cultures look at their relationships with animals? A ready example isfound in English “Love me, love my dog”. An equivalent in Chinese will be “Loveme, love my bird” (爱屋及乌). These two proverbs reveal different attitudesEnglish and Chinese speakers cherish toward these pets. This disparity, if notcautioned, will invite unpleasantness in society.
Furthermore, in a public setting, Englishspeakers would use “excuse me” rather than “hello” to attract others’ attentionso that further help would be possible. Unaware of this usage distinction,inappropriate use of “hello” may make passers-by think that you were possiblystreet girls. Therefore, one culture’s meat is another culture’s poison.
2.  A theory which explicitly employs the notion “concept”is the semantic triangle proposed by Ogden and Richards in The Meaning ofMeaning. Concept is usually the abstract thing which has no existence in thematerial world and can only be sensed in our minds. Just because of theintroduction of concept, the theory argues that the relation between a word anda thing it refers to is not direct. And this overcomes the inadequateness ofthe referential theory. Because we can not find corresponding referent in thereal world to prepositions and articles based on the referential theory. So Iagree.
Ⅴ. Please briefly answer the following question INABOUT 500 WORDS:(10 points)
  In Austin’s viewpoint, there are three senses in which saying something is to do something.The first sense is an ordinary one. That is, when we speak we move our vocalorgans and produce a number of sounds, organized in a certain way and with acertain meaning. In this sense, when somebody says “Morning!” we can sayhe produced a sound, word or sentence---“Morning!”. The act performed inthis sense is called a locutionary act.
  Withinthis act, however Austin suggests that there is another act. In other words,when we speak, we not only produce some units of language with certainmeanings, but also make clear our purpose in producing them, or the way we intendthem to be understooD.In the example of “Morning!” we can sayit has the force of a greeting, or it ought to have been taken as a greeting.This is the second sense in which to say something is to do something, and theact performed is known as an illocutionary act. But “illocutionary act ” cannotbe translated as 言外行为, since the prefix –il means “in, within”,not “not”. Later, Searle suggests five basic categories of illocutionary acts:representatives, directives, commissives, expressives, and declarations.
  Thethird sense in which to say something can mean to do something concerns theconsequential effects of a locution upon the hearer. By telling somebodysomething the speaker may change the opinion of the hearer on something, ormislead him, or surprise him, or induce him to do something, etC.Thisact, which is performed by means of a locutionary act is called aperlocutionary act. For example, by saying “Morning!” to someone, thespeaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with hearer.When the two interlocutors are on normal terms, the effect may be negligible.But if there were any tensions between them, a simple “Morning!” fromone side may bring about great changes in their relationship.

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