Wild Bill Donovan would have loved the Internet. The American spymaster who built the Office of Strategic Services in the World War Ⅱ and later laid the roots for the CIA was fascinated with information. Donovan believed in using whatever tools came to hand in the "great game" of espionage — spying as a "profession". These days the Net, which has already re-made such everyday pastimes as buying books and sending mail, is reshaping Donovan's vocation as well.
41. The emergence of the Net has ________.
[A] received support from fans like Donovan
[B) remolded the intelligence services
[C] restored many common pastimes
[D] revived spying as a profession
42. Donovan's story is mentioned in the text to ________.
[A] introduce the topic of online spying
[B) show how he fought for the US
[C] give an episode of the information war
[D] honor his unique services to the CIA
[answer]1[/answer] >>>去STEP 3
[fly][/fly] 答题思考过程(海豚独家哦): 41、这一段的前两句都是在说Net的产生,所以后两句应该就是会说Net产生的影响了,所以目光集中在最后两句。
这时可以看到,选项中[D]有一个spying as a profession和倒数第二句的内容一样,咱们就要给自己提个醒了,完全一样的很有可能不是答案哦~不过谨慎起见,咱们还是要分析一下,它到底是不是正确答案。题干里的动词revive是“复兴、复活”的意思。但是文中并没有提到spying曾经衰败,何来“复兴”?所以这个选项不成立,pass掉!
现在锁定最后一句。我们先来大概看一下最后一句的构造,两个逗号将句子分为了3部分,中间一部分以which开头,这就表明了这是一个定语从句,所以,咱们先将这个定语从句掩盖起来。这句话变为:These days the Net is reshaping Donovan's vocation as well. 这时就应该注意到reshape是这一个句子的关键。而Donovan's vocation 就是指他的情报行业,间谍行业之类的。
那么现在来看选项,就可以看到[B)选项,remolded的意思是“改造,改铸”,和我们的reshape(改造)遥相呼应。而intelligence services 指的就是情报行业。
[fly][/fly] 海豚提示:在思考过程中,有一些词句,海豚是没有翻译的,直接用英文代替,其实,这也是海豚希望大家能做到的一点,就是在做题的时候,对于不重要的词或句子(或者说是没有必要去深究的),或者非关键词不要老去想它是什么意思,直接还是用英文带过好了。 海豚提醒:海豚个人的经验认为,做阅读题,最重要的是关注动词,因为题干很可能写上一样的名词来误导大家答题,而通过动词,就可以辨别真伪。出题的人很喜欢在动词上面做文章呢~故,读题目的时候要注意名词,选题干的时候要注意动词,o(∩_∩)o...哈哈