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tianyi888 发表于 07-2-1 10:42:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
sample test  
partⅰ dialogue  comunication  (15 minutes,15 points)  
section a dialogue completion  
directions: in this section , you will read 5 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked a, b, c, and d. choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.  1.     speaker a: operator, i want to make a person-to-person call to toronto, canada. the number is 932-0806.  
speaker b:______  
a.     but i don’t know whom do you want to call.  
b.     what’s the name of the party you’re calling?  
c.     what’s the address of the person you’re calling?  
d.     what’s the extension number you’re calling?  
2.     speaker a: excuse me ,do you have small change for a dollar?  
speaker b:______  
a.     why do you want to change?  
b.     is it my busin ess?  
c.     are dimes and quarters ok?  
d.     you shouldn’t ask a stranger for change;  
3.     speaker a:: it seems to be clearing uop.  
speaker b:______  
a.   it’s such a nice change.  
b.   i don’t think this weather will last.  
c.   i hope it stays warm.  
d.   as long as it rains.  
4.     speaker a: you don’t have to play that record so loud, do you?  
speaker b:_______  
a.     yes. i didn’t mean to disturb you.  
b.     sorry i don’t have to. i can turn it down a little.  
c.     yes, sorry. am i keeping you awake?  
d.     sorry, i didn’t  realize you were trying to sleep.  
5.     speaker a : you are more beautiful in that red sweater!  
speaker b:_______  
a.       oh, no. it’s just an old one, and i have had it for years.  
b.       yes. i think it goes nicely with my pants.  
section b  dialogue comprehension   
directions: in this section, you will read 5 short conversations between a man and a woman . at the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked a, b, c, and d. choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.   6.     woman: why don’t you drive to the university?   
man: i like cycling . and there are more bicycles than cars on the campus.   
question: what does the man imply?   
a.    most people in the university like driving cars.   
b.    most people in the university like riding bicycles.   
c.    driving cars is not allowed in the university.   
d.       the campus is near, so he doesn’t have to drive to it.   
7.     woman: i hear you still need $2.000 for the project. but why don’t you ask john to help? he has money to bur n, you know?   
man: ask john? i’ll save my breath. the wealthiest are usually mean.   
question: what does the man mean?   
a.       people with a lot of money are usually helpful.   
b.       people with a lot of money are usually vicious.   
c.       people with a lot of money are usually not generous.   
d.       people with a lot of money are usually not trustworthy.   
8.     man: i hear that the research center has chosen frank as head of the team. is that true?   
woman: you said it. but they must have been out of mind in the choice!   
question: what does the woman mean?   
a.       the research center has made a good choice.   
b.       the research center has made a stupid choice.   
c.       the research center is enthusiastic about choosing the head.   
d.       the research center hasn’t made a choice yet.  
9.     woman: i was greatly impressed by frank’s oil paintings.  
man: but in the art of oil paintings, bill is above all the others.  
question: what does the man mean?  
a.   frank’s oil paintings are not good at all.  
b.   frank’s oil paintings are as good as bill’s.  
c.   neither frank’s nor bill’s oil paintings are good.  
d.   bill’s oil paintings are better than frank’s.  
10.  woman: mark, did you tell allen to bring his camera?  
man: whether or not allen is willing to bring his camera, we can still take some pictures . you can always count on me.  
question: what does the man mean?  
a.   he has brought a camera himself.  
b.   he can never count on allen.  
c.   allen is willing to bring his camera.  
d.   they will wait for allen to take pictures.  
partⅱ vocabulary and structure (20 minutes,10  points)  
directions: there are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. for each sentence there are 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the one that best completes the sentence. mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.  
11. a library in ancient egypt was ______“the healing place of the soul.”  
a. called            b. called as  
c. being called       d. called by  
12.    plants and animals flourish only______certain physical conditions are present.  
a . where            b.while  
c. until              d.unless  
13.    in the united states, one_______six wage earners makes a living in or related to the automobile industry.  
a. about             b. by  
c. as for             d. out of  
14.    as a pastime, coin collection provides hours of pleasure and the satisfaction of _______the collection grow.   
a. storing            b. protecting   
c. watching          d. remembering   
15.    statistics______in the claims of dvertisers, in opinion polls, and in reports of business trends and cycles.   
a. has appeared         b. appears   
c. appear              d. appearing   
16.    if governments stopped adopting trade policies, the world_______an economic condition called free trade.   
a. can have            b. would have   
c. will have            d. may have   
17.    if our_____is correct, the spacecraft should reach the moon on monday.   
a. calculation           b. composition   
c. communication       d. vision   
18.    one of the first metals put______by early human beings was copper.   
a. into use           &nb sp; b. for use   
c. in use               d. to use   
19.    modern________lighting, howeyer, is now almost as good as daylight, so long as too strong light is avoided.   
a. artificial            b. unusual   
c. unreal              d. faked   
20.    it is doubtful whether infants could survive outside the______network of the family.   
a. moderate           b. suspicious   
c. intimate           d.generous   
21.    the_______of the titanic was found in september 1985, but recovering it is a very difficult prospect.   
a. crash             b.wreck   
c. spot              d.tragedy   
22.    all acceptance of religion is based on belief , not on the weight of evidence or the________ of reasonable conclusious.
a. bearing           b. building   
c. crossing          d. the reaching   
23.________by mean of words can the writer persuade a person of the truth in what he says or make anyone care about it.   
a. obviously         b. only   
c. when             d. unless   
24. contract rights, as a type of property, may be sold or otherwise______from one person or institution to another.   
a. extended          b. transferred   
c. claimed           d. bargained   
25. inflation causes society to use more of its resources for today’s purposes and to _______less for tommorrow’s needs .   
a. make up         b. check up   
c. set aside          d. work out   
26. although all the obligations are not_______set out in the wedding ceremony itself, they are part of the law of every nation.   
a. regularly           b. specifically   
c. systematically       d. optimistically   
27. whi le the scientists were at work in their laboratories, other men______to cope with living things in their natural settings.   
a. had continued       b. would continue   
c.were continuing      d. would have continued   
28. the purpose was ______knowledge more meaningful so that it could be understood instead of being mechanically memorized.   
a. to make            b. making   
c. for making          d. of making   
29. the guess is that when the figures_______, the november unemployment rate will be 5.6 percent, up from 5.4 in october.   
a. come out           b. come off   
c. come about         d. come true   
30. some government programs are limited to specific groups within the population, such as_______,members of the armed forces, and government employees.  
a. vehicle            b. vibration   
c. veterans           d. vessel  
partⅲ reading comprehension(40 minutes,40 point)  
directions: there are 4 passages in this part. each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. for each of them there are 4 choices marked a, b, c and d. choose the best one and mark your answer on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.  
passage one  
writing, as a career, offers a range of personal rewards. it enables people to express themselves, as well as to entertain, inform, and influence others. with only a few tools—paper, a typewriter, a pencil, and often a personal computer—a writer can have an impact on the surrounding world . but most autors spend hundreds of hours perfecting their skills before they can sell any of their works.  
a person who wants to be a writer should set aside some time to write every day. learning to express ideas clearly and effectively in writing takes a great deal of practice. many experienced writers keep a journal. a journal can serve as a storehouse for information, observations, and ideas . it can also be a place to develop new material.  
beginning writers should read many kinds of writing encountered every day and pay special attention to what they find most interesting . news items, feature stories , textbooks, cookbooks, repair manuals, poems, essays, short stories, novels, and plays differ in their methods of organizing and presenting material. a beginning writer who reads widely and carefully will develop an appreciation of different writing approaches and styles. in time, the writer can acquire a more flexible approach to his or her own work.  
successful authors write about subjects they know and understand. they sometimes take weeks or months revising or refining an article , poem, or story. beginning writers usually benefit from finding one or more friendly critics who will read their work and discuss its strengths and weaknesses with them.  
high schools and colleges offer many learning opportunities for young writers. composition and literature courses can&nb sp;be helpful. creative writing and journlism courses may further assist a beginning writer in developing his or her skills. many students work on literary magazines, newspapers, or yearbooks published by their schools. they may write stories, edit articles, or gain other valuable experience.  
31. how important is writing according to this passage?  
a.   people benefit a lot from writing.  
b.   we are entertained with different writings.  
c.   writing can influence the world.  
d.   books can be an important part of an industry.  
32. what does a journal not help to contribute?  
a. service.              b. information.  
c. observations.          d. ideas.  
33. what should a beginning writer do to enjoy different writing styles?  
a.   he or she should read as much of writing as possible.  
b.   he or she should study different writing methods.  
c.   he or she should learn the ways to present materials.  
d.   he or she should carefully read as many kinds of writing as possible  
34. which of the following should a beginning writer avoid in order to improve his or her writing?  
a.   developing new subjects.          b. finding helpful critics  
c. attending writing courses          d. doing editing work  
35. whom do you think this passage is most probably addressed to?  
a. most writers                    b. successful writers.  
c. beginning writers.                d. college students.  
passage two  
tracking down cybercriminals who steal credit card numbers, transfer money from other people’s accounts, or e-mail viruses around the world takes a knowledge of the technology used to  commit the crimes. intead of using fingerprints or following suspects, government agents painstakingly sort out the mess of number and symbols and letters that can lead them back through the computer system to the cybercriminals.  
one such investigation led to the arrest of the man accused of sending the extremely dangerous melissa virus, a computer virus that destroyed files in computers around the world in the spring of 1999. the agents received help from online service technicians, software experts, and a computer-science student. all helped to trace the complex pathways of the virus back to the telephone line and computer of the man who released it.   
in another case, agents worked for two years to catch a cybercriminal who was, among other offenses, stealing credit card numbers. agents found him by tracing a path from a computer he broke into to the mobile telephone he had used, which led to his address—and arrest.   
the gobernment agents are also working to block cybercriminals who could cut off power and confuse telephone companies.”think of the consequences if  the power went out for a week—not in just one town or city but down the whole eat coast,” says michael vatis, an fbi agent. from tvs to hospital equipment, all would fail.   
makaveli and tooshort were arrested for the charges of breaking into computers. they were given probation, required to perform community service, and prevented from having home computers with modems. punishment for adults can be more severe and usually includes some jail time.   
most people use their computers legally. for the few who don’t , however, cyberpolice and better security systems will make it harder for cybercriminals to get away with their crimes.   
36.what should be known to catch cybercriminals?   
a.   credit card numbers.   
b.   suspects’fingerprints.   
c.   the technology used to commit the crimes.   
d.   numbers, symbols and letters.   
37. how dangerous was melissa virus back in 1997?   
a.   it destroyed computer files worldwide   
b.    many agents took up the case   
c.    technicians, experts, and a student were investigated   
d.    telephone lines and computes were destroyed.   
38. h ow serious could a computer crime become?   
a.   many telephone companies would go bankrupt.   
b.   a city would be thrown into darkness.   
c.   power would be out down the east coast for a week.   
d.   there would be no more television programs to watch.   
39. what can we infer about the process of catching computer criminals from the passage?   
a.   it could be dangerous.   
b.   it is rather complicated to identify the cybercriminals.   
c.   it would cause a huge loss.   
d.   it has been a severe punishment.   
40. the last sentence of the passage may serve as a_____?   
a. warning             b. complaint   
c.suggestion            d. command   
passage three   
earth’s most rich resource—water—has become one of the most precious resources in the united states as rivers, lakes, and freshwater reservoirs are increasingly exploited for human use . consequently, using precision farming techniques to refine” irrigation scheduling ” is a research area of particular interest to susan moran, a researcher with the u.s. department of agriculture. she explains that in the southwest, irrigation is both difficult and expensive .there, she says, farmers have a tendency to  over-irrigate, spending both more time and money than is necessary.   
“i’m trying to provide new information that could be used by farmers to schedule irrigations to improve their profitability and use less water, ” moran says. “farmes often look at weather changes and then schedule irrigation based on that information .but if they had better information , they could use scientific models to compute more precisely how much water their crop is using.”   
rather than guessing their crop’s potential need for water based upon weather changes, farmers can use remote sensors to measure how much water their crop is actually using. this would give them a more accurate measure of how much more water it needs.
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