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Part I Reading Comprehension (2×20=40%)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For eachof them there are four choices marked A), B), C) andD). You should decide on the best choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Tasceaie Barner isbeing wooed by UCLA, but she has other suitors. An additional four schools are vying for her attention, and as the May 1 decision day approaches, it seems as if herphone never stops ringing. The mail brings invitations tocampus visits and parties. And then there’s the cash, includinga $20, 000 scholarship. “I feel special,” she beams, “like I’m among the elite.” Is Banner a violin prodigy or an Olympic skater? No. Barner is black, and she has a 4.0 grade-pointaverage. In Californiathese days, that makes her a valuable commodity.
This spring has been atrying one for educators. The University of Californiacampuses accepted 18 percent fewer black students and 7 percent fewer Hispanicsthan last year. That’s nothing compared withwhat’s happened at the most selective campuses. At Berkeley, 66 percent fewer black studentswere accepted, along with 52.6 percent fewer Hispanics, raising the specter of an almostentirely white and Asian campus.
The panic may bepremature. After all every black and Hispanic student with a rank in the top12.5 percent of the high-school class—has been admitted. But with race now excluded as a factor, they’re a lot less likelyto walk onto the campus of their own choice. So while top schoolslike Berkeley and UCLA are trying hard to keep their minority enrollment closeto its current level, less selective campuses at Santa Cruz and Riversideactually expect to enroll more minority students. Proponents of the newsystem insist that this is better than having students at schools they aren'tqualified to attend. “I’ve seen the doubt in theireyes,” says Ward Connerby. “I’ve seen the students trying tofigure out whether they got in on their own. Now they can walk onthose campuses with their heads high.”
Some minority studentsagree. “I’m proud I did it on my own,” says EsmereldaOlivares, who’s headed for Santa  Cruz. But administrators worry thatminority students who might have chosen state schools will now think the UCsystem doesn’t value diversity. And they fear that students whodon't get into Berkeley or UCLA are more likely to choose a private school thananother UC campus. “It could be like the 1950s and1960s when seeing a black student on campus was a cause for celebration,” says professor Saragoza.
1. What made Tasceaie Barner feelspecial?
A. She had obtained a valuablecommodity.
B. She had many young suitorsvying for her attention.
C. She was going to compete inthe Olympic Games.
D. Several universities are readyto give her admission.
2. What is likely to happen with thenew system of college enrollment in place?
A. Racial discrimination mayrevive.
B. Enrollment of minoritystudents in universities will drop.
C. Top universities will havedifficulty enrolling black and Hispanic students.
D. The University of Californiacampuses will no longer value diversity.
3. We can infer from the passage that before the new system ofenrollment was installed in California,being black was  .
A. a disadvantage
B. an advantage
C. a guarantee of admission
D. a cause for discrimination
4. Proponents of the new system holdthat  .
A. all students should beadmitted on their own merits
B. black students should getpreferential treatment
C. public schools should admitmore minority students
D. top universities have no needfor diversity
5. Judging from the passage, which group of minority studentsis least affected under the new system?
A. Asian students
B. Black students.
C. Hispanic students.
D. Indian students.
Passage Two
On Thursday AmericanAirlines and US Airways announced an alliance to pool their frequent-flierprograms, giving customers added incentives to fly one another’s skies. Then on Friday Delta and United delivered word of asort-of-but-not-quite coupling. These deals thrust in the muchscrutinized airline industry even more into the public spotlight. Airline profits are at new highs. Business fares areclimbing into the stratosphere, up 16 percent last year alone. Now comes the consolidation sweeping the industry. The question is whether these deals will mean more choice and moreconvenience, as the airlines argue, or less competition or evenhigher prices.
Clearly consumers canbenefit from these tie-ups. Passengers flying American or USAirways, for instance, can now use either carrier’snetwork of 72 worldwide clubs and lounges. They can combine theirfrequent-flier awards, allowing them not only to buildup redeemable miles more quickly but also cash them in to more destinations. American can plug into US Airways’deeper web of connections up anddown the Eastern Seaboard; US Airways, with fewer routes to South America, the Caribbean and Europe, will be able to offer a greaterarray of international flights. In time, American and USAirways hope to create the more ambitious partnership—a so-called code-sharingagreement that would allow the two carriers to coordinate flight scheduleswithout entering a full-fledged merger. The goal is “seamless service” —frequent flights, easy connections, greater choices of flying timesand destinations—without having to change airlines.
Price is a wild cardin these alliances. Consumer groups worry that they will reduce competition, translating in turn into higher fares. They could be right. Given the rapid trendtoward consolidation, many analysts foresee a day whenmost major “hub” airports will be dominated by a single airline or consortium. A report last year by the General Accounting Office found thatticket prices, in such cases, ranged from 45 to 65 percent higher than at cities where two ormore carriers competed. And just last week the TransportationDepartment announced it was investigating allegations of price-fixing by themajor airlines—aimed at keeping smaller discount-carriers from intruding ontheir turf-and the Justice Department has begun similar probes. The message? Airlines may yearn to merge-but winning approval—from skeptical authorities mightbe tougher than they expect.
6.Judging from the passage, the frequent-flier program is one by which
A. people who have builtup a certain number of flying miles with an airline will get a free ticket
B. people who fly an airlinefrequently will get a discount
C. People who have built up acertain number of flying miles with an airline will bet a cash award
D. people who fly an airlinefrequently will get extra service
7. According to this passage, the federal government’s attitudetowards airline mergers is one of  .
A. encouragement 
B. restriction 
C. prohibition 
D. Approval
8. The expression “a Wild card” inthe last paragraph most probably means  .
A. a chief concern 
B. an important factor
C. an unpredictable element
D. a necessary consequence
9. Which of the following statementsis true?
A. Airline mergers will give riseto intense competition.
B. Consumers benefit from airlinemergers.
C. Tie-ups between airlines seemto draw little public attention.
D. Ticket prices tend to behigher where there is only one carrier.
10. The best title for this passagemight be  .
A. Airline Mergers 
B. Air Travel
C. Frequent-flier Awards
D. More Choice, Better Service
Passage Three
A decade ago SusieMakinster learned she might have a liver problem. Her doctors told hernot to worry. So she didn’t—until three yearsago, when she was astonished to learn she had tested positive forhepatitis(肝炎)C, a blood-borne virusshe had never heard of. Makinster, then 45, had been living with an infection that would likely stay with herfor life and that could eventually destroy her liver and cause her death. Yet she had no idea how or when she had contracted the virus.
Hepatitis C wasn’teven discovered until 1989. Today an estimated 3. 9 million Americans are infected, and most of them stilldon’t know it. Like HIV hepatitis C is aslow-acting virus that can be transmitted by shared needles and bloodtransfusions. But it is far more rampant. There is no vaccine to prevent its spread; and no reliabletreatment. Some 75 percent of people who contract the virus will carry it forlife; 20 percent will develop cirrhosis of the liver. Hepatitis C is now the nation’s leading reason for livertransplantation, and the second leading cause of cirrhosis(after alcohol). It will kill roughly 10, 000 Americans this year—and thatnumber is expected to triple over the next two decades, as more pastinfections come to light. Says Surgeon General DavidSatcher, “This is a major public health crisis.”
Until treatment isless hit-or-miss, living with hepatitis C will be amatter of accommodation. Though most people who contractedthe virus become chronically infected, many never develop advanced liver disease. That’s partly luck, but not entirely. Giving up alcoholbrightens the prognosis, and many sufferers tout thebenefits of reducing stress and getting more rest. Getting vaccinatedagainst hepatitis A and B is also a good idea, since a dual infectioncan aggravate the disease. And preventing further spreadrequires some precautions. Experts are divided on the needto practice safe sex, since the virus is normally onlyin the blood. But they stress the importance ofcovering open wounds and not sharing razors and toothbrushes.
11.According to the passage, the leading cause for liver cirrhosis is  .
A. too much drinking 
B. hepatitis C 
C. hepatitis A 
D. hepatitis B
12.According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A. No one whocontracts hepatitis C can hope to live long.
B. More people havecontracted hepatitis C than HIV.
C. Alcohol is thechief cause for hepatitis C.
D. Hepatitis C issexually transmitted.
13. The number of people who will dieof hepatitis C in twenty years will be  .
A. 20, 000
B. 10, 000
C. 30, 000
D. 40, 000
14. The word “accommodation” in thelast paragraph most probably means .
A. care 
B. treatment 
C. rest 
D. adjustment
15.This passage is .
A. an objectivereport
B. an argument
C. an advertisement
D. a research paper
Passage Four
Green space facilitiesare contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment. Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or everybook about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. At present, it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of aclosely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importanceof green spaces in the urban environment is a first step on the right way, thisdoes not mean, however, that sufficient detailsare known about the functions of green space in towns and about the way inwhich the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rathercomplex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function ofgreen space facilities.
The theoreticalseparation of living, working, traffic and recreationwhich for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for formsof recreation far from home, whereas there was relativelylittle attention. for improvement of recreativepossibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. We have come to theconclusion that this is not right, because an important part ofthe time which we do not pass in sleeping or working, is used for activitiesat and around home. So it is obvious that recreationin the open air has to begin at the street-door of the house. The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activitiesas possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatoryactivities can also have a recreative aspect.
The very best standardof living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in thedistrict, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping youcan nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the street-door of yourhouse is closed after you.
16.According to the author, the importance of green spaces in the urban environment  .
A. is still unknown 
C. is usually neglected
B. is being closelystudied
D. has been fullyrecognized
17. The theoretical separation ofliving, working, traffic and recreation has led to.
A. the disproportionof recreation facilities in the neighborhood
B. the location ofrecreation facilities far from home
C. relatively littleattention for recreative possibilities.
D. the improvement ofrecreative possibilities in the neighborhood
18. The author suggests that therecreative possibilities of green space should be provided_____.
A. in specialareas  
B. in the neighborhoodof the house
C. in the suburbs
D. in gardens andparks
19. According to the author, greenspace facilities should be designed in such a way that_____.
A. more obligatoryactivities might take on a recreative aspect
B. more and morepeople might have access to them
C. an increasingnumber of recreative activities might be developed
D. recreativeactivities might be brought into our homes
20. The main idea of this passage isthat——.
A. better use of greenspace facilities should be made so as to improve the quality of our life
B. attention must bedirected to the improvement of recreative possibilities
C. the urbanenvironment is providing more recreation activities than it did many years ago
D. priority must begiven to the development of obligatory activities
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (0. 5×30=15%)
Directions: Thereare 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentencethere are few choices marked A), B), D) andD). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe centre.
21.Your presence was a  to me at such a sad time.
A.convention  B. consultation    C. consolation   D. contact
22. His writing is so  that we cannot clarifyhis ideas on first reading.
A.objective   B. obliging    C.obscure   D.obstacle
23. He  his lesson about Francewith photographs of the people who live there.
A. instructed   B.interpreted   C.illuminated    D. illustrated
24. When he spoke, she had an unpleasant  into what life would belike as his wife.
A. insight   B. investigation   C. sensation  D. headache
25. Success in money making is notalways a good  ofreal success in life.
A. measure    B. level   C.standard    D. criterion
26. The  that he would retire fromactive politics was wrong.
A. speculation  B.suggestion  C.proposal   D. demand.
27.If the evidence  the charge, the man will be convicted.
A. puts forward  B. brings out   C. bearsout    D. come up with
28. Choose furniture that’sconsistent  themodern style of the house.
A. to    C.for   D.with
29.John has to find another job to  his ordinary income.
A.impose     B.supplement    C. implement
30. Philosophers commonly rely on argument to support their owntheories and  tothe theories of others.
A. refute   B. reform   C.refrain   D.reflect
31. The two countries will restore full diplomatic relations now thatthey have theirlong-standing border dispute.
A. tackled    B. settled    C.dissolved    D. concluded
32. Before the main business of a conference begins, the chairman usually makes a short  speech to announcewhatever he thinks necessary to his audience.
A. primary   B.priority   C.privilege    D. preliminary
33. Sometimes they their student’spoor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.
A. distribute   B. attribute    C.consider   D. contribute
34.Don’t worry, the matter is  settled.
A. as regards    B. as good as   C. at large the same time
35.I ought first to have asked your  .
A. allowance   B.promise   C.consent   D.contempt
36.France uses the guillotine(断头台) for  .
A. executions  B.exertions    C.exhibitions   D.extinctions
37.When the building was completed, the boss  the laborers.
A. paid off   B. paid for   C. paid back   D. paid up
38. Try to  your parents who werehonest hardworking people.
A. take up    B. take on   C.take after  D.take for
39. The plan was  when it was discoveredjust how much the scheme would cost.
A. resigned    B. surrendered   C.abandoned    D. released,
40. principle, they were all ready for him to take on some of the thermos-nuclearwork.
A. On   B.For    C.By   D.In
41. He  that he could createliving fishes out of chemicals.
A. exclaimed    B. confirmed   C. claimed   D. exposed
42. The fact-findings convinced the police of the belief that thedeath was not accidentally but_____done.
A. cautiously   B.incidentally   C.inevitably  D. deliberately
43.One has to depend on the wind to  a sailing boat.
A. shove  B. push   C. propel   D. thrust
44. She  me when I tried to comforther.
A. hung up   B.snapped at
C. shot at   D.abstracted from
45. The modern child finds itdifficult to  ofa time when there is no radio or TV.
A. devise   B. conceive    C.constraint   D. deceive
46.The fireman managed to  the fire in time.
A. distinguish   B. extinguish   C. displace   D.transcend
47.The boxer was a  opponent.
A. stubborn   B. necessary    C. formidable    D.relaxing
48.He was just able to  the road in the dark.
A. demonstrate  B.discern   C.derived   D. deviate
49.He entered the saloon and  whisky.
A. call on   B. call up for in
50. Sam couldn't  how to print a programuntil the teacher showed him how.
A. stand out   B.pull out   C.hold out  D. figure out
Part III Cloze (0. 5×20=10%)
Directions: Thereare 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank thereare four choices marked A), B), C) andD).You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe centre.
In everyday usage“hot” means “having a lot of heat.” Many people think that “cold” is somethingcompletely separated 51  heat. But this is not true. “Cold” simply means “having very  52  heat.” Your life depends onheat.  53 every  54  thing depends on it. Without heat, every living thing 55to death. All living things get their heatfrom the sun, which 56the conditions in which lire is  57 .
58  before the dawn of history, man has beenable to make his own heat. He has been able to  59  the sun’s heat that is trappedin things  60  wood, coal, and oil. And he has been able to use thisheat.
Heat has made 61possible. With heat, man could melt metals.  62 man learned to rise metals andfuels, industries grew63 , engines were invented. These are machines that changeheat energy into  64 energy. Engine can do the workof many men  65 engines, industrialcivilizations, is impossible.
66whenthe first engines were built in the 17th century, men were still 67about the 68of heat. “What is it?” they asked  69  the early years of the 19thcentury did they find the right 70  .
51. A. with   C.from
52. A. few   B.a few   C.little   D.a little
53.A. However   B. In fact    C. Usually   D. Finally
54. A. living    B.alive
55. A. is frozen   B.would freeze
C. would have beenfrozen   D.would be frozen
56.A. reviews    B. divides    C. provides   D. bears
57. A. possible   B.probable   C. feasible   D. practicable
58. A. Even    B. Until  C. Just  D.Since
59. A. release   B. relive    C.relieve   D.revive
60.A. as well as   B. such as    C. such like    D. as well
61.A. culture   B. civilian   C. civilization  D. cultural
62. A. Through   B. By   C.Since   D.As
63. A. In spite of that    B.Nevertheless
C. However    D.As a result
64. A. machinery    B. mechanical   C. electrical   D. mechanic
65. A. With    B.Without   C. Throughout   D.Through
66. A. Yet   B.Therefore   C. Moreover   D. Again
67. A. wondered   B. wondering  C.wonderful  D. wondrous
68. A. native   B. nation    C. nature  D.naive
69. A. Until  B.In   C.During   D.Not until
70.A. answer   B. reply   C. approach    D. method
Part IV Put the following sentences into English. (2×5=10%)
72.有专家指出, 有些职业的自杀率远高于其他职业。
74.学驾驶时, 如果有一位好的教员指导, 效果会大不一样。
Part V Put the following into Chinese. (10%)
Tens of thousands of18-year-olds will graduate this year and be handed meaningless diplomas. These diplomas won’t look any different from those awarded theirluckier classmates. Their validity will be questionedonly when their employers discover that these graduates are semiliterate.
Eventually a fortunatefew will find their way into educational-repair shops-adult-literacy programs,such as the one where I teach basic grammar and writing. There, high-schoolgraduates and high-school dropouts pursuing graduate-equivalency certificateswill learn the skills they should have learned in school. They will alsodiscover they have been cheated by our educational system.
Part I ReadingComprehension
Passage One
1.D 由第一段开头“The mail brings invitationsto campus visits and parties.”可知,Barner已被多所大学录取,所以感到自己很特别。
2.C 由第二段的数据和第三段“top schools likeBerkeley and UCLA are trying hard to…minority students.”可知,美国名校正在削减黑人和拉美学生的数量。 由第三段“with race now excluded as a factor” 可知,新政策并不意味着种族歧视的复苏,因此排除A, D项。B项太绝对,并不是所有的学校都在减少黑人学生数量。
3.B 由第三段“with race now excluded as afactor, they are a lot less likely to walk onto the campus of their own choice.”可知,在新政策实施以前,黑人学生是有很大的机会可以进入自己选择的学校的,也就是说作为黑人也是一种优势。
4.A 由第三段“I have seen the doubts in theireyes. I have seen the students trying to figure out whether they got in ontheir own. now they can walk on the campus with their heads high.”可知,政策的支持者认为,学生应该靠自己的努力进入大学,这样才会有自信。因此选A项。
5.A 由第二段最后一句话“raising the specter of analmost entirely white and Asian students.”美国大学生多数为白人和亚裔学生。可知,亚裔学生在少数群体中受到的影响最小。
Passage Two
6.D 由文章第二段最后一句话“the goal is seamlessservice, frequent flights, easy connections, greater choices without having tochange airlines.” 可知,这项新的计划为旅客提供了更多的服务,并没有提到提供免费机票或打折的信息,因此可以排除其他三项。
7.B 由文章最后一句话“Airlines may yearn tomerge, but wining approval from the skeptical authority might be tougher thanthey expect.”航线之间要求结合,但政府却持怀疑的态度。可知,政府对此事持限制的态度。
8.C 由文章最后一段可知,由于航线之间的联合,造成行业之间的竞争减少,从而导致价格垄断,因此价格成为一种不确定的不可预知的因素。
9.B 文章第二段明确讲到“consumers can benefit fromthe airline tie-up”, 所以B项正确。最后一段讲到由于航线合并导致行业的垄断,造成竞争压力减小,所以A项与文章原意相反。文章第一段“thrust in the much scrutinized airline industry more than into thepublic spotlight”可知,公众对此事并不是不关心,因此排除C项。
10.A 文章开头便提到了frequent-flier program 也就是airline merger。二、三段具体介绍了这个计划的优缺点。
Passage Three
11.A 由第二段“hepatitis C is the secondleading cause of cirrhosis (after alcohol).”可知,饮酒过度是主要原因,hepatitis C为第二大原因。
12.B 此题可用排除法。由文章第二段“75% of people who contracted…developcirrhosis of the liver” 可知,并不是所有感染病毒的人都致命。因此排除A。第二段同样提到饮酒和hepatitisC 是造成cirrhosis的两个因素,但不是相互导致的因素,因此排除C。病毒只会通过血液传播,所以排除D项。
13.C 文章第二段末尾“It will kill 10,000Americans this year and that number is expected to triple over the next twodecades.” 也就是说在未来20年数字会增长三倍,从10,000增长到30.000.
14.A 文章最后一段讲到,目前并没有治疗hepatitis C的好办法,但是要采取必要的预防措施,因此排除B项。C, D项是A项的具体措施。
15.A 文章首先讲到了乙肝C携带者的实例,接着讲到了病毒对人们的影响及采取的必要的预防措施。因此是一个客观的报道。
Passage Four
16.D 由第一段“At present, it is generallyaccepted although more as a self-evident statement than an the basis of aclosely reasoned proof”可知,greenspace的观念已被广泛接受,因此可以排除A,B,C三项。
17.B 由文章第三段段第一句可知,生活,工作,交通和娱乐的分离导致了社区娱乐设施没有得到有效开发,娱乐场所大多在离家较远的地方。
18.C 由文章第三段可知,过去由于生活工作的分离导致了娱乐场所分布及开发不合理,“it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at thestreet-door of the house” 可知,娱乐场所应该建在离家较近的地方。
19.A 由文章第三段最后一句话“the design of this hasto be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recessive aspect.”可知答案为A项。
20.B 由文章第一段最后一句话“the recreative functionof the greenspace facilities”可知,本文主要讲了greenspace facilities的娱乐功能,与B项相符。
Part II Vocabulary andStructure
21.C 句意:在这样一个伤心的时刻,你的到来对我来说是一种安慰。consolation安慰。convention大会;习俗。consultation咨询;磋商。contact联系。
22.C 句意:他写的东西太模糊了,第一遍阅读时我们弄不清他的想法。obscure模糊的。objective客观的。obliging乐于助人的;体贴的。obstacle障碍。
23.D 句意:他用当地人的照片讲解关于法国的课程。illustrate阐明;图解。 instruct命令;教授,指导。interpret说明;口译。illuminate阐明;照亮。
24.A 句意:他说话时,她想到了做他的妻子会是怎样的,想到这,她便感到不愉快。insight洞察力,洞悉。investigation调查。sensation感觉;轰动。headache头痛;麻烦。
25.D 句意:挣钱多通常不是人生成功的标准。criterion标准,准则。measure方法。level水平;标准。standard标准,水准。
26.A 句意:他从政治活动中退出的猜想是错误的。speculation推测。suggestion建议。proposal提议,建议。demand要求。
27.C 句意:如果证据证实了起诉,他将被认定有罪。bear out证实。put forward提出。bring out生产;说出。come up with提出,想出。
28.D 句意:挑选与这座房子的现代风格相符的家具。be consistentwith固定搭配 “与…相一致”
29.B 句意:约翰另找了一份工作来弥补他平平的收入。supplement补充,增补。impose强加;利用。implement实施,执行。support支持。
30.A 句意:哲学家通常用论据来支持他们自己的理论,从而反驳别人的理论。refute反驳。reform改革。refrain节制;避免。reflect反应。
31.B 句意:两国已经解决了长期以来的边境纠纷,重新建立起外交关系。settle解决;定居。tackle处理。dissolve溶解;消失。conclude推断;结束。
32.D 句意:在会议开始前,领导人都会做一个他认为对观众有用的简短的演说。preliminary初步的;预备的。primary主要的,基本的。priority优先权。privilege特权。
33.B 句意:有些时候,他们把孩子们不能很好的理解归因于智力的缺失。attributeto把…归因于。distribute分配。consider考虑。contribute贡献;投稿。
34.C 句意:不要担心,事情已经彻底解决了。at large详尽的;整个的。as regards关于。as good as和…一样,实际上等于。at the same time同时。
35.C 句意:我应该首先取得你的许可。consent同意,赞成。allowance宽容;默许;津贴。promise承诺。contempt轻视,耻辱。
36.A 句意:法国用上断头台当作死刑。execution死刑;执行。exertion发挥;运用;努力。exhibition展览。extinction灭绝。
37.D 句意:工程结束后,老板付清了工人的工资。pay up全部付清。pay off付清;取得成功。pay for支付。pay back偿还。
38.C 句意:努力向你的父母学习,他们都是勤劳诚实的人。take after与…相像。take up拿起;开始从事。take on呈现。take for以为,认为。
39.C 句意:这个计划当被发现要耗资很大时便被抛弃了。abandon放弃,遗弃。resign辞职;放弃。surrender投降;放弃。release释放;发布。
40.A 句意:原则上,他们做好了准备让他做一些热核能的工作。固定搭配onprinciple原则上。
41.C 句意:他声称他可以从化学物质中造出活鱼来。claim要求;声称。exclaim呼喊;惊叫。confirm确认,证实。expose揭露;显示。
42.D 句意:事实让警察相信死者并非死于偶然而是死于蓄意谋杀。deliberately故意的。cautiously慎重的。incidentally偶然的;附带的。inevitably不可避免的。
43.C 句意:人们需要借助风力推动帆船行驶。propel推进;驱使。shove强推,猛推。push推,推进。thrust推挤。
44.B 句意:我努力安慰她,她却呵斥我一顿。snap at厉声说。hang up挂断。shoot at朝…射击。abstract from提取,抽出。
45.B 句意:现代的孩子很难想象没有电视机和收音机的时代是怎样的。conceive怀孕;设想,考虑。devise设计,想出。constraint约束,强制。deceive欺骗。
46.B 句意:消防人员设法将火熄灭。extinguish熄灭;压制。distinguish区分。displace取代;置换。transcend胜过,超越。
47.C 句意:这位拳击手是个强大的对手。formidable强大的;可怕的。stubborn顽固的,顽强的。necessary必要的。relaxing放松的。
48.B 句意:在黑暗中,他几乎认不清路。discern识别,看清楚。demonstrate证明;展示。derive源于。deviate偏离,脱离。
49.C 句意:他走进沙龙,叫了一杯威士忌。call for需要;为…叫喊。call on访问;召集。call up打电话;召集;提出。call in召集。
50.D 句意:山姆想不出怎样才能打印计划书,老师教他如何打印。figureout解决;想出。standout突出;站出来。pullout离开,撤离。hold out坚持;伸出;维持。
Part III Cloze
51.C 固定搭配。separate from区分开。
52.C heat是不可数名词,所以排除A,B项。little前已有very这个限定词,因此不能再加a,故选C.
53.B 由前后句意可知,此处是更近一层的关系。A项表示转折,C,D项与原意不符。
54.A 固定搭配。living thing泛指所有生物。
55.D 此处应表示被动,所以排除B项。如果没有热量,生物将会被冻死。这是虚拟,表示与现在或将来相反的意思,故选D项。
56.C 太阳提供了生物存活的基本条件。provide提供。review检查;复习。divide分开。bear承受;忍受。
57.Apossible 此处指生命可以存活的可能。probable很可能的;可信的。feasible可行的。practicable可用的,可行的。
58.A 即使在史前时期,人类就已经会制造热量了。even即使。until直到。just仅仅。since自…以来。
59.A 从木材等材料中释放太阳的热量。release释放。relive复活,再生。relieve解除;减轻。revive复兴;复活,苏醒。
60.B 此处提到了木材,煤炭,石油,表示列举。所以要用such as。
61.C 此处是说热量给人类文明带来了可能。civilization文明。culture文化。civilian平民,百姓。cultural文化的。
62.D 用as引导表示同时进行的关系从句。随着人类开始使用金属和燃料,工业也开始发展了。
63.D 前一句讲到了工业的发展,后一句又将蒸汽机的发明,后者是前者的结果。雇佣故用as a result。
64.C 此处是说蒸汽机的出现使热能转换成电能。electrical有关电的。machinery机器,机械。mechanical机械的;呆板的。mechanic技工;手工的。
65.B 没有蒸汽机,工业文明是不可能的。故用without。
66.A 此处表示转折。然而当第一台蒸汽机出现时,人们仍然不了解热量的本质。yet然而,但是。therefore所以。moreover而且,此外。again此外,再次。
67.B 此处应用过去进行时。wondrous奇妙的。
68.C 人们虽然利用了热能,但并不了解热能的本质。nature性质;本性。native当地的,本土的。nation国家,民族。naive天真的。
69.D 此句出现了倒装形式,应用not until的形式表示直到…才。
70.A 用answer表示对“what is heat?”的回答。
Part IV Put theFollowing Sentences into English
71. He admitted that his failure is due tohis lack of confidence.
72. Some experts have pointed out that the rate for committingsuicide of some occupations is much higher than that of other occupations.
73. I had worked off and on for two yearsin that company before going abroad.
74. When you are learning to drive, a goodinstructor would make a great difference.
75. Whether you can succeed or not in the universitypartly depends on how you adapt yourself to the new environment.
Part V Put the Followinginto Chinese

the, A., B., D.
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