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Part One Cloze Test
Directions:Read the following passage through. Thengo back and chose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C and D for eachblank in the passage. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (20%)
Mannersnowadays in big cities like London are practicallynon-existent. Itis  1 for a big, strong schoolboy to push anelderly woman aside in the rush for the last remaining seat in the train orbus, much  2 stand up and offer his seat to her.
This questions of giving up seatsin public transport is much  3 about by young men, who say that
 4 womenhave claimed equality, they no longer should be treated with courtesy and thatthose who go out to work should  5 their turn in the rush hour like anyoneelse. Women have never claimed to be  6 as strong as men. Even if it is notagreed, however, that young men should  7 up for younger women, the fact remainsthat
 8 shouldbe shown to the old, the sick and the disabled. Are we really so  9 to all ideals of unselfishness that wecan sit there calmly reading the paper or a book, saying to ourselves “Firstcome, first served,”  10  a grey-haired women, a motherwith a young child stands? Yet this is all to be often seen.
Older people,  11 from a day’s work are not as noble asbefore, either—far from it. Many an argument or aquarrel  12 as they push and pull each other to geton buses and trains. One can’t speak  13 of this, of course, but one does feelthere is just a little more exercise.
If cities are to remain  14 places to live in, it seems importantthat not only communications in
 15 shouldbe improved, but also that communication between human beings should be  16 smooth and polite. All over cities, itseems that people are too tired and too rushed to be  17 . Shop assistants won’t bother to  18 , taxi-drivers shout at each other asthey drive dangerously round corners, but conductors pull the bell before their
 19 havehad time to get on or off the bus, and so on and so on. It seems to us that itis  20 the young and strong to do their smallpart to stop such deterioration.
1. A.nothing    B.something   C.anything   D.everything
2. A.more    B.less  C. higher    D.lighter
3. Acared   B. looked    C.argued   D. moved
4. A.though    B.if C. before    D.since
5. A.make   B.take  C. improve   D.draw
6. A.mentally    B.publicly   C.physically   D.physical
7. A.stand   B.look  C. line  D. rise
8. A.honor  C. unity  D. courtesy
9. A.lost   B. used C. puzzled    D.opened
10. A.after   B.while  C. as  D. for
11. A. relaxed    B.thirsty    C.tired D. lowered
12. A.dies down   B.breaks down   C.makes up  D. breaks out
13. A.truly   B.favorably   C.secretly  D. bitterly
14. A.noisy   B.practical    C.pleasant  D. ill-smelling
15. A.transport   B.water  D. right
16. A.seized   B.shaken  C.thrown  D. kept
17. A.polite  B.rude  D. pretty
18. A.sleep  C. hide  D. recover
19.   B.companions    C.passengers   D.listeners
20. A.ahead of    B.far from   C.out of D. up to
Part Two Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are three reading passagesin this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Youshould decide on the best choice and write your answer on the Answer Sheet(30%)
Passage 1
Questions 20 to 25 are based onthe following passage.
In the 1960s, many young Americanswere dissatisfied with American society. They wanted to end the Vietnam War andto make all of the people in the U.S. equal. Some of them decided to“drop out” of American society and form their own societies. They formedutopian communities, which they called “communes,” where they could followtheir philosophy of “do your own thing.” A group of artists founded a communein southern Colorado called “Drop City”. Following the ideas of philosopher andarchitect Buckminster Fuller, they built some shaped houses from pieces of oldcars. Other groups, such as author Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters, the followersof San Francisco poet Steve Gakin, and a groupthat called itself the Hog Farm, lived in old school houses and traveled aroundthe United States.The Hog Farm became famous when they helped organize the Woodstock RockFestival in 1969. Steve Gaskin’s followers tried to settle down on a farm in Tennessee, but they hadto leave when some members of the group were arrested for growing marijuana.
Not all communes believed in thephilosophy of “do you own thing,” however. Twin Oaks, a commune founded in Virginia in the late1960s, was based on the ideas of psychologist B.F Skinner. The people who livedat Twin Oaks were carefully controlled by Skinner’s “conditioning” techniquesto do things that were good for the community. In 1972, Italian architect PaoloSoleri began to build Arcosani, a utopian city in Arizona where 2500 people would live closelytogether in one large building called an “archology”. Soleri believes thatpeople must live closely together so that they will all become one.
21. Whydid some young Americans decide to “drop out” of society during the 1960s?
A. they were not satisfied withAmerican society.
B. They wanted to grow marijuana.
C. They wanted to go to theVietnam War.
D. They did not want all people tobe equal.
22. Wheredid the members of the Hog Farm commune live?
A. In dome-shaped house.
B. In old school houses.
C. On a farm in Tennessee.
D. In an archeology in Arizona.
23. Whogave the people of Drop City the idea to builddome-shaped house?
A. Palo Soleri.
B. B.G..Skinner.
C. Steve Gaskin.
D. Buckminster Fuller.
24. Whatwas the Twin Oaks commune based on?
A. The philosophy of “do your ownthing”.
B. To be controlled by Skinner.
C. The idea to do things that weregood for the community.
D. The belief that people mustlive closely together.
25. Whatis an “archology”?
A. A person who studies archaeology.
B. A large building where peoplelive closely together.
C. A city in Arizona.
D. A technique to control people.
Passage 2
Questions 26 to 30 based on thefollowing passage
The biggest safety threat facingairlines today may not be a terrorist with a gun, but the man with the portablecomputer in business class. In the last 15 years, pilots have reported wellover 100 incidents that could have been caused by electromagnetic interference.The source of this interference remains unconfirmed, but increasingly, expertsare pointing the blame at portable electronic devices such as portablecomputers, radio and cassette players and mobiletelephones.
RTCA, an organization whichadvises that aviation industry, has recommended that all airlines ban suchdevices from being used during “critical” stages of flight, particularlytake-off and landing. Some experts have gone further, calling for a total banduring all flights. Currently, rules on using these devises are left up toindividual airlines. And although some airlines prohibit passengers from usingsuch equipment during take-off and landing, most are reluctant to enforce atotal ban given that many passengers want to work during flights.
The difficulty is predicting howelectromagnetic fields might affect an aircraft’s computers. Experts know thatportable devices emit radiation which affects those wavelengths which aircraftuses for navigation and communication. But because they have not been able toreproduce these effects in a laboratory, they have no way of knowing whetherthe interference might be dangerous or not.
The fact that aircraft may bevulnerable to interference raises the risk that terrorists may use radiosystems in order to damage navigation equipment. As worrying, though, is thepassenger who can’t hear the instructions to turn off his radio because themusic’s too loud.
26. Thepassage is mainly about ______.
A. a new regulation for allairlines
B. the defects of electronicdevices
C. a possible cause of aircraftcrashes
D. effective safety measures forall flights
27. Whatis said about the over 100 aircraft incidents in the past 15 years?
A. They have been caused by thedamage to the radio system.
B. They have taken place duringtake-off and landing.
C. They were proved to have beencaused by the passengers’ portable computers.
D. They were suspected to haveresulted from electromagnetic interference.
28. Few airlines wantto impose a total ban on their passengers using electronic devices because ______.
A. they don’t believe there issuch a danger as radio interference
B. they don’t care even though the harmfuleffect of electromagnetic interference has been proved
C. they are afraid that passengers mightrefuse to take a plane which bans the use of electronic devices completely
D. they have other effectivesafety measures to fall back on
29. Why is itdifficult to predict the possible effects of electromagnetic fields on anairplane’s computers?
A. Because it is extremelydangerous to conduct such research on an airplane.
B. Because research scientistshave not been able to product the same effects in labs.
C. Because terrorists always usetheir radio systems to interfere
D. Because the music on the plane istoo loud.
30. Itcab be inferred from the passage that the author ______.
A. is in favor of prohibitingpassengers’ use of electronic devices
B. has overestimated the danger ofelectromagnetic interference
C. thinks it’s a mystery whetherradiation would affect navigation equipment
D. regards it as ridiculous toexercise a total ban during the flight
Passage 3
Questions 31 to 35 are based onthe following passage
Our quarrel with efficiency is notthat it gets things done, but that it is a thief of time when it leaves us noleisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strains our nerves when we try to getthings done perfectly. In building bridges, American engineers calculate sofinely and exactly as to make the two ends come together within one-tenth of aninch. But when two Chinese begin to dig a tunnel from both sides of a mountainboth come out on the other side. The Chinese’s firm belief is that it doesn’tmatter so long as a tunnel is dug through, and if we have two instead of one,we have a double track to boot.
The pace of Modern industrial lifeforbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling. But, worse than that, itimposes upon us a different conception of time as measured by the clock andeventually turns the human being into a clock himself. (This sort of thing isbound to come to China, as in evident, for instance, in the case of a factoryof twenty thousand workers. The luxurious prospect of twenty thousand workerscoming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hours is, of course, somewhatterrifying.) Nevertheless, such efficiency is what makes life so hard and lackof excitement. A man who has to be punctually at a certain place at five o’clockhas the whole afternoon from one to five ruined for him already. Every Americanadult is arranging his time on the pattern of the schoolboy-three o’clock forthis, five o’clock for that, six-thirty for change of dress, six-fifty forentering the taxi, and seven o’clock for arriving at the destination. It justmakes life not worth living.
31. Thewriter objects to efficiency mainly on the grounds that it ______.
A. entitles us to too much leisuretime
B. urges us to get things donepunctually
C. deprives us of leisure time
D. imposes on us a perfect conceptof time
32. Inthe eyes of the author, the introduction of industrial life gives rise to ______.
A. the excitement of life
B. magnificent idling of time
C. more emphasis on efficiency
D. terrifying schoolboy
33. Thepassage tells us ______.
A. Chinese workers come to workwhen it is convenient
B. all Americans are forced to beefficient against their will
C. Chinese engineers are on betterterms with the management
D. Americans ought not to work sohard for efficiency
34. Theauthor believes that relaxing the rule of punctuality in factories would leadto ______.
A. great confusion
B. increased production
C. a hard and exciting life
D. successful completion of atunnel
35. Whatis implied but NOT stated by the author is that ______.
A. every American is arranging histime in the pattern of a schoolboy
B. every American is reluctant tobe efficient
C. every one should have some timeto spend as he pleases
D. being punctual is anundesirable habit which should not be formed.
Part Three Translationfrom English into Chinese
Directions: Translate the following passageinto Chinese. Remember to write your Chinese version on the Answer Sheet. (15%)
Many languages did not have awritten form previously. People who spoke them had to record their historythrough ballads and songs. In addition to telling stories, these songsexpressed the feelings of the singers. For example, if someone were sad, hemight sing about his suffering or what he thought might relieve his depression.Now, people have discovered that music does have the power to make them feelinfinitely better. Though research hasn’t fully determined what makes the bodyand mind react so favorably to music, it clearly shows that music has the powerto heal. You should listen to a joyful-sounding symphony if you are down or aslower piece if you are angry. Listening to music could make a substantialdifference in the way you face reality.
Part Four Translationfrom Chinese into English
Directions: Translate the following passageinto English, Remember to write your English version on the Answer Sheet (15%)
Part Five Writing
Directions: Some people prefer to work at homeinstead of going to the office. What is your preference? Give specific reasons to supportyour choice. Your writing should be no less than 200 words, Please write on theAnswer Sheet.(20%)
Part One Cloze Test
Directions:Read the following passage through. Thengo back and chose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C and D for eachblank in the passage. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. (20%)
1.A 句意:对于一个高大、健壮的男学生来讲,推开一个老太太去抢占火车或公交车上的位置不算什么。
2.B 句意:很少有人站起来把位置让给她。
3.C 句意:是否要给老年人让座在年轻人中间引起了激烈的讨论。care about表示“关心,关注”,look about表示“四下观望”, argue about表示“争论,争辩”,move about表示“不停地走动,四处旅游”。
4.D 句意:有人指出,既然妇女要求平等,那么她们就不应再享受特权。though表示“尽管”,if表示“如果”,before表示“倘若,即使”,since表示“既然”。
5.B 句意:那些外出工作的妇女应当像其他人一样在上下班高峰期依次排队。表示“依次,轮流”应使用固定搭配take one’s turn。
6.C 句意:妇女在体能上从来都没有强过男性。mentally表示“精神上”,publicly表示“公开地”,physically表示“体格上,身体上”,physical表示“体格的,身体的”。
7.A 句意:即使这件事情没有达成一致,年轻男性也应当站起来把位置让给妇女。
8.D 句意:事实告诉我们,应当给予老弱病残相应的礼节和关心。honor表示“荣誉,荣耀”,gift表示“天赋,礼物”,unity表示“统一,完整”,courtesy表示“礼节,谦恭有礼”。
9.A 句意:我们确实能够把无私置之度外,安静地坐在那里,心里想着谁占到的就是谁的吗?be lost to do sth.表示“将某事置之度外,不再受某事的影响”。
10.B 句意:然而却让一个白发苍苍的老妇人,或者怀抱孩子的妇女站在旁边?这句话与上句形成鲜明的对比,使用while。
11.C 句意:年长的人,为工作操劳了一天,也远远不再像以前那样彬彬有礼了。be tired from为固定搭配,表示“因……疲劳,劳累”。
12.D 句意:鉴于老年人也开始争强位置,一些争论也由此引发。表示“引发……,引起……”应使用固定搭配break out。
13.B 句意:为了抢一个座位,就你推我搡,这样的做法是不可取的。favorable表示“赞同的,赞许的”,其副词形式为favorably。
14.C 句意:如果城市的生活想要令人愉快,那么不光要不断改善交通设施,人与人之间的交流也应当保持有礼有节的状态,这是十分重要的。pleasant表示“令人愉快的”。
16.D keep表示“保持,遵守,保留”。
17.A 句意:在所有的都市里,人们似乎都太累,太赶,而顾不上礼节了。polite表示“礼节,礼貌”。
18.B 句意:售货员不必劳神去为他人服务,出租车司机们彼此大声嚷嚷。be bothered to do sth.是英语中的固定搭配,表示“劳烦,劳神去做某事”。
19.C 句意:公交车检票员在乘客上下车之前就关上了车门。
20.D 句意:看来年轻人和身体强壮的人该尽他们的一份力量来阻止这种恶化了。be up to sb. to do sth.是固定搭配,表示“由某人决定做某事”。
Part Two Reading Comprehension
Directions: There are three reading passagesin this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Youshould decide on the best choice and write your answer on the Answer Sheet(30%)
Passage 1
21.A 文章第一段第一句话写到“In the 1960s, many youngAmericans were dissatisfied with American society… some of them decided to ‘dropout’ of American society and form their own societies.” 由此可见,他们决定建立自己的社会是因为对当时的美国主流社会不满,A正确。
22.B 文章第一段第七句话在写到Hog Farm的时候,提到了他们“lived in old school buses andtraveled around the United States.”,B正确。
23.D 文章第一段第四句话第一次提到了Drop City,接着写到了“Following the ideas ofphilosopher and architect Buckminster Fuller, they built some shaped housesfrom pieces of old cars.”由此可见,Drop City内的成员是追随了Buckminster Fuller的哲学思想,D正确。
24.C 文章第二段第二句话提到了Twin Oaks,接下来介绍了这一组织的基本情况。第三句话写到“The peoplewho lived at Twin Oaks were carefully…to do things that were good for thecommunity.”由此可见,TwinOaks的宗旨是建立在为社区服务的基础上的,C正确。
25.B 文章第二段倒数第二句话解释了archology,作者写到“…2500 people would live closelytogether in one large building called ‘archeology’,”B正确。
Passage 2
26.C 文章主要谈到了在乘飞机的过程中,乘客随身携带的电子设备产生比恐怖分子持枪劫机更让航空公司担忧,并且使用这些电子设备产生的电磁波会干扰到飞行,很不安全。因此,C正确。
27.D 文章第一段第二句话写到“In the last 15 years,pilots have reported well over 100 incidents that could have been caused byelectromagnetic interference.”由此可见,在过去的15年内发生的100起空难中,电磁波干扰可能是一项起因,D正确。
28.C 文章第二段最后一句话写到“…most are reluctant toenforce a total ban given that many passengers want to work during flights.”这说明许多乘客在乘机过程中仍需要工作,航空公司若禁止他们使用电子设备,很可能失去这些客源,C正确。
29.B 文章第三段第一句话就指出,要准确预计出电磁波对飞行的干扰是有难度的。第三句话写到“But because they have not been able to reproduce these effects in alaboratory, they have no way of knowing whether the interference might bedangerous or not.”这说明,由于科学家们不能在实验室中模拟出这些影响,因此不等断定这些电磁波干扰是否真的对飞行有危险。B正确。
30.C 作者没有很明确的态度,只是做客观的说明,描写了很多情况,但没有表明自己的立场和看法。
Passage 3
31.C 文章第一段第一句话写到“…but that it is a thiefof time when it leaves us no leisure to enjoy ourselves, and that it strainsour nerves when we try to get things done perfectly.”由此可见,提高办事效率不仅没有提高我们的生活质量,反而让我们流失了许多放松休闲的时间,并且使得我们的神经更为紧张。C正确。
32.C 文章第二段第一句话写到“The pace of Modernindustrial life forbids this kind of glorious and magnificent idling.”通过第一段可以看出,与efficiency对立的是this kind of glorious andmagnificent idling,而industrial life forbids it,自然说明了industrial life gives rise to more emphasis on efficiency.
33.D 文章第二段第三句话写到“This sort of thing isbound to come to China, as in evident, for instance, in the case of a factoryof twenty thousand workers.”由此可以排除A选项;B选项的语气太重,文章中的美国人并不是被强迫去追求效率,也不是违背自己意愿,仅是为了适应工业社会;C选项中的内容文章没有提及。因此,D正确。
34.A 文章第二段第四句话写到“The luxurious prospectof twenty thousand workers coming in at their own sweet pleasure at all hoursis, of course, somewhat terrifying.”由此可见,大规模的生产为社会带来的更多的是困惑与麻烦,A正确。
35.C 文章没有对A选项直接提及;B选项中的reluctant是“勉强、不自愿”的意思,而本文并非在讨论情不情愿的问题;D选项中的being punctual is an undesirablehabit which should not be founded也不是作者在暗示的。
Part Three Translationfrom English into Chinese
Directions: Translate the following passageinto Chinese. Remember to write your Chinese version on the Answer Sheet. (15%)
Part Four Translationfrom Chinese into English
Directions: Translate the following passageinto English, Remember to write your English version on the Answer Sheet (15%)
Sometimes wevisit one family which we have never been in before, thought the host is offriendliness, the rooms are greatly decorated, we feel somehow this place hasnothing of soul. Then, we come to realize what is missing in this house is notbut books. Not only do books bring colors to a house, but also being its soul,for they hide all the emotion, inspiration, knowledge and wisdom from ancientto modern, male and female. If there is a large stock of books inside our home,every time when advice, comfort and console are needed, they will be just lyingbeside our hands. To say “Oh, the library nearby is always accessible to us ifa book is needed” is a dangerous thing. Supposing you need a book immediately, “nearby”becomes inconvenient at all, therefore it is not advisable to hold no booksinside the house.
Part Five Writing
Directions: Some people prefer to work at homeinstead of going to the office. What is your preference? Give specific reasons to supportyour choice. Your writing should be no less than 200 words, Please write on theAnswer Sheet.(20%)
To Work at Home or to Go to the Office
Nowadays, a hot spot has come to the working class which mainlydiscusses about the working place. Some one said they would like to work athome instead of going to the office, but there is still a voice which insiststhat to work in the office is a necessary thing. As far as my experience goes,I agree with the latter. We should work in the office,
First, the office is the place in which we work together, while ourhome is always supposed to be somewhere to sleep and to enjoy leisure. To workin an office makes our work more efficient and less external factors willinterfere us, but when we are working at home, it will be harder for us toconcentrate ourselves on the word.
Secondly, to work in the office makes it convenient for the managerto accomplish his daily tasks. Imagine we are scattered from a central officebut staying at home when one is miles away from another, it must be a terribleexperience for the manager to arrange a meeting or simply talk about someworking plans with the stuff, because it will take such a long time to meet up.
Thirdly, our office usually helps to build a nice atmosphere forteam-work. The more we work together, the closer we will achieve unity, which,is generally regarded as the key to a company’s success.
In summary, working at home may be something fresh within a shorttime. But to work in the office is indispensable to modern society as long aswe want to guarantee the working efficiency and remain a steady increasing in economic.

the, D., to, C.
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