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第1单元 口译记忆(I)
 1.1 复习笔记
 1.2 实例详解
第2单元 口译记忆(Ⅱ)
 2.1 复习笔记
 2.2 实例详解
第3单元 演讲技巧
 3.1 复习笔记
 3.2 实例详解
第4单元 口译笔记技巧(I)
 4.1 复习笔记
 4.2 实例详解
第5单元 口译笔记技巧(Ⅱ)
 5.1 复习笔记
 5.2 实例详解
第6单元 口译笔记技巧(Ⅲ)
 6.1 复习笔记
 6.2 实例详解
第7单元 联络口译
 7.1 复习笔记
 7.2 实例详解
第8单元 数字口译
 8.1 复习笔记
 8.2 实例详解
第9单元 主题思想识别
 9.1 复习笔记
 9.2 实例详解
第10单元 语篇分析
 10.1 复习笔记
 10.2 实例详解
第11单元 口译与语域
 11.1 复习笔记
 11.2 实例详解
第12单元 口译中的同义表达(Ⅰ)
 12.1 复习笔记
 12.2 实例详解
第13单元 口译中的同义表达(Ⅱ)
 13.1 复习笔记
 13.2 实例详解
第14单元 口译中的障碍
 14.1 复习笔记
 14.2 实例详解
第15单元 复习与测试
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第1单元 口译记忆(I)
1.1 复习笔记
(1)声音(音素)编码,即次元音语音复述(Rehearsing through Sub-vocal Sounds)(Conrad:1964,Baddeley:1966);
(2)视觉编码,即以图片而不是语音形式存储信息,特别是很难用语言表达但需存储的非语言信息需要此种编码。少数人可能有“照相式记忆能力”(Photographic Memory),但对大多数人而言,视觉编码并非如此有效;
1.2 实例详解
Exercise 2
Listen to the followingtexts once and then start interpreting at the end of each segment.
Text 2.1
Each of you is a witness to that potential, inwhat you have learned and achieved here, and in your own hopes for the future.Twenty years ago, almost to the day, President Ronald Reagan spoke at thisuniversity and expressed the essence of economic and political freedom.//
【解析】考查短期记忆能力。抓关键词。根据witness,potential in, learnedand achieved, hopes这几个词就能迅速把握第一句的逻辑。下一句Twenty years ago和 President RonaldReagan则主要靠记忆,顺句驱动即可。
It is based, he said, on a belief in the dignityof each man, woman, and child. Free institutions, he said, reflect, inappreciation of the special genius of each individual, and of his special rightto make his own decisions and lead his own life. //
【解析】原句中的插入语可直接跳过,把握两个句子的主干based on,reflect,再补充相应的宾语,同样需要短时记忆。
Compared to President Nixon’s, or even PresidentReagan’s day, many Chinese citizens are now freer to make their own ways inlife — to choose careers, to acquire property, and to travel. And across thisland are many millions of young people just like yon, with their own abilitiesand their own expectations of a better life for themselves, their families andtheir country.//
On the path of reform that began aquarter-century ago, the Chinese people have made great strides. Over the pasttwenty-five years, China’srapid and sustained economic growth has lifted the living standards of manycitizens and raised Chinainto the ranks of the world’s largest economies.//
【解析】注意常用的一些表达,如:lifted the living standards提高生活水平,raised China into the ranks of使中国跻身于……的行列。
You have reduced poverty, and in recent years,have consistently reported high economic growth rates. This dramatic economicprogress shows what is possible when governments leave more decision-makingpower in the hands of private enterprises and individuals. Above all, it is atribute to the Chinese citizens whose talents and daily efforts are making thisa vibrant modern economy//
China's economic success has also come about fargreater integration into the world economy. In the last two decades, yourcountry has emerged as a major exporter of all kinds of manufactured goods,from heavy machinery, to computers, to toys.//
China has gained enormously from access to foreignmarkets. Its development has also been fed by vast inflows of investmentcapital— over 50 billion dollars last year alone — and by imports of foreigntechnology, and the ever-increasing quantities of energy and raw materialsnecessary to sustain growth.//
China's progress is part of a much wider story. Somany of the great nations of Asia began the20th century ruled by colonial powers, or by dynasty, or bitterly divided bycivil strife. And throughout that century, ideologies of violence and malicetook hold in Asia, as they did in Europe, andcaused terrible harm and grief.//
【解析】“China'sprogress is part of a much wider story”是一个意义比较抽象的句子,在遇到难懂的句子时,不要在此处停留太多的时间,而应尽力记住后文更多的内容。融会贯通。此处根据后文的描述,可理解为“在更大范围内取得进展”。
Now the people of Asiaare writing a different chapter. Great nations in this region have entered the21st century as independent peoples, growing in prosperity and individualfreedom.//
(Excerpted from the speech by Mr. Dick Cheney,U.S. Vice President, at Fudan University on April 15, 2004)
Key words
Ronald Regan: 罗纳德·里根
make great strides: 取得长足的进展
a tribute to: 对……的一首颂歌
inflows of investmentcapital: 外资的涌入
civil strife: 国内冲突
Text 2.2
Party Secretary Zhang, Governor Huang, ladiesand gentlemen,
Good morning. Thank you for inviting BP tocontribute once again to the discussions of the Advisory Board. //
【解析】英语中头衔在前,姓氏在后,中文正好相反,因此将Party Secretary Zhang,GovernorHuang分别译为“张书记”,“黄省长”,invite once again 再次邀请。
It has been a fascinating experience for us tobe a part of the extraordinary growth and development of Guangdong over the last few years. This is aprovince that has become a leader in many respects//
【解析】It has been a fascinating experience可意译为“对此我们深感荣幸”。
— leading China in a range of industries,from electronics to plastics, watches to footwear;
— leading the programme of reform and opennessto world markets; and
— leading in economic growth, with the Pearl River Deltabeing the fastest growing part of the fastest growing province in the fastestgrowing large economy in the world.//
【解析】with the Pearl River Delta being the fastestgrowing part of the fastest growing province in the fastest growing largeeconomy in the world独立主格结构,单独成句。
So the question now is this: What next for Guangdong? How can webuild on this success? Can we recreate the economic miracle of the last twodecades in the years ahead? These questions are addressed in a paper which weare presenting to the Advisory Board today.//
【解析】the Advisory Board顾问委员会。What next for Guangdong?适当引申为:广东未来将迈向何方?
We have commissioned the paper from ProfessorMichael Enright, a world authority on competitiveness, and spent seven yearsstudying the economy of the Pearl River Delta.//
【解析】将原文长句进行拆分。从who is,who has开始,均可以教授作主语,另起一句。
The report describes Guangdong as an economy that has beencompletely transformed in a little over two decades, but where officials,managers and employees are not satisfied to rest on their laurels and wherethere is a realisation that additional work is needed if the province is to continueits phenomenal growth.//
【解析】laurels荣誉,桂冠。引申为:已取得的成就。realisation和additional work转译为动词“认识到”,“额外努力”。
Two overall messages come through clearly. Thefirst is that some of this additional work needs to be radical in its nature.There comes a point in the growth of any organisation or region when futuredevelopment cannot be secured simply by “more of the same”. New approaches, newsolutions and new thinking are required.//
【解析】New approaches, new solutions and new thinkingare required被动句转译为汉语主动句,“我们需要……”
This is the case, for example, when a manufacturingcompany has reached the limits of its capacity. It has to invest in new plantif it is to continue growing strongly.//
【解析】This is the case对译文没有多大影响,可省去不译。
This was the case for BP a few years ago — ourestablished oil and gas fields had become mature, and we needed to discover newones in order to maintain strong growth.//
Similarly for Guangdong Province.The record has been a proud one, but now new engines of growth are needed forthe future.//
【解析】The record有深层含义,翻译时可适当进行转换,译为“过去的成就”。
The second general message is that future growthmust be “sustainable” —which means ensuring that Guangdong has the business environment,workforce and external relationships to sustain its prosperity long term. //
【解析】general message引申为:原则。
So keeping those two principles in mind, let mepick out some of the main priorities.
First, the role of cities. Guangdong is a beneficiary of globalisation,and as the globalisation writer Saskia Sassen puts it: “The work ofglobalisation goes on in cities.”//
【解析】Saskia Sassen,口译中比较陌生或复杂的人名有时可以直接以原来的形式出现,听者往往可以领会。
Nowhere is that more true than in Guangdong, where peoplehave poured into the major cities over the past two decades. Guangzhou alone is now home to nearly 10million people. With China'saccession to the WTO and improvements in agricultural efficiency, many morepeople are bound to move from the country to the city in the next few years.//
【解析】pour into像潮水般涌入,生动形象。bound to一定会,必将。
But cities are not merely dormitories. They arecomplex social and economic organisms. And if cities are to be engines ofgrowth, they require good planning and high quality services. For a healthy andmotivated workforce, strong public services are required, such as education,health care, housing and transportation. And for competitive enterprises, goodbusiness services are required, such as financial, professional andcommunication services.//
In Guangdong,we need to ensure that the planning of cities anticipates population growthrather than falling behind it.//
【解析】the planning of cities城市规划。Anticipate预期,期望。
In Guangzhou,in particular, such a change is being made, with the movement of factories tothe edge of town, the development of residential communities and theredevelopment of the centre. This is a massive undertaking and shows a visionfor the cities of tomorrow and serves as a role model for other cities.//
【解析】the edge of town城市的外围。a vision for the cities of tomorrow未来城市的前瞻力。
(Excerpted from the speech by Dr. Baron Goh, BPManaging Director and CFO, at the International Consultative Conference on theFuture Economic Development of Guangdong Province on Nov.3, 2003)
Key words
engine of growth: 发展的动力
the Advisory Board: 顾问委员会
a massive undertaking: 一项规模宏大的事业
Text 2.3
【译文】I like young people very much. Because youngpeople are always so energetic and they have the least conservative ideas, andthey represent the future of our world.//
【译文】And this year during the outbreak of the SARSepidemic, I thought about the students. I cared a lot for them, and I wanted togain strength from them. So that was why I went to our Tsinghua Universityto have lunch with them. And also I went to Peking Universityand I had a chat with the students in the library. At that time probably youcould not have imagined what an atmosphere we were in, but I felt that the youngpeople were as hopeful as ever. They always dream about a beautiful future.//
【解析】在SARS爆发期间the outbreak of the SARS epidemic。
【译文】They pointed to the trees outside the window andsaid to me, “People like to say that when all the leaves grow, when the treebecomes green all over, this crisis will be over.” And they also said that theywould all rather be the green leaves themselves, and they asked me, “Premier,in this big tree, which part of the tree are you?” I immediately replied, “I'malso one of the leaves like you.”//
【解析】They pointed to the trees outside the window andsaid to me.这句话是补译的,目的是为了交代说话者所处的环境,使文意更清晰。
【译文】As the speaker today, of course I think I needto explain myself a little bit to my audience, and I owe you this because inthis way we can have a heart-to-heart discussion.//
【译文】As you know, I'm the son of a school teacher. Ispent my childhood mostly in the smoke and fire of war. I was not as fortunateas you as a child. When Japanese aggressors drove all the people in my place tothe Central Plaza, I had to huddle closely againstmy mother. Later on, my whole family and house were all burned up, and even theprimary school that my grandpa built himself all went up in flames. In my worklife, most of the time I worked in areas under the most harsh conditions in China. //
【解析】“我出生在一个教师的家庭”转译为:I'm the son of a school teacher,战火:thesmoke and fire of war. go up in flames毁于一旦;着火;破灭。
【译文】Therefore I know my country and my people quitewell and I love them so deeply.//
【解析】了解得深know…quite well;爱得深love…so deeply。
Key words
憧憬未来:dream about abeautiful future
彼此交心:a heart-to-heartdiscussion
战火:the smoke and fireof war
Text 2.4
【译文】Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
In the golden autumn, I am very happy to welcomethe distinguished guests to China West Forum 2001 in the ancient capital Xi'an, an age-old andmysterious city full of dynamism of the modern era.//
【解析】将“各位嘉宾”译为“Distinguished guests”,以示尊敬。古都the ancient capital。
【译文】Taking this opportunity, I would like to briefyou on the new opportunities for foreign investment in the west after Chinajoins the WTO. I hope that foreign businesspeople could take part in thedevelopment of western regions more actively to advance the economic and socialdevelopment of the vast western areas. //
【解析】外商foreign businesspeople. 西部大开发the development of western regions。
【译文】Ladies and gentlemen,
China has gone through a journey of 15 years in orderto first resume the contracting party status in GATT and later to enter theWTO. The twists and turns over the past 15 years have been deeply embedded inthe minds of the Chinese people and witnessed by each and every foreign friendwho cares for and supports China'scause of modernization. However, it is a comfort to see that China'saccession to the WTO has been noticeably accelerated with the concerted effortsof various relevant parties over recent years. //
【解析】已经走过了has gone through,15年的沧桑变化The twists and turns over the past 15 years,“值得欣慰的是”带有一定的转折意味,此处增译了however,更符合英语的表达习惯。
【译文】In May and June this year, China heldconsultations and reached comprehensive consensus with US and EU on theoutstanding issues in the multilateral negotiations of China's WTO accession.In early and mid July, the WTO held the18th and 17th sessions of the ChinaWorking Party Meeting, at which the substantive negotiation on China's WTOentry was concluded with the drafting of the Protocol, Working Party Report andother multilateral legal documents regarding China's WTO accession completed.//
【解析】原文为两个长句,根据英汉语表达习惯的不同适当进行语序调整。达成了全面共识reached comprehensive consensus。
【译文】I believe at the 18th Working Party Meeting tobe convened in September, all the legal documents on China's accession will beeventually adopted and submitted to the WTO General Council for review, thuswrapping up the historic mission of the WTO Working Party on China.//
【解析】中国工作组会议Working Party Meeting. “将最终通过”根据英文表达习惯转换为被动句。
【译文】If without exception, the 4th WTO MinisterialMeeting to be held in Doha later this November will witness the formal passingof the resolution to enlist China as a permanent member of the WTO. Hence hardendeavor of 15 years is about to turn China's entry to the WTO into areality.//
【解析】接纳中国enlist China as. 成为现实turn…into a reality。
【译文】Ladies and gentlemen,
FDI absorption constitutes an importantcomponent of China'sbasic state policy of reform and opening up. As the reform and opening up goinginto depth over the past two decades and more, China has been constantly improvingits FDI utilization in terms of scale and quality.//
【解析】FDI对外直接投资的简称。逐步深化gointo depth。
【译文】By the end of July 2001, China had cumulativelyapproved 378,000 foreign funded enterprises with a contractual value of USD717.01 billion, of which USD 372.83 billion had been actually paid in. //
【解析】截至…底: By the end of。
【译文】China has maintained a good momentum in its FDIattraction since this year.
January through July,14,000 foreign-investedenterprises were approved to establish,18.2% higher than the correspondingperiod of last year, the contractual value of foreign investment grew by 45.8%to USD 40.29 billion and the actually utilized value climbed by 21.7% to USD24.21 billion.
【解析】保持良好势头has maintained a good momentum. 外商投资企业foreign-invested enterprises。
【译文】While the FDI absorption of the eastern areas isgrowing at a rapid speed, the western regions have also made obvious headway inits FDI attraction. Up to the end of June 2001, the project number, contractualvalue and actually utilized value of FDI in the west accounted respectively for7.3%, 6% and 5.3% of the national total. In the first 6 months of this year,742new foreign invested enterprises were set up in the western regions with thecontractual value amounting to USD 1.91 billion and actually utilized value,USD 710 million.//
【译文】Joining the WTO is an inherent requirement ofChina's development of its socialist market economy which also complies withthe objective trend of the world economic progress, and it will bring aboutunprecedented opportunities to the economic and trade cooperation between Chinaand various countries and regions in the world. //
【解析】内在要求inherent requirement. 顺应comply with. 前所未有的unprecedented。
【译文】After becoming a member of the WTO, China willopen service areas such as banking, insurance, telecommunication, foreigntrade, domestic trade and tourism step by step, formulate uniform, standard andtransparent investment access policy, intensify efforts to enact and perfectrelevant foreign related laws and regulations, improve the level ofadministration according to law in foreign related economic work, establish andperfect the foreign economic and trade regime consistent with the internationalprevailing rules and actual situation in China. Foreign business people arefacing new development opportunities in making investment in China andparticipating in the development of western regions.//
Key words
金秋时节: in the goldenautumn
西部大开发: the developmentof western regions.
达成全面共识: reachcomprehensive consensus
总理事会: General Council
保持良好势头: maintain agood momentum
吸收外资: the FDIabsorption
内在要求: an inherentrequirement

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