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I. Translate thefollowing passage into Chinese. (50)
The restatement of Hegel’s main principle as to the tragic conflictwould involve a similar restatement as to the catastrophe (for we need notconsider here those “tragedies” which end with a solution).As before, we mustavoid any reference to ethical or universal ends, or to the work of “justice”in the catastrophe. We might then simply say that, as the tragic actionportrays a self-division or a conflict of spirit, so the catastrophe displaysthe violent annulling of this division or conflict. But this statement, whichmight be pretty generally accepted, would represent only half of Hegel’s idea,and perhaps nothing of what is most characteristic and valuable in it. For thecatastrophe has two aspects, a negative and an affirmative, and we have ignoredthe latter. On the one hand it is the act of a power immeasurably superior tothat of the conflicting agents, a power which is irresistible and inescapable,and which overbears and negates whatever is incompatible with it. So far, itmay be called, in relation to the conflicting agents, necessity or fate; and unlessa catastrophe affects us in ways corresponding with this aspect it is not trulytragic. But then if this were all and this necessity were merely infinite,characterless, external, force, the catastrophe would not only terrify (as itshould), it would also horrify, depress, or at best provoke indignation orrebellion; and these are not tragic feelings. The catastrophe, then, must havea second and affirmative aspect, which is the source of our feelings ofreconciliation, whatever form they may assume. Hence in a tragedy, the hero,for all his affinity with that power, is still the living man we see before us.Since the hero must die, his union with “eternal justice” (which is more than“justice”) must itself be “eternal” or ideal. This is no occasion to ask how inparticular, and in what various ways in various works, we feel the effect ofthis affirmative aspect in the catastrophe. But it corresponds at least withthat strange double impression which is produced by the hero’s death. He dies,and our hearts die with him; and yet his death matters nothing to us, or weeven exult. He is dead; and he has no more to do with death than the powerwhich killed him and with which he is now one.
Ⅱ. Translate thefollowing passage into English (40)
Ⅲ. Reading Comprehensionand Composition (60)
Criticism as Evaluation
In many contexts, for many years, I have called for a return tocriticism in the original sense of judging, to criticism as evaluation. Bothmain trends in the History of criticism, revived and redefined in this century,poetics and interpretation, have given up the problem of judgment of ranking,of the decision about art and non-art. The would-be scientists, thestatisticians and the devotees of text grammar and even, in theory, most of theFrench structuralist critics assembled around the magazine Poetique cannot makeany value distinctions; they think that making them would violate their idealof scientific objectivity. Since they are interested in devices andregularities, they plead that these can be observed even in trash orsub-literature, Kitsch and colportage. Northrop Frye, a critic quite apart fromthis scientific trend of linguistic poetics, argues in the “PolemicalIntroduction” to his Anatomy of Criticism that “the study of literature cannever be founded on value judgments.” He conceives of literature as a system offictions in which there is no qualitative difference between a fairy tale and acomedy of Shakespeare. (1)Evaluation is relegated to the history of tastewhich, like the stock exchange, registers only whimsical fluctuations.What Frye calls “criticism” is a system, an all-embracing timeless scheme inwhich any and all productions, good and bad, significant and trivial, have tofind their place. The new interpreters, particularly the so-called Geneva school, have tocome to a similar conclusion as they ask for complete identification with aconsciousness behind the work, for an exchange of egos, for an “adhesion sototal that it precludes all judgment.”
Many literary historians recognize that evaluation is inevitable butargue that evaluation is a historical process resulting in the (2) “verdictof the ages,” the formulation of a “canon” which can be studied like anyother historical phenomenon …No doubt, we can describe, say, the fluctuationsof the fame of Dante, who, for a time in the eighteenth century, was dismissedby Horace Walpole, for example, as “extravagant, absurd, disgusting, in short aMethodist Parson in Bedlam.” Even Shakespeare’s fame was not always secure: in spite of the high praise of BenJonson and later of Dryden, Thomas Rymer could ridicule Othello as a “(3)farce without salt flavor” and Voltaire could call Shakespeare a “villageclown”, a “drunken savage,” though he admitted that he had found “some pearlsin his enormous dunghill.”
The view is widespread that we simply have to study the criticalsituation of bygone ages and have to recognize that there are so many diversetypes and styles of literature that no rational choice among them is evenpossible. Every Time had its own poetry and criticism justified in its place,Poetry cannot go wrong nor apparently even criticism, which is only areflection or justification of contemporary taste. It has, for example, beenargued that there are profound “shifts in sensibility” in history and thatthere is thus a “total discontinuity” in the history of poetry. We have a tasteeither for Alexander Pope or for William Wordsworth. This view would split thehistory of literature into a multitude of different periods and areas ofsensibility if we push the idea to its logical conclusion and apply it on aninternational scale and in the whole extent of historical time. We end withcomplete relativism, with the “whirligig of taste,” (4) the tyranny of flux.
Some erudite scholars have been content with this (5) resignedsolution They want the critic to see himself historically, in his ownlimited space and time……[1]t leads to universal skepticism, to theoreticalparalysis. The case of knowledge and even history knowledge is not thatdesperate. (6)The Genesis of a theory does not necessarily invalidate itstruth, Men can correct their biases, criticize their presuppositions, riseabove their temporal and local limitations. I agree that value, aestheticor otherwise, is “present onlyin a certain psychological perspective but it is still present in the thingsfor those endowed with the capacity and training through which alone it can beperceived.” Judgment refers to an objective character which is open toinspection. There are, in a work of literatures, meanings which I would callobligatory, while other meanings may be only potential or even purelyfacultative, the additions and associations of the recipient. Most of thedisagreements among evaluations are due to the fact that a literary work of artis an assembly of values which are not purely aesthetic. A work belongs toliterature, at least in the tense of imaginative literature, of belles letters,Because the aesthetic value is dominant. But this does not preclude thepresence of other values for which it has been appreciated and praised. Theymay be moral, political, religions, national, and of course intellectualvalues. Thus often differences of opinion are not due much to differentresponses as simply to the selection of different values in the work.
I have called this view“perspectivism” …which must not be confused with relativism. I recognize theimpossibility of upholding a right absolutism in view of the historical changesof taste and styles, but I also reject relativism which has been considered thenecessary consequence of these changes, “Perspectivism is suggested by theanalogy of our seeing, say, a house, very differently from different angleswhile we still admit that there is a house out there of definite dimensions,layout, material, colors, and so on, which can be ascertained accurately andobjectively.
…[1 wish to argue for] theobjective character of this construct and the conviction that ideally andpotentially interpretations can be correct. If all interpretations or readingswere equal we could not differentiate among them. But it is surely theexperience of every teacher that he can and must reject wrong interpretationsand that be even can, in concrete cases, refute a wrong interpretation by anappeal to the text or an appeal to the totality of a work while the perverseinterpreter may have fastened on some detail or distorted the meaning or aphrase. The concept of adequacy of interpretation leads clearly to the conceptof correctness of judgment. Evaluation grows out of understanding; correct evaluation out of correct understanding. I have argued thisso many times that I am ashamed of repeating myself. Logic, ethics, and, Ibelieve, even aesthetics cry out against complete relativism. It would lead toa dehumanization of the arts and a paralysis of criticism.
1. Paraphrasedthe underlined sentence. (5)
2. Explainthe underlined phrase. (3)
3. Paraphrasethe underlined part. (3)
4. Whatdoes “the tyranny of flux” refer to? (4)
5. Explainthe meaning of “resigned solution”. (4)
6. Paraphrasethe underlined sentence. (5)
7. Please write a critical response (around 300-400words) to this essay, you can either argue for or against the author’sargument, but please make sure to explain his idea of “perspectivism” beforepresenting your own assessment. (36)
I. Translate thefollowing passage into Chinese. (50)
Ⅱ. Translate thefollowing passage into English (40)
French Revolution belongs to one of the earth-shaking movements.Theoretically, thus, it were to produce great works comparable to those in thePerikles Times and the Renaissance Era. However, the literature in the times ofFrench Revolution really disappoints us. So what is the reason? In order tosolve the problem, Matthew Arnold propounded a very important theory: One kind of thought can beperformed popularly only after it has been long transmitted to become a kind ofideological trend and has been planted into the hearts of the public. If thethought just makes its first appearance, being supported by a minority ofscholars but not understood entirely by the majority of the public, it is notthe right time to put it into practice. Otherwise, the experiment would beterrifying and the public might become rebelling. At last, the implementationof the thought would not only be obstructed, but also lost the best time whenit had been easier to be transmitted. Matthew Arnold believes that the failureof the French Revolution lies in the fact that it was implemented too early. Heis to express his feeling about the early happening of the French Revolutionrather than to oppose it. At that time, few people can really understand thevarious theories like human rights and people’s convention and they had notbecome an ideological trend. Human beings are very strange and they wouldalways bear malignant feeling and hatred toward the things which they cannotunderstand. Therefore, the European countries at that time viewed the FrenchRevolution as a kind of heinous offence and rally together to attack it, whichleads to the failure of the Revolution. Arnoldthinks that the expansion period and concentration period take placealternatively in the history process. The expansion period is the spreadingtime of the new trend while the concentration period the time of suspense or stopping.Great works are usually created in the expansion period.
Ⅲ. Reading Comprehensionand Composition (60)
1. Evaluationis classified into the history of taste and the history is usually representedby typical events or thoughts at different period. Just like the stockexchange, it just displays the strange changes and fluctuations of the stock.
2. Becausedifferent age has its own standard or taste when evaluating literature, theevaluation just make the literature under the judgment of different times.
3. aridiculous and boring play
4. Literatureis governed by changes and instability since the evaluation of the literatureis determined by the age and the age is always changing.
5. Resignedsolution refers to the relativism, and they passively obey the judgment of theage and are willing to accept it as the solution.
6. A theoryneed not be started by denying the truth of the theory. Though human beings mayhave biases, they can correct them; they can criticize the assumption they madebefore; and also though they are limited by the temporal and local situations,they can try to surpass these limitations.
7. A literary work of art contains not only theaesthetic values, though the aesthetic values is dominant, but other valueslike the moral, political, religions, national and so on. Many differentopinions about the work are due to the selection of these different values, andwe can see and evaluate a literary work from different perspectives of values,which is perspectivism. Perspectivism is just like evaluating a house fromdifferent angles and aspects. Though it may produce different opinions aboutthe house, but the house is there and has its definite features like its size,color and so on. The literary work is also true and the evaluation of it shouldhave a relatively right standard, though not absolutely right because of thelimitation of history style and taste.
In the author’s opinion, perspecivism is what thescholars should be adopted, while complete relativism is what should bediscarded. Relativism also admits the limitation of history style and taste,but it denys a relatively right standard for the evaluation of the literaturebecause it considers the evaluation totally determined by the history style andtaste, which changes according to different historical period. I strongly agreewith what the author says.
Though human being is limited by the history, by hisexperiences and living conditions, but we cannot deny his potentials and goodinitiatives. The society is making progress and the history is running forward.We are trying our best to push things developing in a positive way. Though wecannot say that the current situation and society taste is definitely right andunquestionable, but we do try our best to better our evaluation system and wedo have some evidences to prove what we say about the literature. Theseevidences should not be denied even if the history style changes and theopinions based on these evidences should thus be embraced and hold right. Wecannot let the perfect be the enemy of the good and we need to take the risk ofadmitting these opinions, for the good is one step to the perfect, for theevaluations nowadays are the way to the future progress.

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