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Ⅰ.Please choose to answer one ofthe following two questions.(50)
1. Please comment on the followingpoem with particular attention to its poetic elements, and then discuss thoseaspects of the poem that impress you the most.
Tis not that I am weary grown
Of being yours, and yours alone;
But with what Face can I incline
To damnyou to be only mine?
You, whom some kinder Pow’r didfashion,
My, Merit, and by Inclination
The Joy at least of a wholeNation.
Let meaner Spirits of your Sex,
With humble Alms their Thoughtsperplex:
And boast if by their Arts theycan
Contriveto make one happy Man,
While, mov’d by an impartialSense,
Favors, like Nature, you dispense,
With universal Influence.
See the kind Seed-receiving Earth,
To every Grain affords a Birth:
On her no Show’rs unwelcome fall,
Her willing Womb retains’em all.
And shall my Caelia be confin’d?
No, live up to thy mighty Mind;
And be the Mistress of Mankind
2. The Restoration period is alsoknown as the Age of Dryden because he was not only the most important dramatist,poet and translator, but also the founder of literary criticism in England.Please discuss and evaluate Dryden’s literary and critical views with specificreference to 1 or 2of his works.
Ⅱ. Please choose to answer one ofthe following three questions.(50)
1. The following stanzas are takenfrom William Wordsworth’s poem“Expostulationand Reply,”Discuss them. Show that you havean adequate grasp of the literal meaning on the surface, and elaborate upon howthey may relate to some Romantic ideas.
“Not less I deem that there are Powers
Which of themselves our minds impress;
That we can feed this mind of ours
In a wise passiveness.
Think you, mid all this mighty sum
Of things for ever speaking
That nothing of itself will come
But we must still be seeking?
-Then ask not wherefore, here,alone,
Conversing as I may,
I sit upon this old grey stone,
And dream my time away.
2. John Ruskin wrote in The Stonesof Venice
“[…]”if you will make a man of theworking creature, you cannot make a tool, Let him but begin to imagine, tothink, to try to do anything worth doing; and the engine-turned precision islost at once. Out come all his roughness, all his dullness, all hisincapability; shame upon shame failure upon failure, pause after pause; but outcomes the whole majesty of him also, and we know the height of it only, when wesee the clouds settling upon him. And whether the clouds be bright or dark,there will be transfiguration behind and within them,”
Respond to any metaphoricalelement involved in this passage. Explain what the writer is trying to sayhere, and tell how his words may represent someof the Victorian thinkers’ concerns.
3. In his recent book How to Read the Victorian Novel, George Levine observesthat the Victorian novel “self-consciously register a senseof transition and change, following the growth of children to adulthood,noting the difference between North and South, between urban and pastoral, andindicating rapid movements among classes still sharply defined anddistinguished,” How do you understand the Victorian sense of “transition andchange” in Levine’s remark? What particular historical, social and moral concernsare entailed in such a sense of “transition and change”? Can you think of myVictorian novels whose plots, characters or uses of language may illustrate andsubstantiate Levine’s argument? Please limit your discussion to no more than 2novels form the Victorian era, be specific and make use of concrete examplesfrom the texts.
ⅢPlease choose to answer one ofthe following three questions.(50)
1.Read the following passage:
“A few weeks ago an eminent French critic said that, owing to the specialtendency to science and its all-devouring force, poetrywould cease to be read in fifty years. But I anticipate the very contrary.Only a firmer, vastly broader, new area begins to exist.……Whatever may have been the case in years goneby, the true use for the imaginative faculty of modem times is to give ultimate vivification to facts,to science, and to common lives, endowing them with the glows and glories andfinal illustriousness which belong to every real thing, and to real thingsonly. Without that ultimate vivification—which the poet or other artist alonecan give—reality would seem incomplete, and science, democracy, and lifeitself, finally in vain.”
Based upon this passage, please(1) elaborate the author’s understanding as to the value and function of poetryin the modern age, particularly considering the statement made about how poeticimagination can “give ultimate vivification to facts.”(2) Can you think of anyworks in American literature (prose, poetry or fiction) that can illustratewhat the author meant by giving “ultimate vivification to facts?” Please give no more than 2 examples in yourdiscussion, be specific and make use of the texts you have read. (3) Can youidentify the author of this passage based on the ideas expressed and thelanguage used in it?
2. Please identify the authorand/or the literary period of the following passage. In addition, pleaseexplain the peculiarities of style and language of thepassage(particularly noticing the underlined parts); and then discuss(1) how important they are to the work that contains the passage and(2) howsuch uses of style and language contribute to the development of modernAmerican literature.
“Andre Jackson—which was the nameof the pup—Andrew Jackson would never let on but what he was satisfied,and hadn’t expected nothing else—and the bets being doubled and doubled on theother side all the time, till the money was all up, and then all of a sudden hewould grad that other dog jest by the j’int of his hind leg and freezeto it—not chaw, you understand, but only jest grip and hang on till theythrowed up the sponge, if it was a year.”
3. Conduct a close analysis of thefollowing poem. Try to highlight an aspect or two to which you respond moststrongly, while attending to an array of other poetic elements.
I have known the inexorablesadness of pencils,
Neat in their boxes, dolor of padand paper-weight,
All the misery of manilla foldersand mucilage(胶水)
Desolation in immaculate publicplaces,
Lonely reception room, lavatory,switchboard,
The unalterable pathos of basin ofpitcher,
Ritual of multigraph(排字印刷机),paper-clip,comma,
Endless duplication of lives andobjects.
And I have seen dust from thewalls of institutions,
Finer than flour, alive, moredangerous than silica,
Sift, almost invisible, throughlong afternoon of tedium,
Dropping a fine film on nails anddelicate eyebrows,
Glazing the pale hair, theduplicate grey standard faces.
Ⅰ.Please choose to answer one ofthe following two questions.(50)
1. This poem has three stanzas andthe rhyming scheme of each stanza is aabbccc, giving people a kind of neat andorderly sense. The poet uses alliteration in this poem, which intensifies therhythm and meter of it, and examples as follows: “Let meaner Spirits of yourSex”, “And boast if by their Arts theycan” and “Contrive to make one happy Man” and so on. What’s more, the poet usesthe capital form of some letters in a willful manner so as to emphasize thepoints that he wants to stress, from which we can also figure out the poet’sfocuses and concerns.
There are several aspects thatimpress me the most. First of all, I am impressed by the poet’s indignation,which can be noticed from such lines as “But with what face can I incline / Todamn you to be only mine?” And then, I am impressed by the poet’s ironical andsatirical tone in this poem. The poet severely satirizes “his mistress’”flirtation, sappiness and disloyalty. This kind of irony and satire run throughthe whole poem. Last but not least, the poet’s suing of rhetorical questionimpresses me a lot, from which we can easily be affected by the poet’s strongfeelings and emotion.
2. The Restoration period is alsoknown as the Age of Dryden because he was not only the most important dramatist,poet and translator, but also the founder of literary criticism in England.Please discuss and evaluate Dryden’s literary and critical views with specificreference to 1 or 2of his works.
English literature of theRestoration period was modeled on the literature of France where neoclassicismwas then prevailing. The neoclassicism upheld reason, law and order inliterature instead of the free expression of man’s individuality in theRenaissance. According to neoclassicism, drama, poetry and prose should all becontrolled by some fixed rule. The English poets and writers of this periodwrote under this influence. So did Dryden. His subject-matter was oftenfactual, and he aimed at expressing his thoughts in the most precise andconcentrated way possible. He established the heroic couplet as a standard formof English poetry by writing successful satires, religious pieces, fables,epigrams, compliments, prologues, and plays with it. He also introduced alexandrineand triplet into the form.
Dryden’s works on literarycriticism are numerous and he has often been regarded as the earliest literarycritic of real importance. Especially, Dryden was known for his satirical verse,which is written in heroic couplets, a verse form widely adopted by the poetsof the 18th century. He made his prose precise, concise andflexible, and raised English literary criticism to a new level. All for Love, which was written in 1678,was his most famous masterpiece based on Shakespeare’s famous play Anthony and Cleopatra. He had masteredthe art of comparative criticism, using prose and dialogue for debate, and witand satire to illustrate disparities between church and state. His most famousprose composition is An Essay of DramaticPoesy, which established his position as the leading critic of the day.
Dryden made a great contributionto the English literature of Restoration period.
Ⅱ. Please choose to answer one ofthe following three questions. (50)
1. The following stanzas are takenfrom William Wordsworth’s poem“Expostulationand Reply,”Discuss them. Show that you havean adequate grasp of the literal meaning on the surface, and elaborate upon howthey may relate to some Romantic ideas.
The poet tells his friend that whyhe sits upon that grey stone and dreams away his time. His reason is that bydoing this he can gain power from nature and refresh his mind. And he thinksthat by contacting with nature, he can understand many things. Nature ismagical to him. At the same time, the poet focuses on himself and reflects onnature, life and so on. He is lost in his own world of emotions andimaginations.
In Romanticism, individuals and natureplay great roles. Romanticism emphasizes the individual, the subjective, theirrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, whichare often and fully embodied in Wordsworth’s poems, especially the nature, towhich he pays close attention. And from the above stanzas, we can see thatWordsworth sits alone and dreams away so as to communicate with nature and freehis imagination. There is no reason, law, or order any more, and his worldbecomes boundless.
Wordsworth was a famousrepresentative of romanticism school, and he wrote a lot of poems followingromantic ideas, especially nature, which inspires him a lot and becomes hismain subject.
2. In this passage, the authortakes people as a matter or thing that can be shaped and molded. He is tryingto say that a person can be cultivated in two ways. One way is that he iscultivated to be a precise “engine”, which can only imitate and performaccording to formulas without thinking or self-examination, thus he becomes atool of creature; the other way is that let him “imagine, think and try to doanything worth doing”, which will make him high-minded and a true human being.In the writer’s opinion, only one way can be chosen to develop a person.
Man does not want to work with theaccuracy like tools, to be precise and perfect in all their actions. In thatway, they will become machine having no emotions, imaginations, thoughts ordreams. They will loose their position in society and face great crisis. As aresult, they will be dehumanized. The whole society will full of estrangementsand alienation. On the other hand, man needs cultivating to be a true humanbeing, who is full of humanity, wisdom and critical thinking. Only this kind ofperson can make real and factual contributions to human civilization and pushforward the progress of human society and history.
The Victorian Age was an important period inBritish history and saw unprecedented prosperity withhighly developed industry, prosperous agriculture, flourishing trade and increasingpopulation. This development brought about many changes, includingenvironmental problems and dehumanization of people. Many thinkers began toconcern such issues and shifted their attention to the living condition anddevelopment of human beings. John Ruskin was one of such thinkers and heclearly showed his concerns in his works.
3. The Victorian Age sawunprecedented prosperity in British history with highly developed industry,prosperous agriculture, flourishing trade and increasing population. At thesame time, it witnessed many great changes, including the change of productionmode, social life, environmental conditions, values even people’s beliefs andso on. That is, the Victorian Age was at a turning point in British history.Capitalism fully developed at that time. Every coin has two sides, so thisperiod enjoyed its prosperity and bore its adverse impacts. People wereconfronted with environmental deterioration, belief crisis, and moraldegeneration. Literature of that time shifted its attention to critical realismwith many famous writers as its representatives, such as Charles Dickens, CharlotteBront?, George Eliot, etc. Their works faithfullyreflect the then society and reality.
Take Dickens’ Dombey and Son as an example, Dombey is a heartless capitalist whothinks of everything in terms of cash, even in his relations with the membersof his family. He is proud of his wealth. Edith is also proud. Her pride isdifferent from that of Dombey. Her pride is the one weapon of self-defence fora hurt and tormented soul in her struggle against the rule of money. Edith is atragedy: a fine spirit that has been allowed no chance of unfettereddevelopment under capitalism. Carker the villain, whose smooth tongue covers anIago-like cruelty, stands as a type of social evil, to which the capitalistsystem lends a cover of virtue, and which it usually rewards with success. Thepride of the upper strata of the British bourgeoisie in the mid-19th century,who considered themselves to be on the top of the world, is vividly told here.This novel also marked a great advance in Dickens’ art of novel writing. Fromnow on he replaced the easygoing picaresque romance of series of adventureswith the closely knit and logical plot of his more mature works.
ⅢPlease choose to answer one ofthe following three questions.(50)
1. The author holds that poetrywill play a greater role in modern age and become more valuable. Althoughtechnology is developing rapidly, people’s pursuit of beauty and truth will notcease. On the contrary, such kind of pursuit will become more and more urgent,because that with the development of economy and society, people will more andmore realize the importance of mind, heart and spirit. Poetry, as a delicateform of literature which coagulates people’s culture, philosophy, psychology,history, society and so on will be more highly regarded. Poets are talented,imaginative, creative, sensitive and critical. They see the world from aspecial perspective and they can present us a true and objective world which isvivid and complete.
As an American poet, WilliamCarlos Williams feels strongly that poetry must be grounded in everydayexperience and in the speech of the common man and reflect reality. He holdsthat the poet should not talk in vague categories, but to write in particular,to discover in particular the universal, the relationship between the actualworld and the mental, between the here and now and the then and there, to seesomething for the first time and say it in ways of one’s own. For Williams lifeas it is lived is the beginning and the end of the poet’s endeavor. Life withits sundry concrete details and its rhythms, when closely observed and wellappreciated, is in itself poetry simple and pure. His famouspoem, “TheRed Wheelbarrow”serves as a good example. It fully presents Williams’ fidelity to life with theuse of simple words and images in everyday life. He uses three images, “a barrow”,“rain water”, and “white chickens” to present a complete and peaceful picturebefore us as if we are just experiencing a real life full of vigor andvitality. The poem is very simple, but it arouses our imagination so as to forma lively scene in our mind.
Yes, the author of this passage isWalt Whitman.
2. The author of this passage is MarkTwain. He likes using colloquial and informal language in his works and makesit an accepted form in American literature for the first time. In his works,there are many uneducated and minor characters, who become the representativesto do criticism. So, his language is simple and local, but not very easy tounderstand. They are based on their own culture and traditions. Twain actuallybecomes the representative of American to a great extent. In the followingpassage, we can also find his characteristics of using language. For example,he uses the informal form “throwed” as the past tense of “throw”, which givesaway the uneducated character.
By using these words and language,we can find some kind of comparison between educated and uneducated people in thework, and they represent different classes and interest. So, here, thedifference between languages implies the great difference between theirpositions, social statues, and values and so on. Through this work, Mark Twain satirizesnot only old miners and hicks, but also the elite educated who come out andfind their training useless. The contrast between the main characters shows thatthe educated narrator looks like more of a fool than even Jim Smiley and hisweighed down frog.
Mark Twain’s uses of satire andcolloquial deeply influenced the later modern American literature, just asHemingway said: “All modern American literature comes from one book by MarkTwain called Huckleberry Finn.”
3. This poem is written in a blankverse form. I was deeply impressed by the poet’s criticism and satire of thetedious and boring modern life and work. The poet lists many obscure things toillustrate the characteristics of the modern work and life. Work and life inmodern time become a mere “endless duplication of lives and objects”, and thereis no more creativity and excitement of innovation. Both life and work aremeaningless, and people have no interest and enthusiasm about them any more, sothey become a kind of living machine of the modern material world. Objectsbecome the subject of the modern world. As a result, people lose their ownpersonality, and they have the same “pale hair, the duplicate grey standardfaces”.
In this poem, the poet uses thetechnique of empathy. In fact, the “sadness of pencils”, “dolor of pad andpaper-weight”, and “all the misery of manilla folders and mucilage” are thesadness, dolor, and misery of human beings. These objects are related to modernpeople closely, and they can reflect people’s real condition of work and life.The poet is wise enough to choose them to represent human beings’ work and lifein modern time. Thus, this poem is very provoking.
The poet uses alliteration in thispoem, which intensifies the meter and rhythm of it and makes it more readableand fair-sounding, such as, “dolor of pad and paper-weight”, “All the misery ofmanilla folders and mucilage”, and “Lonely reception room” and so on.

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