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kingfansy 发表于 20-12-23 15:41:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 kingfansy 于 20-12-23 15:48 编辑

姓   名       孔凡磊
职   称       副教授

出生年份  1983
学历学位  博士研究生
毕业院校  东京都立大学(日本)

孔凡磊,博士,副教授,硕士研究生导师,2014年9月毕业于东京都立大学(日本),同年10月进入山东大学公共卫生学院工作。目前,以第一作者或合作作者在SCI/SSCI/CSSCI/北大中文核心期刊发表论文20余篇;主持或参与中国国家自然科学基金、中国博士后科学基金、山东省自然科学基金、山东省博士后创新基金等不同级别科研、教研项目10余项;出版英文专著1部,参编英文著作1部,参编中国国家级规划教材等不同等级教材多部;承担Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics、BMC Public Health、Geriatrics and Gerontology International等SCI/SSCI期刊论文评审工作。

1.2015.03-至今       中国  山东大学预防医学与公共卫生博士后流动站             博士后
2.2013.06-2013.07  美国  Georgetown University 国际会议演说技能培训项目  学员
3.2011.10-2014.09  日本  东京都立大学 城市政策科学系    获城市科学博士学位
4.2008.09-2011.07  中国  中央民族大学 社会学系                获法学硕士学位
5.2004.09-2008.07  中国  山东理工大学 社会学系                获法学学士学位

1.2019.09-至今        山东大学公共卫生学院         副教授
2.2016.09-2017.12   中国科技部                           借调
3.2015.02-2015.07   复旦大学公共卫生学院         国民健康社会风险协同创新中心
4.2014.10-2019.08   山东大学公共卫生学院         助理研究员

1.美国老年学会 (Gerontological Society of America, GSA)                                           会员
2.日本公众卫生学会(Japanese Society of Public Health, JSPH)                                   会员
3.日本健康教育学会(Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion, JSHEP)  会员
4.日本社会医学会(Japanese Society of Social Medicine, JSSM)                                  会员
5.中华预防医学会卫生管理分会       会员
6.中国卫生经济学会HTA专委会       会员
7.山东省预防医学会社会医学分会   会员


1.留学生的《社会医学》课程(the course of Social Medicine for the international students)
4.公共卫生硕士 (Master of Public Health, MPH) 的《社会医学》课程

3.我国血站运行机制研究,国家卫生健康委员会医政医管局, 2018/05-2018/09,项目主持人,8万元;

1.Fanlei Kong, Lingzhong Xu, Mei Kong, Shixue Li, Chengchao Zhou, Jianghua Zhang, Bin Ai, Association between Socioeconomic Status, Physical Health and Need for Long-term Care among the Chinese elderly, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI, 2019), 16(12), 2124; doi: 10.3390/ijerph16122124
2.Fanlei Kong, Lingzhong Xu, Mei Kong, Shixue Li, Chengchao Zhou, Jiajia Li, Long Sun and Wenzhe Qin, The relationship between socioeconomic status, mental health, and need for long-term services and supports among the Chinese elderly in Shandong Province—a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI, 2019), 16(4), 526; doi:10.3390/ijerph16040526
3.Long Sun, Chengchao Zhou, Lingzhong Xu, Shixue Li, Fanlei Kong, Jie Chu, Suicidal ideation, plans and attempts among medical college students in china: The effect of their parental characteristics, Psychiatry Research (SCI, 2017), 247(2017), 139-143.
4.Tang Q, Song P, Li J, Kong F, Sun L, Xu L, Control of antibiotic resistance in China must not be delayed: The current state of resistance and policy suggestions for the government, medical facilities, and patients, Bioscience Trends, (SCI, 2016), 10(1):1
5.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi. Bin Ai, Naoko Nakayama, Suwen Yang, Shuo Wang. Association between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health and the Need for Long-term Care: A Cohort Study among the Japanese Elderly, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SCI, 2014), 59(2), 372-381.
6.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi. Bin Ai, Shuo Wang, Naoko Nakayama, Suwen Yang. Gender Difference on the Structural Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health and the Need for Long-term Care—A Cross-sectional Study of the Tibetan Elderly, Bulletin of Social Medicine (2014), 31(2), 79-92.
7.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi. Bin Ai, Naoko Nakayama, Shuo Wang, Suwen Yang. Relationship between socioeconomic status, mental health and need for long-term care: a follow-up study among the Japanese elderly, Journal of American Geriatrics Society (SCI, 2014), 62(S2), S389.
8.Suwen Yang, Tanji Hoshi, Shuo Wang, Naoko Nakayama, Fanlei Kong., Socioeconomic Status, Comorbidity, Activity Limitation, and Healthy Life Expectancy in Older Men and Women: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study in Japan. Journal of Applied Gerontology(SCI, 2013), Published online October 23, 2013
9.Suwen Yang, Tanji Hoshi, Naoko Nakayama, Shuo Wang, Fanlei Kong. The effects of socio-economic status and physical health on the long-term care needs of Japanese urban elderly: a chronological study, Environmental health and preventive medicine (2013). 18(1):33-39.
10.Shuo Wang, Suwen Yang, Fanlei Kong, Naoko Nakayama, Bin Ai, Tanji Hoshi. An analysis of the relation between social interaction and healthy life among the community-dwelling elderly in Japan. Bulletin of Social Medicine (2013), 30(2), 107-116.
11.全国血站职工满意度现状及其影响因素分析,王囡,孔凡磊,李程,司明舒,熊飞扬,单莹,李士雪,中国公共卫生,2019年,网络优先出版时间:2019-01-23 14:58:24。

2. A comparative study on the structural relationship between the need for long-term care and its determinants among the Chinese and Japanese elderly,World Publishing Corporation, Published in June, 2017, Author
3.The structure of healthy life determinants- lesson from the Japanese aging cohort studies, Springer International Publishing AG, Published in January, 2018, Co-author

1.2019年11月,山东省公共卫生与预防医学 青年教师微课比赛 二等奖
2.2019年9月,山东大学公共卫生学院 服务社会先进工作者
3.2019年6月,山东大学本科教学活动周 优秀学员
6.2018年11月,全国医药卫生管理青年学者论坛暨 中华预防医学会卫生事业管理分会青年委员会学术沙龙 创新研究评比 优秀奖
7.2018年10月,中华预防医学会卫生事业管理分会第三届卫生事业管理专业 青年教师教学基本功竞赛 二等奖
8.2018年1月,中国科技部 资源配置与管理司 优秀借调人员

5.2013年6月2-30日,美国华盛顿,乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)与日本国东京都政府(TMG)、首都大学东京(TMU)共同主办,英文论文与国际学术会议发表技能培训,参加并以优秀成绩毕业
7.2012年11月5-9日,Wiley-Blackwell在线数据出版社主办, Wiley-Blackwell 2012年度网络会议—“变革世界中的人口迁移:路在何方?”,在线参加并与其他与会者积极交流沟通

Curriculum Vitae
Family name:       Kong
First names:        Fanlei

Date of birth:       October, 1983
Gender:              Male
Working institution:  Center for Health Management and Policy Research, School of Public Health, Shandong University
Present position:     Associate Professor, Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Tokyo   Metropolitan University,          Japan (2011.10-2014.9)         PhD,          majored in Urban Policy Science
Minzu University   of China,                China (2008.9-2011.7)           Master,      majored in Sociology
Shandong   University of Technology, China (2004.9-2008.7)          Bachelor,   majored in Social Work

Research Issues:
1. Healthy aging
2. Social policy in aged society
3. Health promotion of the elderly
4. Social welfare of the elderly
5. Quality of life of the elderly
6. Need for long-term care of the elderly

Teaching Courses:
1.Social Medicine for Chinese bachelor students
2.Health Services Management for Chinese bachelor students
3.Health Economics for Chinese bachelor students
4.Social Medicine for Chinese Master in Public Health students
5.Social Medicine for International students

Research Projects:
1.Experimental research on the teaching design and application effect of hybrid learning mode based on PDCA theory -- taking the application of rain classroom to social medicine courses as an example, Funded by Shandong University Education and Teaching Reform Research Project, 2019/06-2021/06, Principal Investigator
2.Construction of the model on determinants of health status among the migrant elderly following child and intervention strategy study based on resocialization theory, Funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2019/01-2021/12, Principal Investigator
3.Study on the operation mechanism of blood stations in China, Funded by National Health Commission of China, 2018/05-2018/09, Principal Investigator
4.Adolescent health management research based on PDCA theory in the background of Healthy China, Funded by The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, 2018/01- 2020/12, Equally Principal Investigator
5.Comparative study on the structural relationship on the determinants of need for long-term care between the Chinese and Japanese elderly, Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, 2016/08-2018/08, Principal Investigator
6.Comparative study on the structural relationship on the determinants of need for long-term care between the Chinese and Japanese elderly, Funded by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 2016/11-2018/11, Principal Investigator
7.Comparative study on the structural relationship on the determinants of need for long-term care between the Chinese and Japanese elderly, Funded by Postdoctoral Science Foundation of Shandong Province, 2017/01-2019/01, Principal Investigator
8.The situation and determinants of long-term care needs of the Chinese elderly, Funded by The Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University, 2015/01- 2017/12, Principal Investigator
9.The structural relationships long-term care needs and its determinants among the Chinese elderly, Funded by Youth Talents Innovation Foundation of School of Public Health Shandong University(YTIF), 2015/01- 2017/12, Principal Investigator
10.Advanced Research Project on Study on Food Quality and Safety Management based on Stable Isotope Methodology, Funded by Tokyo Metropolitan University and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government External Evaluation Committee, 2011/06-2014/09, Main Participant
11.Advanced Research Project on Development of Rapid and High Reliable Diagnostic Methods for Prevention of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases, Funded by Tokyo Metropolitan University and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government External Evaluation Committee, 2010/05-2016/07, Main Participant
12.Determinants of the consumption behaviour of the urban elderly in western ethnic region of China- A study based on the Y community from Kashi city, Xinjiang Province,Funded by Social Survey Program of Minzu University of China, 2010/07, Principal Investigator

Selected Published Books:
1.Theories and cases of Hospital Management, China Science Press, Published on June 2019, Co-author
2.The structure of healthy life determinants- lesson from the Japanese aging cohort studies, Springer International Publishing AG, Published on January, 2018, Co-author
3.Organizational behaviour-view from Health Science, Fudan University Press, Published on January 2018, Co-author
4.A comparative study on the structural relationship between the need for long-term care and its determinants among the Chinese and Japanese elderly,World Publishing Corporation, Published on June 2017, Author
5.Efficiency management of the hospitals (2nd edition), People's Medical Publishing House, Published on June 2017, Co-author
6.Public Health, China Science Press, Published on January 2017, Co-author (Chapter 4)
7.Social work on rural area, Shandong People Press, Published on September 2016, Co-author

Selected Journal Articles:
1.Fanlei Kong, Lingzhong Xu, Mei Kong, Shixue Li, Chengchao Zhou, Jianghua Zhang, Bin Ai, Association between socioeconomic status, physical health and need for long-term care among the Chinese elderly, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI, 2019), 16(12), 2124; doi: 10.3390/ijerph16122124.
2.Fanlei Kong, Lingzhong Xu, Mei Kong, Shixue Li, Chengchao Zhou, Jiajia Li, Long Sun and Wenzhe Qin, The relationship between socioeconomic status, mental health, and need for long-term services and supports among the Chinese elderly in Shandong Province—a cross-sectional study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI, 2019), 16(4), 526; doi:10.3390/ijerph16040526
3.Nan Wang, Fanlei Kong, Cheng Li, Feiyang Xiong, Ying Shan, Shixue Li, Analysis of the current situation and influencing factors of the staff satisfaction of blood stations in China, Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2019, Published online on January 23, 2019.
4.Tang Q, Song P, Li J, Kong F, Sun L, Xu L, Control of antibiotic resistance in China must not be delayed: The current state of resistance and policy suggestions for the government, medical facilities, and patients, Bioscience Trends, (SCI, 2016), 10(1):1
5.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi, Bin Ai, Naoko Nakayama, Suwen Yang, Shuo Wang. Association between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health and the Need for Long-term Care: A Cohort Study among the Japanese Elderly, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SCI, 2014), 59(2), 372-381.
6.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi, Bin Ai, Naoko Nakayama, Shuo Wang, Suwen Yang. Relationship between socioeconomic status, mental health and need for long-term care: a follow-up study among the Japanese elderly, Journal of American Geriatrics Society (SCI, 2014), 62(S2), S389.
7.Fanlei Kong, Bin Ai, Tanji Hoshi. Relationship between socioeconomic status, mental health and need for long-term care: a cross-sectional study among the Tibetan elderly, Chinese Journal of Tibetan Research (CSSCI, 2014), 124(1), 173-182.
8.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi, Bin Ai, Shuo Wang, Naoko Nakayama, Suwen Yang. Gender Difference on the Structural Relationship between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health and the Need for Long-term Care—A Cross-sectional Study of the Tibetan Elderly, Bulletin of Social Medicine (2014), 31(2), 79-92.
13.Fanlei Kong, Tanji Hoshi, Bin Ai, Naoko Nakayama, Shuo Wang, Suwen Yang. Association between Socioeconomic Status, Mental Health and the Need for Long-term Care-A Cross-sectional Study among the Elderly in Yanji, Journal of Yanbian Institute of Education (2014), 28(1):24-28.
17.Fanlei Kong, Research on the consumption opinions of the urban elderly, Theory and research (2008), Vol.6 in 2011, 90-92.

Selected Awards/Honours:
1.Nov. 2018, Excellence Award on Innovation Competition of National Medical and Health Services Management Young Scholars’ Forum & Academic Salon of the Youth Committee of Health Services Management Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association.
2.Oct. 2018, Second Prize Award on the 3rd Teaching Technique Competition of Young Scholars of Health Services Management Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association.
3.Jan. 2018, Excellent Temporarily Transfer of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.
4.Oct. 2011, Asian Human Resources Fund of Tokyo Metropolitan Government.

Selected International Conferences:
1.21th World Congress of International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, July 23-27, 2017, San Francisco, USA., Poster presentation
2.72th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health, 23-25 Oct, 2013, Mie, Japan, Oral presentation
3. 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, 25-29 Aug, 2013, Pattaya, Thailand, Oral presentation
4.54th Conference of the Japanese Society for Social Medicine, 6-8 Jul, 2013, Tokyo, Japan, Oral presentation
5.2012 Wiley-Blackwell Exchanges Online Conference--‘Migration in a Changing World: Where Do We Go Now?’, 5-9 November, 2012, Internet, Attending the Discussion
6.Population Health Congress 2012—Population Health in a Changing World, 9-12 Sep, 2012, Adelaide, Australia, Poster presentation
7.21th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion, 7-8 Jul, 2012 , Tokyo, Japan, Oral presentation
8.2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education, 4-6 May, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, Poster presentation

Professional Experience:
1.2016/09-2018/1, Ministry of Science and Technology of China, Temporarily Transfer (Officer on Secondment)
2.2015/02-2015/07, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Joint Program Office
3.2014/10-Present, Department of Social Medicine and Health Services Management, School of Public Health, Shandong University
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