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some theory about love from bacon(3)

风去风来 发表于 07-5-17 22:11:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
By how much the more, men ought to beware of this passion, which loseth not only other things, but itself! As for the other losses, the poet's relation doth well figure them: that he that preferred Helena, quitted the gifts of Juno and Pallas. For whosoever esteemeth too much of amorous affection, quitteth both riches and wisdom.  


This passion hath his floods, in very times of weakness; which are great prosperity, and great adversity; though this latter hath been less observed: both which times kindle love, and make it more fervent, and therefore show it to be the child of folly. They do best, who if they cannot but admit love, yet make it keep quarters; and sever it wholly from their serious affairs, and actions, of life; for if it check once with business, it troubleth men's fortunes, and maketh men, that they can no ways be true to their own ends.  


I know not how, but martial men are given to love: I think, it is but as they are given to wine; for perils commonly ask to be paid in pleasures.  


There is in man's nature, a secret inclination and motion, towards love of others, which if it be not spent upon some one or a few, doth naturally spread itself towards many, and maketh men become humane and charitable; as it is seen sometime in friars.  


Nuptial love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth, and embaseth it.  

海豚宝贝 发表于 07-5-17 22:37:28 | 只看该作者
friendly love is also love
weihaitun 发表于 07-5-17 23:03:21 | 只看该作者
love  is   widely
海豚宝贝 发表于 07-5-17 23:07:52 | 只看该作者
it is also selfish
yx19850621 发表于 07-5-18 08:55:05 | 只看该作者
Love is giving!Love is forgiving !
flygoing 发表于 07-5-18 16:46:24 | 只看该作者
原帖由 海豚宝贝 于 2007-5-17 11:07 PM 发表
it is also selfish

Sometimes love is selfish really
But it is not mistake[s:7]
solarlunar 发表于 07-5-18 19:25:30 | 只看该作者
Do  get  love  kicked  out of your life  

untill  you  get  enough  money  to  survive your  family
            be   more   mature  to  keep  your lover  from injuries
        you have some  extra time  to  be  shared with your lover and  your babies
海豚宝贝 发表于 07-5-18 20:10:45 | 只看该作者
love needs money~
zhonshenm 发表于 07-6-15 21:09:00 | 只看该作者
love only is love , not other things.
wangming2591129 发表于 07-6-16 09:21:55 | 只看该作者
原帖由 海豚宝贝 于 2007-5-18 08:10 PM 发表
love needs money~

It is to the point!!
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