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 楼主| siwang 发表于 06-2-6 18:29:14 | 只看该作者
Passage Two
The news that McDonald’s is being sued by Hindus and vegetarians for glazing their french fries with beef extract sent something of a frisson through me. Not merely because I am a vegetarian myself, but because we have come to the stage when people in America now feel entitled to expect McDonald’s, the cathedral of the beefburger, to serve them something that is 100 percent vegetarian.
What an evolution! When I came to the United States as a graduate student in 1975, to be vegetarian was a crippling handicap. The only food I could eat at the dorm cafeterias (other than breakfast) was salads. There were the occasional tasteless boiled vegetables , meant to accompany the main dish, but to one accustomed to the flavors and seasonings of richly varied Indian cuisine, these were barely edible. When I fled the campus to seek culinary solace in the wider world, all I could find were pizzas and submarine sandwiches. Great Boston boasted but one Indian restaurant, and as an impecunious student I couldn’t afford to go more than once a semester. At the rare dinner parties I was invited to, the hostesses heaped carrots and peas on my plate —— and, if I was lucky, mashed potatoes.
If that wasn’t bad enough, I discovered that most Americans associated vegetarianism with the counterculture, a fad for pot-addled hippies in beads and sandals chanting “om” between crunching on those leaves they weren’t smoking. Merely confessing I was vegetarian meant being seen, at best, as some earnest, otherworldly fringe figure, probably full of dubiously utopian ideas about world peace and the environment. No one believed I didn’t even like animals. I just did not want to chew on their corpses.
How things have changed. A way of life once confined to a few rarefied precincts of LA has gone mainstream. According to the Vegetarian Times, 7 percent of Americans consider themselves vegetarian —— about 18 million people. A 1999 poll by the Vegetarian Resource Group found that 57 percent of the population “sometimes, often or always orders a vegetarian item when eating out.” And since trends are made by the young, it’s striking that 6 percent of 18-to-29-year-old s never eat fish, fowl or meat.
It’s become chic to shun meat. I recently attended a cocktail reception at a posh New York hotel where all the hors d’oeuvres were vegetarian, in honor of the chief guest, singer Paul Mc Cartney. A celebrity-studded “Say No to Veal” dinner at New York’s Plaza Hotel was a sellout on May 20. Organic vegetarian restaurants are sprouting on both coasts. Supermarket shelves are stacked with cans of soup and beans labeled VEGETARIAN. More and more natural-foods companies are being established, and many are being taken over by major corporations, always quick to spot a future business opportunity. It doesn’t hurt that red meat is losing much of its allure these days, what with mad cow, foot-and-mouth and all the rest. The animal-rights group PETA claims 19,000 Americans are switching to a meat-free diet every week.
It also doesn’t hurt, of course, that Americans have become more health conscious than ever. The American Dietetic Association reports that vegetarians “have lower morbidity and mortality rates from several chronic degenerative diseases than do non-vegetarians.” Soybeans not only give you protein, they’re important sources of isoflavones that may help prevent some cancers. Vegetables have always been thought of as being good for you, but what has changed is that they have also become pleasurable to eat. Immigration in recent years has brought to America a wealth of new cuisines, whose aficionados know what to do with veggies. Menus now offer vegetarian options that don’t involve a single steamed Brussels sprout —— something only non-vegetarians can imagine a vegetarian wanting to eat.
One hundred and fifty years ago, that American original, Henry David Thoreau, had no doubt that “the human race, in its gradual improvement,” would stop eating meat. McDonald’s has apologized to vegetarians offended by its beef-flavored fries. Maybe the day is not too far off when it will be offering McSoyburgers, even in Peoria.
1.  Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any: (24 points)                            1)  … sent something of a frisson through me                 2)  … the cathedral o the beefburger
3)  When I fled the campus to seek culinary solace in the wider world            4)  .. has gone mainstream                      5)  It’s become chic to shun meat    6)  … was a sellout
2.  Give a brief answer to each of the following questions: (15 points)         1)  What was like to be a vegetarian in the United States in the past?          2)  What changes, according to this article, have taken place in recent years?          3)  What, in your opinion, accounts for the choice of some people to become vegetarians?
II. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, using the answer sheet provided: (24 points)  1)  A huge new business requires deep pockets , patience and a raison d’étre.        2)  When he’d get started on art subjects Laura would just hang on every word.        3)  All of these lovely things by which he had set great store... went for a song.         4)  He tried to fire her into joining his applause, but she wouldn’t.          5)  They are now playing the match which wa snowed off at Manchester last Saturday.       6)  One of the most expensive and cumbersome aspects of cellular service is “roaming,” which means using your cellular phone outside its home service area.                  7)  You’re going to be able to write. If I could just keep you under my thumb for four or five weeks I think I could make something out of you.                   8)  Early in life, some people become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs, and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against heir fury.
III. Translate the following passages into English, using the answer sheet provided : (32 points)
1)    现在的大学生的学习压力相当重。除了大四,他们开始找工作了,其余的学生总是忙于学习,而不愿意参加校园团体和俱乐部,不愿参加体育锻炼和其他课外活动,不愿关心和学习没有关系的事。总之,他们就像一个机器人。看到同寝室里的人都上图书馆学习,到深夜闭馆才回,而自己却去看电影,他们就会有一种内疚感。一想到白天什么事都没干,心里就感到不安,回整夜因此睡不好觉。他们的学习太紧张,几乎没有时间好好品尝生活,干些其他事,成为一个全面发展的人。读大学使他们失去了太多的个人幸福和健康。
2)    过去,人们并没有充分认识到污染给环境造成的影响。只是把它看成一种熏黑房屋、弄脏河流的令人讨厌的东西。直到不久前,人们才认识到污染还会对人体健康造成威胁,。而且这种威胁之大,足以影响许多生命的生存,甚至包括人类本身的生存。
 楼主| siwang 发表于 06-2-6 18:29:25 | 只看该作者
I.       将下列单句译成汉语 (25分)
1)  Poets are born, but orators are made.
2)  There exists today new opportunities for promotion of DNP (裁军和不扩散) education and training at all levels, primarily, thanks to the revolution in technology and communication.
3)  Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white collar workers.
4)  China looks to Hollywood much like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge must look to the oil industry: vast, untapped and potentially fat.
5)  Beyond torturing Germany’s relationship with the United States, the go-it-alone stance, coming from a government that has presented itself as a sworn adherent of multilateralism, tends to diminish Berlin’s influence among its EU neighbors.
II.      将下列短文译成汉语(50分)
Globalization is transforming the world. While it brings great benefits to some countries and individuals —— a backlash has arisen because these benefits are distributed so unequally and because the global market is not yet underpinned by values and rules that address key social concerns such as the protection of human rights, labor standards and the environment. Globalization has also, unwittingly, made it easier for what I have called “uncivil society” —— crime, terrorism, drug-and-arms trafficking —— to move across borders. Our challenge today is to make globalization an engine that lifts people out of hardship and misery, not a force that holds them down.
The past half century had brought unprecedented economic gains. Most people today can expect to live longer than their parents. They are better nourished, enjoy better health, are better educated, and on the whole face more favorable economic prospects. But there is also widespread deprivation and despair. More than 1 billion people must survive on less than $1 a day. Striking inequality persists within and among countries. Diseases such as AIDS and malaria threaten to undo years of progress. Worsening the poverty gap is the “digital divide” between the technology-rich and the technology-poor. At a time when information and knowledge have become the main source of wealth and power, half the developing world’s people have never made or received a telephone call, much less used a computer. Bringing these people into the mainstream is one of our biggest projects.
Poverty and inequality are fertile ground for conflict. Wars between states have become less frequent, but in the last decade brutal internal wars have claimed more than 5 million lives, and driven many times that number of people from their homes. Weapons of mass destruction continue to cast their shadow of fear. We must think of security less as defending territory, and more in terms of protecting people. And whether we are talking of conflict prevention, peace-keeping, post-conflict peace-building or other peacemaking tools at the disposal of the internal community, we must be sure that when the United Nations is called upon to act, it is given the mandate and resources to do the job.
III.     将下列单句译成英语(25分)
1)  1998年以来,为了遏制通货紧缩,政府通过积极的财政政策,以扩大财政支出拉动GDP增长,取得了一定成效。
2)  社会保障体系在市场经济中的作用毋庸多言,问题是如何加快、加强这一体系的建设。
3)  水资源紧缺不仅使中国西部许多地区脆弱的生态平衡遭到严重的破坏,而且危急到了正常的工农业生产和群众生活。
4)  9.11事件后,反对国际恐怖主义的斗争对国际政治、经济和安全形势长生了重大的冲击。
5)  反对强权政治和维护广大发展中国家的利益,是中国在多边外交活动中遵循的一个重要原则。
IV.      将下列短文译成英语(50分)
改革开放以来,农村人口向城镇转移势如潮涌,到城市寻求就业机会的中青年农民与日俱增。由于他们大多不是只生一个,其携带的多子女就学问题的凸现,给当地的义务教育带来了新的问题。 据教育部介绍, 目前相当一部分城市尚未将这些流动少儿的就学纳入本区教育事业发展规划中,对流动少儿的底数不清,尤其在流动少儿大量聚集的城乡结合部,经费压力不断增大导致政府管理不到位。
“儿童公园是什么,我从来没听说国。” 7岁的小姑娘晶晶怯生生地问老师。她是父母到杭州打工后出生的,父母一天到晚忙着卖大饼、油条的生意,节假日城里的孩子能与大人外出旅游,她想都不敢想,因为那时候父母总是最忙碌。
 楼主| siwang 发表于 06-2-6 18:29:36 | 只看该作者
I.     Reading Comprehension   This section contains two passages. Read each passage and then answer the questions given at the end of each passage.
Passage One
   Some powerful organizations are headed by a cabinet, others by a supreme council or board of management. The 20 commissioners who run the European Commission, however, are called “the college”. This title, with its academic and ecclesiastical flavor, captures the outfit’s self-image. The commission, part executive and part civil service, sees itself as far more than a mere branch of government. It is the embodiment of the “European idea” and the disinterested guardian of European law. While the countries of the EU vulgarly battle to promote their national interests, the commission stands above the fray and identifies the general good. And while national governments are riven by internal rivalries and political infighting, the multinational college sails on serenely a spirit of good-fellowship.
   There is an element of truth to this saccharine self-image. Commissioners are free from many of the pressures of national politics: they are not elected, very seldom reshuffled and almost never fired. In such circumstances, they can afford to be high-minded and collegiate. Appropriately, the commission is headed by a real live former professor, Romano Prodi, an Italian.
   But like many a college head in the academic world, Mr. Prodi’s management style is an infuriating mixture of vagueness and guile. Even those of his colleagues who retain some affection for the man, despair of his inability to stick to an agenda and of his tendency to fall asleep in meetings. (Or do his closed eyes simply mean he is thinking deeply?) Mr. Prodi has also alienated many of the other commissiones by his habit of making damaging off-the cuff remarks and by his penchant for secretively compiled reports that undermine his colleagues’ work. Pedro Solbes, the commissioner for economic affairs, was left looking like a chump after Mr. Prodi described the euro zone’s fiscal rules, which Mr. Solbes has stoutly defended, as “stupid”. The commissioners taking part in Europe’s constitutional convention discovered that a group of Prodi advisers had written an entire draft in secret. Such incidents have taken their toll on collegiate spirit.
   Mr. Prodi’s two vice-presidents do not make up for his deficiencies. Neil Knnock from Britain is quietly despised in multi-cultural Brussels for speaking only one language. His volubly expressed interests in Welsh rugby and British Labor Party politics of the 1980s are not widely shared by his colleagues. Loyola de Palacio, a Spaniard who is the other vice-president, is guilty of another grave sin against Brussels piety: overt nationalism. All commissioners promise never to fight their country’s corner. All violate this promise from time to time. But Ms de Palacio does it with a regularity and crassness that grates on some colleagues. She and Mr. Kinnock get on badly. And there are other rivalries in the college. Chris Patten, the foreign-affairs commissioner, and Poul Neilson, in charge of aid, are constantly battling over turf. Margot Wallstrom, who oversees environment, and Erkki Liikanen, the enterprise commissioner, snipe at each other over business regulation. She wants more of it; he wants less. After four years of their five year-year mandate, far from building up a jolly college spirit, the commissioners show every sign of growing sick at the sight of each other.
   The Prodi commission’s last year as always likely to be tricky. All the commissioners are now thinking about their political lives after November 2004. Mr. Prodi increasingly focuses on his role as the Italian opposition’s de facto leader. Other commissioners, such as Mr. Wallstrom and Portugal’s Antonio Vitorino, are maneuvering for grander jobs in Brussels. And somehow Mr. Prodi must find portfolios for ten new commissioners from the countries due to join the EU next May. One idea is for them to shadow current commissioners for six months, until a new college is formed at the end of the year. As one insider puts it, they will be “interns with BMWs”.
   This end-of-term atmosphere is unsettling enough. But in the coming weeks a much worse fate may befall the commission than the usual bickering. A scandal is fermenting over the misuse of funds at Eurostat, the commission’s statistical arm. The details are complicated and, frankly speaking, not all that shocking. Watergate is ain’t. But a report has been commissioned and Mr. Prodi faces a painful session before the European Parliament on September 25th.
1.  Explain the following sentences or phrases in English, bringing out the implied meaning, if there is any. (40 points.)                           1)  This title, with its academic and ecclesiastical flavor, captures the outfit’s self-image.          2)  …the disinterested guardian of European law…                   3)  …the commission stands above the fray and identifies the general good.           4)  …they can afford to be high-minded and collegiate.                  5)  But like many a college head in the academic world, Mr. Prodi’s management style is an infuriating mixture of vagueness and guile.                          6)  …was left looking like a chump after Mr. Prodi described the euro zone’s fiscal rules, which Mr. Solbes has stoutly defended, as “stupid”.                         7)  Such incidents have taken their toll on collegiate spirit.                 8)  All commissioners promise never to fight their counries corner.              9)  …are constantly battling over turf.
10) A scandal is fermenting over the misuse of funds at Eurostat…
2.  Give a brief answer to each of the following questions (15 points)        1)  What do the examples of Mr. Solbes and the commissioners taking part in the Europe’s constitutional convention tell about European Commission?                  2)  In what way is the European Commission like a college?              3)  What are the author’s views on Prodi’s European Commission?
Passage Two
Having decided to hold what was instantly dubbed a “gay summit” of the Anglican Communion. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, retreated “to reflect, to pray, to consult and to take counsel”. Given that the organization he now heads seems intent on tearing itself apart, his desire to get away from it all is understandable.
The parallels between what is happening to the church today and the drawn-out agony of the Conservative Party over Europe in the 1990s are both instructive and alarming. In each case, a substantial and well-organized minority decided that their views on a particular issue were so strongly held —— the European single currency is one instance; homosexual clergy in the other —— that group loyalty and obedience to properly constituted authority could be ignored. Dr. Williams may be only a few months into the job, but he is already beginning to look like the Church of England’s John Major: everyone’s favorite whipping boy.
That hasn’t happened quite yet. Both sides of the argument still have hopes of him. Liberals who were overjoyed by Dr. Williams’s accession are convinced that his instincts are with them and that left to his own devices his attitude towards sexuality would be as inclusive as their own. There are echoes here of the rejoicing by Tory Europhiles when Mr. Major early on in his premiership declared his policy was to be at the heart of Europe. However, being left to his own devices is exactly what will not happen to Dr. Williams.
Socially conservative evangelicals distrust him, but they think he is frightened of them and can be bullied into appeasement. The shameful treatment of the openly homosexual (albeit celibate) Canon Jeffrey John suggests they might be right. Having supported his appointment as Suffragan Bishop of Reading, Dr. Williams then persuaded him to resign in the name of church unity when the extent of the opposition to his appointment became apparent. Threats by evangelical churches to withhold their dues if Dr. John was not forced to step down were taken seriously in Lambeth Palace. As a supporter of Dr. John observed: “ Rowan was taken aback by the size of his mailbag.”
The conservatives have taken further comfort from Dr. Williams’s response to the latest twist in the crisis —— last week’s decision by the American Episcopal Church to confirm the election of Canon Gene Robinson, an active homosexual, as Bishop of New Hampshire. Dr. Williams commented: “It will be vital to ensure that the concerns and needs of those across the Communion who are gravely concerned at this development can be heard, understood and taken into account.” A couple of days later, Dr. Williams announced under pressure from evangelicals both at home and abroad, the convening in October of an extraordinary meeting of the Primates of the Anglican Communion to discuss the consequences of “recent developments”.
Perhaps Dr. Williams has a clear idea of what he wants to achieve with this summit of the 38 Anglican primates. But he has admitted in the past two being not much good at strategy. According to those close to him, he seems to be hoping for a miraculous reassertion of the good manners and tolerance that have been the traditional hallmarks of Anglicanism. Fat chance. Too many people are spoiling for a fight.
1.  Explain the following sentences or phrases in English. (24 points)        1)  …group loyalty and obedience to properly constituted authority could be ignored.     2)  …everyone’s favorite whipping boy.                  3)  …left to his own devices his attitude towards sexuality would be as inclusive as their own.    4)  There are echoes here of the rejoicing by Tory Europhiles…            5)  The conservatives have taken further comfort from Dr. Williams’s response to the latest twist in the crisis…  6)  Fat chance. Too many people are spoiling for a fight.
2.  Give a brief answer to each of the following questions. (15 points)        1)  What happened to the Conservative Party in the 1990s?             2)  What is Dr. Williams’ predicament?                  3)  What is confusing in the way Dr. Williams respond to the appointment of a gay bishop in the US?
I.       Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (24 points)
1.  In your own house you might have kicked him downstairs and slammed the door in his face without the suspicion dawning on him that he was not a welcome visitor.
2.  He knew everything better than anybody else, and it was an affront to his overweening vanity that you should disagree with him.
3.  Father had an extraordinary capacity for amiable inattention. I sized him up and wondered if I should cry, but he seemed to be too remote to be annoyed even by that.
4.  Who he was the shoemaker for a moment had no idea, then his heart trembled as he realized, before he had thoroughly discerned the face, that Max himself was standing there, embarrassedly explaining what he wanted done to his old shoes.                             5.  I became so conscious of my inferiority that even when I overheard my parents speak of John Bullyer as “The Child Wonder” I never even suspected the irony; I took it literally and believed that they regarded him with the same awe and envy as I did.
6.  She frowned, conscientiously worrying over what amusements he might secretly be longing for which she had been too busy or too careless to imagine.
II.      Translate the following passages into English. (32 points)
一、  我从14岁开始学英语,从此对外语兴趣大发,几不可收;19岁学法语;25岁学俄语、日语;32岁学古希腊语、拉丁语......每学一种外语,我的知识库里便多出一口宝箱。虽然有的装得多,有的装得少,但无一不是我的珍爱至35岁,才忽然对外语生了“厌”,转而积蓄我最大的一口宝箱——汉语。
二、 读书有三个层次,三种境界。第一种境界是见书就读,不加鉴别,没有太多选择。第二种境界是读一部分你特别喜爱的作家的作品,找到你的兴趣和兴奋点在哪里。第三种境界就是只读一本或基本你最喜欢的书,或者反复阅读你喜欢的一个作家,精心研究他的作品。如此,我们应该明白“书越读越少”的意思了。
 楼主| siwang 发表于 06-2-6 18:29:45 | 只看该作者
I.     将下列单句译成汉语(25分)
1)  In the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew by 8.2% —— despite the SARS virus. Electricity demand rose by 15% in the same period, led by power-hungry industries such as steel and aluminum.
2)  China, anxious about capital flight and proud of its economic sovereignty, will not be browbeaten into floating the yuan by hectoring Americans.
3)  Power stations tend to be built far from cities, and to be surrounded by idle “buffer” land. It is suggested that greenhouses could be built o this land with the exhaust from the power station pumped in to supply the heat they need. Such greenhouses could be used to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers cheaply.
4)  Out of all the unbecoming parts of drug addition, the search for clean needles is particularly ghastly. Dirty needles account for a third of all reported AIDS cases: they also explain why half of all long-term addicts get hepatitis C.                           5)  The fight over farm trade at the WTO ministerial meeting in the Mexican city of Cancun boils down to how far the rich world cuts tariffs on agricultural goods and dismantles its vast farm subsidies, and by how much developing countries reduce their own considerable tariffs in return.
II. 将下列短文译成汉语(50分)
   Unemployment in America is high, and elections are on the horizon. It must be time to look east again for scapegoats. Japan is only starting to recover from its protracted recession, so China will be handed the role of economic villain in the coming US election cycle. Expect to hear a chorus of presidential candidates blame unfair Chinese competition for America’s manufacturing woes.
   China’s trading partners do have legitimate grievances, but it would be irresponsible and inaccurate for American politicians to pin the United States’ economic sluggishness on scheming culprits in Beijing. Traveling in Asia in October, Treasury Secretary John Snow heeded political pressures back home in exhorting Chinese leaders to let the market price their currency. This is a desirable outcome in the long run, but a raft of immediate caveats come to mind.
   China’s financial system remains fragile, and sudden currency volatility could lead to a banking crisis that could spell disaster for the world economy. Washington would do better to urge China’s leaders to focus on their lack of preparation to assume their proper role in the world’s financial order, rather than to demand any supposedly quick fix. Moreover, China’s refusal to devalue its currency in the aftermath of the 1009’s crises in East Asia —— much appreciated by its neighbors and Washington at a time when the yuan seemed overvalued —— adds credence to Beijing’s insistence that it prizes stability when it comes to exchange rates, not short-term advantages. With most economists concerned that China’s robust growth could fuel inflation and a speculative bubble, there are valid reasons for Beijing to fear a surging currency.
III. 将下列单句译成英语 (25分)
IV. 将下列短文译成英语 (50分)
hupo3322 发表于 06-2-14 12:37:05 | 只看该作者


lucaoyangzi 发表于 06-2-17 18:24:34 | 只看该作者
thank you
海那边 发表于 06-2-18 11:09:12 | 只看该作者
哈哈哈哈哈,真是惊喜啊!惊喜啊!太感谢你啦,省了我不少银子!de mo我越来越觉得获取知识应该是~免费的~~
dianah718 发表于 06-2-22 17:51:29 | 只看该作者
fuying123 发表于 06-3-25 00:57:25 | 只看该作者


wdsss 发表于 06-3-28 12:49:52 | 只看该作者
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