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最新 the economist精选,英汉对照

fanyongl 发表于 08-5-21 12:24:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1、Eat, smoke and die early
Apr 24th 2008 | WASHINGTON, DC
From The Economist print edition

Worrying news about poor American women's lifespans

FEW numbers tell a happier story than those that measure life expectancy. An American born in 1900 could expect to live 47 years. Thanks to colossal improvements in sanitation and medicine, that figure is now 75 for men and 80 for women. And the poorest Americans have gained the most: blacks, for example, live more than twice as long now as they did a century ago.
人类寿命增长速度如此之快使其他任何数字相形见绌。 1900年美国人的预期寿命为47岁。 随着医疗卫生服务迅速发展,现在美国人的预期寿命为:男性75岁,女性80岁。 最贫穷的美国人寿命增长最快。 举个例个来说,美国黑人的预期寿命和一个世纪以前相比翻了一翻。

So it is both alarming and surprising when life expectancy falls, even for a small part of the population. Yet that is what some researchers at Harvard have found. They looked at death rates by county, having corrected for migration and merged sparsely populated ones so that America's 3,141 counties became 2,068 “county units”.
所以,即使是一小部分人的预期寿命出现了下降,也足以使人震惊、令人担忧。 但哈佛研究人员的调查显示美国人的寿命确实出现了下降。 通过除去移民因素,合并人口较少的县,他们把美国的3141个县分为了2068个“县级单位”;再调查每个县的死亡率。

For most Americans, life expectancy continues merrily to rise. But between 1983 and 1999, it fell significantly (by about a year) for women in 180 county units, and stagnated in another 783. Men fared less poorly: their life expectancy fell significantly in only 11 county units, and stagnated in another 48.
结果发现,大多数美国人寿命有所增加。 然而在1983到1999年之间,女性预期寿命在180个县级单位明显缩短,在另外783个县级单位停滞不前。男性的情况要好一些, 他们的预期寿命值在11个县级单位明显下降,在48个县级单位保持不变。

Put differently, life expectancy appears to have either stagnated or fallen slightly for some 4% of American men and 19% of women. The main culprits are diseases linked to smoking or obesity, such as lung cancer and diabetes. The crucial question is whether this represents a blip or the start of a trend.
就是说,4%的男性和19%的女性的预期寿命值要么保持不变,要么小幅下降。 造成寿命缩短的罪魁祸首是吸烟和肥胖造成的疾病,例如肺癌、糖尿病。 关键问题是这到底是个暂时现象还是会一直持续下去。

Majid Ezzati, one of the study's authors, says it is too soon to say. An optimist would point out that women took up smoking later than men. It was not until after the second world war that they started puffing at anything like the male rate. The bulge of poor women now dying of lung cancer may be a hangover from the end of the taboo on female smoking. But both sexes have quit in droves since the 1970s, so the death toll may fall in the future.
该研究领导人M.E.表示,现在做结论还为时尚早。 乐观地看,女性抽烟的时间比男性更晚。 直到二战后女性烟民的数量才开始接近男性烟民的数量。 女性吸烟禁忌解禁就造成了今天越来越多贫困妇女死于肺癌。 七十年代以后,男女烟民的数量都有明显下降;所以,死亡率以后还会降下来。

A pessimist would reply that the other big killer, obesity, keeps spreading, especially among the poor. “We've been saying for ages that it must have peaked, but it keeps going up,” says Dr Ezzati. Two decades ago, no state had an obesity rate above 15%. Now, 22 have passed the 25% mark. The counties where life expectancy has fallen are nearly all in the South or Appalachia, where huge deep-fried portions are the norm and waistlines are among America's widest. Neither are getting any smaller.
悲观地来看,肥胖不断蔓延,在贫困人口中尤其明显。这也是造成寿命缩短的另一个主要原因。 Dr ezzati说:“长期以来我们都认为肥胖率应该开始下降了,但现在却不断上升”。 20年前没有一个州的肥胖率超过15%。 现在有22个州的肥胖率超过了25%。 寿命缩短最严重的地区几乎都集中在南部地区,或是阿巴拉契亚地区。在这里,超大分量的油炸食品已经司空见惯,他们的腰围也是美国最粗的。 现在看来,食物的“尺寸”和腰围的尺寸都没有变小的迹象。

2、The rise of the Gulf
Apr 24th 2008
From The Economist print edition

The Gulf is managing its wealth better during this boom than it did during the last one

  MOST countries earn their keep through effort and ingenuity. Those of the Gulf owe their living to geological serendipity. The harder China works, the faster India grows, the higher oil prices climb.

The Gulf swells with confidence or despair depending on the price of “Arabian light” or “Oman blend”. Five years ago, though up from its $9 low in the 1990s, the oil price stood at a mere $26 a barrel. Many of the Gulf's governments were indebted and insecure. Saudi Arabia was facing an al-Qaeda insurgency. Expatriates, used to a secure if sequestered life, tried not to think about the tanks parked outside their compounds. Now the same oil fetches over $100 a barrel and confidence has returned. The insurgency in Saudi Arabia has been quashed. The Gulf is once again a source of envy more than concern (see article).
海湾国家自信与否取决于“阿拉伯轻质石油”或“阿曼混合石油”的价格。五年前,油价虽然已从90年代每加仑9美元的低谷中走出,但是仅仅维持在每加仑26 美元的水平上。许多海湾国家政府面临债务和动荡。沙特面临基地组织的暴动。过去那些只要肯过隐居生活就可以确保其安全的流亡者,现在不得不考虑那些停在他 们院子旁边的坦克。如今油价达到每加仑100美元以上,海湾国家又牛起来了。沙特的暴动已被扫平。海湾国家又成了嫉妒而不仅仅是关注的中心。

Surely only good can come from so much cash? Hardly. In the 1970s the Gulf's money was a disaster for Latin America, for, recycled through Western banks, it caused a decade-long debt crisis. The Gulf itself suffered by inflicting stagflation on the West, thus causing a 20-year-long slump in oil prices. They built white elephants such as the King Khalid airport in Riyadh, one of whose terminals has been mothballed since the airport opened in 1983. They allowed a greedy few, many of them arms dealers, to pocket huge fortunes. They distorted their economies in the name of diversification, for example by growing wheat in the desert.
这么多现金肯定是有百利而无一害吗?不太可能。70年代海湾国家的财富对拉丁美洲来说是个灾难,这些钱被西方银行循环利用,结果造成了十年债务危机。海湾国家使西方陷入滞涨的痛苦(指海湾国家在70年代第四次中东战争期间,用抬高油价的办法抗议美国对 以色列的支持),但他们自己也不好受,因为这导致了持续20年的油价低迷。他们造了很多形象工程,比如利雅得的哈立德国王机场,而它的一座航站楼自 1983年刚开始启用的时候就被封闭。他们对贪婪的一小撮人(很多是军火商)把大量财富中饱私囊视而不见。经济在多元化的名义下被扭曲了,比如说在沙漠中 种植谷物.

A better Xanadu
Are the Gulf countries handling their windfall any better this time? The sheer quantity of cash is hard to manage. It is too plentiful for small economies to spend, and has therefore added to the glut of global saving that is in part responsible for the financial excesses of recent years. Indeed, some economists see an analogy with the 1970s. Gulf petrodollars have been recycled not to improvident governments in Latin America but instead to improvident homebuyers in the uncreditworthy fringes of America.

The Gulf is doing its best to spend its windfall. Stately pleasure domes are springing up all along the coast. Saudi Arabia announces six, no seven!, new economic cities, which it hopes will create millions of jobs for its restive, youthful population. There are worrying echoes of the wasteful 1970s. But this time round, more of the spending is being done by private companies, with an eye to consumer demand, rather than by states.

Awash with capital, the Gulf countries need labour. Thanks to a liberal attitude to guest workers, in the UAE, for instance, over 90% of the private labour force is made up of foreigners. Some of the follies these Indians, Bangladeshis, Chinese and Filipinos build will not earn much return, but at least they help spread the wealth around. And now that American spending is faltering, a splurge is welcome. As Adam Smith said, outlays on “trinkets of frivolous utility” are what “keeps in continual motion the industry of mankind.”
海湾国家不缺资本,他们缺的是劳动力。还好他们对外籍劳工采取自由开放的态度,以阿联酋为例,超过90%的私有企业劳动力是外国人。印度人,孟加拉人,中 国人,菲律宾人建造的华而不实的建筑虽然不能带来多少回报,但至少有助于财富扩散。况且既然美国消费踌躇不前,那炫耀一下也未尝不可。正如亚当.斯密说的 "奢侈性需求"使"人类工业持续运转"。

Still, the Gulf's splurge might be better spent if governments were doing even less of the splurging. Despite tentative reforms, too much money remains in state hands. The Saudis have become friendlier to business, taking steps to liberalise the financial system, airlines and telecommunications. But the government is still too fond of its grandiose projects and too slow to get unglamorous things right. It takes an age, for example, to enforce a contract in the country's courts.
但是,如果政府的炫耀性建设再少一些的话,这种炫耀会是更好的消费。尽管进行了试验性改革,但大量财富仍在政府手中。沙特对商业更友好了,它已采取措施放 开金融业,航空业和电信业。但政府仍然好大喜功,而且迟迟做不好那些司空见惯的事,比如这个国家的法庭耗时甚长才使一个合同被强制执行。

By the same token, it would help if local currencies were allowed to strengthen. Currency reform is not just a way to constrain inflation, but also a means of redistributing spending. At present, the petrodollars are converted into local money at a fixed rate and doled out as governments see fit. With stronger local currencies the state would get fewer dirhams, dinars or riyals for every petrodollar. But Gulf residents would be able to buy more with their money, and guest workers could send more rupees home to families in Kerala.
出于同样的原因,允许本币升值也是有益的。货币改革不仅可以用来控制通货膨胀,也是一种重新分配财富的方法。现在的情况是石油美元以固定汇率兑换成本币, 然后由政府在他认为合适的时机进行少量分配。通过本币升值,政府在兑换石油美元时得到的本币变少了。但海湾地区的居民可以用同样的钱买更多的东西,外籍劳 工也可以向远在塔拉拉邦(印度的一个邦)的家庭汇更多的卢比。

There is another way to transfer economic initiative from governments to people. At present the Gulf states buy social peace by doling out generous benefits and subsidies, such as cheap housing and medical care, expanding the public payroll and forcing private companies to hire locals in the name of  or Saudi-isation. Too many Gulf nationals receive a government pay cheque for a meaningless job, or owe their jobs in private firms to a hiring quota. They pretend to work and have neither the time nor the incentive to start businesses or acquire skills.
把经济主动权从政府转到民众手中还有一个办法。现在海湾国家靠慷慨的社会福利维持社会稳定,比如便宜的房屋和医疗服务,扩展财政供养人群,在"阿曼化"和 "沙特化"的名义下强制私有公司雇佣本地人。许多海湾国家的国民干着毫无意义的工作,领取国家发放的薪水,或者靠雇佣配额在私有公司得到工作。他们更喜欢 当雇员,不愿花时间也没有动力创业或是掌握实用技能。

Could there be a better way? Last winter, 604,000 Alaskans each pocketed a $1,654 cheque from the state's Permanent Fund, which invests Alaska's oil revenues on their behalf. Each year, the fund distributes a fraction of its profits, averaged over five years, to every resident. They do not have to work for it, and are free to spend it as they wish. This notion is as foreign to the Gulf as a glacier to the desert. But in a region that likes to impress people with outlandish projects, paying a simple dividend cheque to every Gulf national would be a more audacious venture than
the tallest new tower.
还有更好的出路吗?去年冬天,604000名阿拉斯加人每人从州永久基金获得1654美元,这个基金代表阿拉斯加人投资于阿拉斯加石油收益。五年来,这个 基金一直把部分利润平均分配给每个居民。阿拉斯加人不必为它工作,也可以自由支配收益。既然处在冰川地区的阿拉斯加可以这样做,那沙漠地区的海湾国家也可 以这样做。但在一个靠新奇的工程来取悦人民的地区,向每个人发放收益比建造世界第一高塔(在建的迪拜塔)要冒险的多。
 楼主| fanyongl 发表于 08-5-21 12:28:47 | 只看该作者

the economist精选2,英汉对照

4、Buy some insurance, while you\'re at it
Given the impressive levels of spending on education in the Gulf, it is hard to imagine that its middle classes will put up with so little control over their countries\' wealth—or, indeed, their governments—for long. There are some signs of change, but they are small. By Saudi standards, King Abdullah is a reformer; by any other standards, he moves exceedingly slowly. There is external danger, too. When Saddam Hussein sent his tanks streaming into Kuwait, he was cheered on by many Arabs whose own countries never won a geological lottery and who continue to resent the undeserving fat cats with oil.
海湾国家大量投资于教育,而长久以来它的中产阶级居然可以忍受自己几乎不能掌控国家的财富--事实上也不能掌控他们的政府,这让人实在难以理解。变革的信 号已经出现,但是还很微弱。按照沙特的标准,阿卜杜拉国王算是个改革者:可按他国标准,他的动作实在是太慢了。外部危险同样存在,当年萨达姆.侯赛因把他的一辆辆坦克开进科威特时,许多阿拉伯人欢欣鼓舞——这些人自己的国家没能在地理博采中中奖,并且始终对那些大发油财的肥猫们耿耿于怀,他们认为这些人不配得到这些财富。

Today\'s dangers are different. Saddam is gone. But the Gulf states are threatened by the chaotic politics in Iraq and by the rivalry between America and Iran for influence in the region. In their volatile part of the planet, the sheikhs cannot buy perfect security. But they might consider investing a bit more of their windfall in stabilising Iraq and the broader Middle East, not just in their fabulous pleasure domes.
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5、American history

Big bite
Apr 24th 2008
From The Economist print edition

THIS entertaining and informative book, which traces the burger\'s evolution from working man\'s snack during the Depression to symbol of American corporatism, is nothing less than a brief history of America in the 20th century.

Like many stories, this one starts long, long ago, with a castle. This castle had five-cent hamburgers instead of princesses, and rather than being in an enchanted forest, it was in Wichita, Kansas.

An ambitious fry-cook named Walter Anderson opened White Castle in 1921. He did not invent the hamburger (this book wisely steers around that controversy); he merely standardized its production, cooking dozens of pre-weighed, pre-shaped burgers at once on a dedicated griddle, and serving them on specially designed buns. The friendly grill man in a white paper hat, amicably chatting with the customers as he formed meat into a patty and slapped it onto the grill next to cheese sandwiches and omelettes, gave way to the kitchen as assembly line, and the cook as infinitely replaceable technician.
沃尔特•安德森,一个满怀事业心的炸料厨师,在1921时开了家叫白色城堡的餐厅。安德森媒没有发明汉堡包(此书巧妙地绕过了那个争论);他只是把烹饪标 准化了,他把数十个事先称过、造好型的肉饼放在一个特制的平底锅里马上煎好后就放入了专门烤制的圆面包里。这位乐呵呵的厨师戴着一顶白色的纸帽子,一边将 肉做成肉饼、拍打着放在烤架上靠近奶酪三明治和煎蛋卷的旁边,一边和食客们拉着家长里短。这样使得厨房成为了流水线工厂,厨师也成为了可以无限更换的技 工。

When a businessman named Ray Kroc bought a “drive-in burger bar” in San Bernardino, California, run by Richard and Maurice McDonald, he built on White Castle\'s practice of culinary standardisation: a McDonald\'s hamburger weighs 1.6 ounces (45.4 grams) and spans 3 and 5/8 inches (9.2cm); it is garnished with a quarter of an ounce of chopped onion, a teaspoon of mustard, a tablespoon of ketchup and a pickle slice one inch in diameter.
当一个叫雷•克洛克的商人买下理查德和玛瑞斯•麦当劳兄弟经营的位于加利福利亚州圣•贝纳德的“前进肉饼店”时,他模仿了白色城堡餐厅的标准化烹饪工艺: 每个麦当劳的汉堡包都重1.6盎司(45.4克)、高3.4英寸(9.2厘米),并用0.25盎司的切片洋葱、一茶匙的芥末、一汤匙的番茄酱和直径为一英 寸的泡菜作为佐料。

Burgers are cooked 12 at a time, laid double-file on the grills; the third row, closest to the heat, is flipped first, followed by the fourth, fifth and sixth rows, then the left two last. All managers must complete a rigorous training course at Hamburger University, McDonald\'s training centre in Illinois.

But Kroc—a businessman of such drive and rage he once fired a man for wearing a woolly hat on a freezing day and said of rivals, “If they were drowning I\'d put a hose in their mouth”—added a crucial twist to his business model: franchising. Most restaurants are independently owned, making McDonald\'s less a single corporate behemoth than a “confederation of entrepreneurs, small businesspeople operating according to standards devised by a central organising authority.”
然而,克洛克——一个性急暴躁的商人曾经炒掉了一个在大冬天戴毛绒帽子的员工,以竞争者的口吻说到“如果这些毛掉了下来,我会用管子把它们喂到你嘴里。” ——带来了他商业模式上的重要转折:特许经营模式。大多数的餐厅都是私人个人的产权拥有,使得麦当劳不太像一个庞然大物似的法人单位,而是一个“企业家的 联盟,小商人们的经营活动根据设置的标准由一个中央机构控制”。

The real trick behind McDonald\'s success had to do with property: Harry Sonneborn, the company\'s first chief financial officer, decided to buy or let sites, then sublet them to franchise managers at a hefty mark-up, and the rate rose concomitantly with burger sales. Sonneborn used to tell investors that McDonald\'s was less a hamburger company than a property business. The charming Kroc crowed, “Now we will have a club over [franchise managers], and by God there will be no more pampering or fiddling with them”.
麦当劳成功的真正秘诀是对所有权的分配:哈利•索恩本,集团首任财务总监,决定买或租下餐厅,然后再以高价转租给拥有特许经营权的经理们,使得麦当劳的发 展速度与汉堡销量比翼齐飞。索恩本过去常对投资者说“与其说麦当劳是家汉堡包公司,不如说是家所有权公司。”极富魅力的克洛克洋洋得意地说“现在我们将成 立特许经销商的俱乐部,上帝作证,他们中绝不会有人被偏袒或愚弄。”

This is why McDonald\'s is a worldwide icon with a market capitalisation of $67.2 billion and White Castle remains a modest but stable burger chain (even if its soft, square little burgers, eaten by the sack and topped with grilled rather than raw onions, are immeasurably superior to those of any other fast-food chain).
All of this, of course, is a long way from meat on a bun, but then a hamburger isn\'t just a hamburger. José Bové\'s supporters, after all, didn\'t smash up a McDonald\'s because they wanted extra pickles.
6、Only in America
Apr 24th 2008  2008年4月24日
From The Economist print edition 经济学人印刷版

America\'s particularities will survive George Bush

IT IS exceptionalism week in the world of American think-tanks. No fewer than three of them—the American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, and the Manhattan Institute in New York City—have arranged discussions of a fat new book on the subject, “Understanding America: The Anatomy of an Exceptional Nation”, edited by Peter Schuck and James Q. Wilson. But, as Hegel feared, do the thinkers understand a concept just as it stops being relevant? Does the owl of Minerva really fly only at dusk?
对于美国棋布星罗的智囊机构而言,这是“美国例外论”大行其道的一周。其中有不少于三家的机构(即位于华盛顿特区的美国企业研究所,布鲁金斯学会以及坐落 于纽约市的曼哈顿研究所)已安排了数场讨论会,研讨一本新近出版以此为主题的“巨著”,即由Peter Schuck和James Q. Wilson编辑的《理解美国:剖析例外之国》一书。但是,正如哲人黑格尔所担心的那样,当一个观念已开始与现实世界无关时,思想家们是否能够理解其内 涵?智慧之神化身的猫头鹰是否真的只在黄昏翱翔?

All countries are exceptional. But America likes to think of itself as exceptionally exceptional, different from other advanced industrial countries not just in its social arrangements but also in its underlying values. America has a smaller state than other comparable countries and a more unequal distribution of wealth. It is also more strongly committed to what Margaret Thatcher once called “Victorian values”—individualism, voluntarism, patriotism.
所有国家都有其独特性。但是美国人喜欢认为他们的国家尤其的与众不同。与其它发达的工业化国家相比,这种不同不仅仅体现在其社会安排上,还表现在它的基本 价值观念上。与类似的国家相比,美国政府在社会经济生活中所占的比例更小,其财富分配也更加的不均衡。美国也更加强烈的致力于曾被撒切尔夫人称为“维多利 亚价值”的个人主义,志愿主义和爱国主义。

American exceptionalism has been increasing ever since the rise of the modern conservative movement from the late 1960s onwards. The current Bush administration, with its commitment to conservative values at home and assertiveness abroad, is the most exceptional administration in recent years. But the book raises a new question: is a new cycle, dominated by a rejection of conservatism and a convergence with West European norms, about to dawn?
美国例外论自上世纪六十年代后期现代保守主义运动兴起以来,一直呈增长态势。当前的布什政府在国内推行保守主义价值,在国外则独断专行,彰显美国实力,在 这方面可称得上是近些年来最“出类拔萃”的一届政府。但是这本书也提出了一个崭新的问题:这个以排斥保守主义融合西欧准则为显著特征的新时期是否即将到 来?

There is plenty of compelling evidence. The Bush administration has whipped up a mighty opposition. The Democrats are poised to increase their majorities on Capitol Hill and have a better-than-even chance of taking the White House. George Bush has the highest disapproval rating of any president in the 70-year history of the Gallup poll. Nearly three-quarters of Americans think the country is heading in the wrong direction. The conservative movement is suffering a collective mental breakdown.
在这一问题上有很多令人注目的例子。布什政府的所作所为激起的反对声可谓一浪高过一浪。民主党人现在已做好在国会山增加其多数党席位的准备,而且他们夺取 白宫的几率可称得上是前所未有。在盖洛普70年的民调历史上,乔治布什是最不被美国民众认同的一位总统。几乎有四分之三的美国人认为他们国家正走向一个错 误的方向。保守主义运动此刻正经受着集体精神崩溃之苦楚。

Americans strongly favour the introduction of universal health care. They are also desperate to improve their global image. Both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have promised to introduce the former. All three candidates have promised to improve the latter. The next administration will undoubtedly see significant moves, such as the closing of Guantánamo Bay or the adoption of stronger environmental regulations, that will be intended to make America less of an outlier.
美国人强烈赞同推行覆盖全体国民的医保制度。他们也急切的渴望改善美国的全球形象。关于前者,希拉里克林顿和巴拉克奥巴马都已对选民慨然允诺。而且三位总 统候选人都承诺要改善美国形象。毋庸置疑,下一任政府会做出一些重大的举动:比如说关闭关塔那摩湾,采取更严厉的环境监管措施等等。其目的就在于使美国不 再显得那么的“与众不同“。

But look at the 2008 election—the one that is supposed to be changing the direction of the country—and American exceptionalism seems to be as strong as ever. Where else do primary elections go on for well over a year? Where else do candidates raise tens of millions of dollars a month from their supporters? And where else do the party rank-and-file (as well as some non-party people) get a chance to choose the candidate for the top job? Gordon Brown became Britain\'s prime minister without a single ordinary Briton casting a vote. John McCain won his party\'s nomination despite the opposition of a large chunk of his party. Mr Obama is leading an uprising against his party\'s old establishment.
但是如果你看看正在进行的2008年总统大选(这 个应该正在改变美国方向的选举),你就会发现美国例外论似乎强健如昔。还有那个地方的初选活动能够延续足足一年多的时间?还有那个地方的候选人能够在一个 月内从其支持者那里募集数以千万计美元的竞选资金?还有那个地方的普通党员(和一些党外人士)能有机会选择最高职位的候选人?要记得戈登布朗可是在没有一 个英国老百姓参与投票的情况下,当上了英国首相。而约翰麦凯恩尽管遭遇到共和党内很多党员的反对,却依旧获得了该党的提名。此时的奥巴马正领导着一起针对民主党内旧有势力的“武装暴动”。

The various campaigns have often invoked American exceptionalism, especially the strength of its religious feeling. Mrs Clinton has stressed her credentials as a cradle Methodist who once thought of becoming a minister. Even before the Jeremiah Wright affair, Mr Obama spoke at length about how he found purpose in life when he discovered God. The only odd thing about this election is the fact that the Democratic candidates both seem more comfortable with God-talk than Mr McCain.
总统候选人在五花八门的竞选活动中经常将美国例外论作为谈资,尤其喜欢谈论美国人强烈的宗教意识所具有的力量。克林顿夫人着重强调她生来就是卫理公会派教 徒这一资历,她说她甚至曾经考虑过做一名牧师。而奥巴马即使在其牧师杰里迈亚赖特(Jeremiah Wright)惹起风波之前(注1),就曾详尽地论述过他是如何在发现上帝时找到人生真谛。在谈及宗教话题时,两位民主党候选人似乎要比共和党人麦凯恩惬 意得多,这可真称得上是奇事一桩。

All three candidates preach a peculiarly American style of patriotism. Mr McCain invokes his military service in Vietnam, when he learnt to depend on something greater than himself. Mr Obama argues that there is not a red America or a blue America but one America united by common values. All three candidates wax lyrical about the American dream. And by European standards all three candidates are strikingly willing to sanction the use of force. Mr McCain sings “Bomb, bomb Iran” to the tune of “Barbara Ann”. Mr Obama talks about sanctioning a search-and-destroy mission in Pakistan without the permission of that country\'s government. Mrs Clinton said this week that, as president, she would have no qualms about “totally obliterating” Iran if it used nuclear weapons against Israel.
这三位候选人都宣扬一种独特的美国式的爱国主义。麦凯恩喜欢谈论他在越南服兵役时的种种经历,他说正是在那时他学会了依靠比自身更伟大的事物。奥巴马则声 称并没有一个所谓的红美国和蓝美国之分(注2),有的只是一个被相同的价值观念连接在一起的美利坚合众国。一旦谈及“美国梦”,这三位都显得那么的文采飞 扬。而且这三位候选人都愿意核准使用武力,这无疑会令许多欧洲人对其侧目而视。麦凯恩和着歌曲“芭芭拉安”的曲调高声歌唱“轰炸,轰炸伊朗”。奥巴马称自 己要在未经巴基斯坦政府许可的情况下,授权在其境内展开搜索轰炸行动。克林顿夫人本周说,如果她当选总统,一旦伊朗胆敢对以色列动用核武,她将毫无疑惧的将其从这个星球“彻底抹去”。( 注3)

7、More liberal is not less American

A Democratic hat-trick in November would certainly produce a more liberal America, with more government involvement in providing health care and protecting the environment. But it will be a liberal America of an exceptionally American kind, not a facsimile of Europe. Both candidates have rejected the “single-payer” health-care model popular in Canada and Europe. Instead they advocate a very American solution—allowing people who are happy with their private health coverage to keep what they have but then using a mixture of mandates and subsidies to extend coverage. And even modest changes will be endlessly diluted. The world may be transfixed by the presidential campaign. But the president\'s powers, as the book stresses, are remarkably limited, qualified not just by Congress and the courts but also by the states and the localities.
如果民主党真的在十一月份上演“帽子戏法”,那无疑将会产生一个更加信奉自由主义的美国。在提供医保以及保护环境方面,政府将会比以往更多的参与其中。然 而这样一个信奉自由主义的美国也将极具美国特色,它绝对不是对欧洲模式的简单效仿。民主党两位候选人都拒绝采用流行于加拿大和欧洲的“单一支付者”这一医 保模型。相反他们赞成一种非常美国式的解决方案,即允许那些对其私人医保方案满意的群体保持原状,同时采用授予委任书和提供补贴金的方式扩大医保覆盖范 围。甚至这些微小的变化将来也会被无休止的稀释。世人也许此刻被美国大选弄得神魂颠倒。但正如此书所强调的那样,美国总统的权力实际上相当的有限,不仅要 由国会和各类法庭授权,而且还要受各州和地方的牵制。

The big change coming is not the end of American exceptionalism but the end of American triumphalism. Winning the cold war left many Americans intoxicated with power. Even Bill Clinton boasted about America as the “indispensable nation”—a country that stood taller and saw farther than its rivals. The mood is very different today. The main challenge facing the next president will not be to blunt American exceptionalism, but to make sure that American triumphalism is not replaced by a grumpy and irresponsible isolationism.
即将到来的巨变并非美国例外论的结束,而是美国必胜主义的终结。赢得冷战让许多美国人陶醉于其拥有的权力。甚至连比尔克林顿都将美国吹嘘成“不可或缺的国 家”,这个国家比它的对手更加高瞻远瞩。然今日之情绪比之往昔已大相径庭。下任总统面临的主要挑战并不是减弱美国例外论,而是要确保美国必胜主义不要被乖 戾且不负责任的孤立主义所取代。

1. 杰里迈亚赖特(Jeremiah Wright)时奥巴马的前任牧师。赖特牧师与奥巴马关系非常密切。他不但亲自为奥巴马施洗礼、带领奥巴马皈依基督教,而且主持了奥巴马的婚礼,后来又给 奥巴马女儿施洗礼,甚至还是奥巴马创作《无畏的希望》一书的灵感来源。他曾指责恐怖袭击是美国暴力政策的直接后果。“我们曾经轰炸广岛,轰炸长崎,曾遭我 们核武器攻击的人数远远超过纽约和五角大楼此次遭袭的数千人,对于这些我们从来连眼睛都没有眨一下,”他说,“我们至今仍在支持针对巴勒斯坦人和南非黑人 的国家恐怖行为,而现在我们因为在自家院子里尝到了在海外所作所为的苦果而感到愤怒。美国的懦夫终于遭到恶报。”2003年,他在布道时说美国应遭到黑人 的谴责。“政府给他们毒品,给他们修建越来越大的监狱,然后还要他们高唱《愿上帝保佑美国》!不,不,愿上帝诅咒美国。”

2. 美国的总统大选,常常被描绘为“红美国”和“蓝美国”的决斗,这里的红色阴差阳错,代表的是保守的共和党,而蓝色则代表民主党。总统大选时,媒体在地图上将两党赢得的各州,以红蓝二色表示。美国保守派和自由派势力的分布和消长,也因此得到清楚显示。

3. 克林顿夫人在此明显是引用伊朗总统内贾德宣称要将以色列“从地图上抹去” 那番言词。用的可谓“恰如其分”。
8、Rural schools镇里的学校

Shrinking pains合并之痛

Apr 24th 2008 | RUTLAND
From The Economist print edition

South Dakota\'s rural schools grapple with change

NESTLED in wide fields somewhere west of Interstate 29 lies Rutland, South Dakota, population an estimated 200. Rutland\'s post office closed decades ago. But at the end of Main Street is a school. For Rutland, and many other small towns like it, a local school is a community\'s heart and a main employer. The future of schools like this one, however, is uncertain.

Last year South Dakota passed a law to force school districts with fewer than 100 students to merge, though the most remote districts are exempt. The state had 168 districts for just 120,277 students in the 2006-07 school year, and enrolment had declined 9.4% over the previous ten years (see chart). Many of those districts have just one school.

Legislators, particularly urban ones, reckon that merging districts will create economies of scale and allow schools to offer a broader curriculum. But in many cases, a merger will lead a good school to close, forcing its pupils to take long bus journeys to the next town. Ten districts have already been slated for reorganisation. Rutland, with 124 students, is one of many near the brink.

The push for school consolidation has been long and contentious. In 1939, the first year for which data are available, America had some 117,000 school districts. By 2005 it had just over 14,000. The issue is especially fraught in states with many rural schools. In North Dakota, talk of forced mergers in the late 1990s sparked such outrage that politicians dropped the subject entirely. Maine\'s new consolidation law is creating political havoc.
要求学校合并的敦促很早就有了,还引发不少争议。在1939年(可获得数据的最早年份),美国有大约117, 000个学区,到2005年,只剩下14, 000多个了。在农村学校多的州,合并学校一事尤其问题丛生。上个世纪九十年代后期,北达科塔州强制合并的言论引发的震怒如此强烈,政客们只得彻底放弃了这个话题。缅因州的新合并法也会制造政治混乱。

Carl Fahrenwald, Rutland\'s superintendent, says the state should not interfere. Small rural schools, he argues, perform well and nurture competition. The Rural School and Community Trust, a pressure group, points to small schools\' low drop-out rates and strong parental involvement. An analysis of South Dakota\'s test scores, however, shows mixed results. Younger students in small districts do score higher than those in big ones. For teenagers, big districts score higher.

Even the most defiant schools superintendent will admit that rural districts face challenges. South Dakota allots about $4,500 for each student. Though small districts receive a bit more cash, districts that lose students lose money. Many districts, including Rutland, have to raise extra money locally to cover their costs.
就是违抗态度最强硬的学区负责人也承认,乡村学区面临挑战。南达科塔州给每个学生拨款45, 000美元。尽管小学区收到的现金会更多一点,但是只要有学生流失,学区就会失去拨款。包括在拉特兰内的许多学区,都不得不在当地另外筹资以保支出。

The biggest difficulty, however, is finding teachers. Mr Fahrenwald is Rutland\'s superintendent, physics teacher and bus driver. There are fewer teachers to hire: the number of state students graduating with a teaching degree dropped by 30% between 2000 and 2007. It doesn\'t help that South Dakota\'s salaries for rural teachers are the second-lowest in America.

Consolidation, legislators hope, may begin to offset these trends. A merged school means recruiting one algebra teacher, not two. Don Kirkegaard, the head of a consolidated district in the north-eastern part of the state, says he now has more money for pension accounts, special education and capital expenses. Critics say that the savings are often lost because of greater bureaucracy.
立法者希望,合并可能会抵消这些不利势头。一所合并后的学校意味着只要找一个几何老师,而不是两个。唐•可可伽德是该州东北部一个合并后的学区负责人,他 说,现在有更多的资金来考虑养老帐户问题、特殊教育问题和经济开销等。批评者则认为,省下来的钱常常因为官僚机构更庞大而无影无踪。

But the debate over rural schools hides a sad irony. The better a small town educates its pupils, the more likely they are to seek jobs elsewhere. According to a study by Pennsylvania State University, returns to investment in human capital are much lower in rural areas than in urban ones.
jkds0501 发表于 08-5-21 13:20:23 | 只看该作者
alexan2008 发表于 08-5-21 14:44:38 | 只看该作者
嗯  很好哦
princewang 发表于 08-5-21 16:12:47 | 只看该作者
cyanqingqing 发表于 08-5-21 16:41:17 | 只看该作者
lijingdong09 发表于 08-5-21 17:45:06 | 只看该作者
方芳菲 发表于 08-6-5 19:15:55 | 只看该作者
yiyiyuwu 发表于 09-9-17 11:31:37 | 只看该作者
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