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tanyi 发表于 08-8-13 20:32:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
 楼主| tanyi 发表于 08-8-13 20:34:04 | 只看该作者
考试科目:815 经济学综合

一、        名词解释(每小题3分,共12 分)

二、        单项选择(10题,每小题1分,共10分)

1、对于商品房价格将会进一步上升的预期,导致的直接结果是目前商品房市场中的( )
    A.供应量增加  B.供给增加  C.需求量增加   D.需求增加
2、如果闲暇是正常品,则财产性收入的增加会导致劳动供给量( )
    A.增加    B.减少   C.不改变   D.不确定
3、根据基尼系数的大小,下列四个国家中哪一个国家的分配最为平均:( )
    A.甲国的基尼系数为0.20       B.乙国的基尼系数为0.35
C.丙国的基尼系数为0.50       D.丁国的基尼系数为0.60
4、在一级价格歧视下,( )。     
5、对于生产相同产品的厂商来说,( )模型分析得到的结论与竞争模型的结论相同。
    A.古诺(Cournot)                B.斯塔克伯格(Stackbelberg)
    C.伯特兰德(Bertrand)           D.主导厂商(Dominant Firm)
6、向政府雇员支付的报酬属于( )
    A.政府购买支出   B.转移支付   C.政府税收   D.消费
7、决定美国和中国的投资乘数不一样的因素主要是:( )
    A.两国的平均消费倾向差异    B.两国的边际消费倾向差异
    C.两国的企业投资规模差异    D.两国的投资预期收益差异
8、在经济增长模型中,衡量技术进步最常用的度量标准是( )
    A.劳动利用程度              B.资本利用程度
    C.索洛剩余                  D.劳动生产率
9、通常认为,下列属于紧缩货币的政策是( )
    A.提高贴现率                B.增加货币供给
    C.降低法定准备金率          D.中央银行头入政府债券
10、在浮动汇率制的开放经济中,净出口受到实际汇率变动的影响,财政政策效应( )

三、        判断下列表述的内容是否正确(每小题1 分,共10 分)

1.如果所有商品的价格变成原来的两倍,而收入变成原来收入的三倍,则消费者的预算线          会平行向外移动。

四、计算与分析题(每题8 分,共16 分)
l、在某一商品市场上,有100个相同的消费者,每个人的需求函数都是Qd=28—2P;同时有10 个相同的生产者。每个生产者的供给函数都是Qs=40P 一20。其中,Qd 和Qs分别代表需求量和供给量,单位:个;P代表价格,单位:元。
   (2)如果政府对每单位商品征收3 元的销售税,消费者和生产者各自承担了多少税收负担? 政府得到的税收总量是多少?  

2、假设某一国家的居民总是将可支配收入中的10%用于储蓄,且充分就业的国民收入为7000 亿美元。今年的私人投资支出为900 亿美元,政府购买支出为600 亿美元,出口为200亿美元,自发性消费为500亿美元,平均税率为10%,进口函数为M=0.21Y。若,请计算今年该国政府的预算盈余和充分就业时预算盈余,并据此说明该国政府目前的财政政策是扩张性的还是紧缩性的。

五、简答题(每题7分,共28 分)
2、举例说明信息不对称所产生的逆向选择(adverse selection)问题如何导致了商品市场中的  市场失灵。

六、论述题(每题12 分,共24 分)
1、 物业税,又称“财产税”或“地产税”,主要针对土地、房屋等不动产,要求其所

2、 根据IS—LM模型分析资本完全流动的开放经济中货币政策的有效性。

七、英译汉(共三段、共50 分)

1.(20分)Since the barbaric “breaking wheel” was replaced by the guillotine in 18th-century France, methods of execution have increasingly sought to end life speedily rather than inflict long agony. There can, however, be few decapitations less painful than those at big American banks. On November 4th Chuck Prince left the boss\'s office at Citigroup, the world\'s largest bank, with the “tremendous support and respect” of the board ringing in his ears, even though the firm had to write down $8 billion-11 billion in October alone (see article). A week earlier, Stan O\'Neal lost his job at Merrill Lynch after leading the investment bank to a loss with $8.4 billion of write-downs. He too entered retirement not on a tumbril but in a limousine, with $160m to soothe his discomfort.
However churlish you may feel about Wall Street\'s new axiom—“the higher they fly, the bigger the parachute”—the departure of two of America\'s most senior bankers in a week is a good sign. Accountability, after all, is a step towards clarity, and there are few more coveted resources in today\'s fog-strewn and stormy banking industry. Both departures were accompanied by revelations of much steeper losses from American subprime mortgages than either Citi or Merrill had owned up to just weeks before. That attempt at honesty may have spooked the market because it showed how unsure the banks remain about how to value their subprime-related assets, but that is no reason to shy away from such disclosures.
One worrying lesson for bankers and regulators everywhere to bear in mind is post-bubble Japan. In the 1990s its leading bankers not only hung onto their jobs; they also refused to recognise and shed bad debts, in effect keeping “zombie” loans on their books. That is one reason why the country\'s economy stagnated for so long. The quicker bankers are to recognise their losses, to sell assets that they are hoarding in the vain hope that prices will recover, and to make markets in such assets for their clients, the quicker the banking system will get back on its feet.

2、Consumer Protection(20 分)
The contract of sale is one in which buyer and seller are assumed to be in a position of general equality, so that the main function of the law is to work out the appropriate consequences of what may be assumed to be the common intention of the parties. It is obvious, however, that in a very large number of sales this is by itself an unsuitable technique. The buyer may by virtue of haste, ignorance, gullibility, inferior bargaining position or simple imprudence enter into a transaction in which the goods supplied, or the term of contract, or both are unsatisfactory to him and in many circumstances it may be felt that he is deserving protection. The protection required may be specific, i.e. there may be a need for a private remedy in a particular situation; or general, i.e. it may be desirable to control unacceptable practices of a particular type. A seller may also, thought less often, appear to require such protection against the buyer. The civil law has on the whole, save in the case of conscious deception, taken little account of these problems: its outlook is indeed sometimes expressed by the maxim caveat emptor (Latin: let the buyer beware). Even where there is a remedy, its exercise may be troublesome or risky for the consumer. But the general problem has in fact been the subject of attention for many centuries. Attempts to regulate the price of staple commodities (e.g. bread), and to control measurements and measuring equipment ( the sale of beer and coal) date back to the Middle Ages. More recently, however, the movement towards the protection of the consumer, who may in this context be roughly defined as private buyer from a commercial seller, and who is the person thought most in need of such protection, has increased greatly in strength and prominence. Statues and regulations have sought to protect consumers; officials have been appointed who have consumer protection as their function or among their functions ;organizations of consumers seek to promote their interests; studies are conducted into the problems of consumer protection; and the various organs of the European Union and its predecessors has since 1975 taken a vigorous interest in consumer affairs .Indeed, the European Community is committed to ensure “a high level of consumer protection” and to contributing “to protecting the health, safety and economic interests of consumers ,as well as promoting their right to information, education and to organize themselves in order to safeguard their interests.

3、(10 分)Undoubtedly ,the overall competitiveness of an economy that runs a persistent deficit or surplus is a decisive factor influencing the sustainability of the trade or current-account balance. Indeed, in the past, large corrections of deficits usually went hand in hand with huge devaluations of the nominal and real values of the currencies affected. Empirical evidence has shown that changes in the real effective exchanges rate (REER), the most comprehensive measure of the overall competitiveness of countries, have the potential to reduce deficits or to cause swings in the trade and current account from deficit to surplus, because they induce an expenditure switch between demand for domestic and foreign goods.
kukuwoku 发表于 08-8-23 19:08:33 | 只看该作者

kukuwoku 发表于 08-8-23 21:33:56 | 只看该作者
fdbboy 发表于 08-8-26 19:32:48 | 只看该作者
3zhibin 发表于 08-8-30 12:40:43 | 只看该作者
哈雷852 发表于 08-8-31 09:26:08 | 只看该作者
灵木子_2005 发表于 08-9-19 14:52:55 | 只看该作者
flyor 发表于 08-9-21 14:32:09 | 只看该作者
[s:6] 拼了~!!
flyor 发表于 08-9-21 14:33:12 | 只看该作者
[s:6] 答案啊 楼主 拜托了
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