通知,明天会是每日一句节目的最后一期。希望大家好好珍惜过往的节目。好好利用。从中学到知识。 When life seems to be confusing or empty, and when your path seems to be hidden in the shadows of pain, doubt, despair, or unrest, may you find the light inside of you that will help you to see things as they truly are, for every night comes to an end, every storm runs its course, and light and peace always return to us.
希望大家都能开心的对待每一天,希望英语能是你生活的一部分。快乐考研,最重要。学好英语,不是为了考试。而是为了自己。明天是最后一期,希望大家能多多支持。我是yx。本期节目由我本人整理。如要转载,请注明。 |