The 17th Edition carries on this distinguished legacy, presenting the world's most thorough, useful, readable, and understand able coverage of the principles and techniques of surgery. Sweeping changes include comprehensive updates to reflect the latest knowledge and techniques...a new, full-color page layout for enhanced ease of reference... a new image bank CD-ROM containing 2,000 illustrations, intraoperative photographs, tables, diagnostic images, graphs, pie charts, algorithms, and anatomical drawings all downloadable to PowerPoint presentations.
Companion CD是每张单独的图片,并有详细注解。用虚拟光驱软件即可打开。
[鍏嬫皬澶栫瀛︼紙17鐗堬級].Sabiston.Textbook.Of.Surgery.17Th.Ed.pdf (173.78 MB)
[鍏嬫皬澶栫瀛︼紙17鐗堬級].Sabiston.Textbook.of.Surgery.17th.ed.-.companion.CD.nrg (538.41 MB)
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