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gzfosh 发表于 09-5-6 13:05:42 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式





1、        完美的,极好的Faultless / perfect / fabulous / ideal
2、        有助于:advantage / avaid / aid to / attribute to / be beneficial to / benefit / profit
3、        使兴旺:thrive / flourish / booming / boost / revive / revitalize
4、        预见:expect / anticipate / foresee / predict / forecast / envisage / envision
5、        污染:contaminate / taint / foul / pois
6、        少量的:a handful of / a fraction of / a bit of / a little of
7、        大量的:a mass of / a great many / a good many of / many a / a majority of / a handsome number of / a substantial number of / a magnitude
8、        构想出:device / formulate / contemplate/ visualize
9、        巩固:cement / strenghten / consolidate
10、        建立建造:found / construct / erect
11、        基本的:basic / fundamental / essential / elementary
12、        促进:promote / step up / further / prompt / develop / boost / mushroom / hasten / propel / spur
13、        归因于:blame sth on sth / owe sth to sth / attribute sth to / put sth down to / due to
14、        引起,激起:give rise to/ prevoke / induce / breed / arouse / excise / stir up / trigger / prompt / evoke / generate / present / incur / spell / invite
15、        杰出的优秀的显著的:eminent / extroordinate / exceptional/ distinguished / outstanding / excellent / conspicuous / predominant / remarkable / noticable / marked / marvelous / prominet / striking / illustrious
16、        非常、很:awfully / in the extreme / exceedingly / pretty / rather / extremely / terribly / notably /
17、        最终:eventually / finally / consequently / in the event / in the long run / ultimately / at length
18、        利用:employ / exploit / make use of / take advantage of / make the best of / harness / avail oneself of / embrace / tap
19、        时代:epoch / area / era / time
20、        被广泛地接受: be widely/extensively accepted/acknowledged/established
21、        消耗:expenditure / drain / wastage /consumption / expense / depletion
22、        昂贵的:expensive / costly / exclusive / extravagant
23、        遭遇:confront / encounter


24、        提供:extend / accord / offer / feed (with) / furnish (with) / provide / administate
25、        事实上:as a matter of fact / in effect / in fact / in point of fact / practically / actually
26、        考虑:allow for / take into account / make an allowance for / take into consideration
27、        与~一致:answer to / conform to / comply with / in accordance / accord with / in coincidence  with / in sympathy with
28、        赞成:approve of / consent to / be in favor of / agree to / subject to
29、        丢脸:be ashamed of / disgrace oneself of
30、        情况:picture / shape / circumstance / condition
31、        明显的:manifest / apparent / advident / explicited / obvious
32、        启迪,点燃:enlighten / illuminate / ignite
33、        相同的:identical / same / homogenous / of a kind
34、        依靠~~: rest on / depend on / hinge on / subject to
35、        认为,声称:contend / claim / assert / hold  / maintain / submit / enforce / profest / figure / endorse / allege / regard as / look as / esteem as
36、        影响,后果:implication / effect / affluence
37、        停止,中止:end / suspend / stop / put to the end
38、        过分的:inappropriate / undue / excessive / extravagant
39、        执行:enforce / execute / exercise
40、        详尽说明:exhault / elaborate
41、        奇怪的:strange / extraordinary
42、        激增:explode / soar / hike / skyrocket
43、        使入迷,吸引:engage / entrance / fascinate / intrigue / be obsessed with / charm / attract
44、        顾客:client / customer / regular patron
45、        杂志期刊:periodical / magazine


46、        渴望:pine for / desire / ache for
47、        心胸狭窄的:petty / small-minded     心胸开阔的:liberal
48、        危险:peril / danger / hazard (v)  | perilous / dangerous / risky / hazardous
49、        同情:v: pity / sympathize / commiserate | adj: commiserative / compasionate / pitiful /sympathetic
50、         烦恼:plague / annoy / bother / disturb
51、        恳请恳求:plead / petition for
52、        誓言:pledge / promis
53、        投资:plough money into doing sth / invest
54、        损害:prejudice / harm / damage / do harm to / impair
55、        最重要的:premier / important
56、        可能:presumably / possibly
57、        劝说:persuade / prevail on sb to do
58、        先前的:preceeding / previous / former / prior
59、        因~骄傲:take pride in / be proud of
60、        日益增长的:progressively / gradually / increasingly
61、        准备:make provision for / prepare for
62、        为了:in order to / for the purpose of / at a attempt to / in the interest of
63、        易受~影响的:be prone to / be susceptible to / be subject to
64、        无根据的:invalid / uninformed / futile
65、        人类:humanity / human beings / mankind
66、        可怕的:formidable / fearful / awful / terrible / scary
67、        虚弱的:feeble / fragile
68、        严重的:grave / sever / serious / raging / intense
69、        阴郁天空:bleak / gloomy / grim
70、        不愉快的:grim / unpleasant / sad

71、慷慨的:liberal / generouos / lavish / handsome
72、责怪:accuse sb of ~~  / charge sb of sth / lay the blame on sb /
73、骤增:leap / skyrocket / soar / sharply increase / descent
74、给予:extend / give / flurish (with) / provide / feed sb with / load sb with
75、消遣:loaf around / kill the time / occupation
76、正式提出:lodge a complaint with sb / lay a charge against sb
77、使~成为必需:necessitate / entail
78、大约:about / around / in the neighbourhood of / approximately / next to
79、然而:however \ nevertheless \ but 、 nonetheless\ in spite of \ notwithstanding
80、名人:notable / celebrity / personality / public figures
81、怀着:nourish feeling of (hatred) / harbour(hope)
82、客观的、公正的:impartial \ just \ objective \
83、表达感谢:express my gratitude to sb / be obliged to sth
84、获得、得到:obtain \ get \ extract \ retrive (取回)
85、理由:plead that~~~~ / occasion / reason
86、居民:inhabitant / occupant / resident
87、忙于做某事:be occupied in \ be engaged in
88:公开的:overt \ open
89 、宽恕:overlook 、 forgive
90 、总的,全部的:overall、forgive
91、克服,战胜:overcome \ tackle \ conquer
92、激怒:outrage \ irritate \ aggravate \ sb rage at sth
   悲伤:grief  愤怒irritation   快乐job  憎恨hatred  
   痛苦(从小打到):grief < agony < anguish , misery
94、破坏:destruction \ rape \ spoiling
95、草率的:hasten、 reckless
96、值得:rate、 deserve 、 merit 、 claim
97、容易的:readily、 easy
98、乐意的:willing 、 readily 、 ready 、 be happytodo
99:不愿意的:reluctant、 be hesitatant to

[ 本帖最后由 gzfosh 于 2009-6-30 21:54 编辑 ]
 楼主| gzfosh 发表于 09-5-6 14:09:50 | 只看该作者
mengdejintou 发表于 09-5-6 17:11:02 | 只看该作者
19870512 发表于 09-5-7 17:52:46 | 只看该作者

ly19870616168 发表于 09-5-7 18:16:19 | 只看该作者
abcdem 发表于 09-5-7 19:12:24 | 只看该作者
cui007 发表于 09-5-7 19:19:40 | 只看该作者
biduan 发表于 09-5-8 10:01:29 | 只看该作者
幽冥天使 发表于 09-5-8 10:16:16 | 只看该作者
 楼主| gzfosh 发表于 09-5-9 18:37:08 | 只看该作者
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