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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:22:52 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:24:21 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:25:49 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

[n.] ① [C,U] sth that happens unexpectedly and is not planned in advance意外,偶然的事[近 occurrence]
② [C] an unplesant event that happens unexpectedly and causes injury or damage(交通)事故[近crash, smash, wreck ];意外遭遇,不测事件[近incident, emergency]
 by accident: in a way that is not planned or organized偶然,意外地
Ⅰ accidental a. 偶然的,意外的[反deliberate]
1①. Discoveries in science and technology are thought by “untaught minds” to come in blinding flashes or as the result of dramatic accidents. “无知者”认为科学技术上的发明创造来自灵感的眩目闪现或戏剧性的偶然事件。(1994阅读Text 5)
2②. Feeling threatened, companies responded by writing everlonger warning labels, trying to anticipate every possible accident.由于感到了威胁,公司方面做出了反应:写出越来越长的警示语,力图预先标明种种可能发生的不测事件。(1999阅读Text 1)
1. Grasping opportunities doesnt happen by accident. Smallbusiness owners need to take the time to plan their course of action. 抓住机遇并不是偶然发生的,小企业主需要花时间制定其行动方案。(2008 Chicago Tribune)

[n.][C]① a particular situation具体情况,事例[近instance, example];[用单数]特殊情况;[the case]实情,事实
② a matter that is being officially investigated, esp. by the police; a question to be decided in a court of law(尤指警方)调查的案件;(法庭受理的)诉讼案[近suit]
③ a set of facts or arguments that support one side in a court of law, discussion, etc.(在法庭、讨论等中支持一方的)论据,事实,理由 [+for/against][近argument, point, evidence]
④ (the fact of ) sb having a disease or an injury病例,案例;病人,伤员
⑤ a person who needs special treatment or attention(需特别对待或注意的)人
⑥ a container or covering used to protect or store things容器,箱,盒,套[近box, suitcase]
⑦ the way in which the form of a word changes, showing its relationship to other words in a sentence(词的变化形式,在句中表示与其他词的关系)格
(落下→发生)→具体情况,事例,实情→又特指①警方调查的案件,法庭受理的诉讼案→在法庭、讨论中提出的论据,事实,理由 ②病例;伤员→引申为需特别对待或注意的人
 as the case may be: used to say which possibility is true depends on the circumstances根据具体情况,视情况而定
 a case in point: a clear example of sth that is being discussed明证,恰当的例证
  in any case: whatever happens or happened无论如何,不管怎样
 (just) in case (...): as a way of being safe from sth that might happen or might be true;if以防(万一);如果,假使 [后面跟着的句子用一般现在时、一般过去时或should]
 in case of sth: if sth happens如果,假如
1①. Instead of a plan of action, they continue to press for more research—a classic case of “paralysis by analysis”.他们没有出台行动计划,相反只是继续迫切要求进行更多的研究——这是一个经典的“分析导致麻痹”的例子。(2005阅读Text 2)
2①. In the case of NBA players, their increase in height appears to result from the increasingly common practice of recruiting players from all over the world.就NBA球员的情况而言,他们身高的增长似乎是从世界各国吸收球员这种日益普遍的做法的结果。(2008阅读Text 3)
3②. The Federal Circuit issued an unusual order stating that the case would be heard by all 12 of the court\'s judges, rather than a typical panel of three …联邦巡回法院发布了一项不同寻常的法令,规定这个案件须由法院的全部12名法官共同听审,而不是典型的三人听审团……(2010阅读Text 2)
4⑦. ... he sees the gradual disappearance of “whom”, for example, to be natural and no more regrettable than the loss of the caseendings of Old English.举例来说,他认为“whom”一词的逐渐消失是自然的,并不比古英语中词格尾缀的消失更让人惋惜。(2005阅读Text 4)
5. In any case, all such interventions are heavily dependent on scientific advice and also scientific and technological manpower of all kinds.无论如何,一切干预都离不开科学家的建议和各种科技人才。(2000翻译)
1③. There is a strong case for more flexibility in the American posture.有充分的理由让美国采取更为灵活的态度。(2008 Los Angeles Times)
2④. three cases of minor wound infection and one case of pneumonia三个轻伤的病例和一个肺炎的病例(2007 Nature)
3. The winners write the history books, or the science books, as the case may be. 获胜者可能写历史书或科普书籍,视情况而定。(2007 Bioephemera)
4. Sonys first reaction was to deny there was a problem—Hesses NPR interview was a case in point.索尼的第一反应是否认问题的存在,美国全国公共电台对其总裁海塞的采访就是证明。  (2005 USA Today)
5. So make your bed each morning and clean up the dishes before heading off to work, just in case sb may want to come by at the last minute.每天早晨去上班前叠好被子、清理好碗碟,以防有人最后一刻突然造访。(2008 U.S. News)
6. In case of an emergency, passengers should use the nearest exit.如果发生紧急情况,旅客应使用最近的出口。(2008 Readers Digest)

casual (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.][常用在名词前] ① happening by chance without being planned偶然的,碰巧的[近accidental]  
② without any clear aim or serious interest, not showing much care or thought漫无目的的,不经意的,漫不经心的[unconcerned, unmindful]
③ without deep affection; superficial 感情不深的,疏远的
④ (of clothes) for informal occasions(衣物)随便的,非正式的[近informal]  
⑤ (of work, employment)only for a short period of time(工作)临时的,不定期的[近temporary, interim]
偶然的(非刻意的)→①(态度)漫不经心的,不在意的②(交往或感情)表面的,疏远的③(衣着)随意的,休闲的 ④(工作)临时的
Ⅰ  casually ad. 漫不经心地,随意地
Ⅱ casualness n. [U]漫不经心
1②. Include a few casual and apparently offthecuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. 内容包括一些随意的、显然是即兴的话,你可以用轻松的、自然的方式把它们说出来。(2002阅读Text 1)
2③. The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial...很多美国人泛泛的友好不应被看作是表面或虚假的应酬。(1997阅读Text 2)
1①. dispel the notion that AIDS was something you could catch through casual contact ……消除艾滋病可通过偶然接触而传染的错误观念(2008 Newsweek)
2⑤. A large component of teaching is done by casual staff.大量的教学内容由临时教学人员完成。(2008 Science)

casualty (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C] a person hurt or killed in an accident or battle; a person that suffers or a thing that is destroyed as a result of a particular event or situation(事故或战斗中的)伤亡人员;(某特定事件或情况造成的)受害者[近victim]   
② [U] emergency room 急救室,急诊室
1①.For a while it looked as though the making of semiconductors... was going to be the next casualty. 半导体产业似乎成了下个遭受冲击的领域。(2000阅读Text 1)

coincide (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][I] ① (two or more events) to happen at the same time, esp. by chance(尤指因巧合)同时发生[+(with)]  
② (of ideas or opinions, etc.) be identical or very similar(想法、观点等)一致或相似[近agree, square, accord, conform, correspond]
③ (of objects or places) to meet or share the same space相接,相交,重叠
Ⅰ  coincidence  n. [C,U](令人惊奇的,意想不到的)巧合,巧事;[用单数] 同时存在,并存;(思想、观点等的)一致,相符
Ⅱ  coincident a. 在同一地方发生的,同时发生的[+(with)]
Ⅲ  coincidental a. 巧合的,碰巧的,非计划之中的   
1①. Coinciding with the groundbreaking theory of biological evolution proposed by British naturalist Charles Darwin in the 1860s, British social philosopher Herbert Spencer put forward his own theory of biological and cultural evolution.在英国博物学家查尔斯·达尔文于19世纪60年代提出开创性的生物进化论的同时,英国社会哲学家赫伯特·斯宾塞也提出了自己的生物和文化进化理论。(2009阅读Part B)
2Ⅰ.Can this merely be coincidence?难道这仅仅只是巧合吗?(2004 阅读Text 2)
1②. However employees, including company directors, never have interests which coincide exactly with those of the shareholders.然而包括公司主管在内的雇员的利益从未与股东的利益保持完全一致。(2007 The Times)
2③. If the two terminals of a path coincide, the path is a closed path and is called a circuit (or loop).如果一条路线的两个端点相交,那么它是一个封闭的路线,称之为回路或环形。(2001 Future)
3Ⅰ. the coincidence of inflation and unemployment 通货膨胀与失业的并存(2003 Jstor)
4Ⅰ. There had been a perfect coincidence of opinion among the board members.董事会成员达成了完美的共识。(2004 The New York Times)

decay (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [T,I]to be slowly destroyed or to destroy sth by a natural process (使)腐蚀,(使)腐烂[近rot, decompose]
② [I] if buildings, structures, or areas decay, their condition gradually becomes worse; if traditional beliefs, morals, standards, etc. decay, they lose power, vigour, influence over people, society, etc. (建筑物或地区)变坏,破败,衰败;(传统观念、道德、标准等)失去影响力;衰弱,衰落[近decline, disintegrate]
[n.][U]③ the process or result of being destroyed by a natural process腐烂,腐坏[近rot, decomposition]
④ the gradual destruction of buildings, ideas, social or political organizations, etc.(建筑物、观念、社会或政治组织等的)衰退,衰败,逐渐毁坏[近decline, disintegration]
1①. By the age of five more than one third of children have suffered decaying tooth.五岁的孩子中超过三分之一都会长龋齿。(2008 Nature)
2②. But since the Web offers the option of anonymity with no accountability, online conversations are often more prone to decay into ugliness than those in other media.由于网络提供匿名且不承担任何责任的自由,因此与其他媒介相比,网络通常容易使交谈沦为丑陋的现象。(2007 The New York Times )
3③. Plants provide the energy to keep animals alive indirectly through their death and decay into the soil.植物通过死亡并在土壤中腐烂间接为动物的生存提供能量。(2008 National Geographic)
4④. By neglecting the sciences for our own children and potentially discouraging talented foreign students, we are only assuring a long, steady economic decay.如果我们忽视自己孩子的科学教育,并潜在地让优秀的外国学生丧失信心,那么我们肯定只会面临长期的不断的经济衰退。(2006 Harvard Magazine)

incident (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.]  ① [C,U]sth that happens, esp. one that is unusual, serious, or violent(尤指不平常的、严重的或暴力的)事件[近event, occurrence, happenings]
② [C] a serious disagreement between countries, often involving military forces(两国间的)摩擦,冲突;(常指)军事冲突[近conflict]
Ⅰ incidence n. [U](疾病、罪行等坏事的)发生率
1①. Last year Japan experienced 2,125 incidents of school violence. 去年日本发生了2,125起校园暴力事件。(2000阅读Text 4)
2Ⅰ. Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include... the growing incidence of child abuse and child neglect.其他已知的因素包括……儿童受虐待和得不到关怀的发生率提高。(2004知识运用)
1②. It could easily escalate into an even larger diplomatic incident which will negatively impact the relationship in significant ways.它很容易会升级为更大的外交冲突,对两国关系产生极大的负面影响。(2001 The Christian Science Monitor)

incidental (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.]① not intended; happening in connection with sth else, but not as important as it非有意的;附带发生的,次要的 [+ to][近accidental]   
② happening as a natural result of sth 伴随而来的,不可避免的[+to]
[n.] [复数]③ sth that happens in connection with sth else, but is less important附带的次要事情
Ⅰ incidentally ad. 非计划地,偶然地,附带地[近accidentally] ; (引入新话题、附加信息或临时想到的事情)顺便提一句 [近by the way]
1①. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the express reason of the association.前一种情况下,教育是附带产生的,虽然它是自然且重要的,但却不是人际交往的明显目的。(2009翻译)
1②. Certain risks are incidental to normal operations. However, the companys general philosophy is to avoid unnecessary risk and to limit, to the extent practical, any risks associated with business activities.某些风险是正常运作不可避免的。但是公司的一般哲学是避免不必要的风险,在可行的范围内限制任何与商业活动相关的风险。(2006 Trinity)
2③. Its a common practice for hotels to put a “hold” on whatever card you turn over to them, to cover not only those incidentals (mini bar, in room movies, etc.) but to insure that you dont bolt without settling up.酒店通常会扣押你交给它们的任何卡,不仅用以支付迷你酒吧单和客房收费电影等杂项开销,而且确保你不会在结账前开溜。(2008 Gadling)
3Ⅰ. In three cases the tumors were discovered incidentally and in five cases no comment had been made regarding clinical presentation. 三起病例中肿瘤是偶然发现的,另外五起病例中则没有对临床特征的任何评论。(2006 Nature)
4Ⅰ. The actual cost ultimately turned out to be 12 times as much. The cost to the southern states, incidentally, was even more.实际的开支却高达12倍之多,顺便说一句,南部各州的花费更多。(2003 Economist)

occasion (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C] a time when sth happens(某事发生的)时刻,时候;某次[on...+][近moment, time]
② [C] an important social event or ceremony 重要的社交活动,仪式,庆典[近ceremony, celebration, function]
③ [用单数] a suitable or favourable time合适的机会,时机[+(for)][近opportunity, chance]
④ [U] a cause or reason理由,原因[+(of/for/to do)] [近cause, reason]
[v.][T]⑤ to cause sth使发生,造成,导致[近cause, lead, bring, induce, make, result in, trigger]
 on occasion(s): sometimes but not often有时,间或,偶尔
Ⅰ occasional a.(只在某些时候发生)偶尔的,偶然的,临时的
Ⅱ occasionally ad. 偶尔,偶然
1④. Probably there is not one here who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning. 在座的诸位中,大概不会有人一整天都不需要(或,没有理由)进行一连串复杂的思考活动。(1993翻译)
2Ⅱ. ... large “comfortable” classes ...who had no relation to the rest of the community except that of drawing dividends and occasionally attending a shareholders meeting ... 大批“享乐”阶层……除了领取红利,偶尔参加股东会议外,他们与外界几乎没有任何联系(1996阅读Text 3)
1①. This is really one of the first occasions when service providers have assumed responsibility for the content that goes over their networks.这真的是服务提供者开始对他们网络上的内容承担责任的时候。(2007 International Herald Tribune)
2②. Iraqi men traditionally fire their guns into the air to celebrate a victory or a special occasion.伊拉克男人们通常向空中鸣枪以庆祝胜利或特别的庆典。(2007 The Times)
3③. Employees will be autonomous and take the initiative when the occasion arises.当机会来临时员工会自主创新。(2002 Coops Canada)
4⑤. The global automobile industry is going through wrenching changes, and many of them are occasioned by economic developments worldwide.全球汽车业正在经历痛苦的变革,其中很多是全球经济发展造成的。(2008 The Washington Post)
5. The Catholic Church on occasion mediates between the government, the opposition and various interest groups.天主教有时在政府、反对派以及不同利益群体中进行调解。(2007 Economist)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:03 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:27:02 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

calcium (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [U]钙
Ⅰ calcify v. (使)钙化,(使)骨化,(使)石灰质化
1Ⅰ. It has become formula—calcified through endless repetition.它已经成为了一种公式,因不断重复而僵化。(2007 Time)

calculate (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T]① to find out a total number, amount, distance, etc. by using numbers计算,核算[+sth,+that][近compute, reckon, count, estimate]
② to guess sth using as many facts as you can find(通过一系列的事实)推测,预测 [+how/what/whether/that][近guess, speculate, suppose]
 calculate on:to depend on sth for your plans to succeed指望;预期,料到
  be calculated to do sth:be intended or likely to have a particular effect 打算做,故意做,可能做
Ⅰ  calculated a.(事先算好的)精心策划的,蓄意的
Ⅱ calculating a. 精明的,精于算计的
Ⅲ calculation n.计算;估计,推测;算计,自私的打算
Ⅳ calculator n. 计算器
1①. Projecting popular votes precisely is impossible because theres no way to calculate turnout.精确地预测普选票是不可能的,因为无法统计投票人数。(2008 Newsweek)
2②. French researchers calculate that Saturns tidal pull on Titan may heat it enough to create a similar ocean.法国研究者推测土星对其卫星“泰坦”的潮汐力可以使它温度上升到足以制造出一个类似的海洋。(2003 USA Today)
3Ⅰ. But they can only do it for clients who value the benefits of a little calculated risktaking.但是他们可以只为那些重视一点点故意的冒险行为的好处的客户做这个事情。(2008 Businessweek)
4Ⅱ. 2. An economic agent is a calculating person whose behavior is determined by the moral character of the agent and the relative cost of ethical behavior.经济行为人是一类精于计算的人,其行为由他的道德品质以及伦理行为的相对成本所决定。(2004 Springer Link)
5. At harvesttime a laborer and his family can calculate on earning enough grain to feed them for three months. 在收获季节里,一个劳动者和他的家庭指望收获足够的粮食以便让他们三个月能吃饱。(2002 Nagpuron Line)
6. Americas pioneer radio stations in the 1920s devised and broadcast daily serial stories with themes calculated to appeal to women at home.20世纪20年代美国的先锋电台设计并广播每日系列故事,这些故事的主题意在吸引留在家中的妇女。(2008 The Times)

chalk (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [U] ① a type of soft white stone白垩
②  (白色或彩色的)粉笔
[v.][T]③  用粉笔写或画[+sth (up) on sth]
  chalk and cheese: (two people or things) completely different from each other截然不同,天渊之别
  chalk up sth: to achieve or record a success, points in a game, etc.获得,取得(成功);记下,记录(成就、比赛得分)
  chalk it up to experience: to think of a failure as being sth that you can learn from 从……中吸取教训或经验
  chalk sth up to sth: to consider that sth is caused by sth把某事归因于
Ⅰ chalky a. (含或像)白垩的;(像)粉笔的
1. Although friends for 20 years and business partners for 9, they are chalk and cheese.尽管他们是20年的朋友和9年的事业伙伴,但却是截然不同的人。(2008 Blog Spot)
2. The farright British National Party might chalk up a few victories in next weeks local government elections.极右政党英国国家党可能在下周的地方政府选举中获得几次胜利。(2006 Economist)
3. If we succeed, fine; if we dont, well just chalk it up to experience.如果我们成功,固然好;如果不成功,我们就从中吸取教训。(2007 Opus Hotel)
4. While I wouldnt want to chalk these reports up entirely to hysteria, I think we can safely say theyre exaggerated.虽然我不想把这些报道完全归因于狂热,但我敢说它们是夸大了事实的。(2005 Urban Legends)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:04 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:27:56 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

camp (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C,U] a place where people stay temporarily in tents or huts or are kept esp. by a government and for long periods营地;度假营,活动营;军营[近quarter];(尤指政府长期关押人的)拘留营[近jail, prison]
② [C] a group of people who have the same ideas or principles; one of the sides in a competition and the people connected with it阵营(持不同观点且相互对立的集团或比赛中的一方及其支持者)
[v.][I] ③ to put up a tent and live in it for a short time 扎营,宿营,露营;野营[近pitch]
④ (也作 ~ out)to live in sbs house or somewhere without all the useful things借住,借宿;(在住宿条件不好的地方)勉强暂住
[a.] ⑤ exaggerated in style, esp. in a deliberately amusing way夸张的,滑稽可笑的,做作的
 camp out: to sleep outdoor for a short time露宿
Ⅰ camper n. 露营者,度假营营员;野营车
Ⅱ  campfire n. 营火,篝火
Ⅲ  camping n. 野营度假
1①. By 10 a.m., were roped up and crunching steps to high camp at 17200 feet.到了上午10点,我们把自己用绳子捆好了,嘎吱嘎吱地向17200英尺的高山营地走去。(2008 National Geographic)
2①. They are talking about creating a refugee camp for a million homeless residents.他们正在谈论为成百万无家可归的居民建立难民营。(2005 U.S.News )
3②. The specific application is to divide authors into opposite camps within a given topic in the context of newsgroups. 这种特殊的应用(网络)将在新闻组的背景下把同一个特定话题下的作者分离为两个对立的阵营。
4③. We camped that night in the garden of a small hotel.那天晚上我们在一个小酒店的花园里露营过夜。(2008 National Geographic)
5④. We manage to camp out at a friends apartment and work from 6am-10pm every day. 我们设法暂时寄宿在一个朋友的住处,并每天从上午6点工作到晚上10点。(2007 Efestivals)
6⑤. The camp celebration of artifice is countered by the existentialist dwelling upon the problem of authenticity.对技巧的夸张的颂扬遭到思考真实性问题的存在主义者的反对。(1998 Daily Mirror)
7. Such is the age we live in when “news crews” camp out around Michelle Williams apartment, just waiting to get that first picture of her face that is anguished over the death of Heath Ledger.这就是我们所生活的时代,为了第一个拍摄到女演员米歇尔·威廉斯因希斯·莱杰的死亡而痛苦的脸,新闻工作者会在她的公寓附近露宿。(2008 Access Atlanta)

campaign (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① (为了军事目的而进行的一系列进攻、战斗)战役 [近battle, engagement, combat, fight]
② a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result运动(为社会、商业或政治目的而进行的一系列有计划的活动);宣传活动[+ for/against sth] [近propaganda]
[v.][I] ③ to lead or take part in a campaign发起、参加(旨在获得某一结果的)运动 [+(for/against),+to do sth]
Ⅰ campaigner n. 运动领导者或参加者
1②. the heart of what is wrong with the campaign to put computers in the classroom 将计算机引入课堂这一活动的关键问题所在(1999阅读Text 3)
2②. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns. 他们还可以确定偏爱的顾客群进行促销活动。(1994阅读Text 2)
3③. For much of the past year, President Bush campaigned to move Social Security to a savingsaccount model...去年的大半年之中,布什总统发起了将社会保障体系变成个人储蓄帐户模式的运动。(2007阅读Text 3)

champion (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C]①  (尤指体育比赛中的)冠军,优胜者[近winner, victor]
② a person who publicly fights for and defends an aim or principle(为某目标或原则而奋斗的)斗争者,捍卫者,声援者 [+(of sth)]
[v.][T] ③ to support the cause of sb or sth; to defend vigorously 支持……的事业,捍卫,声援[近advocate, back, support, uphold]
Ⅰ championship n.[常作复数]锦标赛;冠军地位
1②. But when it comes to health care, she is a champion of “slow medicine,” an approach that encourages less aggressive and less costly care.谈到医疗,她是“慢药”——即,不鼓励过分激进、昂贵的治疗方法——的拥护者。(2008 International Herald Tribune )
2③. He championed the cause of renewables by warning in the strongest terms about climate change. 他用最严厉的措辞警示气候变化的危害,以声援再生能源事业。(2004 The Guardian)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:06 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:29:08 | 只看该作者


candidate (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① a person who applies for a job or is nominated for election (esp to Parliament)(求职)申请人;(尤指国会的竞选)候选人 [+for sth] [近applicant]
② a person who is taking an examination应试者,投考者
③ sb/sth that is considered suitable for sth or likely to get sth or to be sth被认为适合者;被认为可能得到某事物者,被认定有某种结局者 [+(for sth)] [近prospect]
Ⅰ candidacy(也作candidature)n.候选人的资格或身份
1③. Such characteristics make them perfect candidates for Dr. Brosnans and Dr. de Waals study. 这些特点使它们成为布鲁斯南博士和德·瓦尔博士理想的研究对象。(2005阅读Text 1)
1①. It is a longheld belief that whites simply wont vote for black candidates for higher office.人们一直认为白人就是不会选黑人候选人担任高层职位。(2008 Los Angeles Times)
2②. All candidates might undergo examination by independent experts.所有的考生可能都要接受独立专家的测试。(2004 The New York Times)

candle (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.]①  [C] 蜡烛
 cant hold a candle to sb/sth:  to be not as good as sb/sth 逊于……,不能与……相提并论
1. Football, soccer, tennis—dont even mention golf—cant hold a candle to baseball, at least not to this native New Yorker who grew up within walking distance of Yankee Stadium.橄榄球、足球、网球,更别提高尔夫,都不能与棒球相提并论,至少对于这个走着就能到杨基棒球场的纽约本地人来说是如此。(2006 The Washington Post)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:07 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:30:23 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

capacity (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [U,用单数] the number of things or people a container or space can hold容量,容积,容纳力[+of] [近volume]
② [C,U] the ability of sb to understand or to do sth能力,才能;领悟力,理解力[+(for sth/doing sth),+(to do sth)] [近ability, capability, competence, competency, faculty]
③ [U] the ability of a factory, company, machine, etc. to produce or deal with sth(工厂、公司、机器等的)产量,生产力[近production, output]
④ [用单数] sbs job, position, or duty职位,地位,身份,职责[+as] [近role, position, responsibility]
1①. ...they became “personal” too, as well as institutional, with display becoming sharper and storage capacity increasing...随着显示效果越来越清晰及存储量越来越大,电脑已不只是团体机构的用具,也成了个人的用具。(2002知识运用)
2②. Their capacity for tolerating stress may even be greater than mens... 女性忍受压力的能力甚至可能比男性要强(2008阅读Text 1)
3③. Americas capacity utilisation, for example, hit historically high levels earlier this year. 比如,美国的生产力利用率在今年早些时候达到了历史最高水平。(1997阅读Text 5)
1④. But Apples bylaws at the time stated clearly that Jobs, in his capacity as CEO, preside over board meetings. 但当时苹果的规章制度明确规定乔布斯作为首席执行长官的职责是主持董事会会议。(2007 Businessweek)

cape (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① 斗篷,披风,披肩 [近cloak]
② a piece of high land sticking out into the sea(常用于地理名称)海角;岬
Ⅰ caped a. 穿披肩的,披斗篷的
1①. The label on a childs Batman cape cautions that...印在儿童的蝙蝠侠披风上的标识语也告诫说……(1999阅读Text 1)
1②. A spider also lives on Bounty Islands which is closely related to one from Cape Horn.有一种蜘蛛也住在邦蒂群岛上,与合恩角的一种蜘蛛是近亲。(2001 Nature)

capital (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C] the most important town or city of a country, state, etc.; a place that is a centre for an activity首都,省会,首府;(比喻)(活动的)中心
② [U或单数] money or property, esp. used to start a business or to produce more wealth; people who use their money to start business, considered as a group 资金,资本[近finance, funds];资方
③ [C] 大写字母
[a.] ④ primary, chief or principal 首要的,主要的
⑤ [仅用于名词前] involving punishment by death; very serious, fatal 死刑的;(比喻)极严重的,重大的
n.  (为首的城市)首都,首府→(企业运作的首要条件)资金,资本;资方→ (出现在句首的)大写字母→a.  首要的→(砍头)死刑的
 make capital (out) of sth:to use a situation for your own advantage从……中捞取好处,利用……谋求私利
 with a capital A, B, etc.:used to emphasize that a word has a stronger meaning than usual in a particular situation(强调有特别含义的字眼)真正地,名副其实地,不折不扣地
Ⅰ  capitalism n. [ism名词词尾,“……主义”] [U] 资本主义
Ⅱ capitalist n. 资本主义者;资本家 a.(又作capitalistic)资本主义的
Ⅲ capitalize vt. 把(字母)大写;为……提供运营资本或资金;变卖资产,变现
1②. The railroad industry... still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. 就整个铁路工业来说……它的收入仍然不足以支付为满足不断增长的运输需要而投入的资金。(2003 阅读Text 3)
2②. In the last half of the nineteenth century “capital” and “labour” were enlarging and perfecting their rival organizations on modern lines. 19世纪后半叶,“资方”和“劳方”按现代方式不断扩大并各自完善相互对立的组织。(1996 阅读Text 3)
3Ⅰ. Am I suggesting that we should return to the preindustrial mode of production or to nineteenthcentury “free enterprise” capitalism? 我是在建议回到我们工业化前的生产模式或十九世纪自由企业资本主义吗?(1993 阅读Text 2)
1①. Paris prides itself on being the fashion capital of the world.巴黎以世界时装之都的姿态傲立。(2002 Time)
2③. Say something nasty and write in capitals and the email may end up forwarded to a million readers by the end of the day.说一些恶毒的话并用大写字母书写,到了一天结束时这封邮件将发送到一百万读者那里。(2008 Mxenergy)
3④. Our capital concern is that everyone be fed.我们首要关心的问题是每个人都吃饱。(Collins English Dictionary)
4⑤. In the assembly it is allowed to present accusations, and to prosecute capital offences.在集会中可以提出指控并以死罪来起诉。(2006 Gutenberg)
5. Nor will voters warm to the sight of the politicians making political capital out of the renewed violence that is now likely.选民们也不会热衷于看到政治家们利用可能再次出现的暴力捞取政治资本。(2007 Economist)
6. It means changing a lot of peoples behavior and fundamental beliefs, which, as you no doubt know, is Hard, with a capital“H”. 它意味着要改变人们很多行为和基本观点。你肯定知道这是名副其实的难。(2008 Feesoftware Magazine)

captive (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[a.] ① [仅用于名词前] kept in prison or in a small space; kept in confinement or under restraint被监禁的,被关押的[近imprisoned, jailed];人身自由受限制的,受控制的[近confined, controlled, restricted]
[n.] ② [C] sb who is kept as a prisoner, esp. in a war 囚徒;(尤指)战俘,俘虏[近prisoner, convict]
Ⅰ captivity n. [U]囚禁,关押;束缚[in+]  
1①. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more...通常,铁路公司对这些“受控制的”托运商的收费要……高出20%至30%。(2003阅读Text 3)
1Ⅰ. Some 25000 wild animals live in captivity outside US zoos, many horribly abused.美国动物园外有大约25000只野生动物被囚禁,其中许多动物遭到残忍的虐待。(2007 Readers Digest)

capture (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① 俘虏,逮捕,捕获 [近arrest, apprehend, seize, trap]
② to get control of a place, a market, etc.抢占,攻占;夺取,夺得[近catch, seize, hold]
③ [常用被动]to film, record, paint, etc. sb/sth拍摄;录制,绘制[+sb/sth on sth] [近shoot]
④ to succeed in accurately showing or describing a situation or feeling(准确地)表达,描绘,刻画[近describe, portray, depict]
[n.] [U] ⑤ (被)俘虏,捕获; 夺取,占领;抢占,赢得[+of]
 capture ones attention/imagination/interest:to make sb interested in sth引起注意/想象/兴趣
  capture ones heart: to make sb love you使……爱上
Ⅰ captor n. 捉拿者,捕捉者,捕获者
1④. Other standardized tests, such as the Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT) and the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), capture the main aspects of IQ tests. 其他的标准化测试,比如学术评估测验和研究生入学考试,都充分体现了智商测试的主要特点。(2007阅读 Text 2)
2. While the leading actor on the stage captures our attention, we are aware of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself. 当舞台上的主角吸引了我们的注意力的同时,我们也意识到配角及戏剧场景的重要性。(1994 阅读Text 3)
1①. The idea is to capture carbon dioxide emitted by coalfire power plants and then pump it deep into the earth to avoid further buildup of the gas in the atmosphere.该想法是“捕获”燃煤的发电厂释放出来的二氧化碳,然后把它抽入地球深处,以避免大气中二氧化碳的进一步聚积。(2008 The New York Times)
2②. Drug companies are racing to capture that ballooning market as health advocates worry the disease will become a public health threat.当健康专家担心这种疾病会成为公共健康威胁时,药品公司开始竞相抢占日益膨胀的市场。(2006 International Herald Tribune)
3③. In 2007, the number of digital cameras and camera phones in the world surpassed 1 billion, and fewer than 10% of all still images were captured on film.2007年,世界上的数码相机和照相手机超过了10亿部,而所有静止图像只有不到10%被拍摄在胶卷上。(2008 Ameinfo)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:09 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:31:36 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

career (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① 职业,专业,事业 [近occupation, profession, trade, vocation]
② the period of time in ones life that one spends doing a particular activity职业生涯,经历[近life, experience]
[v.][I] ③ to move forward very quickly and often without control(常指失控地)猛冲,疾驰 [+ad./prep.] [近dash, spin, tear, leap]
Ⅰ careerist n. 事业狂,野心家
Ⅱ careerism n.视事业重于一切的观点、想法;野心,追名逐利
1②. Discuss the joys and downsides of your own career and encourage your kids to form some ideas about their own future. 与孩子谈论一下你的职业生涯中的乐趣以及存在的问题,并鼓励他为自己的未来做一些打算。(2007 阅读Part B)
1①. How did he manage to nail down a career as a footballer?他是如何设法从事足球运动员这个职业的?(2002 The Guardian)
2③. He had only an instant to react as the car careered toward his daughter.当车冲向他的女儿时他只有片刻的反应时间。(2008 Chicago Tribune)

cargo (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C, U] [复数~es/~s] the goods carried in a ship, plane, truck, etc.(船、飞机、卡车等装载的)(一批)货物 [近freight, goods]

carrier (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C]①  搬运人;运输公司;运输工具,运输舰,航空母舰;(自行车等的)载物架 [近transporter, conveyance, vehicle]
② a person or thing that passes a disease to others but does not suffer from it(指传播疾病而自身却不受其害的)带菌者,带病毒者;传染病的媒介
1①.Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90 percent of all the freight moved by major rail carriers.到明年,一系列合并活动完成之后,仅四家铁路公司将控制主要铁路运输公司货运业务的90%以上。(2003阅读Text 3)
2②. But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture, adjusting to New World circumstances.但是为了与我们对美国南部地区精神生活的考察相一致,我们可以将这些最初的清教徒移民视为欧洲文明的携带者,他们在适应新大陆的环境。(2009阅读Text 4)

carry (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to take sb/sth from one place to another拿,搬,提,扛,背,抱,运送 [近convey, transport]
② to contain and direct the flow of sth输送,传输
③ to spread a disease传播,传染(疾病)[近spread, transmit]
④ to take sb/sth to a particular point or in a particular direction  向……前进,推进到 [+sb/sth to/into sth][近pass, propel, drive]
⑤ [常用被动] to approve of sth by more people voting for it than against it (决议等以票数多出)获得通过[近pass]
⑥ to win the support or sympathy of sb; to persuade people to accept your argument赢得……支持或同情,劝说……接受观点 [近push]
⑦ to support the weight of sb/sth支撑,承载 [近bear, hold, sustain]
⑧ to be pregnant with a child怀孕[近conceive]
⑨ to hold or move your head or body in a particular way保持姿态,做姿势[+oneself+ ad./prep.] [近behave, pose, bear]
⑩ to be able to remember sth 能记住[+sth in your head/mind]
○11 to accept responsibility or to suffer the results承担(责任),承受(结果)[近undertake, assume, accept, bear, shoulder, suffer, endure]
○12 to have sth with you and take it wherever you go; to have a label or piece of information attached携带,佩带[近bring, take];贴有(标签),附带有(信息)[近attach]
○13 to have sth as a quality or feature; to have sth as a result 具有(某品质或特点)[近possess, have, take on, be endowed with];带有或带来(某种结果、后果)
○14 (of a newspaper or broadcast) to print or broadcast a piece of news, etc.; (of a shop) to have a supply of sth for sale(报纸、广播等)刊登,报道[近publish, release, issue];(商店)出售[近stock]
[v.][I]○15(of a sound or smell)to travel a long distance(声音、气味等)传得很远 [近transmit]
从“承受重量”派生的含义:①(承载婴儿的重量)怀孕→(承受自己身体的重量)保持姿态,做姿势→(大脑承受的内容)能记忆→承担(责任、结果等) ②携带,佩带(物品);附带着标签或其他信息→带有(品质或特点);带有或带来(某种结果)→(报纸、广播)刊登,报道;(商店有某种货物)出售
 be/get carried away:to get very excited or lose control of your feelings 变得很激动,失去自制力,忘乎所以
  carry sth off:a. to win sth赢得,获得b. to do sth difficult successfully成功地完成(困难的事)
  carry on:a. to continue moving继续行进 b. to continue doing sth继续做,坚持干[+(with) sth,+doing sth] c. to argue or complain noisily争吵,吵闹,大声抱怨
 carry sth out:to do sth that you have promised to do or have been asked to do履行,执行,实施
 carry over:a. to continue to exist in a different situation(情况变化时)继续存在,保持下去b. to delay sth until a later time延迟,延期 [+sth until]
 carry sb/sth through (sth):a. to complete sth successfully 成功完成,顺利实现 b. to help sb to survive a difficult period帮助某人渡过难关
1②. They are carried to all parts of the growing plant and are built into essential plant materials while in a dissolved state. 当处于溶解状态时,它们被输送到生长植物的各个部分并被转化吸收为基本的元素。(1991 阅读Text 3)
2⑩. Russians have a deep love for their own language and carry large chunks of memorized poetry in their heads. 俄罗斯人深爱自己的语言,并能记住大段大段的诗歌。(2005阅读Text 4)
3○12. Today, stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn, among other things, that you might—surprise!—fall off. 如今,活梯上贴着几英寸长的警告标签,除了其他警告事项外,还警告你可能会摔下来,简直是莫名其妙!(1999阅读 Text 1)
4○13. The Supreme Courts decisions on physicianassisted suicide carry important implications for ...最高法院关于医生协助病人自杀问题的裁决,对于……具有重要的意义。(2002阅读 Text 4)
5○13. The things that bring the greatest joy carry the greatest potential for loss and disappointment. 带来最大快乐的东西也最有可能带来损失和失望。(2006阅读 Text 4)
6○14. And, unless banks carry toxic assets at prices that attract buyers, reviving the banking system will be difficult.除非银行以能够吸引买家的价钱出售有毒资产,否则,复苏银行系统将会十分困难。(2010阅读Text 4)
7. If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the science journals indicate... 假如科学实验像科学杂志报告显示的那样完全按事先的计划去规划和实施……(1999阅读 Text 5)
1③. They can also ensure that the offspring do not carry genetic disease.它们也能保证后代不会传染遗传性疾病。(2002 Nature)
2④. His faith in the baseball patron has carried him to the top of the heap.他对棒球赞助人的信心使他处在了棒球俱乐部的顶层。(2002 The New York Times)
3⑤. The resolution was carried by 279 votes to 269.这项决议以279票对269票获得通过。(2004 Oxford Journals)
4⑥. He is an intelligent director, who knows how to carry his audience along with him.他是一个聪明的导演,知道如何赢得观众的支持。(2004 The Telegraph)
5⑦. Most of the major roads carry heavy freight traffic and have a number of sharp bends.大部分的主路承载繁重的货运,而且有很多急转弯路口。(2008 Travel Advices)
6⑨. She should be having an attractive personality and ability to carry herself confidently.她应该具有迷人的个性和能力使自己举止自信。(2005 Time Our)
7○11. As witnesses to evil in the past, we carry a solemn responsibility to take these words seriously.作为过去罪恶的见证人,我们肩负有庄严的责任来认真地对待这些话。(2008 The Christian Science Monitor)
8○14. Discount stores usually carry only the most wellknown brands.折扣店通常只销售最知名的品牌。(2007 Bizrate)
9. The Queen never got carried away for one instant by American flattery.女王从未因为美国人的奉承而不能自持。(2007 The Times)
10. If youre wondering how to carry off this years styles, make a start with your handbag.如果你正在考虑如何跟上今年的流行式样,那么就从手提包开始吧!(2008 The Daily Mail)
11. Youre only doing your argument disservice by shouting and carrying on like that.你这样大吵大闹对你的辩论极为不利。(2007 Daytrotter)
12. The momentum should carry over into next year unless global growth slowed.只要全球增长不减缓,这股势头将延续到明年。(2006 International Herald Tribune)
13. His strength and courage will continue to carry him through the difficult season.他的力量与勇气将帮助他度过这个艰难的赛季。(2007 The Guardian)

cart (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C](二轮或四轮)运货马车[近carriage];手推车,手拉车[近trolley]
[v.][T] [+sth/sb+ad./prep.] ② to carry sth in a cart or other vehicle 用(马)车运送 [近carry, transport, convey]
③ to carry sth that is large, heavy or awkward, usu. in your hands (通常用手)提,搬运(笨重物品) [近handle]
④ to take sb somewhere, esp. with difficulty 强行带走,抓走[近take, catch]
 put the cart before the horse:to put or do things in the wrong order 本末倒置,前后颠倒
1①. Even the Volkswagen rear engine car was anticipated by a 1904 patent for a cart with the horse at the rear. 1904年一项马在后面的马车专利甚至就预示了大众后置发动机汽车的诞生。 (1993阅读Text 3)
1②. The vacant apartments were full of refuse that had not been carted away.空着的公寓里堆满了还没有被运走的垃圾。(2007 The New York Times)
2③. He carted the heavy bag around everywhere.他提着沉重的包到处走。(2008 U.S.News)
3④. When a  neighbors teenage son was carted away, never to be seen again, people would mutter: “It must be for some good reason”.当邻居家十几岁的儿子被强行带走,再也没见到后,人们会窃窃私语:“肯定有什么特别的原因”。(2001 Businessweek)

charge (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [I,T]to ask an amount of money for goods or a service;to record the cost of sth on sbs account收费,要价[+(sb/sth) for sth,+(sb)sth(for sth)];记在某人账上[+sth to sth]
② [T]to accuse sb officially or publicly of a crime or of doing sth wrong or bad 控告,指控,起诉;(公开)指责,责备[+sb with] [近denounce, accuse, blame, criticize]
③ [T][常用被动] to give sb a responsibility or task赋予……职责或任务,使……承担责任[+sb with sth]
④ [T]to fill sb/sth with an emotion使……充满情绪[+sth/sb (with sth)] [近freight]
⑤ [I,T](使)充电 [+(sth)(up)]
⑥ [I] to rush forward and attack sb/sth, to rush in a particular direction猛攻,猛冲,冲锋;向…方向冲去[+ad./prep.][近rush, attack, hurry]
[n.] ⑦ [C,U] 要价,收费[+(for)] [近fee, cost, expense, rate];记账
⑧ [C]指控,控告,罪名;指责,批评,责备[+against sb/sth,+of sth,on a+] [近accusation, denouncement, denunciation, criticism, blame]
⑨ [U,C] a position of having control over sb/sth or responsibility for sb/sth; a task or duty; sb that you are responsible for and looking after负责,掌管;责任,任务[近supervision, overseeing, care, control, command; responsibility, duty, obligation, commitment];被照管的人
⑩ [U] the power to cause strong feelings 感染力,震撼力
○11 [U,C] 电荷,充电量
○12 [C] a sudden rush or violent attack突然猛冲,猛攻[近rush, attack]
①从“承受重量、装载”的含义衍生出:(使承担费用)收费,要价→(使某人承受谴责)指控,起诉;指责,谴责→使承担责任→使……充满情绪→使充电 ②从“跑”的含义衍生出:“猛冲,猛攻”
Ⅰ chargeable a. 应支付的[+to];应征税的;可能被指控的
Ⅱ charged a. 引起强烈感情的,气氛紧张的
Ⅲ charger n. 充电器;军马,战马
1①. Railroads typically charge such “captive” shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.通常,铁路公司对这些“受牵制的”托运商的收费要比存在另一家铁路公司竞争时高出20%至30%。(2003阅读Text 3)
2③. He has not been charged with the task of approaching any but the factual aspects of those problems他承担的任务只不过是研究这些问题的事实层面。(2006翻译)
3⑧. On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics.另一方面,他认为某些人的批评是缺乏根据的。(2008翻译)
1②. At least 400 have been formally arrested—the rough equivalent of being charged with offences.至少400人被正式逮捕——与因犯罪而被起诉的人数差不多。(2008 The Daily Telegraph)
2④. The narrator in the novel is highly charged with hate, irony, humor, etc.小说中的叙述者充满了强烈的仇恨、讽刺和幽默。(2004 Ohiolink)
3⑨. Singapores Asian neighbours increasingly took charge of their own trade.与新加坡相邻的亚洲国家日益趋向于掌管自己的贸易。(2007 Economist)
4⑩. Even many talented journalists get an emotional charge out of reading their own writing.甚至连许多有才华的记者读自己的文稿也会被感染。(2008 Dailykos)

discharge (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.]① [T] to unload goods or passengers from a ship, plane, etc.卸(货);让(乘客)下船、飞机等 [近unload]
② [T][常用被动] to officially allow a person to go or send them away正式准许离开(尤指出院或退役等);释放;遣散;解雇 [+sb (from sth)] [近release, relieve, fire, dismiss]
③ [I,T]to send out gas, liquid, smoke, electricity, etc.; (of gas, liquid, etc.) to flow somewhere; to fire a gun, etc.排出,放出(气体、液体、烟、电等)[+(sth) (into sth)] [近pour, exhaust, outpour, ourflow];开(枪、炮),射(箭)[fire, shoot]
④ [T] to do properly everything that is part of a particular duty, etc.尽(职),完成,履行[近perform, execute, accomplish, achieve, fulfill]
[n.] ⑤ [U,C] the action of allowing or telling sb to leave 获准离开;免职;出院;退伍;遣散 [+from] [近release, dismissal]
⑥ [U,C]  排放(物),流出(物);放电 [+of]
⑦ [U]履行,执行;(债务的)清偿[+of] [近execution]
①从“不再承载” 派生出的含义:卸(货);让(乘客)下船、飞机;正式准许离开,遣散;解雇;排出,放出。②从charge“责任,任务”的含义派生出“完成,履行(职责,任务)”。
1②. He caught pneumonia drilling in the rain and was promptly discharged from the Army. 他在雨中操练时感染了肺炎,于是很快退伍了。(2005 Time)
2④. Neither the CIA nor its officers discharged “their responsibilities in a satisfactory manner.” 中央情报局和它的官员们都没有“令人满意地履行他们的职责”。(2007 USA Today)
3⑥. The discharge of chemical waste into waterways has declined. 向水道里排放的化学废料减少了。(2008 Nature)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:11 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:32:39 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

broadcast (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [I,T] to send out programmes on television or radio播送,广播
② [T] to tell sth to a lot of people使广为传播,散布 [近circulate,spread]
[n.]③ [C] a radio or television programme 广播节目,电视节目
Ⅰ  broadcaster n. 广播员,播音员;电视台,广播公司
Ⅱ  broadcasting n. [U] (无线电或电视的)广播;广播业
1①. The Corporation will survive as a publiclyfunded broadcasting organization, at least for the time being.至少目前,该公司(BBC)仍可以以公办广播机构的身份生存下去。(1996阅读Text 2)
1②. Humancaused theory believers dont properly broadcast the facts concerning natural fluctuation of climate, inferring that everything can be blamed on human pollution.“人类造成全球变暖”理论的坚信者没有正确传播有关气候的自然波动的事实,他们暗示一切都可归罪于人类的污染。(2008 The Populist Party)

cast (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] [T] ① 抛,扔,丢 [近throw, fling, toss, pitch, heave]
② to make light, a shadow, etc. appear on a surface or in a particular place投射(光、影子等)
③ to look, smile in a particular direction向……投以(视线、笑容等)
④ to shape liquid metal, etc. by pouring it into a mould浇铸,铸造(某物);使……以某种形式呈现[+ sth (in sth)][近mo(u)ld, form, frame, shape]
⑤ to choose actors to play parts in (a play, film, etc.) 挑选演员扮演(影剧等中的)角色;为……挑选演员
⑥ to regard or describe sb as a particular type of person评价某人为,描述某人为[+sb as/in the role of sth] [近regard, describe]
[n.]⑦ [C]  扔; 投; 掷; 抛[近throw, toss, heave]
⑧ [C] a specially shaped container used to make an object; the object made 模子,铸模;铸件,塑件 [近mo(u)ld]
⑨ [C] [跟单数或复数动词] all the actors in a play, film, etc.(戏剧、电影等的)全体演员,演员阵容
⑩ [用单数] the way that a person or a thing is or appears外观,特征,特性,类型 [近look, aspect, tendency, disposition, variety, kind, sort, breed]
v. 抛,扔,投→投射(光、影子等)→投以笑容、眼神→(把材料扔进模具里)铸造→(把某人扔进某种角色里)挑选演员扮演角色→(把某人扔进某种概念框架里)评价、描述某人为
n. 与动词对应:抛,扔,投→(铸造)模子;铸件→(挑选演员)全体演员→(评价、描述)外观,特征,类型
  cast doubt on/upon sth: to say, do or suggest sth that makes people doubt sb/sth使人怀疑,造谣中伤
  cast your mind back (to sth):to make yourself think about sth that happened in the past回顾,回想
  be cast away: to be left somewhere after a shipwreck (因沉船而) 流落(在荒岸、荒岛)
  be cast down(by sth): to be sad or discouraged沮丧,灰心,不愉快
  cast about/around for sth: to try hard to find or think of sth 苦苦思索,四处寻找
  cast sth off: to get rid of sb/sth摆脱,放弃,丢掉
Ⅰ casting n. [C]铸造物,[U]角色分配
1③. Instead of casting a wistful glance backward at all the species weve left in the dust I.Q.wise, it implicitly asks what the real costs of our own intelligence might be.这个问题不是要回顾那些我们人类在智力上已远远超越的物种,而是含蓄地询问人类智力的真正代价是什么。(2009知识运用)
1①. It is time to cast the net wider to find the best job.该把网撒大些来找到最好的工作。(2005 The Financial Times)
2①. Many voters have already cast their ballots remotely using electronic voting.许多选民已经用电子投票系统进行远程投票。(2004 The Christian Science Monitor)
3②. Both events have cast a dark shadow over the history of the team.两次事件都给这个队的历史蒙上了一层阴影。(2007 The Observer)
4④. Our PM Clark, and Blair were cast in the same mould and their policies follow identical paths. 我们的国会议员克拉克和布莱尔是一个模子里造出来的,他们的政策路线完全一致。(2006 The Daily Telegraph)
5⑤. Ryans boxing background had been essential to casting him as the films main character.莱安的拳击背景对于选他扮演这部电影的主角十分重要。(2006 New Society)
6⑥. Few men who find themselves cast as heroes early in life continue to command universal esteem till the end.那些在人生早期发现自己被视为英雄的人很少到死的时候仍然得到广泛的尊重。(2008 Economist)
7⑩. His unusual cast of mind, his wide and varied knowledge, together with a singular personal charm, combined to exert a strong influence on the students.他与众不同的思想(特性)、广博的知识以及独特的个人魅力对学生产生了强烈的影响。(2008 Jstor)
8. They scrambled to find material that would destroy her credibility, casting doubt on her motives, her private life and even her sanity.他们争相寻找材料来破坏她的信誉,使人们怀疑她的动机、私生活甚至神智。(2007 Newsweek)
9. I was not so much cast down by failure this time as I had been on previous occasions.这次我不像前几次一样因失败而沮丧。(2005 Beliefnet)
10. Athletics director Rob Spear was casting about for a coach and ran into Erickson at a resort. 运动主管罗伯·斯皮尔正在四处寻找一名教练,然后在一个旅游胜地偶然遇到了艾瑞克森。(2006 USA Today)
11. Airbus customers are rooting for it to cast off its old ways. 空中客车公司的顾客正在支持它摈弃传统方式。(2006 Businessweek)

forecast (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.[T]/n. [C]]①  (to make) a statement saying what is likely to happen in the future预测,预报 [+sth, +that,+wh] [近predict, foretell; prediction]
Ⅰ forecaster n. 预测者,(尤指)天气预报员,气象预报员
1①. However, there are still no forecasts for when fasterthanlight travel will be available.然而,对于何时能够进行超光速旅行却依然没有预见。(2001翻译)
2Ⅰ. It is also less than most forecasters had predicted. 这也低于许多预测者预测的数字。(1997阅读Text 5)


[ 本帖最后由 peterzjf 于 2010-3-22 16:12 编辑 ]
 楼主| peterzjf 发表于 10-3-19 11:33:54 | 只看该作者

新书试读——Unit 2

access (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.][U] ① the way you use to enter a building or reach a place入口,通道[+for sb,+to sth][近door,entrance,entry,entryway]
② the opportunity or right to enter a place, use sth or approach sb(进入某地方,使用某物或接近某人的)机会或权利[+to sth] [近entrance,entry,admission]
[v.][T] ③ to reach, enter or use sth到达,进入;使用[近enter,use]
④ to get or add information, esp. on a computer获取,存取(尤指电脑数据)
Ⅰ  accessible a.  易(可)接近的;易(可)进入的;易(可)使用的;易(可)理解的 [+to]
Ⅱ accessibility n. 易接近,可到达,可使用,可理解
Ⅲ inaccessible a.不可接近的,难以到达的,不能使用的,不能理解的
1②. The internet... is making free access to scientific results a reality.网络让免费使用科研成果(的机会)变为现实。(2008阅读Text 2)
2Ⅰ. ...effects once assigned to states of mind, feelings, and traits are beginning to be traced to accessible conditions. 一度被认为是由思维、感情、性格产生的影响现在被追溯到人们可以理解的环境上去了。(2002翻译)
1①. All dining cars in the fleet have been modified to provide wheelchair access and accommodation.舰队里的所有餐车都已经被改装以提供无障碍通道和住处。(2003 Irish Tourist)
2③. This database can be accessed by clicking on the Help button.点击“帮助”按钮就可以使用这个数据库了。(2009 NASCO)

concede (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [T]to admit that sth is true, logical, etc.(勉强地)承认(某事属实、合乎逻辑等) [+sth (to sb),+that] [近acknowledge,confess,grant]
② [T] to give sth to sb esp. unwillingly; to allow sb to have sth(尤指不情愿地)让给,让与;允许(拥有权力等) [+sth to sb,+sb sth] [近grant,allow,accord] [反deny]
③ [I] to admit that one is not going to win a battle, argument, etc.承认(失败),认输 [近give in]
1①. She conceded that initially she was a willing recipient of the injections—until she became addicted.她承认开始的时候自己是自愿接受注射,一直到她上瘾为止。(2001 Readers Digest)
2②. It wasnt until 1944 that the French government conceded voting rights to the female sex.一直到1944年法国政府才容许女性享有选举权。(2007 Goliath)
3③. It was clearly my win and just a matter of time until Marshall was forced to concede.很明显我胜利了,马歇尔被迫认输只是时间问题。(2007 People)

concession (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [U] the act of giving or allowing sth as a right承认,给予,容许,许可[近permission]
② [C,U] sth that one allows sb to have in order to end an argument or a disagreement(为结束争端或分歧而)让与某人之物,让步,妥协 [近compromise]
③ [C,常用复数] a special right or advantage that a particular person or group of people is allowed to have, including price reduction or such a ticket(政府或雇主等许可的)特权;特许权 [近licence];(对某个群体的)减价,价格优惠;减价票
Ⅰ concessionaire n. 特许权获得者(尤指销售的权力)
Ⅱ concessionary a. 特许的,让与的;(特别为老人、儿童等)降价的,优惠的
1②. But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.但是,现在他们对批评者妥协,并由此招致做出更多让步的压力。 (2010阅读Text 4)
1①. Now, 90 years after the first concession of equal status in our democracy, women are still underrepresented and, often, unrepresented in Canadian politics. 现在,在我们民主国家的平等地位获得认可的90年之后,女性在加拿大政界还没有足够的代表权或者说完全没有代表权。(2007 Responsible Living)
2③. The Government imposed a wage and price freeze, and granted tax concessions to business.政府强制实行工资与物价冻结,并对企业给予税收减免优惠。(2008 The New York Times)

exceed (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to be greater than a particular number or amount, esp. a fixed number超过,超出(尤指一固定数值)
② to go beyond an official or legal limit超越(政府或法律规定的)限制 [近overstep]
Ⅰ exceeding a.非常的,极度的,过度的
Ⅱ  exceedingly ad.非常,极其 [近extremely, very]
1①. ...up to now natural influences on the weather have exceeded those caused by man.迄今为止,自然因素对天气的影响已经超过人为因素。(1992阅读Text 2)
1②. The state Supreme Court ultimately voided the licenses, saying that city officials had exceeded their authority.州最高法院最终取消了这些执照,并称市官员超越了他们的权限。(2008 The New York Times)

excess (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.][ik′ses]① [U,C单数] a larger amount than is necessary, reasonable or acceptable超过,过度,过分;超过的量,过多的量[+(of sth)] [近surplus,overflow,redundancy] [反deficiency]
② [用复数] harmful or thoughtless actions that are socially or morally unacceptable过分的、越轨的行为,暴行
[a.][′ekses]③ [仅用于名词前] in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual or legal超额的,多余的,过度的 [近superfluous,surplus,unnecessary]
Ⅰ  excessive a.(量或程度超出合理或可忍受的范围)过度的,过分的,极度的[近undue,immoderate,unrestrained,extreme][反 insufficient]
Ⅱ  excessively ad. 过分,过于,非常
1①. ...there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate.到了男孩寻找伴侣的关键年龄,将出现男孩过剩。(2000阅读Text 2)
2①. ...most substances taken in excess will produce negative effects大多数物质的过量使用都会产生负面影响(1997阅读Text 3)
3③. has not occurred against the background of general commodityprice inflation and global excess demand.它并不是发生在普遍物价上涨及全球需求过旺的背景之下。(2002阅读Text 3)
4Ⅱ. He was drawing excessively fine distinctions.他划了过于清晰的界线。(1995阅读 Text 1)
1②. They call for tough new measures to licence all TV channels and curb broadcasting excesses.他们要求采用严厉的新措施来审批所有的电视频道并约束广播的越轨行为。(2006 Mediame)
2Ⅰ. Our excessive dependence on OPEC has already taken a tremendous toll on our economy and people.我们对于石油输出国家组织的过分依赖已经让我们的经济和人民付出了沉重的代价。(2008 Businessweek)

precede (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][T] ① to go in front of sb,to happen or exist before sth/sb or to come before sth else in a series 走在……之前,先于……(发生或存在);(在一系列中)排在……之前 [反follow, succeed]
② to say or write sth as an introduction to a speech, book, etc.在……前先说,给 ……加上引号[+sth with sth] [近introduce,lead,preface]
Ⅰ  preceding a. [仅用于名词前] 在前的,在先的;前面的[反 following ]
Ⅱ  precedence n. [U]优先(权)[+over sb/sth]
1①. ...the “premium” system, which preceded our patent system and for years ran parallel with it.“奖赏”制度产生于我们的专利制度之前,且多年来与后者一同实施。(1996阅读Text 4)
2Ⅰ. two or three respects his mind had changed during the preceding twenty or thirty years. 在之前的二三十年里,他的思想已经在两个或三个方面发生了变化。(2008翻译)
1①. If youre making a longdistance call, you need to precede the local number with a 1 plus the area code.如果你拨打长途电话,需要在本地号码前加拨1和区号。(2000 New York Times)

precedent (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] ① [C,U] sth of the same type that has happened or existed before先例,前例;(可援引的)判例,范例[+for]
② [U] the way that things have always been done惯例,常规 [近tradition]
Ⅰ unprecedented a. 空前的,前所未有的
1Ⅰ.s immigration is neither at unprecedented levels nor resistant to assimilation. ……如今的移民既未达到前所未有的水平也不抵制同化。(2006阅读Text 1)
1①. That case set a precedent for one spouse to lay claim to the future earnings of another.这起案件为(离异)一方索要另一方未来收入的做法提供了判例。(2004 Time)
2②. In a break with precedent, contestants in the swimsuit competition were allowed to go barefoot instead of having to wear high heels.打破常规的是,泳装竞赛选手被允许不穿鞋走而不是必须穿高跟鞋。(2006 The New York Times)

proceed (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][I] ① to move in a particular direction(向某一方向)行进,前往[+ad./prep.] [近advance,progress] [反recede]
② to continue doing sth; to do sth next继续进行,继续做[+(with sth)];接着做,继而做[+to do sth] [近continue]
  proceed from sth: to happen or exist as a result of sth源于,出自[近come/spring/derive from,arise from/out of]
 proceed against sb: to begin a legal case against sb对……提起诉讼[近sue, prosecute]
Ⅰ proceeds n. (出售某物或演出等的)进款,收入,收益
1①. Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a companys Web site.用户可以量身设定自己想要接收的信息,然后直接进入某个公司的网址。(1999阅读Text 2)
1②. Elected officials of both parties always listened with deference, and then proceeded to ignore virtually everything he said.双方当选的官员总是带着敬意倾听,继而忽视几乎所有他讲的事情。(2007 Newsweek)
2. But as regards the other abuses which have proceeded from superstition or ignorance, they cannot conveniently be specially prohibited.但是其他那些源于迷信或无知的虐待却无法轻易地、具体地予以阻止。(1995 The Council of Trent)
3. Prosecutors were running up against a 30day deadline to proceed against McDougle. 检察官在起诉迈克道格时受到了30天最后期限的制约。(2007 USA Today)

proceeding (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C, 常用复数] ① an event or series of actions事件,过程,一连串行动
② actions taken in a law court or in a legal case诉讼,诉讼程序 [+(against sb) (for sth)]
1①. On Coronation day, all of Rome gathers to watch the proceedings. 举行加冕典礼的那天,罗马所有的人都聚集到一起观看仪式。
2②. They complain that the firm is also trying to drag out the process by stalling arbitration proceedings.他们抱怨说这家公司正试图通过搁置仲裁程序而拖延整个过程。(2003 Businessweek)

process (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① a series of things that are done in order to achieve a particular result or that happen and often produce gradual change(为取得某个结果而采取的)步骤,程序,过程;(自然发展、变化的)过程,进程[近procedure]
② a system or a treatment of materials that is used to produce goods制作法,工序,工艺流程[近system,method,technique]
[v.] ③[T] to treat raw material, food, film, etc. in order to change it or preserve it, etc.加工,处理,冲印(照片)
④ [T] to deal officially with a document, request, etc.审阅,审核,处理(文件、请求等)
⑤ [I] to move very slowly and seriously in, or as if in, a procession列队行进;缓慢而严肃地行进[+ad./prep.][近parade,march]
Ⅰ processing n.加工;处理;冲印
Ⅱ processor n. 加工机,加工的人;(计算机)处理器,处理机
1①. All this could change the traditional form of the peerreview process.这一切都将改变传统的同行评议程序。(2008阅读Text 2)
2①. The process is natural selection.这个过程是自然选择。(2008知识运用)
3③. And hours of watching TV shows with canned laughter only teaches kids to process information in a passive way.长时间看带有录制笑声的电视节目只会教孩子用消极的方式处理信息。(2007阅读part B)
1④. The State Department says it has added personnel to process all the applications. 国务院说它已经加派人手审核所有的申请。(2007 U.S. News)
2⑤. You are processing towards giving up the familiar in order to discover the ultimate truth.你正在向为了发现最终的真相而放弃熟悉的事物的方向缓慢前进。(2002 Oxygen Research)

procession (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.] [C] ① a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony(人或车辆的)队列,列队行进,游行[in+]
② several people or things of the same kind, appearing or happening one after the other(同类人或物的)接连出现 [+of] [近succession]
1①. About 1000 Socialists marched in procession through the streets of Warsaw.大约一千名社会主义者列队走过华沙的街道。(2008 New York Times)
2②. The mind is simply the procession of ideas of the body as the body itself is changed through these interactions.思想就是身体在这些相互作用下发生改变时所带来的一系列的想法。(2008 All Academic)

recede (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.][I] ① to move gradually away from sb or a previous position(从原来的地方)退却,退走;渐渐远离,渐渐远去[近retreat,withdraw][反proceed,advance]
②(of a memory, feeling, or possibility) to become gradually weaker or smaller(记忆)变模糊,(感情)逐渐淡漠;(可能性等)逐渐减小[近dim,fade,decrease]
1①. When the waters receded, more than 125000 people were dead and some 9 million left homeless.当洪水退去后,超过125000人死亡,大约九百万人无家可归。(2008 Newsweek)
2①. Among hairtransplant specialists, the vast majority of their patients continue to be men hoping to combat balding and receding hairlines.头发种植专家的绝大多数的病人仍然是一些希望对抗秃头和发际线后移的男人。(2007 Newsweek)
3②. For me, they ignite memories that have long receded.对我来说,它们勾起了那些久得已经模糊了的记忆。(2005 Newsweek)

succeed (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[v.] ① [T,I] to come next after sb/sth and take their/its place, position, rank, etc.接替,继任;替代;继承[+sb as sth,+to sth] [近follow] [反precede]
②[I] to achieve a desired end; to have the intended result or effect达到目的,实现目标,取得效果[+(in doing sth)] [近come off,work out,achieve][反fail]
③[I]to do well in your job, in earning money, power, etc. 成功,有成就[+(in sth),+(as sth)] [近get on,get ahead] [反fail]
 nothing succeeds like success: used to say that success often leads to even greater success一事成,事事成;一顺百顺
Ⅰ  success n.[U]成功,胜利,成就,成名;[C]成功的人或事物
Ⅱ successful [ful“有或充满……的”] a. 达到目的的,有成效的;成功的,有成就的,出人头地的
Ⅲ unsuccessful a.不成功的,没有成效的;失败的
Ⅳ succeeding a. 随后的,接着的
Ⅴ successive a. 连续的,相继的[近consecutive]
Ⅵ successor n. 继承者,继任者;接替的事物,换代产品 [+to sb/sth] [反]
1①. That bipolar world is gone, succeeded by a period of unipolarism.那个两极世界已经消失,随后出现的是一段单极世界的时期。(2007 Nowpublic)
2②. John Tyler becomes first Vice President to succeed to Presidency by death of President. 约翰·泰勒成为第一位因总统死亡而接任总统职位的副总统。(Cobnet)

succession (因网站显示原因,本处音标从略)
[n.]① [U] the regular pattern of one thing following another thing; the act or the right of taking over an office or position(事物)交替,更迭[近alternation,cycle];(人)继承,继任;继承权[+to]
② (the act of) people or things of the same kind following, coming or happening one after the other 连续不断(的人或物);一连串,一系列[+of,in+] [近chain,sequence,progression]
1①. These were fertility rituals connected with the succession of the seasons.这些是与四季的更迭相关的生育仪式。(2007 Crossroads)
2①. Mr Churchill as Prime Minister in succession to Mr Neville Chamberlain was in truth the replacement of the umbrella by the sword.丘吉尔接替内维尔·张伯伦担任英国首相事实上是用进攻的剑代替了抵挡的伞。(2004 Blackwellsynergy)
3②. A succession of mergers and acquisitions has shrunk the number of retail banks from 27 to 11.一系列的兼并和收购使得商业零售银行的数目从27家下降到11家。(2005 Businessweek)


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