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tyz清水闲人 发表于 10-3-31 18:17:02 | 只看该作者
馨芹jl 发表于 10-3-31 19:46:03 | 只看该作者
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 19:57:55 | 只看该作者

1. [Tn, Tg, Dn.n, Dn.t] give permission for (sth); allow 允許, 許可, 容許(某事物):
eg:Dogs are not permitted in the building. 不得攜狗進入樓內.
     We do not permit smoking in the office. 在我們的辦公室裡不准吸煙.
     The prisoners were permitted two hours\' exercise a day. 允許犯人每天有兩小時戶外活動.
     Permit me to explain. 容我解釋一下.
     The council will not permit you to build here. 委員會不會允許你們在這一帶搞建築.

2. [I, Tn, Cn.t] make (sth) possible 使(某事物)有可能性:
eg:I\'ll come tomorrow, weather permitting, ie if the weather doesn\'t prevent me. 要是天氣許可, 我明天一定來.
     The new road system permits the free flow of traffic at all times. 新的道路系統可使車輛在任何時候都暢通無阻.
     The windows permit light and air to enter. 這些窗戶采光及通風性能良好.

3.[Ipr no passive 不用於被動語態] (esp in negative sentences尤用於否定句)
~ of sth admit sth as possible; tolerate 認可; 容忍:
eg:The situation does not permit of any delay. 情勢刻不容緩.

> permit / ˈpɜːmɪt; ˋpəmɪt/ [n] official document that gives sb the right to do sth, esp to go somewhere 許可證; (尤指)通行證:
eg:You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 無通行證者不得擅入軍事基地.
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 20:02:18 | 只看该作者

1.[Cn.n usu passive 通常用於被動語態] give a title to (a book, play, etc) 給(書﹑ 劇本等)取名; 定名:
eg: He entitled the book `Savage Love\'. 他給這本書取名為《野性的愛》.
      She read a poem entitled `The Apple Tree\'. 她讀了一首題為《蘋果樹》的詩.

2.[ esp passive 尤用於被動語態, Tnt] ~ sb to sth give sb a right to have or do sth 給予某人獲得某事物或做某事的權利; 使某人有資格獲得某事物或做某事:
eg:You are not entitled to unemployment benefit if you have never worked. 從未參加過工作, 就沒有資格領取失業救濟金.
     After a hard day\'s work she felt entitled to a rest. 她勞累了一天, 覺得理應休息一下了.
     This ticket doesn\'t entitle you to travel first class. 你這張票不能坐頭等位.

> entitlement [n]
1 entitling (entitle 2) or being entitled 授權; 有資格:
eg:We have no record of your entitlement to free travel. 我們沒有讓你免費旅行的憑據.

2 [C] thing to which one is entitled 有權得到的東西:
eg:Have you all taken your full holiday entitlements? 你們大家是不是把應有的假期都用了呢?
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 20:08:34 | 只看该作者

1. [Tn, Dn.t] give authority to (sb) 授權; 委任; 委託:
eg:I have authorized him to act for me while I am away. 我已經委託他當我不在的時候代我處理.

2. [Tn] give authority for (sth); sanction 批准; 認可:
eg:authorize a payment 批准付款
     Has this visit been authorized? 這次訪問獲准了嗎?

> authorization, -isation [n]
1 [U] action of authorizing 授權; 委任; 委託.

2 ~ (for sth/to do sth)
(a) [U] power given to sb to do sth 授予某人做某事的權力.
(b) [C] document, etc giving this 授權書; 委任狀; 委託書:
eg:May I see your authorization for this? 我可以看看你做這件事的授權書嗎?

# the ,Authorized `Version (abbr 縮寫 AV) the English translation of the Bible first published in 1611 and authorized by King James I for use in churches 欽定英譯本(《聖經》的英譯本, 首次出版於1611年, 由英王詹姆士一世欽定用於宗教儀式中).
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 20:11:12 | 只看该作者
(also licence)

[ v]
[Tn, Cn.t] give a licence to (sb/sth) 給(某人[某事物])執照或許可證; 准許:
eg:shops licensed to sell tobacco 准許經銷煙草的商店
     licensed premises, ie where the sale of alcoholic drinks is permitted 許可出售酒類的場所.

> licensee / ˏlaɪsənˈsiː; ˏlaɪsnˋsi/ [n]
person who has a licence, esp to sell alcoholic drinks 執照持有者(尤指出售酒類).
fcy19831021 发表于 10-3-31 20:45:10 | 只看该作者
henha   谢谢 哈哈
candymxs 发表于 10-3-31 21:29:45 | 只看该作者
(also licence)

[Tn, Cn.t] give a licence to (sb/sth) 給(某人[某事物])執照或許可證; 准許:
eg:shops licensed to sell tobacco 准許經銷煙草的商店
     licensed premises, ie where the sale of alcoholic drinks is permitted 許可出售酒類的場所.

> licensee / ˏlaɪsənˈsiː; ˏlaɪsnˋsi/ [n]
person who has a licence, esp to sell alcoholic drinks 執照持有者(尤指出售酒類).
lishufen8687 发表于 10-4-1 00:11:35 | 只看该作者

sanction [\'sæŋ,kʃən] n. 制裁,处罚;认可

sanction [\'sæŋ,kʃən] n. 制裁,处罚;认可;支持
vt. 制裁,处罚;批准;鼓励
-sanction: 制裁;处罚;认许;核准制裁 ... rudimentary 初步的 sanction 制裁 sphere 范围, 领域 ...


财经英语词汇翻译(S1) ...samurai bond 武士债券;外国日元债券 sanction 认许;制裁 Sanwa Bank, Limited 三和银行 ...

核准...sample 样品 sanction 核准 sand 沙 ...

-economic sanction: 经济制裁;经济封锁;经济处分经济制裁

.. 经济断交 break off economic relations 经济封锁 economic blockade; economic sanction 经济外交 economic diplomacy ...

分类词汇接龙 ...经济处罚 economic punishment经济处分 economic sanction经济代理 economic agency ...

-trade sanction: 贸易制裁;傺易制裁;贸 易制裁;贸易制裁 --
格日letu 发表于 10-4-1 12:57:30 | 只看该作者
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