c.有任何想法烦请大家提出来,大家一起提高O(∩_∩)O 本期词汇:
articulate • fluent • eloquent • coherent
These words all describe the clever or effective expression of ideas or feelings in words.
► an articulate/an eloquent/a coherent answer/response
► articulate/fluent/eloquent/coherent speech
► an articulate/a fluent/an eloquent speaker
► articulate/fluent/eloquent language
► very/perfectly/remarkably articulate/fluent/eloquent/coherent
► highly/extremely articulate/fluent/eloquent
articulate ( rather formal )
(of a person) good at expressing ideas or feelings clearly in words; (of speech) clearly expressed or pronounced
All we could hear were loud sobs, but no articulate words.
OPP inarticulate
able to speak, read or write a language, especially a foreign language, easily and well; (of a language, especially a foreign language) expressed easily and well
He speaks fluent Italian.
► fluently adv. : She speaks Russian fluently.
eloquent ( rather formal )
(of a person) able to use language and express your opinions well, especially when you are speaking in public; (of a speech) expressed well
She was an eloquent speaker, with a beautiful voice.
► eloquently adv. : She spoke eloquently on the subject for about an hour.
coherent ( rather formal )
(of a person) able to talk and express yourself clearly
She only became coherent again two hours after the attack.
OPP incoherent
► coherently adv. : Try to express yourself more coherently. |