underprivileged / 5QndE5privilidVd / adj. 被剥夺基本权力的,穷困的,下层社会的
[例] an underprivileged man 一个穷困潦倒的人
circumstance / 5sE:kEmstEns / n. 环境, 详情, 境况
[例] The circumstances forced me to accept. 环境迫使我不得不同意。
[同义] condition, situation ,state
[派生] circumstantial / 7sE:kEm5stAnFEl / adj. 依照情况的
preconception / 5pri:kEn5sepFEn / n. 1预想2偏见
[例] His vision, unobstructed by ideological preconception, was continually reformed by experience? (Doris Kearns Goodwin)
theory / 5WiEri / n. 1理论, 学说, 原理2意见3推测
[例] There were several theories about the way in which the fire started.
火是为何发生的, 有好几种说法。
[同义] attitude, conception, explanation, hypothesis, idea;inference
[反义] practice / 5prAktis / n.1 实行, 实际2惯例, 习惯3练习, 实习4开业
[派生] theoretical / WiE5retikEl / adj. 理论的
establishment / is5tAbliFmEnt / n. 1确立, 制定, 设施2公司;军事组织
[例] These two hotels are both excellent establishments.
[同义] creation, foundation ,business, company
[派生] establish / is5tAbliF / vt. 建立, 设立, 安置, 使定居, 使人民接受, 确定v. 建立
detail / 5di:teil, di5teil / n. 细节, 详情 vt. 详述, 细说
[例] Give me all the details of the accident — tell me what happened in detail.
[同义] assign ,commission, delegate ,division, dwell on, elaborate, fraction
[派生] detailed / 5di:teild / adj. 详细的, 逐条的
[固定搭配] in detail 精细地,明细地注意细节地;彻底地,吹毛求疵地;
resource / ri5sC:s / n. 1资源, 财力2办法, 智谋
[例] Religion is her only resource. 宗教是她唯一的安慰。
[同义] ability, device , ingenuity
[派生] resourceful / ri5sC:sful / adj. 资源丰富的, 足智多谋的
utility / ju:5tiliti / n. 效用, 有用
[例] utility furniture 实用家具
[同义] usefulness , benefit
[派生] utilize / ju:5tIlaIz / vt. 利用
straightforward / streit5fC:wEd / adj. 1正直的, 坦率的2简单的, 易懂的, 直接了当的 adv. 坦率地
[例] We took a straightforward route to the beach.
[派生] straightforwards / streit5fC:wEdz / adv. 笔直地, 率直地
oppose / E5pEuz / vt. 反对, 使对立, 使对抗, 抗争 vi. 反对
[例] Many residents are opposed to the plan of building the motorway.
[同义] conflict with ,contradict ,counteract, dispute, fight ,hinder, refute [反义] agree / E5^ri: / vi. 同意, 赞成...的意见,
与...一致, 承认, 适合 vt. 同意
[派生] opposed / E5pEuzd / adj. 反对的, 敌对的
[固定搭配] oppose M to N 把M与N相对照或相比; oppose oneself to 反对
elegant / 5eli^Ent / adj. 文雅的, 端庄的, 雅致的, <口>上品的, 第一流的
[例] an elegant woman 高雅的女人
[同义] cultured, fine ,polished ,refined, superior
[反义] inelegant / in5eli^Ent / adj. 不雅的
[派生] elegance / 5elI^Ens / n. 高雅, 典雅, 优雅, 雅致
philosopher / fi5lCsEfE / n. 哲学家, 哲人
[例] a moral philosopher 伦理学家
[派生] philosophic / 7filE5sCfik / adj. 哲学的, 贤明的
argue / 5B:^ju: / vi. 争论, 辩论 vt. 说服
[例] He argued with Mary about the best place for a holiday.
[同义] bicker, object;persuade , reason
[派生] argument / 5B:^jumEnt / n. 争论, 辩论, 论据, 论点, ~ (for, against), 意见
exist / i^5zist / vi. 存在, 生存, 生活, 继续存在
[例] The Roman Empire existed for several centuries.
[同义] be ,live, occur , prevail , stand
[派生] existence / i^5zistEns / n. 存在, 实在, 生活, 存在物, 实在物
absurd / Eb5sE:d / adj. 荒谬的, 可笑的
[例] Their request is absurd. 他们的要求是荒谬的。
[同义] foolish, impossible, ludicrous, ridiculous
[反义] rational / 5rAFEnl / adj. 理性的, 合理的, 推理的 n. [数]有理数
[派生] absurdity / Eb5sE:diti / n. 荒谬, 谬论
fruitless / 5fru:tlis / adj. 不结果实的
[例] The search proved fruitless. 搜寻没有结果。
[反义] fruitful / 5fru:tful / adj. 果实结得多的, 多产的, 富有成效的
[派生] fruitlessly / 5fru:tlisli / adv. 徒劳地, 无益地
displacement / dis5pleismEnt / n. 1移置, 转移2取代, 置换, 位移3 排水量
[例] excessive displacement 过大位移
[派生] displace / dis5pleis / vt. 移置, 转移, 取代, 置换 v. 转移
chop / tFCp / n. 1砍2排骨3官印;商标 vt. 剁碎, 砍, (风浪)突
[例] The old man chopped the block of wood in two with a single blow.
[同义] cleave , cut , sever
[派生] chopping / 5tFCpiN / adj. 波浪汹涌的, 硕大强健的
ethical / 5eWikEl / adj. 1与伦理有关2民族的, 民族特有的
[例] I oughtn\'t to do that, it\'s not ethical.
[派生] ethic / 5eWik / n. 道德规范, 伦理
instinct / 5instiNkt / n. 本能
[例] Birds learn to fly by instinct. 鸟学飞出自本能。
[派生] instinctual / in5stiNktFuEl / adj. 本能的
instinctive / In5stINktIv / adj. 本能的
cosmic / 5kCzmik / adj. 宇宙的
[例] cosmic speed 宇宙速度(物体摆脱地球引力所需之速度)
[反义] chaotic / kei5Ctik / adj. 混乱的, 无秩序的
[派生] cosmical / 5kCzmikEl / adj. (=cosmic)宇宙的, 广大无边的
pattern / 5pAtEn / n. 1模范, 模式2样品, 格调, 图案 vt. 1 模仿, 仿造2以图案装饰 vi. 形成图案
[例] You can make a dress from this paper pattern.
[同义] arrangement, design ,example, illustration, model ,paragon, picture
primeval / prai5mi:vEl / adj. 原始的
[例] primeval forests 原始森林
reign / rein / vi. 统治, 支配, 盛行, 占优势 n. 统治, 统治时期, 支配
[例] The Queen reigns but does not rule. 女王在位,但不当政。
[同义] prevail, rule
[派生] reigning / `reInIN / adj. 统治的,在位的, 本届的, 起支配作用的
[固定搭配] under[in] the reign of ... 在...的统治下
burst / bE:st / v. 1爆裂, 炸破2急于;爆发 n. 1突然破裂, 爆发2脉冲
[例] I am bursting with joy. 我高兴得不得了。
[同义] broken , exploded
knot / nCt / n. (绳等的)结, (树的)节, 节(船速,=哩/小时) v. 打结
[例] Will you knot the rope round the post? 你把这根绳子拴在柱子上好吗?
[反义] unknot / Qn5nCt / vt. 解开...结子
[派生] knotted / `nCtId / adj. 有节的, 多节的, 棘手的
emit / i5mit / vt. 1发出, 放射2吐露, 散发3发表, 发行
[例] The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke.
[同义] discharge, ooze;send out, give off
[派生] emission / i5miFEn / n. (光、热等的)散发, 发射, 喷射
condense / kEn5dens / v. (使)浓缩, 精简
[例] A long story may be condensed into a few sentences.
[同义] compress ,concentrate ,reduce, squeeze
[反义] expand / iks5pAnd / vt. 1使膨胀, 扩张2详述vi. 张开, 发展
[派生] condensable / kEn5densEbl / adj. 可压缩(凝缩)的
galaxy / 5^AlEksi / n. 1星系, 银河2一群显赫的人, 一系列光彩夺目的东西
[例] a galaxy of entertainers 一群演员
cluster / 5klQstE / n. 串, 丛 vi. 丛生, 成群
[例] The boys and girls clustered together round the camp fire telling stories and singing songs. 孩子们成群地围着营火堆讲着故事唱着歌。
[同义] batch, bunch, group |