This carton may vividly reveal a serious social phenomenon in young people's daily life——excessively depends on the cyber world and can not get themselves back to the reality. 这句话被老师用黄色线标出了 应该是有语法错误 我不知哪里错了啊 想了很久。。 版主无聊的话帮忙解释下行么
投河自尽的虾 发表于 2013-11-16 09:54
This carton may vividly reveal a serious social phenomenon in young people's daily life——excessive ...
This carton may vividly reveal a serious social phenomenon in young people's daily life——excessively depends on the cyber world and can not get themselves back to the reality.
破折号后面是解释说明,最好是用名词,如果是句子,最好是名词性从句。即改成depending excessively on the cyber world and being addicted deeply to the visual world
或者破折号不要,直接用从句形式:This carton may vividly reveal a serious social phenomenon in young people's daily life,who depend excessively on the cyber world and can not get themselves back to the reality.