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裂痕 发表于 13-9-5 23:14:05 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1. 图表型
As is subtlydepicted in the given drawing, a father is talking to his daughter, withthe dialogue between them thought-provoking. What can be clearly seen init is that when asked how her school was today, the daughter replied to herdad that all about it was in her blog. However simple this image may seem atfirst glance, its intended meaning goes undoubtedly far-reaching:the internet has exerted significantinfluence on interpersonal communications.
As is apparentlyillustrated in the statistics provided in the chart above, theunemployment rate is in opposite proportion to the level of education ----- thehigher the degree, the lower the unemployment rate. The unemployment rate is1.9% for those with a doctoral degree, while it is 14.9% for thosewithout even a high school diploma.
2. 现象型
The previouscouple of years has witnessed the prevalence of a widespread social phenomenon---- an increasing number of youngsters are crazy aboutparticipating in many a tests. It has been brought into public concernimmediately and we can findbulk of relevant discussions among the media. Obviously this is an issue thatmost people are not only interested in, but also hold opinion about.
3. 观点对比型 / 对引言评论型
When it comes to thepopular trend of long public holidays, a heated discussion has come up amongthe general public. A majority of people are in strong favor oftaking long holidays, while still others seem to contend thatthis holiday style is not suitable for a developing country like China. I amstrongly convinced that the benefits of long holidays outnumber itsdisadvantages in various ways.
When it comes toAbraham Lincoln’s famousobservation ----- “It takes yearsto build trust, and a few seconds to destroy it.” ----- a heated discussion has come up among thegeneral public. The vast majority of people are in strong favor ofmaintaining trust deliberately, while still others seem to contend that we don’t have to spend too much time on trustmaintenance. I am strongly convinced that trust is one of the mostimportant relationships among people and thus deserves sustained attention.
1. 分析利弊
Is thisphenomenon a blessing or a curse? The following list of advantages anddisadvantages can explain everything. ………………… Moreover,………………………. Given all these disadvantages, it seems to have a hostof strengths. To begin with,………………Furthermore,……………………

2. 分析原因
What mightaccount for the phenomenon mirrored by the chart / picture ? It is no difficult job for us to come upwith some possible factors that underlie the above complicated phenomenon(event / changes). For one thing, .Foranother,Besides, animportant factor worth our concern is that
Why should thisphenomenon take place? There are generally three factors accounting for it. Initially,………………………………… What’s more,…………………………………Finally,………………
3. 不同观点
1. 发表看法
As any coin hastwo sides, the above issue can also be approached from a different perspective.Therefore it is quite normal for people to hold rather opposite opinion.However, its my firm belief that Any action concerning the issue shouldbe highly encouraged (discouraged) in the present case.
2. 提出建议
Confrontedwith______________,we should take a series of effective measures to copewith the situation. Initially, 解决方法一。In the second place, 解决方法二。
Considering thecurrent issue, we should call for immediate actions imposed by theauthorities(universities). In other words, our government ofvarious levels (they) must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a properorder and justice. Besides, as citizens, we should also be aware that anyprompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore, its the duty of ordinary people toactively participate in the action.


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