
标题: 【英语活动】__ [第二天]一个月帮你攻克考研词汇--截止日期6月30日 [打印本页]

作者: 提拉    时间: 08-5-24 21:09
标题: 【英语活动】__ [第二天]一个月帮你攻克考研词汇--截止日期6月30日



1. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.

2. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.  

  3.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.  


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[ 本帖最后由 提拉 于 2008-6-27 23:02 编辑 ]
作者: ilylsm    时间: 08-5-25 08:49
非常抱歉 刚停电了 此时此刻才来电 OK 继续顶帖子。(队长嘛,以身作责,真是好人,臭美王,别丢鸡蛋啊~!)

1.Because of its irritating effect on humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
[队长提示]: effect on -----对。。。产生作用 、对。。。产生影响

2.In group to remain in existence ,a profit-making organization must ,in the long run,produce something consumers conside useful or desirable.
          一:\"in group to\"--到底怎样来理解,我搜索到了两种解释:
          A:in group to =in order to  (表示目的)
          B:in group to 是省略句,原句为:in group (who wants) to (本人支持这种说法)

          二:in the long run 是个副词,从长远看来(归根到底,结局,最后,结果),英英解释即:after a very lengthy period of time ,它的同义词:in the end  
         [区别]in the long term: 只是一个介词词组,可做状语 ,表示“在长期内” 。

3.The greater the population there is in a locality ,the greater the need there is for water,transportation,disposal of refuse.
[队长提示]:我就是犯了没从整体把握的技巧,造成查阅字典时,因“greater”泛指一个地区 而导致整句翻译卡住了。后来终于发现本句是一个比较级句型,即:the greater....the greater...,这样一来,句子就非常明朗了。另外,这个句子还插入了\"there be\"句型,表示某处存在某物或某人或某现象。


[ 本帖最后由 ilylsm 于 2008-5-25 12:36 编辑 ]
作者: 我爱晚风    时间: 08-5-25 09:09
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作者: 白云飘2008    时间: 08-5-25 09:33


3.在一个地方人口越多,需要的水越多.转运和处理的废物越多.[s:3] [s:3]
作者: 白云飘2008    时间: 08-5-25 10:48
[s:2] 1.Because of its irritaing effect on humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2.In group to remain in existence,a profit --making organization must ,in the long run,produce someing consumers consider useful or  desirable .
3.The greater the populaiton there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water ,thansportation,amd disposal of refuse.
作者: ilylsm    时间: 08-5-25 11:22
标题: 白云飘2008 错误!
--------同志们 勿以物小而为之呀 一定要注意细节。。不然以后扣分了 还不知道自己扣哪去了。
作者: kele2008    时间: 08-5-25 11:55
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作者: kele2008    时间: 08-5-25 12:00
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作者: wufan0715    时间: 08-5-25 16:42
1. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
3.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
作者: turn_ice    时间: 08-5-25 17:11
1. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
3.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
作者: turn_ice    时间: 08-5-25 17:12
作者: 西西哈哈    时间: 08-5-25 17:24
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作者: 西西哈哈    时间: 08-5-25 17:45
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作者: 西西哈哈    时间: 08-5-25 17:48
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作者: hy6385562    时间: 08-5-25 18:18
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作者: 加油晶晶    时间: 08-5-25 18:25
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作者: 加油晶晶    时间: 08-5-25 18:26
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作者: 昆仑花园    时间: 08-5-25 18:36
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作者: merrybless    时间: 08-5-25 18:44
1. 因为它对人体的刺激性作用,苯酚已不再继续被用作常规防腐剂了。

1. Because of its irritating effect on humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2. In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
3. The greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water,transportation,and disposal of refuse.
作者: fyh007    时间: 08-5-25 19:01
1.Because of its irritating effect on humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2.In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers concider useful or desirable.
3.The greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water,transportation,and disposal of refuse.
作者: 药奋斗者    时间: 08-5-25 19:34
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作者: 09xiaomo    时间: 08-5-25 20:38
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作者: 昆仑花园    时间: 08-5-25 20:39
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作者: aseeyu    时间: 08-5-25 21:07
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作者: jennyandme    时间: 08-5-25 21:27
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作者: xiangmubiao    时间: 08-5-25 21:42
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作者: yinqiaoling    时间: 08-5-25 22:09
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作者: wangmin1    时间: 08-5-25 22:23
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作者: wangmin1    时间: 08-5-25 22:46
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作者: wangmin1    时间: 08-5-25 22:48
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作者: wangmin1    时间: 08-5-25 22:49
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作者: zzq1717    时间: 08-5-26 00:01
[s:2] 学习一下了
作者: happy552211    时间: 08-5-26 12:01
作者: merry88    时间: 08-5-26 15:07
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作者: xingwei4    时间: 08-5-27 09:36
作者: xingwei4    时间: 08-5-27 09:40
1.because of the irritating effort on humans, the use of 石炭酸 as the general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. group of remain existance, a profit-making orgnization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful and desirable.
3.the greater the population of a locality, the greater need of water, transportation, diposal of refuse.
作者: sunlujun    时间: 08-5-28 08:57
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作者: xingwei4    时间: 08-5-28 11:59
1.Because of its irritatiing effort on humans, the use of phenol as general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2.In group to remain existence, the profit-making organization must, in the long run,produce something consumes consider useful and desirable.
3.The greater popularity there is in a locality, the greater need is for water,transportation and disposal of refuse.
作者: hbsd_why    时间: 08-5-28 15:46
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作者: hbsd_why    时间: 08-5-28 15:53
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作者: 45191071    时间: 08-5-29 00:53
标题: 回复 #1 提拉 的帖子
Because of its irritating,the use of phenol as general antiseptic has been largely diacontinued.

In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must, in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.

The greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water,transportation,and disposal of refuse.

[ 本帖最后由 45191071 于 2008-5-29 01:12 编辑 ]
作者: vips    时间: 08-5-29 10:37
because of it irritating effect of humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.

in group to remain in existence,a profit-maing organization must,in the long run,produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.

the greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water,transportation and disposal of refuse.


[ 本帖最后由 vips 于 2008-5-29 10:43 编辑 ]
作者: linda92    时间: 08-5-29 17:29
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作者: liudan9703    时间: 08-5-30 21:17
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作者: echorong    时间: 08-6-1 19:20
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作者: echorong    时间: 08-6-1 19:22
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作者: aaronl    时间: 08-6-2 10:22
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作者: flyxue2008    时间: 08-6-2 12:40
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作者: kesain    时间: 08-6-4 18:33
Because of its irritating efect on humans,the usse of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.

In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must,in the long run,produce something consunmers consider useful or desirable.

The greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need ther is for water,transportation,and disposal of refuse.
作者: kesain    时间: 08-6-4 18:34
作者: kesain    时间: 08-6-4 18:53
补充一点:Greater  adj. 包含时区及郊区的(首字母大写的时候是这个意思)
作者: kesain    时间: 08-6-4 18:53
是  市区

作者: hyzr    时间: 08-6-6 16:14
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作者: hollytree416    时间: 08-6-8 18:23
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作者: heyao52520    时间: 08-6-11 17:58

Because of its irritating effect on humans,the use of ponal as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
In group to remain in existence,a profit-making orgelization must,in a long run,produce something that custmers consider useful and desirable.
The greater the population there is in the locality,the greater the need there is for water,tranpotation and disposal of rufuse.
作者: 精灵耳水妖    时间: 08-6-13 10:11
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作者: 精灵耳水妖    时间: 08-6-13 10:47
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作者: wanglili1984    时间: 08-6-14 18:12
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作者: wduanping    时间: 08-6-15 22:03
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作者: inno20    时间: 08-6-16 23:57
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作者: PPPP_45    时间: 08-6-20 16:59
作者: athosmi    时间: 08-6-28 12:53
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作者: cheesecake    时间: 08-7-1 16:02
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作者: zoey_tian    时间: 08-7-2 02:22
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作者: wenzhaopu    时间: 08-7-2 09:50
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作者: zhangling427    时间: 08-7-2 11:09
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作者: 太子妃    时间: 08-7-18 17:46
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作者: 太子妃    时间: 08-7-20 01:49
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作者: 听雨    时间: 08-7-21 08:42
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作者: giowlly    时间: 08-7-22 10:04
就翻译出来了1句 尤其是第二局五迷三道的
作者: 45191071    时间: 08-7-22 13:18
原帖由 giowlly 于 2008-7-22 10:04 发表
就翻译出来了1句 尤其是第二局五迷三道的

作者: cjh    时间: 08-7-23 18:24
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作者: cjh    时间: 08-7-24 16:01
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作者: meng8531    时间: 08-8-12 23:21
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作者: clubandtooth    时间: 08-8-19 11:17
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作者: zmllxy001    时间: 08-9-10 11:34
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作者: shan108    时间: 08-9-13 21:38
作者: qin801023    时间: 08-10-13 00:08
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作者: ashxmeng    时间: 12-2-3 20:25
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作者: jingxingok    时间: 12-4-9 15:56
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作者: 鄂丶焦点    时间: 12-6-27 10:29
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作者: 彩虹鱼    时间: 12-8-24 08:44
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作者: xiwang66    时间: 12-9-9 16:50
1、Because of its irritating effect on humans,the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.因为苯酚的刺激性,它已经不再作为普通的防腐剂被大量使用。
In group to remain in existence,a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce someting consumers consider useful or desirable.
The greater the population there is in a locality,the greater the need there is for water,transportation,the disposal of refuse.
作者: muchan576155613    时间: 13-1-29 09:36
作者: jianghailong92    时间: 13-3-6 21:12
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作者: 水晶蜻蜓201103    时间: 13-3-12 17:49
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作者: zenghuo123    时间: 13-4-27 20:31
作者: kongxiche    时间: 13-4-28 22:50

作者: hongliu007    时间: 13-5-2 15:27
作者: teresa607    时间: 13-6-5 00:49
作者: jnbeibei    时间: 13-6-17 13:42
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作者: jnbeibei    时间: 13-6-17 13:42
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作者: 沐沐子语    时间: 13-7-6 16:48
1、because of  its irritating effet on humans, the use of phenol as general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2、In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable。
3、The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
作者: 兰宁羽    时间: 13-9-16 19:55
1. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.  
  3.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.
作者: sasasisiee    时间: 13-9-23 16:49
作者: hongliu007    时间: 16-2-21 19:50

1. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued.
2. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable.
3.The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse.

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