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第一部分 历年真题
第二部分 章节题库
 第1章 词汇选项
  ◆动 词
  ◆名 词
  ◆副 词
 第2章 阅读判断
 第3章 概括大意和完成句子
 第4章 阅读理解
 第5章 补全短文
 第6章 完形填空
第三部分 模拟试题


第一部分 历年真题
1. The committee wasasked to render a report on the housing situation.
A. copy
B. publish
C. summarize
D. furnish
2. The symptoms ofthe disease manifested themselves ten days later.
A. eased
B. improved
C. relieved
D. appeared
3. She felt that shehad done her good deed for the day.
A. act
B. homework
C. justice
D. mode
4. The originalexperiment cannot be exactly duplicated.
A. invented
B. reproduced
C. designed
D. reported
5. There was an inclinationto treat geography as a less important subject.
A. point
B. result
C. finding
D. tendency
6.That uniform makes the guards look absurd.
A. serious
B. beautiful
C. impressive
D. ridiculous
7. This was disasteron cosmic scale.
A. modest
B. commercial
C. huge
D. national
8. The group doesnot advocate the use of violence.
A. limit
B. support
C. regulate
D. oppose
9. Some of thelarger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.
A. motionless
B. silent
C. seated
D. true
10. A person’swealth is often in inverse proportion to their happiness.
A. equal
B. certain
C. large
D. opposite
11. The country wastorn apart by strife.
A. conflict
B. poverty
C. war
D. economy
12. New secretariescame and went with monotonous regularity.
A. amazing
B. depressing
C. predictable
D. dull
13. His professionalcareer spanned 16 years.
A. started
B. changed
C. lasted
D. moved
14. The department deferredthe decision for six months.
A. put off
B. arrived at
C. abided by
D. protested against
15. His stomach felthollow with fear.
A. sincere
B. respectful
C. empty
D. terrible
Experience the Worldin 3D Game
Ever wondered howyour cat or dog sees the world? Now you can look through their eyes with the first 3D game that recreatesthe vision of different species based on scientific evidence.
The onlinesimulation, created by the French 3D design company Dassault Systemes, with theguidance of veterinary ophthalmologist (眼科专家) DidierSchmidt-Morand, mimics (模仿) the vision of fiveanimals—cats, dogs, rats,hawks and bees—as a player steers them through Place Vendome in Paris.
Due to differencesin field of view, colour perception and night vision, for example, sight can bedrastically different from species to species. “In terms of performance, eyesare as variable as different models of cars.” says Schmidt-Morand.
The game was createdby using existing virtual models of the square then applying effects based ondescriptions of each animal’s vision. Dassault’s 3D software allows a scene tobe modified by adding blur or changing the colours, angle of vision and depthof field.
Although it was easyto recreate vision inferior to that of humans—cats and dogs, for example, havetrouble distinguishing shades of red—replicating features that we are unable tosee was a challenge. Hawks have more detailed vision than ours, whereas dogsare better at seeing movement and have awider field of view. “We used virtual cameras to precisely simulate largerviewing angles but the result made people nauseous (令人作呕的),” saysSchmidt-Morand. “So we tweaked (微调) the model to givea sense of the wider view without sticking to reality. “
The rat’s view alsodeparts from reality: because they are near-sighted, everything more than 15centimetres away is a blur, so they typically move close to walls to help themnavigate. “A rat would never throw itself into the middle of an open area.”says Schmidt-Morand. The simulation for this animal is supplemented with a map in the top right corner to helpdetermine the rat’s position: because of their limited eyesight, most landmarksare obscured.
The game is intendedas an educational resource and players can discuss their” experience withothers through community features on the website. If there is interest fromschools and zoos, the team hopes to recreate the vision of more animals.
16. The gamedeveloped by Dassault Systemes is the first 3D game recreating the vision ofdifferent species.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
17. Dassault’s 3Dsoftware takes different perspectives like color perception and angle of visioninto account.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
18. The animals’ views in the software are thesame as those in reality.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
19. Dogs have largerviewing angles than humans.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
20. It takes theteam the longest time to recreate the rat’s view because they’re near-sighted.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
21. The team isworking on recreating the vision of more animals.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
22. Schmidt-Morand’sfavorite animal is cat.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned
Climate Change: The Long Reach
1. Earth is warming.Sea levels are rising. There’s more carbon in the air and Arictic ice ismelting faster than at any time in recorded history. Scientists who study theenvironment to better gauge(评估) Earth’s futureclimate now argue that these changes may not reverse for a very long time.
2. People burnfossil fuels like coal and oil for energy. That burning releases carbondioxide. a colorless gas. Inthe air, this gas traps heatat Earth’s surface. And the more carbon dioxide released, the more the planet warms. Ifcurrent consumption of fossil fuels doesn’t slow, the long-term climate impactscould last thousands of years—and be more severe than scientists had beenexpecting. Climatologist Richard Zeebe of the University of Hawaiiat Manoa offers this conclusion in a new paper.
3. Mostclimate-change studies look at what’s going to happen in the next century orso. During that time, changes in theplanet’s environment could nudge(推动)global warming evenhigher. For example: Snow and ice reflectsunlight back into space. But as these melt, sunlight can now reach—and warm—the exposed ground. This extraheat raises the air temperature even more, causing even more snow to melt. Thistype of rapid exaggeration of impacts is called a “fast feedback. “
4. Zeebe says it’simportant to look at fast feedbacks. However he adds, they’re limited. From a climate change perspective, “This century is the mostimportant time for the next few generations, “he told Science Nwes. “But the world is not ending in 2100. “For his newstudy, Zeebe now focuses on “slow feedbacks”. While fastfeedback events unfold over decades or centuries, slow feedbacks can take thousands of years.Melting of continetal ice sheets and migration of plant life—as they relocateto more comfortable areas—are two examples of slow feedbacks.
5. Zeebe gatheredinformation from previously published studies investigating how such processesplayed out over thousands of years during past dramatic changes in climate.Then he came up with a forecast for the future that accounts for both slow andfast feedback processes. Climate forecasts that use only fast feedbacks predicta 4.5 degree Celsius (8.1 degree Fahrenheit) change by the year 3000. But slowfeedbacks added another 1.5C—fora 6~total increase, Zeebe reports. He also found that slow feedbacks eventswill cause global warming to persist for thousands of years after people runout of fossil fuels to burn.
  23.Paragraph 2 _____.
  24.Paragraph 3 _____.
  25.Paragraph 4 _____.
  26.Paragraph 5 _____.
  A. Rising of Sea Levels
  B. Impact of Burning Fossil Fuels
  C. Fast Feedbacks
  D. Slow Feedbacks
  E. Unpredictability of Feedback Processes
  F. A Prediction of Future Climate Change

27. Arctic ice has never beenmelting so fast in _____.
28. Melting of snow and iceenables sunlight to reach _____.
29. Zeebe came up with hisfuture climate prediction by analyzing _____.
30. After fossil fuels are usedup, global warming willcontinue for _____.
  A. the exposed ground
  B. a very long time
  C. the extra heat
  D. recorded history
  E. previously published studies
  F. rapid exaggeration of impacts

第一篇 Eye-tracker Lets YouDrag and Drop Files with a Glance
Bored of using amouse? Soon you’ll be able to change stuff on your computer screen and then move it directly onto yoursmart phone or tablet(平板电脑) —with nothing morethan a glance.
A system called Eye Drop uses a head-mounted eyetracker that simultaneously records your field of view so it knows where youare looking on the screen. Gazing at an object—a photo, say—and then pressing akey, selects that object. It can then be moved from the screen to a tablet orsmart phone just byglancing at the second device, as long as the twoare connected wirelessly.
“The beauty of usinggaze to support this is that our eyes naturally focus on content that we wantto acquire.” says Jayson Turner, who developed the system with colleagues at Lancaster University. UK.
Turner believes Eye Drop would be useful totransfer an interactive map or contact information from a public displayto your smart phone or for sharingphotos.
A button needs to beused to select the object you are looking at otherwise you end up with the “Midas touch”(点石成金 ) effect, whereby everything you look atgets selected by your gaze, says Turner. “Imagine if your mouse clicked oneverything it pointed at.” he says.
Christian Holz, aresearcher in human-computer interaction at Yahoo Labs in Sunnyvale. California, says the system is a nice takeon getting round this fundamental problem of using gaze-tracking to interact.“Eye-Drop solves this in a slick (灵巧的)way by combining itwith input on the touch devices we carry with us most of the time anyway andusing touch input as a clutching mechanism.” he says, “This now allows users to seamlessly(无缝的) interact acrossdevices far and close in a very natural manner.”
While currenteye-trackers are rather bulky, mainstream consumer devices are not too faraway. Swedish firm Tobii is developing gaze-tracking technology that can beinstalled in laptops and tablets and is expected to be available to buy nextyear. And the Google Glass headset is expected to include eye-tracking in thefuture.
Turner says he hasalso looked at how content can be cut and pasted or drag-and-dropped using amix of gaze and taps on a touch screen. The systemwas presented at the Conference on Mobile andUbiquitous Multimedia in Sweden,last week.
31. The eye-trackertechnology enables us to _____.
A. change ourcomputer screen
B. focus on anythingthat interests us
C. get a smart phone connected wirelessly
D. move an objectfrom screen with a glance
32. Why is a buttonneeded?
A. To minimize thecost of Eye Drop.
B. To choose as manyobjects as possible.
C. To make Eye Drop different from others.
D. To select what wewant.
33. The word “this”in Paragraph 6 refers to _____.
A. application ofgaze-tracking in human-computer interaction
B. interactionbetween human and computer
C. combination ofgaze-tracking with input on touch devices
D. generalization ofEye Drop system
34. Which of thefollowing statement is true of eye-trackers for consumer devices?
A. They are costly.
B. They areavailable.
C. They areinstalled in Google Glass headset.
D. They are expectedto come out soon.
35. What is Turnerlikely to study next?
A. How to drag anddrop with gaze and taps.
B. How to presentthe system in public.
C. How to get touch screen involved.
D. How to cut andpaste content from a public display.
第二篇 A New Strategy toOvercome Breast Cancer
Post-menopausal(绝经后的)women who walk foran hour a day can cut their chance of breast cancer significantly, a study hassuggested. The report, which followed 73.000 women for 17 years, found walkingfor at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease. The AmericanCancer Society team said this was the first time reduced risk was specificallylinked to walking. UKexperts said it was more evidence that lifestyle influenced cancer risk.
A recent poll forthe charity Ramblers found a quarter of adults walk for no more than an hour aweek, but being active is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers. Thisstudy, published in Cancer Epidemiology,Biomarkers & Prevention, followed 73.615women out of 97.785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the American CancerSociety between 1992 and 1993, so it could monitor the incidence of cancer inthe group.
They were asked tocomplete questionnaires on their health and on how much time they were activeand participating in activities such as walking. swimming and aerobies(有氧运动)and how much timethey spent sitting watching television or reading. They completed the samequestionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009. Of the women, 47%said walking was their only recreational activity. Those who walked for atleast seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer com- pared tothose who walked three or fewer hours per week.
Dr. Alpa Patel, asenior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta. Georgia, who led the study, said:“Given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking, promoting walkingas a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy forincreasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women. We were pleased tofind that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a daywas associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.” “Morestrenuous(紧张的)and longeractivities lowered the risk even more.”
Baroness DelythMorgan, chief executive of Breast Cancer Campaign, said. “This study addsfurther evidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing therisk of breast cancer and even small changes incorporated into our normalday-to-day activity can make a difference.”
She added: “We know that the best weaponto overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop it occurring in the firstplace. The challenge now is how we turn these findings into action and identifyother sustainable lifestyle changes that will help us prevent breast cancer.”
36. All of thefollowing factors relating to cancer risk were mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _____.
A. breathingexercise
B. regular walking
C. recreationalactivity
D. lifestyle choices
37. It can beinferred from Dr. Alpa Patel’s study that _____.
A. women have fewerchances of physical activity
B. daily walkingcould cut the chance of breast cancer
C. leisure-timeactivity is not associated with cancer risk
D. walking is notrecommended for women with breast cancer
38. Dr. Alpa Patelwas _____.
A. head of thesurvey study
B. chief editor of Cancer Epidemiology
C. chair of theAmerican Cancer Society
D. chief executiveof Breast Cancer Campaign
39. Which of the following statementsis true according to the passage?
A. Most women takewalking as their only recreational activity.
B. The study aims totrack the health conditions of its subjects.
C. Walking was theonly recreational acitivity for about half of the women surveyed.
D. Irregular walkingincreased the risk of breast cancer in post-menopausal women.
40. The word“sustainable” in the lastparagraph is closest in meaning to _____.
A. continuable
B. affordable
C. available
D. persistent
第三篇 The Northern Lights
The sun is stormyand has it own kind of weather. It is so hot and active that even the Sun’sgravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check! Energy flows away from the towardthe Earth in a stream of electrified particles that move at speeds around amillion miles per hour. These particles are called plasma(等离子体), and the stream ofplasma coming from the Sun is called the solar wind. The more active the Sun.the stronger the solar wind.
The solar windconstantly streams toward the Earth, but don’t worry because a protectivemagnetic fields surrounds our planet. The same magnetic field that makescompass point north also steers the particles from the Sun to the north andsouth poles. The charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around theEarth. When a large blast of solar wind crashes into the Earth’s magnetic field,the magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic field lines breakand reconnect. The breaking and reconnecting of the magnetic field lines cancause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts to fall into theEarth’s atmosphere at the poles. As the electrons fall into the Earth, theycollide with gas molecules in the atmosphere, creating flashes of light in thesky.
Each atmospheric gasglows a different color. Oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogenglows violet-purple. As these various colors glow and dance in the night sky,they create the Northern Lights and the Southern Lights.
Watching auroras(北极光)is fun and exciting,but normally you can only see them in places far north like Alaska and Canada.The movement of the aurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easilyfollow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳动). flicker(闪烁). or even move likewaves. During solar maximum.5 auroras are seen as far south as Florida, even Mexico! Auroras often seem to be very close to theground, but the lowest aurora is still about 100 kilometers above the ground, adistance much higher than clouds are formed or airplanes can fly. A typicalaurora band can be thousands of kilometers long. a few hundred kilometers high,but only a few hundred meters thick.
We hope you are ableto travel to far north places like the Arctic Circleand see the Northern Lights at least once during your lifetime. We know youwill never forget it!
41. The solar windcomes into being as a result of _____.
A. disappearance ofthe Sun’s gravity
B. unpredictableweather of the Sun
C. fast flow ofenergy away from the Sun
D. a stream ofparticles being blown away
42. What happenswhen solar wind comes to the Earth?
A. A protectivemagnetic field is formed at the same time.
B. It is trapped inmagnetic belts around the Earth.
C. It destroys theprotective magnetic field surrounding the Earth.
D. It breaksmagnetic field lines and does severe damage to the Earth.
43. The NorthernLights are created when _____.
A. atomic particlesfall to the Earth and collide with atmospheric gases molecules
B. the magneticfield lines fail to reconnect
C. the electronsfalling to the Earth shine in different colors
D. oxygen andnitrogen are separated from the atmospheric gases
44. Which of thefollowing statements is true of the Northern Lights?
A. Their movement isslow enough to be observed with the eyes.
B. People cannot seethem unless traveling to Alaska or Canada.
C. They are veryclose to the ground.
D. They are verylong and thick.
45. What is theauthor’s tone toward the Northern Lights?
A. Indifferent.
B. Sarcastic.
C. Sharp.
D. Appreciative.
Wrongly Convicted Manand His Accuser Tell Their Story
NEW YORK. NY. January 5, 2010, St. Martin’s Press hasannounced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist JohnGrisham calls an “account of violence, rage, redemption(救赎).and. ultimatelyforgiveness.”
The story began in1987, in Burlington.North Carolina,with the rape of a young white college student named Jennifer Thompson. Duringher ordeal, Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face ofher rapist, a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaultedher brutally. _____ (46) When the policeasked her if she could identify the assailant (袭击者) from a book of mugshots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identifiedthe same man in a lineup.
Based on herconvincing eye withness testimony, a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cottonwas sentenced to prison for two life terms. Cotton’s lawyer appealed thedecision, and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to lightsuggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very likeGotton, an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole. _____ (47) Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face, andonce again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her.
Eleven years later.DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白)Cotton and just asunequivocally(明确地) convicted Poole,who confessed to the crime. _____ (48) “The man I wasso sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat,who raped me. who hurt me, who took my spirit away, who robbed me of my soul.”she wrote. “And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions wasabsolutely innocent. “
_____ (49) Remarkably bothwere able to put this tragedy behind them, overcome the racial barrier thatdivided them, and write a book, which they have subtitled “Our memoir ofinjustice and redemption.”
Nevertheless,Thompson says, she still lives “with constant pain that my profound mistakecost him so dearly. _____ (50)”
A.Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.
B.Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony byeyewitnesses.
C. I cannot begin toimagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.
D.Another trial was held.
E.Thompson was shocked and devastated.
F. During the attack,she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face, looking for scars. tattoos(文身), or otheridentifying marks.
Musical Training Can Improve Communication Skills
American scientistssay musical training seems to improve communication skills and languageretardation(延迟). They found thatdeveloping musical skill involves the _____ (51) process in the brain as learning how to speak. Thescientists believe that could _____(52) children with learning disabilities.
Nina Krauss is aneurobiologist at Northwestern University in Illinois.She says musical training _____ (53) puttingtogether different kinds of information, such as hearing music, looking atmusical notes, touching an instrument and watching other musicians. This _____ (54) is not muchdifferent from learning how to speak. Both involve different senses.
She further explainsmusical training and learning to _____(55)each make us think about what we are doing. She saysspeech and music _____ (56) through astructure of the nervous system called the brain stem. The brain stem _____ (57) our ability tohear. Until recently, experts have thought the brain stem could not bedeveloped or changed. _____ (58) ProfessorKrauss and her team found that musical training can improve a person’s brainstem activity.
The study involvedindividuals with different levels of musical _____ (59). They were asked to wear an electrical device thatmeasures _____ (60) activity. Theindividuals wore the electrode while they watched a video of someone speakingand a person playing a musical instrument—the cello(大提琴). Professor Krausesays cello have sound qualities similar _____ (61)some of the sounds that are important with speech. Thestudy found that the more years of training people had, he more _____ (62) they were tothe sound and rhythm of the music. Those who were involved in musicalactivities were the same people in whom the _____ (63) of sensory events was the strongest. It shows theimportance of musical training to children with learning _____ (64). She says usingmusic to improve listening skills could mean they _____ (65) sentences and understand facial expressions better.
51.A. unique  B. different  C. same  D. strange
52.A. help  B. tell  C. remind D. entertain
53.A. shapes B. involves  C. relates D. enhances
54.A. form  B. step C. point  D. process
55.A. play  B. sing C. speak  D. think
56.A. pass  B. use  C. look D. put
57.A. develops B. controls  C. assesses D. observes
58.A. So B. Moreover C. As  D. But
59.A. instruments B. ability C. types  D. contact
60.A. physical B. musical  C. speech D. brain
61.A. as  B. of  C. to D. at
62.A. familiar  B. inactive  C. critical D. sensitive
63.A. reduction B. improvement  C. interference  D. implication
64.A. styles B. disabilities  C. interests  D. approaches
65.A. read  B. write  C. hear D. change
1.D 句意:委员会被要求提交关于住房情况的报告。render提出,实施。copy复制。Furnish 提供,供应。二者意思相近,可相互替换。publish出版。summarize总结。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
2.D 句意:十天后,疾病的症状显现了出来。manifest表明,显示。appear显现。二者意思相近,可相互替换。ease减轻,缓和。improve提高,改善。relieve减轻。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
3.A 句意:她觉得自己做了一件善事。deed行动。act行为,行动。二者意思相近,可相互替换。homework家庭作业。justice司法,正义。mode模型,模范。因此,本题的正确答案为A。
4.B 句意:最初的实验不能被完全复制。duplicate复制。reproduce再生产。二者意思相近,可相互替换。invent发明。design设计。report报告。因此,本题的正确答案为B。
5.D 句意:有一种趋向认为地理是一门次要的学科。inclination倾向。tendency倾向,趋势。 二者意思相近,可相互替换。point要点。result结果。finding发现。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
6.D 句意:那套制服使门卫看起来很可笑。absurd荒谬的,荒诞的。Ridiculous荒谬的,可笑的。二者意思相近,可相互替换。serious严肃的。beautiful严肃的。impressive令人印象深刻的。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
7.C 句意:这是塌天大祸。cosmic宇宙的,广大无边的。huge巨大的。二者意思相近,可相互替换。modest谦虚的,适度的。commercial商业的,盈利的。national国家的,民族的。因此,本题的正确答案为C。
8.B 句意:这个组织不主张使用暴力。advocate主张,提倡。support支持。二者意思相近,可相互替换。limit限制。regulate调节,控制。oppose反对。因此,本题的正确答案为B。
9.A 句意:一些体型庞大的鸟可以在空中保持几分钟的静止。stationary固定的,静止的。motionless静止的,不运动的。二者意思相近,可相互替换。silent沉默的,寂静的。seated就坐的,固定的。true真实的。因此,本题的正确答案为A。
10.D 句意:一个人的财富往往与他们的幸福成反比。inverse相反的。opposite相反的,对立的。二者意思相近,可相互替换。equal平等的。certain必然的,无疑的。large大的。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
11.A 句意:这个国家因冲突而分裂。strife冲突,不和。conflict冲突,矛盾。二者意思相近,可相互替换。poverty贫困。war战争。economy经济。因此,本题的正确答案为A。
12.D 句意:秘书不停地更换,令人厌烦。monotonous单调的,无变化的。dull枯燥的,乏味的。二者意思相近,可相互替换。amazing令人吃惊的。depressing压抑的,使人沮丧的。predictable可预言的。因此,本题的正确答案为D。
13.C 句意:他的职业生涯长达16年。span跨越,持续。last持续。二者意思相近,可相互替换。start开始。change改变。move移动。因此,本题的正确答案为C。
14.A 句意:这个部门将这一决议延期了六个月。defer推迟,延期。put off推迟,拖延。二者意思相近,可相互替换。arrive at到达。abided by遵守。protest against反对,对…提出抗议。因此,本题的正确答案为A。
15.C 句意:他吓得魂不附体。hollow空的,空洞的。empty空的。二者意思相近,可相互 替换。sincere真诚的。respectful恭敬的。因此,本题的正确答案为C。
16.A 原文第一段第二句明确提到Now...the first 3Dgame that recreates the vision of different species based on scientificevidence(现在你可以通过这第一款3D游戏来看穿它们的眼睛,此款游戏是基于科学根据研发,可以重现不同物种的视觉。)由此可知,这是第一款有此种体验的3D游戏,且第二段又提及此款游戏是由迭索系统开发的。因此,本题的说法是正确的。故选A。
17.A 原文第四段最后一句明确指出Dassault’s 3D softwareallows a scene to be modified by adding blur or changing the colours. angle ofvision and depth of field.(达索3D软件可以通过增加模糊区域、改变颜色、视角及视野深度来改变场景。)由此可知,本题说“达索3D软件考虑到颜色识别、视角等不同方面”是符合文意的。因此,本题的说法是正确的。故选A。
18.B 原文第五段最后一句明显说道 give a senseof the wider view without sticking toreality(因此,我们微调了模型以给人更好的视觉效果,而不是坚持保持原貌。由此可知,设计师对游戏中的效果进行了微调,与现实中有所不同。因此,本题说动物的视角和现实中是一样的显然与文意相悖。故选B。
19.A 原文第五段第二句指出whereas dogs arebetter at seeing movement and have a widerfield of view然而狗更擅长看移动物体并且视角更广)由此可知,狗的视角范围比人类的视角范围广。因此,本题的说法是正确的。故选A。
20.C 原文倒数第二段第一句提到The rat’s...becausethey are near-sighted由此可知,老鼠的确近视,但对于“该团队花费了最长的时间重建老鼠的视角”的说法却只字未提。故选C。
21.B 原文最后一段最后一句说到,If...the team hopes torecreate the vision of more animals(如果有学校或动物园对此感兴趣,这个团队希望重建更多动物的视角。)由此可知,这只是一种设想,并非已经开始实施。因此,本题的说法是错误的。故选B。
22.C 整篇文章未曾提及Schmidt—Morand最喜欢的动物,由此可知,本题Schmidt—Morand最喜欢的动物是猫”的说法在文中无依据可循。故选C。
23.B 本段主要介绍的是燃烧化石燃料产生的二氧化碳对气候的影响。见主旨句文章第二段的倒数第二句。B项Impact of BurningFossil Fuels,“燃烧化石燃料的影响”与主题句意思相符,故选B。
24.C 本段举例说明环境变化会带来更快速的气候变暖。文章第三段最后一句是主题句,意为:这种类型的快速而夸张的影响被称为“快速反馈”。C项Fast Feedbacks,“快速反馈”与主题句意思相符,故选C。
25.D 本段通过与上一段对比及案例说明了慢反馈的重要性。D项Slow Feedbacks,“慢反馈”可以准确地概括本段的内容,故选D。
26.F 本段主要介绍Zeebe收集信息对未来的气候变化进行预测。文章第五段第二句是主题句,意为:他根据慢反馈和快速反馈对未来做出了预测。F项A Prediction of FutureClimate Change,“对未来气候变化的预测”与主题句意思相符,故选F。
27.D 文章第一段第三句指出,北极冰原正在融化,并且比历史上的任何时期融化得都要快。D项recorded history,“在历史记录中”与原句意思相符,故选D。
28.A 文章第三段第四句指出,当这些冰雪融化后,太阳就能照射到裸露的地面上。A项the exposed ground,“裸露的地面”与原句相符,故选A。
29.E 文章第五段的第一、二句指出,Zeebe从之前出版过的资料中收集信息,以此来做出预测。E项previously publishedstudies,“之前出版的研究”与原句意思相符,故选E。
30.B 文章第五段最后一句话指出了在人们用完可以烧的化石燃料之后,慢反馈会导致全球变暖持续数千年,B项a very long time,“很久一段时间”与原句意思相符,故选B。
31.D 本题考查的是眼部跟踪装置的功能。原文第二段最后一句提到It can then be movedfrom the screen to a tablet or smartphone just by glancing at the second device …由此可知,只要看另一个设备一眼,屏幕上的东西就可以被移动到平板电脑或智能手机上,D项符合原文的内容。因此本题的正确答案是D。
32.D 本题问得是为什么需要按钮,原文第五段第一句提到A button needs to beused to select the object you are looking at …由此可知,需要按钮来选定我们所注视的物品。因此,本题的正确答案是D。
33.C 本题问得是第六段的this指什么。可定位到原文第六段的第二句和第三句,文中提到…by combining it withinput on the touch devices we carry with us most of the time anyway and usingtouch input as a clutching mechanism.由此可知,this指代将眼睛追踪装置和接触装置相结合。只有C符合原文。因此本题的正确答案是C。
34.D 本题考查的是细节题,下列有关于眼部跟踪器的顾客装置的论述哪一项是正确的?原文倒数第二段第一句提出…mainstream consumer devices arenot too far away.由此可知,主流的顾客装置很快就会出现。只有D
35.A 本题问得是Turner接下来可能会研究什么?原文最后一段第一句提到…he has also lookedat how content can be cut and pasted or drag-and-dropped using a mix of gazeand taps on a touch screen. 由此可知,Turner在观注如何通过眼神和点击的方式操控触屏以实现剪切、粘贴和拖拽内容。只有A项与此相关,因此本题的正确答案是A。
36.A 本题考查的是细节题,问得是以下关于癌症风险的影响因素哪个文中没有提及。原文第一段第三句提到…reduced risk wasspecifically linked to walking. 由此可知散步与降低风险有关,可排除B。原文第四段引言中的第二句提到,…find that withoutany other recreational activity, just walking one hour a day was associatedwith a lower risk of breast cancer in these women.由此可知,包括散步之内的休闲活动可以减少乳癌的风险,可排除C。文中第一段最后一句提到…it was more evidencethat lifestyle influenced cancer risk.由此可知,生活方式影响患癌几率,可排除D。而A项“呼吸练习”在原文中完全没有提到,因此本题的正确答案是A。
37.B 本题是推断题,问的是从Alpa Patel博士的研究中可以推断出什么。原文第三段最后一句提到Those who walked forat least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancer com- paredto those who walked three or fewer hours per week. 由此可知,一周至少徒步七小时的人与一周只步行三小时或者不足三小时的人相比,其患癌几率低l4%。只有B项与原文的内容相符,因此本题的正确答案是B。
38.A 本题问的是Alpa Patel博士的身份。原文第四段第一句明确提到Dr. Alpa Patel, asenior epidemiologist at the American Cancer Society in Atlanta. Georgia. who led the study…由此可知,Alpa Patel博士领导这项研究开展。因此本题的正确答案是A。
39.C 本题考察得是细节题,问得是以下哪项关于本文的陈述是正确的。原文第三段第三句提到Of the women, 47%said walking was their only recreational activity. 由此可知,在接受调查的人中,47%的人唯一的休闲活动是散步。C项与原文的意思相近,因此本题的正确答案是C。
40.A 本题问得是最后一段出现的sustainable一词的近义词。原文句意:现在的挑战是我们怎样将这些发现转化为行动,并找出可以帮助我们预防乳癌的其他一些可持续性的生活方式上的改变。sustainable可持续的。continuable持续的。affordable负担得起的。available可用的,有效的。Persistent坚持的。因此本题的正确答案为A。
41.D 本题问得是太阳风的形成原因。原文第一段倒数第二句提到These particles arecalled plasma and the stream of plasma coming from the Sun is called the solarwind. 由此可知,来自太阳的粒子流被称为太阳风。因此本题的正确答案是D。
42.D 本题问得是当太阳风到达地球会发生什么。原文第二段第三句提到The chargedparticles become trapped in magnetic belts around the Earth. 由此可知,这些带电粒子被限制在地球周围的磁场带。因此本题的正确答案是D。
43.A 本题问得是北极光是在什么时候形成的。原文第二段后两句提到…atomic particlescalled electrons…As the electrons fall into the Earth, they collide with gasmolecules in the atmosphere, creating flashes of light in the sky.由此可知,原子粒子,也就是电子坠入地球,与大气分子发生碰撞产生了极光。因此本题的正确答案是A。
44.A 本题问得是关于北极光的论述下列哪项正确。原文倒数第二段第二句提到The movement of theaurora across the sky is usually slow enough to easily follow with your eyes…由此可知,极光在天空的运动通常缓慢到足以被你的眼睛所观察到。因此,本题的正确答案是A。
45.D 本题问得是作者对北极光的态度。全文介绍了极光的形成过程和情况。原文最后一段提到We hope you are ableto travel to…at least once during your lifetime…you will never forget it.由此可推断出,作者觉得极光很奇妙,人们应该去观赏极光。因此,本题的正确答案是D。
46.F 空格前面的句子说到Thompson向自己发誓她永远也不会忘记强奸犯的脸。空格后面的句子说到警察请她在脸部照片集中指认袭击者。可见,空格处应填上她记忆的袭击者的特征。F项说“遭遇袭击时,她努力记住对方身上的每个细节,包括脸,寻找伤疤、文身以及其他明显标记”,填在此处与上下文衔接紧密,语意连贯。因此,本题的正确答案是F。
47.D 空格的前一句说到,在举行上诉听证会的时候,有证据表明真正的强奸犯可能是一个和Cotton长得非常像的人。空格后一句说到,Thompson面对面的看了两个人,进行了再次指认。由此可推测,中间可能进行了重新调查或审判。而D项说“又举行了另一场审讯”,这与前后文语意连贯,因此本题的正确答案是D。
48.E 空格前面的句子说到,11年后,DNA证据完全证明了Cotton的清白,证明了Poole是真正的罪犯。空格的后一句说到,Thompson写到,一个她确定她从未见过的人才是真正伤害她的人。由此可见,她感到非常震惊。E项说“汤姆森感到极为震惊”,填在此处与前后文衔接紧密,语意连贯。因此,本题的正确答案是E。
49.A 空格的后一句说到,他们都能把这个悲剧放在身后,克服种族歧视,写了一本书。这一句表明他们已经冰释前嫌,由此推测,Thompson可能对自己的错误感到愧疚,去向Cotton道歉,所以他们才能和解。而A项说“珍妮弗·汤姆森决定亲自见Cotton并向他道歉”,填在此处与上下文的逻辑一致,语意连贯。因此本题的正确答案是A。
50.C 空格的前一句说到,她仍然活在巨大的痛苦中,觉得自己的大错误使他付出了很大的代价。由此可推测她会因此进行反思。而C项“我不得不开始想到如果我错误的指认发生在一起重大案件中会有什么后果”。这是珍妮弗表达愧疚和反思的话,与前文内容紧密连贯。因此本题的正确答案是C。
51.C 语义辨析题。句意:他们发现训练音乐能力与学习说话的大脑运作进程是一致的。前一句提到音乐训练可以帮助提高交流技能,改善语言迟滞的现象。因此,这一句可能会说明其相似点或共性,只有C项的same“同样的”意思与此相近,符合语意,而且thesame常与as搭配,表示与…一样。其他的选项都不符合语意:unique独特的,特别的。different不同的。strange陌生的。因此本题的正确答案是C。
52.A 固定搭配题。句意:科学家们认为那样可以帮助有学习困难的孩子们。help…with有助于,帮助,符合句意。因此本题的正确答案是A。
53.B 词义辨析题。句意:她说音乐训练涉及到把不同种类的信息放在一起,如听音乐、看音符、触摸乐器和观赏音乐家的演出。只有B项的involve“涉及到”符合句意,而且后面可以跟动名词结构。其他的选项都不符合语意:shape塑造。relate叙述,与相关。enhance提高,增强。因此本题的正确答案为B。
54.D 语义辨析题。句意:这一过程与学习说话的过程没什么不同。根据上下文,文章第一段第二句使用了the same process,与此处相呼应,由此可推知此处应填process。其他选项的意思均不合适:form形式。step步骤。point观点。因此,本题的正确答案是D。
55.C 语意辨析题。句意:她进一步解释音乐训练与学习说话都可以使我们思考我们正在做的事。分析上下文可知,文中多次提到音乐训练和学习说话的相似性,多次把music training和learning to speak放到一起来讲,由此可推测本句也是讲它们的共同作用,所以C选项speak“说话”符合句意。其他选项的意思都不合适:play玩耍。sing唱歌。think思考。因此,本题的正确答案是C。
56.A 固定搭配题。句意:她说言语和音乐都流经神经系统的一个结构,叫做脑干。pass through穿过,通过,经过,符合句意。其他的选项意思都不适合:use使用。look看。put放。因此本题的正确答案是A。
57.B 语义辨析题。句意脑干控制我们的听力。前一句提到音乐和言语都经过脑干,那么可以推测本句主要讲脑干的作用、功能或影响,只有B选项的control“控制”符合句意。其他的选项都不合适:develop开发,发展。assess评估,评价。Observe观察。因此,本句的正确答案是B。
58.D 语法知识点,考查连词的用法。句意:但是,Krauss教授和她的团队发现,音乐训练可以增加一个人的脑干活力。前一句提到,直到最近科学家们一直认为脑干不能得到开发或改变,而后一句则讲了Krauss教授的新发现,这两句是转折的关系,而B项But表示转折,符合句意。So所以,表示结果。Moreover而且,此外,表示递进的关系。As因为,表示原因。因此本题的正确答案是D。
59.B 语意辨析题。句意:该研究的对象涉及有不同程度的音乐能力的个体。联系上下文可知,只有B选项ability“能力”符合题意。其它选项的意思都不适合:instrument仪器,工具。type类型。contact联系。因此本题的正确答案是B。
60.D 语意辨析题。句意:他们按要求戴了一个可以测量大脑活力的电子设备。根据上下文和上一段的最后一句…musical training canimprove a person’s brain stem activity可知,音乐训练可以影响脑干的活力,所以他们的研究与脑干活力有关,只有D项brain“大脑“符合语意。其他的选项都不合适:physical身体的。musical音乐的。speech言语。因此本题的正确答案是D。
61.C 固定搭配题。句意:Krause教授说大提琴的音质类似于一些重要的言语的声音。Similar to,“与…相似”。其他的选项都不能与similar搭配。因此,本题的正确答案是C。
62.D 固定搭配题。句意:该研究发现人们受过越多的训练,会对音乐的声音及韵律越敏感。根据上下文,只有D选项sensitive“敏感的”可与to搭配,且符合题意。其他的选项都不适合:familiar熟悉的。inactive不积极的,不活跃的。critical关键的。因此本题的正确答案是D。
63.B 语义辨析题。句意:那些接受过音乐训练的人在感官测试中取得的进步也最大。根据上下文,本文主要讲的是音乐训练对交流技能和学习说话的能力的改善,因此,B选项improvement“改善,提高”符合句意。其他的选项都不适合:reduction减少。interference干预,干涉。implication暗示,牵连。因此,本题的正确答案是B。
64.B 语义辨析题。句意:这表明,对那些有学习障碍的儿童进行音乐训练十分重要。根据上下文及第一段的最后一句…that could help children withlearning disabilities可知,B选项disabilities“残疾,缺陷”符合语意,且与上文形成呼应。其他的选项都不适合:style风格。Interest兴趣。Approach方法。因此,本文的正确选项是B。
65.C 语义辨析题。句意:他们通过音乐训练能提高听力水平,就意味着他们能够更清楚地听清句子并且更好地理解面部表情。上文提到,音乐和言语都流经控制听力的脑干,而且使用音乐技能可以改善听力技能,所以选择C项hear“听见”比较符合语意和上下文。其他的选项则都不符合语意:read读。write写。change改变。因此,本题的正确答案是C。

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