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目录                                                                                        封面
第1章 殖民地时期的美国文学
 1.1 复习笔记
 1.2 考研真题和典型题详解
第2章 理性时代和革命时期文学
 2.1 复习笔记
 2.2 考研真题和典型题详解
第3章 浪漫主义文学
 3.1 复习笔记
 3.2 考研真题和典型题详解
第4章 现实主义文学
 4.1 复习笔记
 4.2 考研真题和典型题详解
第5章 20世纪美国文学
 5.1 复习笔记
 5.2 考研真题和典型题详解

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第1章 殖民地时期的美国文学
1.1 复习笔记
  I. Historical Introduction
  (1) At the beginning  of the seventeenth century, the vast continental area that was to become the United States  had been probed only slightly by English and European explorers. At last  early in the seventeenth century, the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts  began the main stream of what we recognize as the American national history.
  (2) The first  permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia  in 1607. Among the members of the small band of Jamestown settlers was Captain John Smith,  an English soldier of fortune. His reports of exploration, published in the  early 1600s, have been described as the first distinctly American literature  written in English.
  II. The First American Writer
  (1) Captain John  Smith became the first American writer. His first work is A True Relation of Such Occurrences and  Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of  That Colony, a letter to the Virginia Company in London, defending the  handling of the settlement and proclaiming the merits of the new land.
  (2) His next book  was A Map of Virginia: with a  Description of the Country (1612). Like many similar accounts of the  period, the book was a guide to the country and an invitation to the bold  spirits needed to enlarge and strengthen the English plantations in the new  land.
  (3) Smith published  eight in all. He may not have been a modest man, but it is clear that he  contributed more to the survival of the Jamestown  colony than did anyone else.
  Ⅲ.Early New England Literature
   The Puritans in New   England had embraced hardships, together with the discipline of  a harsh church for a very long time. Over the years the Puritans built a way  of life that was in harmony with their somber religion, one that stressed  hard work, thrift, piety, and sobriety. These were the Puritan values that  dominated much of the earliest American writing, including the sermons,  books, and letters of such noted Puritan clergymen as John Cotton and Cotton  Mather. During his life Cotton Mather wrote more than 450 works, an  impressive output of religious writings that demonstrate that he was an  example, as well as an advocate, of the Puritan ideal of hard work.
  Ⅳ. William Bradford  and John Winthrop
    (1) William Bradford  was the first governor of Plymouth,  and his representative work is The  History of Plymouth Plantation.
    (2) Bradford wrote much of his History in the midst of the events he describes. In addition to History, Bradford  left a wealth of letters, other prose writings about the colony, and even a  narrative poem.
  (3) When he died,  the New England colonies mourned him, in  words written later by Cotton Mather, as “a common blessing and father to them  all”.
  (4) John Winthrop  was the first governor in Boston, and his  notable work is The History of New England.
  (5) Winthrop’s work is notable for its candid,  simplicity and honesty.
  (6) Both The History of Plymouth Plantation and  The History of New England are the  most valuable kind of historical source—an account of events by a man who has  been a major figure of his time. Both were written, not from literary  ambition, but from a sense of the need to record important events in  permanent form.
  V. Puritan Thoughts
    (1) As the word itself  hints, Puritans wanted to make pure their religious beliefs and practices.  The Puritan was a “would-be purifier.” The word was coined by the opponents  of the group and was applied to them in scorn; it was intended to ridicule  them as persons who thought themselves holier or better than others. The  undaunted Puritans claimed the name for themselves, adopting it as a badge of  honor.
    (2) The  Puritans wished to restore simplicity to church services and the authority of  the Bible to theology.
    (3)  Puritans included people from the humblest to the loftiest ranks of English  society, educated and uneducated, poor and rich. Their faults were those  common to persons who hold extreme opinions. The Puritans looked upon themselves  as a chosen people, and it followed logically that anyone who challenged  their way of life was opposing God’s will and was not to be accepted. They  were thus zealous in defense of their own beliefs but often intolerant of the  beliefs of others.
    (4)  Puritan opposition to pleasure and the arts sometimes has been exaggerated,  but it is true that their lives were disciplined and hard. Puritans tended to  suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin.
    (5)  Puritan religious teaching tended to emphasize the image of a wrathful God  and to forget His mercy.
  VI. John Cotton and Roger Williams
  (1) John Cotton was  the first major intellectual spokesman of the Massachusetts Bay Colony and  sometimes he was called “the Patriarch of New England”.
  (2) John Cotton  wrote several books of hard-hitting Puritan argument, but his primary  influence was through the pulpit.
  (3) Through John  Cotton we can see an important characteristic of the Puritans. They were much  more concerned with authority than with democracy.
  (4) Cotton was  partly responsible for Roger Williams’s exile from Massachusetts. However, whatever faults  and limitations he may have had, John Cotton’s firmness and devotion to his  beliefs always demanded respect.
  (5) Roger Williams  had been educated in law at Cambridge   University. Instead of  following that calling, he entered the church and was caught up in the  Puritan tide. When he came to the Massachusetts  colonies in 1631, he was more democratic in his view of church government  than the leaders of any of the settlements. As a result he was soon in  disagreement with them, which eventually led to his exile to what is now Rhode Island.
  (6) With Williams  begins the history of religious toleration in America, and with him, too, the  history of the separation of church and state. Williams’s toleration did not  stem from a lack of religious convictions. Instead, it sprang from the idea  that simply to be virtuous in conduct and devout in belief did not give  anyone the right to force belief on others.
  (7) He was exiled by  the leaders of Puritan for his different creeds, and later, he founded a  community which he called Providence,  because of “God’s merciful providence to him in his distress”.
  VII. Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor
   (1) Anne Bradstreet is one of the  most interesting of the early poets. Both her father and her husband were  governors of Massachusetts,  all came here on the first voyage of the Arbella in June 1630.
    (2) Her  first published work appeared in London  titled as The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung  Up in America.
    (3)  Some of Anne Bradstreet’s poetic ventures were overambitious, but she wrote  well when she dealt with the simple events of her daily life.
    (4) The  best of the Puritan poets was Edward Taylor, who came from England as a  young man and attended Harvard, later entering the major profession of the  time, the ministry.
    (5) He  is the most accomplished poetic craftsman of the early years. His work  followed the style and forms of the leading English poets of the  mid-seventeenth century, and although Taylor  was not the best of these, he showed an authentic poetic ability.
    (6)  Most of Taylor’s  work treated religious themes, with many poems based directly on the Psalms.
    (7) Taylor did not publish  any of his work. His poems were found in manuscript in 1937, more than two  hundred years after his death. This discovery brought Taylor to immediate prominence in the  colonial literary history, and enriched American poetic heritage. A complete  edition of Taylor’s  poems appeared in 1960.

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