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I. Translate the underlined parts into Chinese. (50 Points)
Throughout the lastfew decades, the core of challenge for university-level teaching has been toadjust to a wider range of student abilities. As a result of expanded accessand higher rates of participation, today’s students are diverse in theirinterests, circumstances, motives and academic preparation.
What has been theresponse? There is much to praise. Compared to a few decades ago, highereducation systems in many countries have become more flexible in theirrequirements.
They have introducedprogram innovations responsive to student preferences. The learning process nolonger relied entirely on lecturing. Students find opportunities for hands-onexperience to complement their book-learning. Study areas have become moreresponsive to today’s students and to labor market needs.
An enormous level ofenergy is being devoted to ways that electronic technology can enhancelearning, especially for students who cannot easily take conventional courses.Now educational network and virtual universities have appeared. Meanwhile, anew challenge to teaching looms ahead: a pressure to internationalizeCurriculum offerings. Such a change calls for a thorough rethinking offundamental aspects of course design. Many universities and institutions havetaken steps toward globalized learning. But with limited results.
Nevertheless, furtherinnovation in teaching practice can be expected in the future, because afundamental change in orientation has been accomplished. Higher educationtoday, in most settings, is more student-focused — a major change compared withwhat existed several decades ago. “Active” learning is a phrase that is widelyaccepted. Of course, major shortcomings continue; teaching practice is slow tochange on the “shop floor”, and lectures are still the primary educationalmechanism in many institutions. On balance, however, things are encouraging.
II. Translate the following into English. (50 Points)
III. Writing. (50 Points)
There are two opposingviews concerning the advantage of the Internet purchase. Some people believethat the Internet purchase has made life easier and more convenient. Otherpeople hold that the Internet purchase has made life more complex andstressful. Which of the two positions do you take?
Write an essay of about 350 words on the given topic, takingeither of the two views. You are strongly suggested to write as follows:
In the first part of your writing, present your viewpoint in awell-formed thesis statement; in the second part, support the thesis statementwith appropriate details; in the last part, bring what you have written to anatural conclusion with a summary.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, syntactic varietyand appropriate word choice. Remember to produce a clean fair copy.
I.Translate the underlined parts intoChinese. (50 Points)
I have a mind to fill the rest of this paperwith an accident that happened just under my eyes, and has made a great impression upon me. I havejust passed part of this summer at an old romantic seat of my Lord Harcourt’s, whichhe has lent me. It overlooks acommon field, where, under theshadow of a haycock, sat two lovers, as constant as ever were found in romance, beneath a spreading beech. The name of the one (letit sound as it will) was John Hewett; of the other, Sarah Drew. John was a well-set man about five-and-twenty; Sarah a brown woman of eighteen. John had for several months borne the labor ofthe day in the same field with Sarah; when she milked, it was his morning and evening charge tobring the cows to her pail. Their love wasthe talk, but not the scandal of the neighborhood; for all they aimed at was the blamelesspossession of each other in marriage. It was but this very morning that he obtained her parents’ consent,and it was but till the next week that they were to wait to be happy.
Perhaps this very day, in the intervals of theirwork, they were talking of their wedding clothes; and John was now matching several kinds of poppies andfield flowers to her complexion, to make her apresent of knots for the day. While they werethus employed (it was on the last day of July,) a terrible storm of thunder andlightning arose, that drove the laborers to what shelter the trees or hedgesafforded. Sarah, frightened andout of breath, sunk on a haycock, andJohn (who never separated from her) sat by her side, haying raked two or three heaps together to secure her. Immediately there was heard so loud a crack asif heaven had burst asunder. The laborers, allsolicitous for each other’s safety, called to one another: those who were nearest our lovers, hearing noanswer, stepped to the place where they lay. They first saw a little smoke, and after, this faithfulpair;John with one arm about Sarah’sneck, and the other held over her face, as if to screen her from the lightning. They were struck dead, and already grown stiffand cold in this tender posture. There was no markor discoloring on their bodies, only that Sarah’s eyebrow was a little singed, anda small spot between her breasts.
They were buried next day in one grave, in theparish of StantonHarcourt; where my Lord Harcourt,at my request, has erected a monument over them.
II.Translate the following into English(50 Points)
III. Writing (50 Points)
Write a composition of about 350 words, drawing inspirations or implications from eitheror both of the following two quotes. In the first partof your essay, you should present your viewpoint in a well-formed thesisstatement in the second part, you shouldsupport the thesis statement with appropriate details;in the last part you should bring what you havewritten to a natural conclusion with a summary. Scores will be awarded for content, organization, syntactic variety and appropriate word choice. Failure to follow the above instructions mayresult in a loss of scores. Remember: You should supply an appropriate title for youressay and produce a clean fair copy.
1. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep yourbalance, you must keep moving.
2. Don’t think of retiring from the world until the world willbe sorry that you retire. I hate a fellowwhom pride or cowardice or laziness drives into a comer, and who does nothingwhen he is there but sit and growl. Let him come outas I do, and bark.
I.Translate the underlined parts intoChinese. (50 Points)
II.Translate the following into English(50 Points)
 Insuch an era of technology and communication in close connection, face-to-faceinformation delivery appears more and more significant for professionalsuccess. We can get plenty of information about any dissertations by tappingthe keyboard, which is easy to obtain more information than any of ourancients. Although the information we can gain is dramatically increasing, ourtime twenty-four hours a day is not increasing. On the contrary, in this oceanof information, it is more difficult for us to get suitable information thoughtechnology. This is the reason why excellent public speakers are priceless. Listeningto well-organized and concise reports is the best and the most convenient wayfor us to comprehend new information. However, in spite of many benefits ofpublic speaking, most people are still afraid of confronting the public toconduct a speech. For the scientific workers, this is always true, becauseexcept the worries that all the speakers are faced with, they must explaincomplicated professional knowledge.

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