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Paper One
(注意:答案请做在答题卡上, 做在试题上一律无效)
Part Ⅰ Vocabulary andStructure (15%)
Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence thereare four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes thesentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet Ⅰ with a single line through the center.
1. A good teacher mustknow how to ______ his students to work hard at the subject he teaches.
A. mortify
B. motivate
C. multiply
D. muster
2. We need allinformation ______ to the economic aspects of that company’s activities.
A. perceptible
B. pertaining
C. periodic
D. persistent
3. Our hotel can______ double the number of guests participating in your conference.
A. ascribe
B. accommodate
C. assert
D. avert
4. Most adults do notfeel ______ to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.
A. compatible
B. considerate
C. competent
D. confidential
5. All the people inthe stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ______ slowlyinto the sky.
A. ascending
B. elevating
C. floating
D. 1ingering
6. Giving a gift canconvey a wealth of meaning about your appreciation of their ______ and theimportance you place upon the relationship.
A. solidarity
B. priority
C. superiority
D. hospitality
7. It was a verydifficult examination, ______ he passed it with distinction.
A. consequently
B. moreover
C. nevertheless
D. 1ikewise
8. He is a/an ______ and well-behaved child, but hisparents worry about him for he talks too little.
A. obedient
B. transient
C. conscious
D. passionate
9. He is the onlyperson who can ______ in this case because the other witnesses were killedmysteriously.
A. testify
B. charge
C. accuse
D. rectify
10. As the details ofthe project were rather vague, we decided to ______ the proposal.
A. reclaim
B. resign
C. reject
D. resemble
11. It is from theearliest times ______ men have studied the world around them with interest.
A. which
B. where
C. how
D. that
12. ______ we had notmade any mistakes in the calculations!
A. But for
B. If only
C. Let
D. Without
13. How difficult itis ______ the modern world without oil.
A. imagining
B. imagined
C. to imagine
D. having imagined
14. Man is superior toanimals ______ he uses language to convey his thoughts.
A. that
B. in that
C. when
D. in which
15. Reading ______ themind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we readours.
A. rectifies
B. prolongs
C. minimizes
D. furnishes
16. ______ a positionwith the company, I would have shown myself at the reception.
A. Had I
B. Have I
C. Should I
D. Had I had
17. Most of what Billsaid was ______ ; only one or two minor points he made were not closelyconnected with the matter being discussed.
A. reliable
B. relative
C. related
D. relating
18. I like this jacketbetter than that one, but it costs twice ______.
A. as much
B. so much
C. that much
D. too much
19. Yong drivers under25 have the highest number of accidents while those over 50 have ______.
A. the less
B. the least
C. the fewer
D. the fewest
20. Fred always ______doing the washing-up by saying that he is busy working in the garden.
A. gets out of
B. gets over with
C. gets rid of
D. gets through with
21. If you think youcan do my job better than I can, you are welcome to ______.
A. take it down
B. take it up
C. take it over
D. take it in
22. Without a doubt,______ the key issue in the President’s campaign.
A. is taxation going to be
B. is going taxation to be
C. is going to be taxation
D. taxation is going to be
23. Catherine won’tmind if you ______ her workload—sheneeds the extra money.
A. amount to
B. add to
C. put up
D. go on
24. The exchange ofgoodwill mission greatly ______ a better understanding between the twocountries.
A. carries out
B. brings around
C. breaks out
D. contributes to
25. ______ theassignments are turned in before the end of this week.
A. See it that
B. Make it sure that
C. Assure that
D. See that
26. Light waves andheart waves are all electromagnetic. ______ are radio waves.
A. Some
B. Such
C. As
D. So
27. Every object inthe universe, ______ large or small, has a tendency to move towards every otherobject.
A. how
B. so
C. be it
D. whether being
28. Have a word withthe manager ______ if he’s willing to reduce the price.
A. and to see
B. and see
C. and seeing
D. so to see
29. I think we ______ buythis one. We’re not going to find anything cheaper.
A. may as well
B. would like
C. may well
D. can possibly
30. In a few daysyou’ll be ______ by one of our staff and asked to complete a quickquestionnaire.
A. touched
B. contacted
C. connected
D. associated
Part II Cloze (20%)
Directions: Read the passage through. Then go back and choose one item ofsuitable word(s)marked A, B, C and D for eachblank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the  word(s)you have chosen with a single bar across the bracket on Answer SheetⅠ.
  Historically, humans getserious about avoiding disasters only after one has just struck them.
31 thatlogic, 2006 should have been a breakthrough year for rational behavior. Withthe memory of 9/11 still 32 in their minds, Americans watchedhurricane Katrina, the most expensive disaster in U.S. history, on  33 TV. Anyone who didn’t know it beforeshould have learned that bad things can happen. And they are made  34 worse by our willful blindness to risk asmuch as our  35 to work together before everything goesto hell.
Granted, some amount of delusionis probably part of the  36 condition. In A.D. 63, Pompeii was seriously damaged by anearthquake, and the locals immediately went to work  37 , in the same spot—until they wereburied altogether by a volcano eruption 16 years later. But a  38 of the past year in disaster historysuggests that modern Americans are particularly bad at  39themselves fromguaranteed threats. We know more than we  40 did about the dangers we face. But itturns  41 that in times of crisis, our greatestenemy is  42 the storm, the quake or the  43 itself. More often, it is ourselves.
So what has happened in the yearthat  44 the disaster on the Gulf Coast? In New Orleans, the ArmyCorps of Engineers has worked day and night to rebuild the flood walls. Theyhave got the walls to  45 they were before Katrina, more or less.That’s not  46 , we can now say with confidence. Butit may be all  47 can be expected from one year of hustle.
Meanwhile, New Orleans officialshave crafted a plan to use buses and trains to  48 the sick and the disabled. The cityestimates that 15,000 people will need a  49 out. However, state officials have notyet determined where these people will be taken. The  50 with neighboring communities are ongoingand difficult.
31. A. To  B.By  C.On  D.For
32. A. flesh  B.obvious  C.apparent  D.evident
33. A. visual   B.vivid  C.1ive   D.1ively
34. A. little  B.less   C.more  D.much
35. A. reluctance  B.rejection  C.denial  D.decline
36. A. natural  D.human
37. A. revising  B.refining  C.rebuilding   D.retrieving
38. A. review   B.reminder  C.concept   D.prospect
39. A. preparing   B.protesting   C.protecting   D.prevailing
40. A. never   B.ever   C.then   D.before
41. A. up  B.down  C.over   D.out
42. A. merely  B.rarely  C.incidentally  D.accidentally
43. A. surge  B.spur   D.splash
44. A. ensued   B.traced  C.followed  D.occurred
45. A. which   B.where  C.what   D.when
46.A. enough   B.certain   C.conclusive
47.A. but   C.that   D.those
48.A. exile  B.evacuate  C.dismiss   D.displace
49.A. ride   B.trail   C.path   D.track
50.A. conventions   B.notifications   C.communications   D.negotiations
Part III Reading Comprehension (25%)
Directions:There are 5 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed bysome questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are fourchoices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the correspondingletter on Answer Sheet Ⅰ with a single line through the center.
Is happiness proportional toincome—to the money a person has? Is a man with two rooms and loaves of breadhappier than a man with only one of each? Clearly poverty and destitution(that is, having no room and no bread)do produce unhappiness. Obviously men needmoney to buy the necessities of life.
But this presents anotherquestion. How many rooms and how many loaves of bread(and thus how much money)does a man need? Most people in the Westernworld can satisfy a minimal requirement for the necessities of life, but theystill desire to increase their incomes to buy more and more materialpossessions and status symbols. Why?
The answer may be that as thingsare today, if a man is not rich, admiration and respect are not given him byother people. Accordingly this may be the chief reason why people wish to bericher and richer, as the actual goods or possessions play a secondary part tothe envy or admiration that this wealth brings them. This veneration from otherpeople may be a greater source of happiness than the money or possessionsthemselves.
This has not, however, always beentrue. In aristocratic ages men were admired for their birth and breeding. Inother ages men would not have been respected if they had not proved theirartistic excellence or learning. In India,for example, poor and saintly men are respected, and in China, the oldand wise. In such circles many men are, as long as they have enough to live on,indifferent to money. They value more and are happier with the respect theymerit for other reasons.
The modern desire for wealth isnot inherent in human nature, and varies with social values. If, by law, we allhad exactly the same income, we should have to find some other way of beingsuperior to our peers, as most of our craving for material possessions wouldcease. Thus a general increase of wealth gives no competitive advantage to anindividual and therefore brings him no competitive happiness.
51. Which of thefollowing is the author’s point in the first paragraph?
A. The more one earns, the more hewants.
B. Rooms and bread are the onlysources of happiness.
C. One can’t be happy withoutmoney.
D. Poor people need money to buythe necessities of life.
52. Most people in theWestern world ______.
A. are not content with what theypossess
B. are not sure how many roomsthey want
C. are satisfied with havingminimal necessities of life
D. consider happiness mostimportant in life
53. According to theauthor, people seeking wealth are actually in pursuit of ______.
A. goods
B. scholarship
C. wisdom
D. veneration
54. According to thepassage, in China, people generally respect those who are ______.
A. old and wise
B. of high breeding
C. poor and holy
D. artistically excellent
55. The authorsuggests that Man would cease chasing after money if ______.
A. he were not born with thedesire for it
B. social values were emphasized
C. it did not carry sense ofsuperiority with it
D. 1aws were established to forbidall forms of competition
The crucial years of Depression,as they are brought into historical focus, increasingly emerge as the decisivedecade for American art, if not for American culture in general. For it wasduring this decade that many of the conflicts which had blocked the progress ofAmerican art in the past came to a head and sometimes boiled over. Janus-faced,the thirties look backward, sometimes as far as the Renaissance; and at thesame time forward, as far as the present and beyond. It was the moment whenartists, like Thomas Hart Benton, who wished to turn back the clock to regainthe virtues of simpler times came into direct conflict with others, like StuartDavis and Frank Lloyd Wright, who were ready to come to terms with the MachineAge and to deal with its consequences.
America in the thirties waschanging rapidly. In many areas the past was giving way to the present,although not without a struggle. A predominantly rural and small town societywas being replaced by the giant complexes of the big cities; power was becomingincreasingly centralized in the federal government and in large corporations.Many Americans, deeply attached to the old way of life, felt disinherited. Atthe same time, as immigration decreased and the population became morehomogeneous, the need arose in art and literature to commemorate the ethnic andregional differences that were fast disappearing. Thus, paradoxically, theconviction that art, at least, should serve some purpose or carry some messageof moral uplift grew stronger as the Puritan ethos lost its contemporaryreality. Often this elevating message was a sermon in favor of justthose traditional American virtues, which were now threatened withobsolescence in a changed social and political context.
In this new context, the appeal ofthe paintings by the regionalists and the American Scene painters often lay intheir ability to recreate an atmosphere that glorified the traditional Americanvalues—self-reliance tempered with good-neighborliness, independence modifiedby a sense of community, hard work rewarded by a sense of order and purpose.Given the actual temper of the times, these themes were strangelyanachronistic, just as the rhetoric supporting political isolationism wasequally inappropriate in an international situation soon to involve America in asecond world war. Such themes gained popularity because they filled a genomeneed for a comfortable collective fantasy of a God-fearing, white-picket fence America, whichin retrospect took on the nostalgic appeal of a lost Golden Age.
In this light, an autonomous art-for-art’ssake was viewed as a foreign invader liable to subvert the native Americandesire for a purposeful art. Abstract art was assigned the role of thevillainous alien; realism was to personify the genuine American means ofexpression. The arguments drew favor in many camps: among the artists, becausemost were realists; among the politically oriented intellectuals, becauseabstract art was apolitical; and among museum officials, because they weresurfeited with mediocre imitations of European modernism and were convincedthat American art must develop its own distinct identity. To help along thisroad to self-definition, the museums were prepared to set up all artificialdouble standard, one for American art, and another for European art. Inl934. Ralph Flint wrote in Art News, “We have today in our midst a greaterarray of what may be called second-, third-, and fourth string artists than anyother country. Our big annuals are marvelous outpouring of intelligence andskill; they have all the diversity and animation of a fine-ring circus.”
56. According to thepassage, in the 1930s, abstract art was seen as ______.
A. uniquely America
B. uniquely European
C. imitative of European modernism
D. counter to American regionalism
57. The secondparagraph deals mainly with ______ in America.
A. the rapid growth of urbanpopulation
B. the impact of industrializationon rural life
C. the disappearance oftraditional values
D. the changing scenes in religionand politics
58. According to thepassage, the best word to describe America in the l930s would be ______.
A. reactionary
B. consistent
C. dynamic
D. melancholic
59. “The artificialstandard”(Para 4)refers to the difference between standards ofjudgment for ______.
A. realism and abstract art
B. politically orientedintellectuals and museum officials
C. European art and American art
D. 1andscape painting and abstractpainting
60. The best choicefor the title the passage would be ______.
A. The Thirties in Art: Reactionand Rebellion
B. America in the Thirties: AChanging Time
C. Thomas Hart Benton and Regionalism
D. American Art: Appeal andDiversity
Most people who developed Lymedisease, a tick-born infection that’s endemic in parts of the Northeast andMidwest, are easily cured by taking an antibiotic like doxycycline for a coupleof weeks. But for years a debate has raged over what to do about patients whosesymptoms (fatigue, mental confusion, joint pain) never seem to clear up. Onesmall but vocal group of doctors and patient advocates believes that Lyme’scorkscrew-shaped spirochetes have tunneled deep into their victims’ bodies andcan be eradicated only with intensive antibiotic treatment over many months.Another group believes, just as adamantly, that further treatment with powerfulantibiotics—which can lead to potentially fatal infections or bloodclots—positively dangerous.
Now comes word of two studies inthe New England Journal of Medicine that show that long-term antibiotictreatment is no better than a placebo for folks with chronic Lyme disease.Originally scheduled for publication in July, the research is part of a groupof findings made public last week—justin time for the peak Lyme months of June and July. If confirmed by anothermajor study that’s looking at chronic Lyme and antibiotics from a slightlydifferent perspective, the results would seem to settle the question once andfor all.
Researchers from Boston, New Haven,Conn, and Valhalla, N. Y, followed 129 patients who had previously been treatedfor well-documented cases of Lyme disease. Sixty-four were given antibioticsdirectly into their veins for a month, followed by two months of oralantibiotics. The others received dummy medications. A third of the chronic Lymepatients got better while taking the antibiotics. But so did a third of thoseon the placebo. Indeed, the results were so similar that a monitoring boarddecided to cut the trials short rather than add more subjects to the testgroups.
Unfortunately, the debate overchronic Lyme had become so heated that no one expects the controversy to goaway. But both sides may take comfort in the other findings that were releasedby the New England Journal last week. After studying 482 subjects bitten bydeer ticks in a part of New Yorkwith a lot of Lyme disease, researchers concluded that a singly 200-mg dose ofdoxycycline dramatically cut the risk of contracting the disease. That goodnews is tempered somewhat by the fact that 80%ofpatients who develop the infection don’t remember ever being bitten by a tick. (Thebugs inject an anesthetic into the skin to mask the pain and in their nymphstage are so small—about the size of a poppy seed—that they are easily overlooked.)
There is still plenty you can doto protect yourself in a Lyme-infested neighborhood: tuck your pants in yoursocks, spray DEET on your clothing, check yourself and your kids for ticks. Andif you develop a spreading red rash—particularly if it’s accompanied by jointpain, chills or confusion—make sure you see a doctor right away. The trick, asalways, is to be vigilant without overreacting.
61. According to thepassage, Lyme disease ______.
A. is one of the contagiousdiseases
B. is spread by a kind of tinybugs
C. causes infection all over thebody
D. develops against anypainkillers
62. With respect totreating chronic Lyme, ______.
A. even the patients doubt theantibiotic treatment
B. doxycycline has been regardedas the most effective
C. doctors disagree as to theeffect of strong antibiotics
D. moderate antibiotics are betterthan intensive ones
63. How is theexperiment with 129 patients related to the argument stated in Paragraph 2?
A. It aims to look at the problemfrom a different perspective.
B. The experiment result shows thecontrary to the argument.
C. The experiment result gives asupport to the argument.
D. It aims to provide analternative solution to the problem.
64. The good news toboth sides of the debate is that ______.
A. an infected majority didn’tsense any tick biting
B. one dose of antibiotics mayprevent the infection
C. doxycycline is strong enough toend the infection
D. antibiotics live up to theirreputation to cure Lyme
65. In what kind ofstyle is the passage written?
A. Narrative.
B. Argumentative.
C. Informative.
D. Descriptive.
Personal computers and theInternet give people new choices about how to spend their time. Some may usethis freedom to share less time with certain friends or family members, but newtechnology will also let them stay in closer touch with those they care mostabout. I know this from personal experience. E-mail makes it easy to work athome, which is where I now spend most weekends and evenings. My working hoursaren’t necessarily much shorter than they once were but I spend fewer of themat the office. This lets me share more time with my young daughter than I mighthave if she’d been born before electronic mail became such a practical tool.The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group of friends. Sayyou do something interesting or see a great movie perhaps—and there are four orfive friends who might want to hear about it. If you call each one, you maytire of telling the story. With E-mail, you just write one note about yourexperience, at your convenience, and address it to all the friends you thinkmight be interested. They can read your message when they have time, and readonly as much as they want to. They can reply at their convenience, and you canread what they have said at your convenience. E-mail is also an inexpensive wayto stay in close touch with people who live far away. More than a few parentsuse E-mail to keep in touch, even daily touch, with their children off atcollege. We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offeranother way of staying in touch. They don’t eliminate any of the old ways.
66. The purpose ofthis passage is to ______.
A. explain how to use the Internet
B. describe the writer’s joy ofkeeping up with the latest technology
C. tell the merits and usefulnessof the Internet
D. introduce the reader to basicknowledge about personal computers and the Internet
67. The use of E-mailhas made it possible for the writer to ______.
A. spend less time working
B. have more free time with hischild
C. work at home on weekends
D. work at a speed comfortable tohim
68. According to thewriter, E-mail has an obvious advantage over the telephone because the formerhelps one ______.
A. reach a group of people at onetime conveniently
B. keep one’s communication aspersonal as possible
C. pass on much more informationthan the latter
D. get in touch with one’s friendsfaster than the latter
69. The best title forthis passage is ______.
A. Computer: NewTechnological Advances
B. Internet: New Tool to MaintainGood Friendship
C. Computers Have Made Life Easier
D. Internet: a Convenient Tool forCommunication
70. Which of thefollowing can be inferred from the passage?
A. Computers and the Internet areone of the ways to communicate with people.
B. Computers and the Internet arethe only way to communicate with people.
C. It is better to communicatewith others by Computers and Internet than other ways.
D. People seldom use the old waysto stay in touch with others.
A number of researchers haveexamined the variables/strategies that affect students learning English as asecond language. This report identifies some of the learner variables/strategies used by two students in a HongKong technical Institute. The instruments for data collection includedobservation, interviews and questionnaires. The findings are discussed and someimplications highlighted.
What makes a “good” languagelearner “good”, and what makes a “poor” language learner “poor”? What does thisimply for the teaching of language in the Hong Kongcontext? These are the central questions of this assignment. The existing bodyof research attributes the differences between language learners to learnervariables and learner strategies. Learner variables include such things asdifferences in personality, motivation, style, aptitude and age (Ellis, 1986: Chap.5) and strategies refer to “techniques, approaches, or deliberate actions thatstudents take in order to facilitate the learning and recall of both linguisticand content area information” (Chabot, 1987: 71) . It is important to note herethat what we are considering is not the fact that language learners do and canlearn, but why there should be such variations in speed of learning, ability touse the target language, and in achieving examination grades, areas whichgenerally lead to the classification of students as being either “good” or “poor”.
Learner variables and strategieshave been the focus of a number of research projects, (0'Malley et al, 1985,Oxford, 1989). However, to the best of my knowledge, this area has not beenresearched in Hong Kong classrooms. Since I ama teacher of English working in Hong Kong,gleaning a little of what learner variables and strategies seem to work forlocal students seems to be a fruitful area of research.
In discussing learner variablesand strategies, we have to keep in mind the arbitrary nature of actuallyidentifying these aspects. As the existing research points out, it is notpossible to observe directly qualities such as aptitude, motivation and anxiety(Oxford, 1986).We cannot look inside the mind of a language leaner and find out whatstrategies, if any, they are using. These strategies are not visible processes.Also, as Naiman and his colleagues (1978) point out, no single learningstrategy, cognitive style or learner characteristic is sufficient to explainsuccess in language learning. The factors must be considered simultaneously todiscover how they affect success or failure in particular language learningsituation.
Bearing these constrains in mind,the aim of this assignment is to develop two small scale studies of thelanguage learners attempting to gain an overall idea of what strategies are inuse and what variables seem to make a difference to Hong Kong students.
71. In Paragraph 2“learner variables” and “strategies” are defined by reference to other writers______.
A. because these writers areauthorities in the field and these are recognized as important concepts
B. because these writers areauthorities in the field and these are recognized as important definitions
C. because the present author isnot sure what these terms mean
D. because the present authorwishes to redefine the scope of research in this area
72. The main point ofParagraph 2 is ______.
A. to define technical terms
B. to define terms and scope ofthe study
C. to outline the main sections ofthe report
D. to summarize the area to becovered in the article
73. In Paragraph 3 thewriter uses the phrase “to the best of my knowledge” because ______.
A. she has good knowledge of thisarea
B. she is not sure if the area hasbeen researched in Hong Kong
C. she thinks the area has beenresearched in Hong Kong
D. She does not wish to takeresponsibility for any omissions in the bibliography
74. The reference to “Naimanand his colleagues(1978)”inParagraph 4 is made ______.
A. to point out the advantages ofan analytical approach
B. to point out that languagelearning strategies can be identified
C. to point out that differentlearners lean differently
D. to point out the uniqueness oflanguage learning situations
75. According to thispassage, research in this area is characterized as ______.
A. empirically observable
B. often impossible to observedirectly
C. poorly defined in the researchliterature to date
D. easier to theorize about thanto carry out directly
Paper Two
(注意:以下各题的答案必须写在Answer Sheet Ⅱ上)
Part IV Translation (25%)
Section A (10%)
Directions: Put the following into Chinese.Write your Chinese version on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
The quiet life of the country hasnever appealed to me. City born and city bred, I have always regarded thecountry as something you look at through a train window, or something youoccasionally visit during the weekend. Most of my friends live in the city, yetthey always go into a frenzy of joy at the mere mention of the country. Thoughthey glorify the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of them has ever goneto live in the country and he was back in town within six months. Even he stilllives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life. Heis forever talking about the friendly people, the clean atmosphere, thecloseness to nature and the gentle pace of living.
Section B (15%)
Directions: Put the following into English.Write your English version on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
Part V Writing (15%)
Directions: Please write an argumentation based on the following topic andelaborate your point of view in about 200 words. Remember to write yourcomposition neatly and clearly on Answer Sheet Ⅱ.
Some people prefer to planactivities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make anyplans at all for their free time. Which do you prefer—planning or not planningfor your leisure time? Use specific reasons and examples to support yourchoice.
Part Ⅰ Vocabulary andStructure (15%)
1.B 句意:一位好的老师应该知道如何激发学生努力学习其所教授课目。motivate刺激;使有动机;激发…的积极性。mortify抑制;苦修;使…感屈辱。multiply乘;使增加;使繁殖。muster召集;对…进行点名;使振作。
2.B 句意:我们需要所有与那个国家经济活动相关的信息。pertain to为固定词组,指“关于;从属于;适合”。perceptible可察觉的;可感知的;看得见的。periodic周期的;定期的。persistent固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的。
3.B 句意:我们的旅馆可容纳两倍于参加你们会议的客人数量。accommodate容纳;使适应;供应。ascribe归因于;归咎于。assert维护;断言;主张。avert避免;转移。
4.C 句意:大部分成年人不懂得如何对儿童实施急救。competent胜任的;有能力的;能干的。compatible兼容的;能共处的;可并立的。considerate体贴的;体谅的;考虑周到的。confidential机密的;表示信任的;获信任的。
5.A 句意:看到成百上千个五彩缤纷的气球缓缓升入空中,运动场上所有的人都欢呼起来。ascend上升;登高;追溯。elevate为及物动词,意为“举起;提高;提升”。float浮动;飘动;摇摆。1inger徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭。
6.D 句意:赠送礼物可以深切传达你对他们热情款待的感激和对你们之间关系的重视。hospitality殷勤好客;款待。solidarity团结,团结一致。priority优先;优先权。superiority优势;优越性。
7.C 句意:这次考试很难,然而他却以出色的成绩通过了考试。该句表达的是转折含义,因此nevertheless (然而,不过) 符合。此外,只有nevertheless可作连词,其他选项均为副词,不能连接两个单句。
8.A 句意:他是一个听话、表现好的孩子,但太不爱说话了,因此他的父母对此很担心。obedient服从的;顺从的;温驯的。transient短暂的;路过的。
9.A 句意:这次案件中他是唯一能作证的人了,因为其他目击者都被秘密杀害了。testify作证;证明。rectify改正;精馏;整流。
10.C 句意:由于该项目的细节太过含糊,所以我们决定反对这项提议。reject拒绝考虑;不接受;不同意。reclaim开拓;回收再利用;改造某人。resemble类似,像。
11.D 句意:远古以来,人们就饶有兴趣地研究着周围的世界。该句为it is/was…that…结构的强调句型。
12.B 句意:要是我们没有计算错误就好了。此处是由if only引导的虚拟语气,表示对过去已发生事情的虚拟。but for也可引导虚拟语气,指“要不是;如果没有”。
13.C 句意:难以想象现代的世界没有石油会是什么样子。此处代词it指代不定式结构to imagine。
14.B 句意:人类优于动物的原因是其可以用语言来表达自己的想法。in that因为;由于;既然。
15.D 句意:阅读只是用堆积的知识来充实大脑;只有思考才能使我们读过的东西真正成为自己的。furnish用…布置;提供…。rectify改正;精馏;整流。prolong延长;拖延。minimize使减到最少;小看。
16.D 句意:如果在这家公司供职,我就会出现在招待会上了。该句为虚拟语气中省略if并把had提前的情况。主句为过去将来完成时态 (would have done) 表示对过去的虚拟,因此分句应该用过去完成时 (had done) 。D项中第一个had为助词,第二个had为实意动词,表示“拥有”。
17.C 句意:比尔说的大部分内容都相关;只有一两点与正在讨论的问题联系不太大。related有关系的,有关联的。
18.A 句意:相比之下,我更喜欢这件夹克,但它的价钱是另一件的二倍。此处为as…as的省略结构,其完整形式应该为but it costs twice as much (as that one)。
19.D 句意:年龄不足25岁的驾驶员发生交通事故的次数最多,而相比之下50岁以上的驾驶员发生交通事故的次数最少。此处指的是“发生交通事故的次数”,因此应当用最高级the fewest。
20.A 句意:佛瑞德经常以正在花园干活为由来逃避洗碗碟。get out of逃避;避免。get over with完成;忘记。get rid of除掉;革除。get through with完成;结束。
21.C 句意:如果认为你能比我做得更好,你可以接管这个工作。take over接管;接收。take down记下;拿下;拆卸。take up拿起;开始从事。take in吸收;领会;欺骗。
22.D 句意:毫无疑问,税收问题将成为本次总统竞选的重点。without a doubt指“无疑地,毫无疑问”,放在句首时句子不需倒装。因此答案选D。
23.B 句意:凯瑟琳不会介意你增加她的工作量的,因为她需要这笔额外的钱。add to增加,加强。amount to相当于,总计为。put up提供;建造;举起。
24.D 句意:互派友好代表团大大有助于两国的相互了解。contribute to有助于;捐献。carry out执行;贯彻;实现。bring around使信服;使…转向;使复原。break out爆发;突发。
25.C 句意:确保这周末之前把作业交上来。assure保证;担保;使确信。A项应该是seeto it that。B项it多余。
26.D 句意:光波和热波都属于电磁波。无线电波也是。“so+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”的句型为固定结构,指“…也是如此”。
27.C 句意:宇宙中每个物体,无论大小,都有向其他物体移动的倾向。be it A or B指“不管是A还是B”,是一种表示让步的虚拟倒装结构,由be引起的倒装句表示让步,并带有虚拟语气的结构特点。其可位于句首、句中或句末。
28.B 句意:和经理商谈一下,看他是否愿意降低价格。and连接与havea word并列的结构,因此and后应用动词原形see。
29.A 句意:感觉我们还是买这个比较好。不会有比这更便宜的了。may/might as well还是…好。
30.B 句意:几天内,我们的员工会与您联系,让您填一份快速问卷调查。contact与…联系;使接触。
Part II Cloze (20%)
31.B 该空后的thatlogic指的是前一句讲述的“从历史上看,人类只有经历过灾害才会认真避免”,因此此处指“根据这一逻辑”,故用by (依据;通过;经由) 。
32.A fresh in one’s mind为惯用搭配,指“记忆犹新”。
33.C 根据语境可知,此处指“通过电视直播看”。live有“现场直播的”之意,因此为正确答案。1ively活泼的;生动的;真实的。
34.D 根据前一句提到的“不好的事情会发生”,可推测此处指“我们对风险视而不见和…使得情况变得更加糟糕”。用much修饰比较级表示,表示程度之大。
35.A 根据上下文可知,此处指“在一切就要毁灭前才勉强合作的心理”。reluctance勉强;不情愿。rejection抛弃;拒绝。
36.D 根据下文讲述的例子 (庞贝在一次地震中遭受严重破坏后,当地人便立刻在同一地点开展重建工作,直到16年后被一次火山喷发所埋葬) 及该段最后指出的“危机面前我们最大的敌人经常是我们自己”,可知该处讲述的是“人们本身存在着一些幻想”。因此答案选D。
37.C 根据上下文可知,此处指“地震后开展重建工作”,因此答案选C。rebuild重建。refine精炼,提纯;改善。retrieve检索;恢复;重新得到。
38.A 此处指“通过回顾过去所发生的灾难,可以发现现代的美国人尤其不善于保护自己以避免受既定危险的影响”。review回顾;复习;评论。
39.Cprotect from为固定搭配,指“使免受,保护”。
40.B 根据上下文可知,该句指“我们比以往任何时候都更加清楚我们所面临的危险”。因此选ever (曾经) 。
41.D it turns out that为常用结构,指“原来是;结果是”。放入文中指“但事实上在危机面前,我们最大的敌人…”。
42.B 根据下一句描述的“经常是我们自己”,可知此处指“危机面前,我们最大的敌人很少是暴雨、地震或…本身”。rarely很少地;难得;罕有地。merely仅仅;只是。incidentally顺便;偶然地;附带地。accidentally意外地;偶然地。
43.A 此处所填词与storm和quake并列,表示会给人类带来威胁的灾难,因此A项surge(大浪,波涛) 符合语境。spur鼓舞;山坡。surf拍岸浪花。splash飞溅的水;污点;卖弄。
44.C 根据下文描述“陆军工程兵团不分日夜地重建防洪石堤”,可知此处指“墨西哥湾沿岸灾难发生后接下来一年发生了什么”。ensue指“一件事接着另一件事发生”,文中指“接下来一年”,因此ensue用在此处不符合。因此答案选C。
45.B 该句指“他们差不多把防洪石堤建到卡特里娜飓风发生前 (防洪石堤) 的位置”,由此可知此处应填入where来引导地点状语从句。
46.A 根据上下文,该句指“我们现在可以肯定地说这 (修建防洪石堤) 并不够”。因此答案选A。
47.C 此处指“但这可能就是一年的忙碌后我们能够期待的所有内容了”。由于先行词为all,因此该空应填入关系代词that来引导定语从句。
48.B 该句指“与之同时,新奥尔良的官员计划用汽车和火车来转移病人和残疾人”。evacuate疏散;使撤离;转移。exile放逐,流放。dismiss解散;解雇;开除。displace取代;置换。
49.A 由于前文提到用汽车和火车转移病人和残疾人,因此该空应填入ride (乘坐) ,指“大约有1.5万人需要乘坐汽车或火车”。
50.D 根据上文提到的对病人和残疾人进行转移,可知此处指“与周边社区的协商仍在继续当中,但是困难重重”。negotiation协商,谈判。convention大会;惯例;约定。notification通知;通告。
Part III Reading Comprehension (25%)
51.C 文章第一段作者首先提出问题“一个人的幸福感与收入成正比吗”,随后肯定了贫困确实会带来不快乐,而人需要钱买生活必需品。由此可见C项“人没有钱不会快乐”符合第一段中作者的观点。
52.A 第二段第三句指出西方世界的大多数人都能满足基本生活所需,但仍渴望增加个人收入以购买越来越多的material possessions和status symbols,由此可见他们并不满足于自己现在所拥有的东西。故A项正确。
53.D 第三段指出当今社会一个不富有的人无法从他人那里得到admiration和respect,而这或许就是人们想要变得越来越富有的原因。该段最后一句也点明来自他人的veneration (尊敬;崇拜) 或许与金钱和财富相比是快乐更大的来源。因此本题答案选D。
54.A 根据第四段第四句“In India, for example, poor and saintly men are respected, and inChina, the old and wise”,可知在中国年老的智者通常会受到人们的尊敬。
55.B 最后一段首句为该段主旨句,该句指出在“现代社会对财富的追求并非是人类固有的特性,而是随着social values (社会价值观) 的变化而变化”,随后举例说明一旦法律规定所有人的收入都是相等的,人们就不再追求物质财富而是找出其他超出他人的方法。由此可见作者主要强调社会价值观的重要性。
56.B abstract art第一次出现在最后一段第二句,该句指出“抽象艺术被认为是罪恶的入侵者;而现实主义的目的是体现真正属于美国的表达方式”。由此可推断在20世纪30年代抽象艺术被认为是属于欧洲的。因此正确答案为B项。
57.C 文章第二段讲述到美国在20世纪30年代发生了巨大的变化,那些依恋过去生活方式的人感觉到被剥夺了应享的东西。随着移民的减少和人口分布变得日益均匀,纪念“ethnic and regional differences that werefast disappearing”的需求出现了,而认为艺术应该起到一定道德提升作用的信念实际上是a sermon in favor of just thosetraditional American virtues。由此可见该段主要讲述的是传统道德的消失。因此答案选C。
58.A 文章第三段描述到地方主义者和美国风景画家在其作品中赞扬美国传统美德,而作者认为在当时的背景下,这些主题显得strangely anachronistic (时代错误的) ,其之所以受到当时人们的欢迎是因为满足了人们对一个虔诚的美国的幻想,带有nostalgic appeal of a lost Golden Age (对遗失黄金时代的怀念) 。由此可见reactionary(保守的) 最能概括20世纪30年代美国的情况。
59.C 最后一段倒数第三句指出“To help along this roadto self-definition, the museums were prepared to set up all artificial doublestandard, one for American art, and another for European art”,根据one for American art, andanother for European art,可知为进行自我界定,美国博物馆准备人为建立双重标准:一个对于美国艺术,另一个是对于欧洲艺术。因此答案选C。
60.A 通过浏览全文可以发现,本文主要围绕20世纪30年代美国艺术的特点展开,其中主要描述到当时美国传统道德的逐渐消失,艺术领域的怀旧心理和美国现实主义出现的原因等等。因此A项最适合作文章标题。
61.B 文章首句便指出Lyme disease (莱姆病) 是一种tick-borninfection (tick扁虱) ,此外根据倒数第二段提到的“…studying 482 subjects bitten by deer ticks in a part of New York witha lot of Lyme disease”,可知莱姆病是被扁虱叮咬所造成的感染,因此B项正确。
62.C 第一段后部分描述到对于症状并未随抗生素的使用而减轻的病人,医生对此有不同的见解,一小部分人认为需要经过数月的抗生素强化治疗才能根除莱姆病,而另一部分人认为强效抗生素的使用十分危险。因此C项“医生们在强效抗生素的效果方面产生了分歧”为正确答案。
63.C 文中第二段讲述到两项研究表明对于慢性莱姆病患者,长期抗生素治疗的效果并不比安慰剂的效果好到哪里去。接着第三段便举出关于129名莱姆病患者的研究的例子,其中提到研究结果显示64名接受长期抗生素治疗的患者中,1/3的人病情有了好转,而其他65名安慰剂治疗的患者中,同样是1/3的人身体有所改善,由此可见该研究的结果对于第二段中的观点起到支撑作用。故答案选C。
64.B 文章倒数第二段第二句指出“But both sides may take comfort in the other findings that werereleased by the New England Journal last week”,随后下句提到“…a singly 200-mg dose of doxycycline dramatically cut the risk ofcontracting the disease”,可知争论双方都会感到安慰的是仅仅一剂200毫克的doxycycline即可大大减少感染该疾病的风险。因此B项正确。
65.C 文章第一段首先介绍了莱姆病和关于使用强力抗生素治疗莱姆病的不同观点,随后描述了新的研究表明长期抗生素治疗的效果与安慰剂的效果十分相似,最后文章谈到了莱姆病的预防。文章内容客观,可见这是一篇提供信息类的文章。因此答案选C。
66.C 通过浏览全文可以发现,文中主要以电子邮件为例,从三个方面讲述了网络带给人们的便利,因此C项符合本文主旨。
67.B 文章第二句提到新科技使人们可以与他们所关心的人保持更加紧密的联系,并以亲身经历加以说明“E-mail makes it easy to work athome…This lets me share more time with my young daughter…”,由此可知本题正确答案为B项。
68.A 文中讲述到“The Internet also makes it easy to share thoughts with a group offriends”,举出的例子是如果做了什么有趣的事或看了一场很棒的电影,有四、五个朋友想要听你讲述,如果挨个打电话,自己就会讲得烦了,但“With E-mail, you just write onenote about your experience, at your convenience, and address it to all thefriends you think might be interested”。由此可见邮件与电话相比明显的一个优势是可以同时与一群朋友联系。因此答案选A。
69.D 本文首先指出个人电脑和网络使得人们有了更多选择来度过自己的时间,随后主要以电子邮件为例讲述了网络给人们生活所带来的便利,其中包括:可以与自己所在乎的人度过更多的时间;能与一群朋友分享想法;可和住在远方的人保持密切联系。因此D项“网络:有效的交流工具”更适合作本文题目。
70.A 根据文章最后两句“We just have to keep in mind that computers and the Internet offeranother way of staying in touch. They don’t eliminate any of the old ways” (我们只要记得电脑和网络只是提供了另一种保持联系的方式。它们并不会消除传统的交流方式) ,由此可推断出A项的内容。
71.B 题干问作者通过引用其他作者的观点来定义“learner variables”和“strategies”的原因,第二段定义两个概念后的标注分别为“Ellis, 1986: Chap. 5”和“Chabot, 1987: 71”,可推测这两位作家是该领域的权威,而这两个是被公认的重要的定义,因此本题正确答案为B项。
72.C 文章第二段首先提出两个问题,然后解释说“These are the central questions of thisassignment”,与此同时该段结尾处提到“It is important to note here thatwhat we are considering is not the fact that…but why there should be suchvariations…”,由此可知该段主要概述了报告的主要内容。因此答案选C。
73.D 题干引用部分所在句指出“However, to the best of my knowledge, this area has not been researchedin Hong Kong classrooms”(然而,据我所知,该领域尚未被在香港的课堂上研究过) ,可推断作者之所以用“to the best of my knowledge”这一短语是为避免因遗漏而承担不必要的责任。
74.D 第四段最后两句谈到,“Naiman and his colleagues (1978) ”指出没有任何一种学习策略、认知方式或学习者的特点足以解释语言学习的成功。因此需要同时考虑这些因素是如何影响particular language learningsituation的成败的。由此可见作者援引他人观点是为了说明语言学习情况的独特性。故答案选D项。
75.B 文章第四段首句指出在讨论learner variables和strategies时,应注意识别这些方面实际上具有任意性,随后下文提到“As the existing research pointsout, it is not possible to observe directly qualities…”以及“These strategies are not visible processes”,因此B项为正确答案。
Paper Two
Part IV Translation (25%)
Section A (10%)
  该文段句子结构都比较简单,需要注意的是第二句中City born and city bred来自born and bred这一短语,表示在某地出生并生长,为符合原文语言特点,译文将其翻译为“生在城市,长在城市”。此外,gointo a frenzy of joy应根据语境翻译为“变得欣喜若狂”。对于最后一句中的forever talking about,翻译时要注重对其含义的理解,若将其直译为“永远在讨论”不太合适,而译文将其译为“滔滔不绝地大谈”既符合语境,又符合汉语的用语习惯。
1.frenzy n. 极度的激动;狂怒;狂乱 the mere mention of 一提到
3. glorify v. 赞美;美化
4.under the illusion that 对…抱有幻想 superior to 优越于
Section B (15%)
  To a certain extent, thesuccess of the German economy presents a puzzling problem in education. On theone hand, German schools and colleges have sustained a talented workforcecapable of producing products that make German companies the “world exportchampion”. On the other hand, however, by international tests, the academicachievements of German students are only at intermediate level. According tothe Pisa (ProgrammeFor International Student Assessment) by OECD (Organization for EconomicCo-operation and Development), the reading ability of an 15-year-old Germanstudent is below average among rich countries. Today in a society where intellectiveresource is playing an increasingly important role, how has the business of Germany flourished? The answer lies in its combination of schooleducation and apprenticeship, which has proved astable source of workforce specifically meeting the demands of producinghigh-quality products in German companies, even though similar jobs no longerexist in other rich countries.
1.世界出口冠军 worldexport champion
2.学术成就 academicachievements
3.中等水平intermediate level
4.经济合作及发展组织 OECDOrganization for Economic Co-operation and Development
5.国际学生评估项目 PisaProgramme For International Student Assessment
6.智力资源intellective resource
Part V Writing (15%)
As for how to spend the free time, some would make a plan for it inadvance, while others prefer not making any plans and just see what willhappen.
Personally, I think free time is a precious thing for most of us andit’s always an enjoyment to imagine what we’ll do when the weekend comes. We balancethe virtues of one idea against those of another, trying to decide what bestsuits our budget and the time.
Moreover, it has its merits to plan what we will do with our freetime. That way we won’t waste any of it trying to decide. If we decide ahead oftime, we can get started at once, and get the most out of our free time. Forinstance, if we’re going on a picnic, we can get all our supplies ready to go.Or if we’re going to a movie, we can figure out ahead how long it’ll take us toget there.
On the other hand, it’s also fun sometimes to do things without a plan.We can just leave the house and walk around and see what catches our attention.Often, this is how we discover places we never knew before. We might end updoing something we never thought we’d try. We might just happen to findourselves outside a new bookstore and go in on a whim.
Therefore, we can plan our free time activities for one day of theweekend, and let the other day plan itself. This way we can have the enjoymentof having it both ways.
1.balance against 对…权衡(斟酌)
2.virtue n. 优点;美德
3. meritn. 优点,价值
4. getthe most out of 充分利用;发挥…最大功效
5.on a whim 一时兴起
6.for instance 例如

the, A., D., C.
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