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第1章 英语知识运用高分特训20篇
第2章 阅读理解A节高分特训40篇
第3章 阅读理解B节高分特训20篇
第4章 阅读理解C节高分特训30篇
第5章 应用文写作高分特训20篇
 ◆通 知
 ◆便 签
 ◆报 告
 ◆告 示
第6章 图画作文写作高分特训40篇

第1章 英语知识运用高分特训20篇
Test 1
Humor doesn’t travel well.Jokes rarely translate. 1 there are many similarities  2 the universal dimensions of humor, there are important cross-cultural differences as well.Humor is one of the most culturally rooted forms of communication,  3 no matter how universal or  4 of movement a joke may be thought to be, the advice commonly given is that it needs to be discussed in  5 of its use with full trusted interpreter who will be frank about its appropriateness.One anthropologist who has studied humor has stressed it is culturally  6 and has argued that its success  7 shared cultural knowledge, shared rules for  8 it, and agreement about its cultural appropriateness.Generally, these are tall orders for people  9 with others whose cultural background is very different and  10 which they have only limited knowledge.
The difficulty with jokes crossing cultures is  11 where the joke has to be translated, as is often the case if it’s  12 in a speech, address or presentation.In this situation the joke teller is somewhat  13 the translator.A misunderstanding can quickly  14 a harmless joke into a(n)  15 one because the language of humor is not universal and there may be social  16 on some of its genres.In Japan, constant joking is regarded as a lower social class way of speaking and is judged poorly.17 , jokes with sexual connotations(内涵),even in relatively open Japanese society, are judged poorly in everyday conversation.
Australians used to making jokes  18 others, and even themselves, need to be particularly  19 in light hearted interactions with people with Asian cultural backgrounds.Because of the emphasis upon face that is almost universal in Asia, humor directed at individuals is particularly  20 because of its ready capacity to offend.
1.[A]Since   [B]If    [C]When  [D]While
2.[A]in terms of   [B]in the course of    [C]in line with    [D]in relation to
3.[A]so that    [B]in that    [C]such that   [D]except that
4.[A]capable  [B]characteristic   [C]tolerant    [D]integral
5.[A]favor   [B]advance   [C]case   [D]reference
6.[A]forged    [B]devised    [C]shaped    [D]figured
7.[A]falls back on  [B]resorts to   [C]revolves around  [D]depends upon
8.[A]illustrating   [B]interpreting    [C]illuminating    [D]elaborating
9.[A]integrating   [B]reckoning   [C]interfering    [D]interacting
10.[A]in  [B]for   [C]with   [D]about
11.[A]compounded   [B]magnified   [C]enhanced   [D]punched
12.[A]incorporated    [B]immersed   [C]assimilated    [D]embodied
13.[A]for the sake of   [B]at the mercy of    [C]in the light of   [D]in place of
14.[A]degenerate  [B]condense   [C]transmit   [D]transform
15.[A]offensive   [B]courteous     [C]illiterate   [D]intact
16.[A]limitations  [B]constraints    [C]compulsion    [D]enforcement
17.[A]Indeed  [B]Hence    [C]Likewise   [D]Incidentally
18.[A]for the benefit of [B]on behalf of    [C]in honor of    [D]at the expense of
19.[A]affirmative  [B]cautious   [C]considerate    [D]negligent
20.[A]risky   [B]vicious    [C]excitable   [D]weary
1.D 从句提到there are many similarities,主句则是there are important cross-cultural differences,主从句之间有转折关系,因此选D项,其他选项不合逻辑。句意:虽然幽默在普遍性方面有很多共同之处,但也存在着重要的跨文化差异。
2.A in terms of意为“在…方面”,这里指“关于幽默的通用性方面”。in the course of“在…过程中,在……期间”。in line with“与……一致,按照”。in relation to“有关,关于,涉及”。
3.A 主从句间有因果关系,所以选so that“因而,所以”,其他选项不合逻辑或用法。in that“由于,既然”。such that“如此…以致…”,不能连接两个完整的句子。except that“除了”。句意:幽默是文化根基最深的交流方式之一,因此无论一个笑话可能被认为是多么具有普遍性或多么具有传播性,通常给的建议是,在使用这个玩笑前需要向一位信得过的、愿意开诚布公告知玩笑适应性的解释者咨询。
4.A 选项A、B、C都可以与of搭配,但capable of movement“能够迁移”最合文意。characteristic of“是……的特征/特色”。tolerant of“容忍”。integral“完整的、构成整体所必需的”,常与to搭配。句意见3题。
5.B in advance of its use“在使用笑话之前”,in advance of“在…之前”,其他选项不合文意。in favor of“有利于,赞成”。in case of“假使,万一”。in/with reference to“关于,就…而论”。句意见3题。
6.C 一位人类学家强调说幽默是由文化形成的,shape“形成,塑造,体现”。forged“锻造,伪造”。devised“设计,发明”。figured“算计,推算”。句意:一位研究幽默的人类学家强调说幽默是由文化形成的,他认为,成功的幽默取决于共同的文化知识、共同的理解幽默的准则和对幽默文化适应性的一致看法。
7.D depends upon意为“依赖,取决于”,其他选项不合文意。fall back on“转而依靠,求助于”。resort to“求助,诉诸”。revolve around“围绕”。
8.B interpret意为“解释,说明”,其他选项不合文意。illustrating“举例说明,图解”。illuminating“照亮,照明”。elaborating“精心制作,详细说明”,常用搭配:elaborate on“详述”。
9.D interact with“与…相互作用/影响”,在句中强调与人相互交往,其他选项不合文意。integrate with“使成为整体,使结合”。reckon with“估计到,预料到;处理,对付”。interfere with“干扰,妨碍”。句意:一般来说,一些人跟文化背景迥异的人们交往,并且对其背景又知之有限,对这些人而言,上述原则的要求过高。
10.D about which they have limited knowledge=they have limited knowledge about the cultural background,用法 have knowledge about/of意为“了解”,about符合搭配,排除其他选项。
11.A compound“增加,加重”。magnified“放大,扩大;夸大”。enhanced“提高,改进”。punched“冲压,穿孔”。句意:当笑话必须被翻译,通常是笑话出现在演讲、致辞或发言中时,就加重了笑话跨越文化的困难。
12.A incorporate意为“把某物纳入,合并在”,其他选项不合文意。immersed“使沉浸在”。assimilated“使同化,吸收”。embodied“体现,使具体化”,宾语通常为一种思想或精神。句意见11题。
13.B at the mercy of意为“在…支配下”,其他选项不合文意。for the sake of“为…的缘故”。in the light of“按照,根据”,常用作状语。in place of“代替”。
14.D 把无害的笑话变成冒犯性的笑话,transform A into B意为“把A变成B”,其他选项不合文意。degenerate“衰退,变坏”。condense“使压缩,使凝聚;缩写”。transmit“传播,传导”。句意:因为幽默的语言不是普遍的,并且类型方面也许存在着社会制约,所以一个误解很快就可以把一个无害的笑话变得令人不快。
15.A 相对harmless的是offensive,意为“令人不快的,有攻击性的,侮辱的”,其他选项不合文意。courteous“彬彬有礼的,谦恭的”。illiterate“未受过教育的,文盲的”。intact“完整无缺的,未受损伤的”。
16.B constraints“约束,限制”,常与on搭配。limitation“限制,局限”,常与of搭配。compulsion“被强制,被强迫”。enforcement“实施,强迫,力促”,常与of搭配。
17.C 这句与上句有并列关系,因此选Likewise,意为“同样地”,其他选项不合逻辑。Indeed“的确,真正地”。Hence“所以”。Incidentally“顺便,伴随地”。
18.D 澳大利亚人习惯于以别人甚至自己为代价开玩笑,所以选at the expense of,意为“以……为代价”,其他选项不合文意。for the benefit of“为…的利益”。on behalf of“代表;为了”。in honor of“为纪念,向…表示敬意”。句意:习惯于以别人甚至自己为代价开玩笑的澳大利亚人在与有亚洲文化背景的人们的轻松交往中尤其要谨慎。
19.B cautious“谨慎的,小心的”,其他选项不合文意。affirmative“肯定的”。considerate“考虑周到的”。negligent“疏忽的,粗心的,不在意的”。
20.A 由于文化背景不同,针对某个亚洲人的笑话尤其危险,也许会令被开玩笑的人不高兴,risky“冒险的,危险的”,其他选项不合文意。vicious“恶毒的,邪恶的”。excitable “易怒的,易兴奋的”。weary“令人厌烦的,疲倦的”。句意:因为亚洲人普遍重视面子,所以针对某个人的幽默由于其易于激怒别人就特别危险。
Test 2
Israeli archaeologists have discovered human remains dating from 400,000 years ago,  1 conventional wisdom that Homo sapiens  2 in Africa.
Avi Gopher, ofTel Aviv University’s Institute ofArchaeology, said Testing of stalactites (钟乳石) and other  3 found in acave east ofTel Aviv  4 that eight teeth uncovered there could bethe earliest  5 sofar of our species.“Our cave was used for a period of about 250,000 years—from about 400,000 years ago toabout 200,000 years ago,” he told the reporters.
“The teeth are  6 through the  7 ofthe cave, some in the deeper part;  8 from 200,000 years and through all kinds ofother layers that can be 9 400,000 years.The oldest are 400,000 years old”, he added.
That calls into question the  10 held view that Africa was the  11 ofmodern man, said Gopher, who headed the dig atQesem Cave.
“It is 12 atthe moment that the earliest Homo sapiens that weknow is ineast Africa and is 200,000 years old, ora little less.We don’t know of anywhere else where anyone  13 tohave an earlier Homo sapiens,” he said.Gopher said the first teeth were  14 in 2006 but he and his team waited until they had several samples, then  15 years of testing, using avariety of dating methods,  16 publishing their findings.
Digging continues atthe cave, the university said, with researchers  17 touncover  18 finds that will enable them to  19 the findings published up tonow and toenhance our understanding of the  20 ofmankind, and especially the appearance of modern man.
1.[A]confirming   [B]challenging    [C]verifying [D]introspecting
2.[A]originated   [B]occurred   [C]generated [D]proceeded
3.[A]substance   [B]stuff   [C]material [D]object
4.[A]exhibit    [B]indicate   [C]interpret [D]signify
5.[A]traces   [B]hints   [C]evidence [D]clues
6.[A]dug    [B]uncovered    [C]scattered [D]distributed
7.[A]stairs   [B]layers    [C]levels    [D]earth
8.[A]otherwise   [B]which means   [C]generally speaking [D]that is to say
9.[A]up to   [B]by    [C]at  [D]around
10.[A]broadly   [B]extensively    [C]widely  [D]generally
11.[A]habitat    [B]birthplace   [C]shelter  [D]residence
12.[A]accepted   [B]estimated   [C]debated  [D]n.ted
13.[A]declares     [B]argues    [C]claims  [D]asserts
14.[A]detected   [B]discovered      [C]displayed [D]realized
15.[A]conducted   [B]launched   [C]developed   [D]wentthrough
16.[A]until   [B]after   [C]before  [D]since
17.[A]hopes    [B]hoping    [C]hoped  [D]tohope
18.[A]added    [B]excess    [C]extreme [D]additional
19.[A]confirm   [B]validate   [C]affirm  [D]acknowledge
20.[A]history    [B]transformation [C]evolution [D]development
1.B 词义辨析题。由下文内容可知,传统的观点认为最早的人类起源于非洲,然而来自特拉维夫大学考古研究所的考古学家Avi Gopher在Tel Aviv东部的一个山洞里发现的八颗牙齿推翻了这一理论。所以,这里应选B项,表示“对传统观点形成了挑战”。confirm确认,证实。verify验证,核实。introspect反省。
2.A 语篇题。由下文可知,Homo sapiens(智人)起源于非洲,故这里应选A项。originate起源。occur发生。generate招致;使产生。proceed开始;进行
3.C 词义辨析题。空格处所填的词要和上文提到的钟乳石相呼应,钟乳石代表一种材料,而空格处所填的词和钟乳石是并列关系,所以答案为material(材料)。substance物质。stuff东西;填充料。object物体。
4.B 词义辨析题。indicate表明。exhibit表现出。interpret解释;说明。signify表示;意味着。句意为:对于从特拉维夫东部的山洞所发现的钟乳石以及其他材料的测试表明…。故选B项。
5.A 词义辨析题。traces痕迹,迹象。hints暗示;提示。evidence证据。clues线索。句意为:已发现的八颗牙齿有可能是迄今为止关于人类物种的最早的痕迹。故选A项。句子中提到了八颗牙齿,但文章没有表明这是一种证据或者暗示,只是说明一个事实。
6.C 词义辨析题。scattered分散,散布。uncovered发现。distributed分配,分发。此处说的是“这些牙齿分别分散在洞穴的不同层面,其中一些分布在较深的层面。”故选C项。
7.B 语篇题。根据下句出现的“through all kindsof other layers”,可知这里应选B项。layer层,表层。stair楼梯(层),梯级。level水平,等级。earth陆地;泥土。
8.D 语篇题。首先,which means这种形式适用在非限制性定语从句中,前面不可以是分号,在这里可以首先排除。generally speaking(一般来说)与otherwise(否则)不符合此处的逻辑关系,亦可排除。故选that is tosay(也就是说),表示后面句子是对前面句子的进一步解释说明。句意为:这些牙齿分别分散在洞穴的不同层面,一些分布较深,也就是说从40万年前开始,分别依次通过不同的层面可以一直追溯到20万年前。
9.A 介词用法题。根据上面的句意,此处需要一个表示“数字增长到”的表达方式。up to表示“一直到”。符合文意。
10.C 词义辨析题。widely广泛地;普遍地。broadly明显地;宽广地。extensively广阔地。generally通常地。根据句意“这无疑对于广泛流传的现代人类起源于非洲的观点招致了诸多疑问”。应选widely,表示“广泛持有的观点”。
11.B 语篇题。此文开篇就指出,传统观点认为最早的人类Homo sapiens起源于非洲。birthplace表示“出生地;起源地”。符合文意,因此为正确答案。
12.A 词义辨析题。Itis accepted that人们普遍认为。It is estimated that表示“据估计”。Itis debated that表示“具有争议的是”。此处更强调目前大家都已经认可了这个观点。It is noted that表示“应注意的是”。句意为:目前人们普遍认为,我们已知的最早的人类出现在非洲东部。故选A项。
13.C 词义辨析题。首先,应注意空格后是不定式to,而argue后面一般接介词about或over,故可先排除。而declare和assert后面要么直接跟个名词,要么接个that从句,用在此处也不合适,因此答案只有选C项。句意为:我们并不知道其他任何地方有任何人声称发现有更早的人类。
14.B 词义辨析题。detect查明;觉察。display陈列;展示。realize意识到。三个选项表示的意思均与原文有差异,因此排除。此处说的是“第一颗牙齿是在2006年发现的”,discover用来表示“首次发现已经存在但一直未被人所知的东西”,为正确答案。
15.A 惯用法。conduct the testing or experiment表示“进行或开展实验”。
16.C 逻辑关系题。空格后的意思是说“将他们的发现对外界公布”。根据常识,任何科学研究的发现或成果,在公之于众之前,都要经历反反复复的实验证明。所以这里前面说了他们的研究用了各种测试方法,这些都是在公布他们的研究发现之前所做的事,故这里要选before。
17.B 语法题。句意为:特拉维夫大学表示,既然研究者们想通过更多的发现来证实目前公布的结果,加强我们对人类进化的理解,尤其是现代人类的出现,洞穴的挖掘工作将持续下去。with+名词+动词过去分词/现在分词,是独立主格结构,在句中作状语,此处由于hope与researcher是主谓关系,故应用hope的现在分词形式。
18.D 词义辨析题。此处要说的是“通过更多的发现来证实目前公布的结果”。additional表示“额外的;附加的”,为正确答案。其余选项都不符合文意。
19.A 词义辨析题。confirm证实(某一结果或理论)。validate强调从法律上确认。affirm强调所说内容的真实性。acknowledge承认。由句意可知,研究者想继续挖掘,以发现更多的证据来证实他们向外界公布的研究成果。
20.C 语篇题。由于文章是在讲述人类的最早起源及其演化过程。此处的意思是“加强我们对人类演化过程的理解”,单用一个history不够确切。transformation表示“变形;转化”。development表示“发展”。都不符合句意。所以此处应选evolution。
Test 3
The rate at which man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.The rate  1 a sharp upward leap thousands of years ago,  2 the invention of writing, but even so it remained patently slow  3 centuries of time.In knowledge  4 the next great leap forward  5 until the invention of movable type in the fifteenth century by and others. 6 1500, by the most optimistic  7 , Europe was producing books at a rate of l,000 titles per year.This means that it would take a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles.The rate had  8 so sharply by 1950, four and a half centuries later,  9 Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year. 10 once took a century now took only ten months.By 1960, a(n)  11 decade later, the rate had made another significant jump,  12 a century’s work could be completed in seven and a half months.And, the output of books  13 a world scale by the mid sixties, Europe  14 , approached the remarkable figure of 1,000 titles per day.
One can hardly  15 that every book is a net gain for the advancement of knowledge.Nevertheless, we find that the increase in book publication does, in fact, crudely  16 the rate at which man discovered new knowledge.For example, before Gutenberg only 11 chemical elements were known.Antimony (锑), the 12th, was discovered at about the time he was working on his invention.It was fully 200 years  17 the 11th, arsenic (砷), had been discovered. 18 the same rate of discovery continued, we would by now have added only two or three additional elements to the periodic table since Gutenberg.  19 , in the 450 years after his time, some seventy additional elements were discovered.And since 1900 we have been isolating the remaining elements not at a rate of one every two centuries, but  20 one every three years.
1.[A]took [B]acquired [C]maintained    [D]ascertained
2.[A]under [B]by  [C]for   [D]with
3.[A]over [B]past [C]through   [D]in
4.[A]maintenance  [B]restraint  [C]acquisition    [D]preservation
5.[A]managed to occur[B]did not occur [C]had occurred   [D]occurred
6.[A]Precedence to [B]Prior to  [C]In advance to   [D]Beforehand
7.[A]evaluations [B]productions  [C]estimates   [D]accumulations
8.[A]accelerated [B]dropped  [C]perceived    [D]hurried
9.[A]therefore [B]so  [C]that   [D]consequently
10.[A]That [B]It  [C]Which    [D]What
11.[A]one [B]single [C]unique    [D]only
12.[A]on condition that[B]so as to [C]so that    [D]provided that
13.[A]by  [B]on  [C]in    [D]at
14.[A]enclosed [B]exclusive [C]respective      [D]included
15.[A]argue  [B]debate  [C]quarrel   [D]dispute
16.[A]compare [B]correspond  [C]substitute   [D]parallel
17.[A]before  [B]later [C]whereas   [D]since
18.[A]Had [B]If  [C]Unless    [D]Lest
19.[A]On the other hand[B]Therefore  [C]In the mean time   [D]Instead
20.[A]at  [B]in  [C]of   [D]by
1.A 仅take能与a leap搭配,意为“有飞跃”。acquire意为“获得”,常搭配knowledge或habit。maintain意为“保持,保养”,常搭配car, family和opinion。ascertain意为“确认,证明…为真”,与句意不符。
2.D with表示“随着”,即同时发生。under意为“在…之下”,常表示上下级关系。by意为“通过”,常表示方式。for意为“因为”,表示原因。
3.A over表示“经过了很长时间”,常用词组有over the years。
4.C “学习知识”应为acquire knowledge。maintain意为“保持,保养”,常搭配car,family和opinion。restrain意为“克制”,与句意不符。preserve表示“将某状态保持不变”。
5.B until引导时间状语从句,本身有否定意义,常见搭配“not…until…”意思是“直到…才…”。文中句子的意思是“下一个飞跃没有发生这一状态一直持续到十五世纪Gutenberg等人发明了活字印刷才停止”,即十五世纪后就产生了下一个飞跃。
6.B prior to意为“在…之前”,相当于before。precedence to不是词组。in advance to 应为in advance of。beforehand不作介词用,相当于in advance。
7.C 根据原文,作者对欧洲十五世纪末的书籍出版速度作了一个估计。estimate意为“估计或猜测(数量或可能性)”。evaluation意为“评价(好坏)”。production意为“生产”。accumulation意为“积聚”。
8.A 从上下文看,欧洲出版书籍的速度在十五世纪末不超过每年1000种,而到1950年,欧洲的出版速度变为每年120000种。速度提高了,因此应用accelerate。drop表示迅速降低。perceive“觉察”。hurry“匆忙”。
9.C that与上文so搭配构成“如此……以至”词组。原句意为:(书籍出版)速度迅速提高,结果在四个半世纪后的1950年,欧洲每年的出版量达到了120000种。
10.D what引导主语从句。原句句意为:原来要花一个世纪的事现在只需要十个月就够了。四个选项中除B外,都能引导主语从句。that后是一个完整的句子,在主句和从句中都没有任何意义。which意为“哪一个”,搭配的主句多为表示决定与否的句子。
11.B 选项中单词均有“一个,单独的”的意思,其区别在于:one多与定冠词搭配。single表示“仅仅一个而不是更多”。unique意为“独一无二的”,强调特殊性。only强调“惟一一个,没有其他”,且应和定冠词搭配。这里表示的就是“仅仅十年”,因此用single。
12.C 从上下文看,书籍印刷速度的提高使得七个半月就可完成过去一个世纪的工作,是因果关系,前者是后者实现的手段,后者是前者的目的和结果。so that有“以便”和“因此”两重意义,既可表示目的,又可表示结果。on condition that意为“以……为条件,条件是…”。so as to只表示目的,而且必须和动词连用,不能和句子搭配。provided that意为“如果,只要”,表示假设。
13.B on a…scale为固定搭配,表示“在…范围内”。
14.D 原文在计算世界书籍出版数量时,也把欧洲包括在内,因此欧洲是“被包括”在内,此处可看做分词的独立主格结构,应选表示被动的过去分词。其中enclose意为“装入或围绕”,指较具体的行为。exclusive意为“不包括”,与文中意思相反。respective意为“分别的”,与句意不符。因此答案是include。
15.A 原文意思应为:无可辩驳,每本书都是知识进步的产物。尽管四个词都有辩论的意思,但此处“表明论点”之意只能用argue。debate侧重指对立的双方之间正式或公开的争辩。quarrel指两人之间或两个团体之间不友好的、吵吵嚷嚷地大声争论某事,尤指“吵嘴,吵架”。dispute侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。
16.D 文中句意应为:书籍出版增加的速度大致与人类发现新知识的速度一致。parallel是“与…平行一致”的意思,为正确答案。compare意为“比较”。可以和with搭配,意为“将…与…相比”。correspond应和to或with搭配。substitute意为“替换”。
17.D 第十二种元素应在第十一种之后发现,因此before错误。later不能作介词。whereas意为“然而”。since正确,这句话是It has been a long time since sth.happened的简化形式,所以主句没有用完成时态。
18.A 根据句中给出的谓语动词时态would have added,可判断出本句使用了虚拟语气。根据虚拟条件句的主从句时态搭配,主句使用过去将来完成时,从句应使用过去完成时had done,所以选项应使从句中有had一词。句中没有if,是虚拟语气的省略倒装句式。
19.D 上文提到:按照原速度,人类只能再发现两到三种新元素。下文指出,已经发现了七十种左右的新元素。上下文是反义关系,句中隐含了“不是…而是…”的意思,选instead合适。on the other hand意为“(一方面…)另一方面…”,即一个问题分两个角度。therefore表示因果关系。in the meantime指两件事同时发生。
20.C but前后结构应对称。根据前一句not at a rate of one every two centuries, but后应为(at a rate)of one every three years。
Test 4
Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience.And they also need to give serious  1 to how they can best  2 such changes.Growing bodies need movement and  3 , but not just in ways that emphasize competition.  4 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the  5 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are  6 by others.However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be  7 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers,  8 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews,  9 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.A variety of small clubs can provide  10 opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful  11 dynamics.Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need the  12 of some kind of organization with a supportive adult  13 visible in the background.
In these activities, it is important to remember that the young teens have  14 attention spans.A variety of activities should be organized  15 participants can remain active as long as they want and then go on to  16 else without feeling guilty and without letting the other participants  17 .This does not mean that adults must accept irresponsibility.  18 , they can help students acquire a sense of commitment by  19 for roles that are within their  20 and their attention spans and by having clearly stated rules.
1.[A]thought  [B]idea   [C]opinion    [D]advice
2.[A]strengthen   [B]accommodate   [C]stimulate   [D]enhance
3.[A]care   [B]nutrition   [C]exercise   [D]leisure
4.[A]If    [B]Although   [C]Whereas   [D]Because
5.[A]assistance   [B]guidance   [C]confidence  [D]tolerance
6.[A]claimed  [B]admired   [C]ignored    [D]surpassed
7.[A]improper   [B]risky   [C]fair   [D]wise
8.[A]ineffect  [B]asaresult   [C]forexample    [D]inasense
9.[A]displaying   [B]describing      [C]creating   [D]exchanging
10.[A]durable    [B]excessive   [C]surplus    [D]multiple
11.[A]group  [B]individual   [C]personnel   [D]corporation
12.[A]consent    [B]insurance   [C]admission   [D]security
13.[A]particularly  [B]barely    [C]definitely   [D]rarely
14.[A]similar  [B]long     [C]different   [D]short
15.[A]ifonly  [B]nowthat   [C]sothat    [D]evenif
16.[A]everything    [B]anything   [C]nothing    [D]something
17.[A]off   [B]down    [C]out   [D]alone
18.[A]On the contrary    [B]On the average   [C]On the whole   [D]On the other hand
19.[A]making    [B]standing   [C]planning   [D]taking
20.[A]capabilities  [B]responsibilities   [C]proficiency    [D]efficiency
1.A 句意:他们也需要认真思考如何适应这些变化。give thought to sth.思考,考虑。idea后面一般跟of,不跟to,have an idea of知道,了解。opinion“观点,主张”,后可跟to,但其后一般是人,表示给某人提出意见。advice“建议”,后跟to时其后一般也是人,表示给某人提意见。
2.B 本题上下文提到,老师需要了解青少年情感、智力和身体上发生的变化,还需要考虑青少年如何能最大程度的……这些变化。后面举了例子说明怎样组织活动引导青少年健康成长。由此可推断此处是让青少年适应变化,因此B符合文意。accommodate使适应,调解。strengthen加强,巩固。stimulate刺激,激励。enhance提高,增强。与change搭配。
3.C 句意:成长的身体需要运动和……。根据movement和and判断,and后面的词应该和movement类别相同,再根据后半句“but not just in ways that emphasize competition”(不仅仅以强调竞争的方式),由此可确定选C exercise(锻炼,训练)。care关心,照料。nutrition营养。leisure空闲,悠闲。
4.D 句意:因为他们在调整适应他们新的身体,以及一系列新的智力和情感的挑战,所以他们尤其自觉并需要从成功而来的自信。两者是因果关系,因此用because。whereas“然而,反之”,引导从句一般不用于句首。
5.C 由上文“因为他们要不断适应新的身体状况和智力、情感方面的许多新挑战,所以他们自我意识特别强,需要从成功中获得……”,结合选项可知从成功中获得的是对自我的肯定,即信心,因此选C confidence(自信,信心)。assistance协助,援助。guidance指导,领导。tolerance宽容,忍受。
6.B 句意:青少年需要一种自我肯定,这种自我肯定或自信来自于获取成功和自己的成就被人……。获取成功和后面提到的事情是性质相同的,都可以给人自信,因此选admire(赞美,羡慕)。claim要求,声称。ignore忽略,忽视。surpass超越,胜过。
7.D 上文提到青少年需要从获取成功和被人认可中找到自信,但是青少年的生活中充满了竞争。由此可推知设计一些胜利者多于失败者的活动是明智的。wise明智的,英明的。improper不适当的,不合适的。risky危险的。fair公平的,美丽的。
8.C 上文提到设计一些胜利者多于失败者的活动,下文提到的出版学生写的书评、展示学生的艺术作品等都是在举例子,所以用for example表示举例。in effect实际上。as a result结果。in a sense从某种意义上说。
9.A 文中提到组织胜者多败者少的活动是明智之举,比如出版社发表许多学生写的书评,举办读书讨论俱乐部。这些都是让学生展示自己的活动,因此可推断应该是“展出学生的艺术作品”,因此选display(陈列,展示)。describe描述,描写。create创造。exchange交换。
10.D 句意:各种各样的小俱乐部能为青少年提供多样的机会锻炼其领导能力。multiple多样的,多重的。multiple opportunities 表示“多种多样的机会”。其他都无法与opportunity搭配,durable持久的,耐用的,excessive过多的,过分的,surplus剩余的,过剩的。
11.A 根据上文的clubs可推断,此处应该填一个表示群体的词,排除individual。因为本文是关于青少年的,所以排除personnel和corporation。因此是group dynamics集体动态。成功的集体动力的实践也能够起到同样的效果。
12.D 句意:很多害羞的学生需要一些组织提供的安全感。security安全感。consent同意,赞成。insurance保险。admission允许,供认。
13.B 句意:很多害羞的学生需要一些组织提供的安全感,成人应该在这些组织背后给予……支持。既然是背后支持,最恰当的是barely “仅仅,几乎不能”。particularly独特地,显著地。definitely明确地,干脆地。rarely很少的,稀有的。
14.D attention span表示注意力的持续时间,形容时间的长短用long 或者short,而根据下文提到要组织一系列可以让青少年随时转移注意力的活动,说明青少年本身的注意力持续时间很短,所以用short。
15.C 上文提到“组织一系列的活动”,下文提到“让参加者想活跃多久就活跃多久”,可见前后两部分是手段与目的的关系。因此用so that,表示“因而,所以”。if only只要。now that既然。even if即使。
16.D 句意:应组织许多活动让参加者的活跃状态想保持多久就保持多久,不感兴趣了就去参加别的……,而不必感到内疚。根据文意这里应选一个肯定意义的词,排除B,C。A与D都表示肯定意义,但everything意思与else不搭配,故排除A,选D something else(其他的事情)。
17.B let sb.down使某人失望,这里表示的是转移注意力不会使其同伴失望。let sb.off不强迫某人,不严惩某人。let sb.out放过某人免受某事之累。let sb.alone不管某人。
18.A 上文提到,这并不意味着成年人必须接受(学生)不负责任的做法。下文提到成年人可以通过种种办法帮助学生获得一种责任感。两句之间是转折关系,因此选on the contrary(相反地)。on the average平均。on the whole总体来说。on the other hand虽然可以表转折关系,但通常用于两个相对立的意思,所以排除。
19.C 句意:他们可以计划一些在学生的能力范围和注意力范围之内的角色,以及制定明确的规则来帮助培养学生的义务感。plan for……在这里表示“作……计划”。make for走向,向……前进。stand for代表,象征。take for误以为。
20.A within one’s capability在某人的能力范围之内。文中并未涉及学生的具体责任,所以排除responsibility(责任,职责)。proficiency(熟练,精通)与efficiency(效率,功效)与within不能搭配,故排除。

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