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The series of 海豚

 楼主| 海豚宝贝 发表于 07-4-13 14:55:21 | 只看该作者
10、the hell
   如:What the hell is going on?  到底发生什么了?
          What the hell is it?   这到底是什么?
11、have the right to do sth.
12、play chicken
13、Don\'t be a baby!

[ 本帖最后由 海豚宝贝 于 2007-5-7 12:57 PM 编辑 ]


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leonhl 发表于 07-4-13 16:26:17 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 海豚宝贝 发表于 07-4-13 16:48:28 | 只看该作者
thanks for leonhl
风去风来 发表于 07-4-13 21:43:19 | 只看该作者
I am so glad to be the little brother of beautiful and smart dolphin, 西西
flygoing 发表于 07-4-14 00:01:20 | 只看该作者
I hope that more and more come here and study[s:9]
wangming2591129 发表于 07-4-15 13:47:28 | 只看该作者
relax study !
I like too!
 楼主| 海豚宝贝 发表于 07-4-16 10:31:52 | 只看该作者
I am prepareing for the interview next week ,so I am busy now
Next week I will go on the dairy
wangming2591129 发表于 07-4-16 16:13:24 | 只看该作者

回复 #17 海豚宝贝 的帖子

Best wishes to you !
come on,dophin !
We are waiting for your good news here!
 楼主| 海豚宝贝 发表于 07-4-17 14:04:41 | 只看该作者
  1.何谓\"rest room\"?

  某校的\"教师休息室\"被译为\"Teachers\' Rest Room\",一家\"开心休闲屋\"被译为\"Happy Rest Room\"。但\"rest room\"指的是\"a public lavatory; cloakroom,公用盥洗室,衣帽间\"。翻译这类型的场所可考虑\"lounge\"、\"lobby\"、\"vestibule\"或\"foyer\"。据说那所学校一个新来的外教有



  一些\"酒家\"被译为\"Wineshop\"。在英文里,\"wineshop\"指的是\"a cafe or tavern that specializes in serving wine\",专指供人喝酒、小憩之处,而中国人所说酒馆、酒楼、酒肆或酒家其实就是饭店、餐馆,英文都应是\"restaurant\"。

  3.是\"high school\"还是\"middle school\"?

  大多数有高中的\"中学\"被译为\"middle school\",此词实际只指初中和高一的阶段,\"a school between elementary school and high school.\"。有高中的中学应译为\"high school\",用\"middle school\"其实是把自己将格了。

  4.何来\"purchase center\"?

  某\"购物中心\"英译为\"???PURCHASE CENTER\",这是不规范的自创表达法。笔者查询牛津、剑桥、韦氏和朗文工具书都查不出\"purchase center\" 这样的词条,也咨询了英美人士和留学海外的学子,却都认为没有此说法。英语有\"shopping center\",但所指购物场所很大,而且常在市郊;而该\"购物中心\"一则占地与规模都很小,二则地处市中心附近,因而也不宜这么翻,充其量就是\"department store\"(百货商店)。


  某\"国际机场集团公司\"被译为\"International Airport Group Corporation\"。\"corporation\"指\"Groups of persons authorized to act as an individual,eg,for Business purposes\",实际上该词本身有总公司的意味,因而\"group\"是多余的,有些总公司就是用这个词来表示。查一些影响较大的词典都没有发现\"group corporation\",但有\"group company\"之说。


  \"square\"意为\"four-sided open area,eg,in a town,used as a garden or for recreation,or one enclosed by streets and buildings\",\"buildings and street surroundings\",\"blocks of buildings bounded by four streets; distance along one side of such a block\",所能指的广场大概相当于\"天安门广场\"、\"五一广场\"之类。现在新出现的众多的冠以\"广场\"名称的商业性质的写字楼群应该用\"plaza\",意为\"a complex of stores, banks and movie theatres, etc\"。目前我国广场,如\"国贸广场\",\"财经广场\",大都源于该词。


  \"store\"是一个卖东西的地方,\"shops selling many varieties of goods\"\"shop\"意思相近,指\"building or part of a building where goods are shown and sold retail\",规模并不大。目前,这两个词被滥用了,结果往往是把自己降格了,不能表达许多商业场所本身所具有的规模。多功能的商场,比如带有娱乐场所或银行分点的,宜用\"plaza\"或\"mall\",后者指\"a large retail complex containing stores and restaurants in adjacent buildings, or in a single large building\"。当然,\"store\"在国外也有用来指很大的商店,有的建筑面积达二十几万平方米,服务员上班时穿溜冰鞋工作,但此时所用的是合成词\"hyperstore\",目前我们国内能冠以该词的店铺可能还非常少,

  8.是\"city area\"还是 \"downtown area\"?

  路牌\"市区\"被英译为\"City Area\"。中文所说的\"市区\"指的是人口和房屋建筑比较集中的闹市区,而\"city\"指的是整个城市,既包括了闹市区,也包括了郊区。闹市区在国外称\"Downtown Area\"或\"Downtown District\"。

  9.\"出差\"是on business还是on evection?

  一个学生把\"我的朋友去北京出差了。\"译成 \"My friend went to Beijing on evection.\"。查《英汉大词典》evection果然解释为\"出差\",但仔细看,这是一个天文学词汇,是指\"由于太阳的吸引而在月球轨道上引起的摄动\"。我想这位学生大概是背诵GRE词汇时,只记中文解释,而不理解其真正意思造成的。其实,这句话只要译成; \"My friend went to Beijing on business.\"就行了。此\"出差\"非彼\"出差\",做翻译查词典,千万不可粗心大意,有时最好要看看其原文解释。
 楼主| 海豚宝贝 发表于 07-4-17 14:25:45 | 只看该作者



嘿嘿, 这些可是课本上学不到的哦. ^o^

Are you all right?-------你好吗?

This is the most commonly used greeting when people meet each other rather than how are you? from our textbook.

eg. ------Are you all right, David?

------Fine, thank you.

Cheers!------谢谢, 再见!

While they get off the bus or buy things from shops etc, very often we can hear them saying Cheers! to the drivers or sellers instead of Thank You or Goodbye.

eg. ---------Five pounds fifty, please. Cheers!


Give me a minute!------请稍等一会!

eg. Give me a minute, David! I will find the map for you.

Does it make sense?-----你明白我的意思吗?

eg. If you buy a day ticket, you will save more. Does it make sense?

I don’t follow you.-------我不明白你说什么

eg. Sorry, I don’t follow, you. Could you say it again?

Are you kidding(joking)?-----你在开玩笑吧?

eg. ------Are you kidding,David?

-------I am not going to kid you, I am being serious!

I am behind you. ---------我支持你

eg Whatever decision you are going to make, I am behind you.

Do you really mean it?----------此话当真?

eg. ------- I can give what you want.

-------Do you really mean it?

-------Yes, I mean it!

That depends.--------那得看情况而定

eg. ---------Will you come here on that day?

----------That depends.

Feel free to do it-------请随意……

eg. If you have any problem, please feel free to ask me.

What’s going on?--------怎么了?

eg. -------What’s going on here?

-------He got his watch broken, I am helping fix it.

get on with it!--------快点!

eg. Get on with it, we have no time left!

Get a move on!---------赶快行动吧!

eg. Get a move on and help yourself to some food!

Believe it or not!-------信不信由你!

eg. Believe it or not, I don’t know how to cook!

Come to think of it.---------说到这……

eg. Come to think of it, let me tell you what the school is like first.

That’s a deal!--------成交, 一言为定!

eg. Ok, that’s a deal! Be there or be square!

my fingers crossed--------祝君好运!

eg. I hope you can pass the exam: my fingers crossed!

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Wish you a prosperous new year!-------恭喜发财!

eg. I wish you a prosperous new year and all the best for your future!

Are you struggling to do it?-------有困难吗?

eg. Are you struggling to live in Britain?

You are dead meat!---------你死定了!

eg. Help me out, otherwise I am dead meat!

You scared me!----------你吓着我了!

eg. ---------Did I scare you?

----------Yes, you did!

Don’t get me wrong!--------别误会我!

eg. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that.

Don’t let me down!----------别让我失望!

eg. Don’t let me down, I am sure you can make it!

You make me sick!----------你让我恶心!

eg. Get out of here, you make me sick!

We are even!------------------我们扯平了!

eg. You don’t tell me the truth, either. We are even!

It’s a must-see!----------------非看不可!

eg. The movie Star World is a must-see!

sold me out---------------------背叛我

eg. I am always with you, why did you sell me out?

Get lost!------------那凉快那呆着去!

eg. Get lost! I am busy now.

feel poorly---------感到身体不舒服

eg. I have been feeling poorly these days.

sort out-------解决

eg. I have got everything sorted out and I am ready to leave.

Could you help me to sort out all those problems?

pop in-------短时来访

eg. I will give the book to you if you can pop in tomorrow.

A good idea popped into my head.

hang on, please!-------请等(停)一下!

eg. Hang on, please! I have got sth to say.

Come on!------来吧(快点!)

eg. Come on, get a move on! I am here by your side.

Just checking---------只随便问问

take it or leave it!--------要不要随你

observe your class-------听课

eg. Would it be possible for me to observe your class this afternoon?


eg. I hate these bloody people.

Get out of here! I don’t want your bloody money.


eg. ------What do you think of this book?

-------Oh, lovely! I like it.


eg.------Mum, David tells me that I am brilliant at Chinese.

------That’s brilliant, my love!


British people particularly like to use lovely,brilliant or fantastic instead of good or very good.

eg. It’s a fantastic movie, I enjoy it very much.

Your English is fantastic, absolutely fantastic!


The word they prefer to use in conversations when they want to express the extent is not always very but absolutely.

eg. I like it, it’s absolutely fantastic!

------Are you sure of it?



eg. Boo! Boo! Get out of here!


eg. --------Can I have a fag, please?

---------Sorry, you are not allowed to smoke here.


eg. --------You have to pay 100 pounds now, and then the balance by the end of July.

--------All right, and could you check my Debit Card balance?

---------Yes,your balance is 250 pounds, sir.


eg. You have to pay the deposit first and then pay off the mortgage every month.


eg. Property in Britain is going crazy, I can’t afford it!


eg. ---------Who pays the cost of travelling to school?

---------I have to pay the travel myself, which costs me 2.8 pounds for a day ticket.


eg. I am seeking a like-minded man for friendship or possibly a relationship.


eg. No entry! CCTV is on.
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